lunedì 5 dicembre 2011

Glenn Hauser logs December 3-5, 2011

** CHINA. Firedrake Dec 4, before 2400:
16700, fair at 2357; none in the 17s, 18s
16100, very good at 2357
14970, fair at 2359
13920, fair at 2359-2400*; none in the 12s

** CUBA. 9810, Sunday Dec 4 at 2352 UT, middle repeat airing of RHC`s `En Contacto` in progress as Manolo conveys good news that the special QSL cards designed by a Guatemalan listener, commemorating Manolo & Malena`s 35th anniversary on RHC (tho she has now retired/withdrawn), of which only ten were printed, have been reprinted, so it`s not too late to send a report and get one of those rarities. Responding to an inquiry, Manolo mentions something else that gets my attention: in giving the new times for EC since Nov 13, he says that Cuba`s time change was on that date.

I thought it was Oct 30, as in previous years it was the last Sunday in October; in 2010: Oct 31. I`m quite sure that when I checked
in late October 2011, it did show Oct 30, 2011, but now it too shows Sunday Nov 13, 2011 as the DST end date. So that explains why RHC`s Spanish and some of its other programming abruptly shifted one real UT hour later on that date. Why Nov 13? Just to be out of step with the Great Satan, er, I mean Imperalismo Yanqui; and the rest of the world.

It does not explain why any serious international SW service would be governed by local time changes --- either stay on UT constantly, or change on the dates in your target area(s), NOT local time, which should be irrelevant (unless you are really talking to yourselves). Nor does it explain why any DST is necessary in a tropical country where there is little variation in sunrise-sunset times.

Manolo gave these Sunday times for EC: 1435, ``sobre 2340``, meaning approximately --- must have started around then this week, but some weeks already at 2335; and 0235 [UT Mondays].

I had started listening on 9810, then found 9710 was stronger, but modulation there cutting out below peaks; skipping 25m, 13690 was better, and 13640 was best. Why would the European antenna roughly 90 degrees off from here surpass the S American antenna, roughly opposite from here? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 89.5 MHz, Dec 3 at 1830 UT, parked near the intersexion of West OK Garriott and Oakwood Rd, after consuming three free pancakes at IHOP, there is a fully-quieted strong signal here with hum. I assume it is a nearby car with an RF feeder left on. In the next hour I drive a mile west and a mile east and I am still hearing it, altho starting to lose out. That`s a lot of range for an RF feeder. Then Dec 4 at 2150 I am again hearing it as far as another two-three miles east, toward downtown Enid.

FCC FM Query for OK does not show any likely sources; there is a 205-watt CSN satellator in OKC, which is enough to block 50 kW KWGS Tulsa from getting into the OKC area, but that can`t be what I am getting in Enid. Must keep an ear on 89.5. See DXLD 11-18 where I had another 89.5 carrier last May, discovered right across the street from IHOP at Braum`s dairy store. If it keeps up I really must try to track it down exactly. Or maybe someone`s `part 15` warming up for an Xmas sound and light show like we had last winter? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 6055, Dec 5 at 0007 I notice that REE`s English hour is instead dead air, open carrier. I leave a receiver on there for a bihour: no automatic timesignal at 0030, FWIW. Still DA past 0100 when would normally go into Castilian, still DA at 0145; finally at 0152 Spanish modulation cuts on, and timesignal is back at 0200. Someone finally woke up at Noblejas. Fortunately for regular listeners, I think the English shows for Sundays are just repeats from earlier in the week (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 9430, Dec 4 at 2348, Xmas music with organ has taken over 9425 where I had been listening to Hindi comedy music, including yodeling a bihour earlier in the madrugada there. It`s // 9355, 15400, and best by far 15440. So YFR is still emitting only one program stream from Okeechobee, due to ``meltdown`` of automation system a few weeks ago, all English instead of Spanish, Portuguese, French or English as originally scheduled for B-11 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1593 monitoring: starting 0333 UT Monday Dec 5 confirmed on Area 51 webcast,
following Larry Will`s Free Radio (Live) program; and presumably also on WBCQ 5110v-CUSB. This was a last minute change, after announcement that WOR could no longer be carried after 0400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)