domenica 4 dicembre 2011

Glenn Hauser logs December 3-4, 2011

** ALBANIA. 7425, Dec 4 at 0240 UT, R. Tirana is back here again after starting the 0230 English broadcast a month ago on 7420. Vacillating? Good signal and modulation tonight, and strong enough to push aside weaker adjacent 7430 QRM, while 7420 and 7415 are vacant (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ARGENTINA [and non]. 13363.5-LSB, Dec 3 at 2317 UT, two or three guys with rapid play-by-play in conosur Spanish of some silly ballgame; one of them interrupts frequently for quick commercial plugs of about 5 seconds each, and at 2319 an ID for LS4, Radio Continental goes by just as quickly, which I reconfirm in WRTH 2011 originates on MW 590; this being one of the Argentine army SW relays to Antarctica(?), a.k.a. LTA, which had a fair signal with some flutter, while 15345+ R. Nacional and 15190 R. Inconfidência were much stronger, but each with added carrier and extra sideband. No sign of AFN Guam, which by a horrible coincidence is on almost the same SSB frequency, when active (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE [non]. 17630, Dec 3 at 2110 UT, RFI Musique with musique and soon ID as such, replacing Spanish service via GUIANA FRENCH, as the grève continues; excellent signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 6135, Dec 4 at 0247-0300* UT, monitoring the St. Petersburg site for special anniversary QSL offer, the last few minutes of VOR Spanish to S America. When it starts before 0000, as previously reported, it heterodynes another weak signal from R. Santa Cruz, Bolivia on 6134.8, but by now 6135 is clear of any QRM, and none on adjacents either. VOR is somewhat undermodulated; SINPO 25422 with heavy fading thru our dynamic ionosphere.

Program is playing excerpts of some American tunes, including one title I recognized for sure. 0256 outro as `Revista Cultural`, music beat fill, 0259 quick sign-off mentions 41 and 49 metros, `Great Gate of Kiev` IS four times, carrier off shortly after 0300. I had to monitor this with portable DX-398 from the porch to get away from computer and TV noise inside; reel-out antenna, temp 38 F and the windchill increasing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17362-USB, Dec 3 at 2105 UT, robotic feminine voice with high seas marine weather, for various coördinates in the NE Pacific, several mentions of gale warnings, distances in ``nautical smiles``, which certainly brought one to my landlubber face. As in DXLD 11-42, this is listed as WLO Mobile AL, not KLB Kent WA. On inside antenna as there was some transient thunder here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5050, Dec 3 at 2309, WWRB still with airtime sales barker loop by Dave Frantz, // 3215 but promoting 3215 and 3195. Yes, back on 5050 ex-5051 for several weeks, no explanations or acknowledgments of the 1-kHz shift and back. Still on 5050 at 0437 recheck Dec 4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15590-15630, Dec 3 at 2310, WEWN English is quite strong on fundamental 15610 plus ``squishy`` spur field peaking around 9 and 18 kHz above and below.

12030-12070, Dec 3 at 2313, WEWN Spanish fundamental 12050 is always ``squealy`` but now it`s resembling 15610 in also putting out a spur field 20 kHz on both sides, main peaks about 8-9 kHz away (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. `Tis the season for daytime MW DX with the Sun approaching its low noon nadir. Dec 3 at 1850 UT [18 minutes after local mean noon] on caradio at a quiet hotspot store parking lot in western Enid, I search for skywave signals, making sure I am far enough away from the building and its security(?) MW noise sources:

830, just barely audible, seems to be discussion about football, heard Minnesota mentioned, unseems play-by-play. Bothered by WBAP 820 splatter especially when emitting bits of music. 830 faded down by ID time at TOH, but surely it`s WCCO, a megameter away. (1500 might do better, but OK and TX stations are there.) Trouble is, the WCCO website shows the 12-1 pm Saturday show is Yard & Garden. But when clicking on podcast for that, it`s headed: ``Join us Saturday at 1 for the S & S Tree Specialists Yard and Garden Show``. I couldn`t find anything on the WCCO website about SBG broadcasts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)