venerdì 30 settembre 2011

Mix Tips "Girolla" Buccinasco

29/09 2122  1566    IRIB IRN Bandar Abbas-px local
29/09 2033  1550    RADIO NACIONAL DE LA RASD ALG Rabouni-px in locale better USB
27/09 1740  1359    Gold G px mx "Rod Stewar""Police"
27/09 1740   252    RTE Radio IRL Summerhill-px mx
27/09 0440  4985    R Brasil Central, Goiania B px mx locale
27/09 0420  4055    R Verdad -Chiquimula GTM px mx religiosa + id
27/09 0410  4885    R Clube do Parà Belem B px locale mx
26/09 2136  5025    VL8K Katherine ,NT AUS relay ABC news //4835//4910khz
26/09 2130 15190,2  R.Incofidencia B Belo Horizonte-px locale pubb+ ID
26/09 2114  1566    Country Sound G Guilford -px mx mix BBC Somerset
26/09 2058  1233    Absolute Radio G "Babuska "Kate Busch px mx //1215khz
26/09 2010  2310    VL8K Katherine AUS px relay ABC //2325khz VL8T //2310khz VL8A
26/09 2002 15344,25 RAE -Buenos Aires ARG px in F +ID
26/09 0420  1610    The Carribean Beacon AIA px rlg//6090khz

30/09 0445 8473  WLO Mobile Marine Radio SITOR USA News
30/09 0440 4675  Shannon Aero USB IRL "Shanwick" tfc
30/09 0430 4675  Bodo Aero-Bodo USB NOR tfc
26/09 1935 66,66 RBU Taldom CW RUS bip...bip..bip...time signal
26/09 1934 68,5  BPC Shangqiu CW CHN bip..bip..bip time signal

- Mauro IK2GFT - Swl 1510-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF- DSP 9
-Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop ALA 100 M
-Lat. 45°25'0"N Long. 9°7'0"E -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-

Onde medie italiane in diurna

Oggi ho monitorato un po' le varie frequenze su cui trasmettono le emittenti in onde medie di casa nostra, viaggiando fra la zona sud della provincia di Grosseto e l'alto Lazio fino a Viterbo. Devo dire che Broadcastitalia sui 1485 kHz riesce a coprire abbastanza bene queste zone (tra le ore 10:30 e le 17:30 locali) con un segnale molto costante fra il sufficiente ed il buono, con gli inevitabili cali di ricezione dovuti alla topografia del territorio. Dopo le 17:30 la ricezione è più difficoltosa anche per le interferenze delle emittenti spagnole. Challenger Radio arrivava sufficiente al mattino e nel tardo pomeriggio sui 1566 kHz, mentre i 1368 kHz erano assenti al mattino ed ascoltabili con fading lungo nel tardo pomeriggio. Nessun segnale di Radio Studio X sui 1584 kHz e per tutto il viaggio arrivava solo la RAI. Nessun segnale (ma questo era prevedibile) dagli altri due canali dei 1071 e 1233 kHz. Ascolti effettuati solo con l'autoradio della mia Yaris.
Roberto Rizzardi
SWL I/0216/GR
Porto S. Stefano (GR) Italy
Lat 42N43 - Long 11E12 - Locator grid JN52NK
Receivers: ICOM IC-R71E
Sangean ATS909 with 2x80kHz Murata filters in FM
Antennas: 15 meters outdoor random wire with RF System Magnetic Longwire Balun
Loop Grahn ML-1-S with GS2 controller
Telescopic and 7 meters indoor long wire antenna
Skype: robybenjy

Grecia in onde corte spenta

Da qualche giorno osservo che la Grecia in onde corte è spenta. Non so se riaccenderà, può darsi, in caso contrario non mi meraviglio, anzi l'ho fatto quando era ancora accesa, visto che la crisi economica greca non è cosa di ieri.

Luca Botto Fiora

QTH G.C. 09E13 - 44N21
Rapallo (Genova) - Italia
R7 Drake (R7)
Satellit 500 Grundig (S-500)
E5/G3/G6 Etón (E5 o G3 o G6)
VR5000DSP Yaesu (VR5000)
ATS909 Sangean (ATS909)
Loop in ferrite ACA di 75 cm interna (@70 kHz-2 MHz)
Loop magnetico 150x100 cm su finestra (@2-5,5 MHz)
Dipolo aperto esterno 30 m (@5.5-30 MHz)
Controllate regolarmente i vostri collegamenti d'antenna.

Amplificatore RF K0LR-WA1ION per loop in ferrite
Amplificatore RF LX1456 NE per loop magnetico e dipolo aperto
Balun a choke coassiali 1:1 di RG174 per dipolo aperto (dal sito di IZ7ATH)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 (modificato W8JI)
Splitters 0-1000 MHz a 2 vie
Check regularly your antenna connections.
ICD-BX112 Sony (R7 Drake)
ICD-BX800 Sony (Satellit 500 Grundig)
ICD-B500 Sony (E5-G3 Etón - VR5000DSP Yaesu)
TRC-1149 Sanyo (ATS909 Sangean)
Audacity 1.3.12 beta (acquisizione-conversione audio)
DXToolbox 3.6.2 demo (propagazione)
EarthDesk 5.7.3 demo (scrivania-orologio mondiale)
HourWorld 3.4.1 demo (orologio mondiale)
Marble 0.8 (atlante)
Multimode 6.2.3 demo Black Cat Systems (UTEs)
TimePalette 6.0.5 demo (orologio mondiale)

Glenn Hauser logs September 30, 2011

** CHINA. Firedrake Sept 30, before 1300:
10300, fair at 1254
11500, poor at 1254; none in the 12s
13920, poor at 1256; none in the 14s, 15s
16100, poor at 1258
16980, very poor at 1258

After 1330:
16100, JBA at 1332
11500, JBA at 1337
10300, very poor at 1337

** CUBA. 11435, Sept 30 at 0605, huge S9+25 open carrier, interrupted by loud data bursts at 0608-0608:44 or so, and again at 0613-0613:44 or so, every five minutes onward? Previously pinned on the Cuban spy numbers operation, altho without the analog numbers.

13805 & 13835 approx., Sept 30 at 1335 I am hearing lite pulse jamming, which must be spurs from the wall of noise on central 13820 vs R. Martí (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 15050, Sept 30 at 1258, open carrier with hum and tone, flutter but S7-S9+10. 1300 cut off tone and Sinhala opening of AIR without any IS or theme music; 1302 a song; 1305 to OM chanting. Is that for a religion of some sort from the state broadcaster? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. 7245, Friday Sept 30 at 0611, IGIM is on and chanty (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 15120, Sept 30 at 0607, VON with ID, Nigerian news in English, fading S9 to S9+12 peaks along with big hum. With BFO on, carrier is obviously unstable too. Still no sign here of a test on 15200 too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 102.3, the pirate in SE OKC carrying farrightwingnut programming, I have heard with spotty reception in NW OKC, so when I was in SE OKC I made a point of monitoring its local-quality signal. Previously I had heard a *local commercial* go by at the top of an hour, so listened for it again UT Sept 30 at 0300, and there it was:

Red Dawn Hunting & Survival at 6103 SE 15 in Midwest City, ``across from Rose State College``. (I was listening from the RSC campus, by coincidence, after a Paul Winter+ performance.) Phone 405-732-0717, website also given. Slogan ``when zombies come knockin`, you`re the one rockin```.

Don`t they realize this flashmob stuff is not for real? Or is it? Google on ``zombie apocalypse`` including CDC which has more of a sense of humor about it, but that`s the big bad government:

0301 cut back into Republic network programming of Alex Jones. The local commercial transitions are not smooth, evidently automated.  Among products on Red Dawn website, which doesn`t mention the pirate, is ``Tacticle nylon gear``; are those related to testicals? I would not be surprised if Red Dawn is responsible for running the pirate. If not, they certainly know who is, in order to advertise on it.

This was previously reported in DXLD 11-31, from July 27 posts on the Oklahoma board:

``It's on the SE side of town off of Sooner Rd. (Ryan Beam, ibid.) That's pretty good coverage. Is it a legitimate station or translator?
(Scooby214, ibid.) Try 6215 SE 89th. Been there, DF'ed that. Tinfoil hat not included. LOL! (OKCRadioGuy, ibid.)``

However that would be 74 blox due south of Red Dawn. A frequent `national` advertiser on 102.3 from Republic/GCN/Alex Jones is Berkey Water Purifiers, with which Adam Lock is involved in his post-WWCR career. Remember him? He was program director(?) and appeared on `Ask WWCR` before the coup a few years ago.

There are licensed 102.3 stations in OK at Woodward, Antlers, and Sand Springs (the latter being KRMG-740`s new FM simulcaster). It`s a hefty 50 kW on a once-class-A channel, and KWDQ is 100 kW, both of which can get into OKC`s edges, especially with a little help from the troposphere. FCC FM Query also shows there are APPs for 102.3 in Del City, right next to MWC, as well as OKC proper. If one of those comes thru, goodbye pirate --- unless the applicant is the pirate operator. What we now hear on 102.3 is the same programming that was on 107.1 a few years ago from a house just north of downtown OKC, and it could certainly move again, frequentially and even geographically.

FCC FM Query also shows a 102.3 gospel-huxter translator APP for Keno, Oklahoma. What? Altho there are casinos all over OK, never heard of that place. Google map showing service contour has it centered near Klamath Falls, OREGON.
Oops! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1584 monitoring: confirmed on WTWW 9479, Thursday Sept 29 after 2100; and on WWRB 5051, UT Friday Sept 30 at 0331 after a minute of dead air; and on WRMI 9955, UT Friday Sept 30 at 0525 check, mixed with strong pulse jamming. Tnx a lot, Arnie, my friend in Habana!

Further WRMI airings this weekend are: Fri 1430, Sat 0800, 1500, 1730, Sun 0800, 1530, 1730, plus more on Mon/Tue/Wed. For complete sked see

On WTWW: UT Sunday 0400 on 5755; on WBCQ: UT Monday 0300v on 5110v-CUSB.

Remember our NEW airings via Hamburger Lokal Radio, Germany, 1 kW:
Saturday 0930 on 5980 [Oct 1 only, a preview]
Tuesday  0930 on 5980 [From Oct 4, weekly]

On WRN via SiriusXM 120: Sat & Sun 1730, Sun 0830

** U S A. 17820, Sept 30 at 1308, large open carrier atop DW Hausa via Portugal. This is the favorite time for IBB Greenville-B to turn on for a few minutes, to be sure the transmitter will be working for the 1700 VOA Portuguese broadcast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

New on RNZI - Micronesian Radio Now

Media Release
Radio Heritage Foundation
September 29 2011

RNZI Airs New Radio
Heritage Documentary
Micronesian Radio Now

Join us from Monday, October 3 2011 as we bring you an exclusive review of radio broadcasting in today's Federated States of Micronesia on the new Mailbox program from Radio New Zealand International.

The program includes reviews of todays radio scene on each of the island states of Chuuk [Truk], Kosrae, Pohnpei and Yap, looks at the differences between the islands, and reviews some of the challenges facing public radio in this North Pacific nation. 

You can listen directly via shortwave radio from RNZI in New Zealand, or audio on demand [for the following month] with full details of current broadcast frequencies [both DRM and analog] and times possible for your area as well as audio downloads at

FSM as it's better known, developed its local radio stations during the period of US Trust Territory of the Pacific status, and these stations form the core of the FSM Broadcasting Service headquartered on Pohnpei today.

As well as public stations V6AK Chuuk, V6AJ Kosrae, V6AH Pohnpei, and V6AI Yap, there are only two commercial radio stations in the country, the rest being run by a wide range of churches and missions.

Probably the best known is V6MP The Cross, which broadcasts on 4755 Shortwave across all of FSM and to Palau, Saipan and the Marshall Islands. This station started out in a converted shipping container.

You'll also hear recent air checks from each of the FSMBS AM radio stations, and each with very distinctive local programs, as well as a taste of contemporary Micronesian music.

So join us from Monday, October 3 2011 as we explore the contemporary radio scene in the Federated States of Micronesia on the Mailbox program from Radio New Zealand International [].

You can also use our fully up to date guides to contemporary AM and shortwave radio stations in the Federated States of Micronesia with free access to our PAL Radio Guides at our global website

Use our Google Search to find more features about broadcasting in the North Pacific including KYOI Saipan, WXLG Kwajalein and others.

giovedì 29 settembre 2011

Arab Woman Today Ministries

Arab Woman Today Ministries, l'emittente ultima arrivata all'interno degli spazi in onda corta venduti dalla IRRS (11910 kHz Mar 1700-1715 / Ven 1400-1415), verifica molto velocemente i rapporti d'ascolto inviati a P.O.Box 85088, Amman 11185, Jordan /

Altra serata di test a 1584 kHz

Altra serata di test per l'antenna dei 1584 kHz, inviateci le vostre
segnalazioni per capire se nelle vostre zone è cambiato qualcosa...

Glenn Hauser logs September 29, 2011

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, Sept 29 at 1241, 1315, no signal from LRA36, so suspected another silent Thursday. However, at 1348 a carrier was detectable, and at 1408 JBA but enough to het another JBA on 15480 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Sept 29:
10300, JBA at 1333
13920, very poor at 1332
15275, very poor at 1326

15750, good at 1329. Steve Handler, IL, was also hearing this and wondering why it went off at 1330. I find the answer in Aoki:
``15770 SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng 1300-1330 1234567 Chinese 100 95 Dushanbe-Yangiyul TJK 06848E 3829N SOH a11 15750-15795``
That is, SOH jumps around between 15750 and 15795, other frequencies where I believe we have heard FD in the past

16100, JBA at 1330; none in the 14s, 17s, 18s

** MEXICO. 720, Sept 29 at 0528, full ID for Radio Coahuila, Saltillo at this odd time, making SAH with WGN about the same as the one KSAH makes, also in Spanish from San Antonio, Tejas. Cantú shows only 250 watts at night: Maybe Radio Coahuila is the group name, or a generic:
720 XEDE La Kaliente Saltillo, Coah. 8,000 250

Sunrise MWDX Sept 29, UT:

580, Sept 29 at 1154 UT, lots of birthday greetings, including to someone in Múzquiz (Coahuila), and several in Tejas, 1157 ``La Rancherita del Aire``:
580 XEMU La Rancherita del Aire Piedras Negras, Coah. 5,000 2,500

610, Sept 29 at 1157 UT, ``visítenos en Nueva Rosita``, and two-letter call interjected. N.R. is a nearby city to:
610 XEBX La Primera Sabinas, Coah. 5,000 500

610, Sept 29 at 1158 UT, ``G-S`` truncated ID had overtaken frequency:
610 XEGS La Ley Guasave, Sin. 1,000 500

650, Sept 29 at 1209 UT, `Panorama Agropecuario` farmshow, into weather segment discussing hurricane threat. Had just heard same on XEGS 610 and this time confirmed they are //, stronger on 650 with hum, i.e.:
650 XETNT Radio 65 + FM 106.5 Los Mochis, Sin. 5,000 1,000

760, Sept 29 at 1211 UT, choral NA ending way late, 1212 Radio Geny ID, ``viva México``:
760 XENY Radio Geny Nogales, Son. 5,000 100

870, Sept 29 at 1213 UT, mañanitas from XETAR had SAH and CCI from an SS in the USA: q.v.
870 XETAR La Voz de la Sierra Tarahumara Guachochi, Chih. 10,000 D

1050, Sept 29 at 1217 UT, ``Radiorama, Mil Cincuenta AM`` (1050 could be pronounced both this way and Diez Cincuenta, strangely enough). Cantú has no such name on 1050, but it`s a group. Googling leads right to XED Mexicali which Cantú has as:
1050 XED W Radio Mexicali, B.C. 10,000 D
I thought W Radio and Radiorama were competitors; did they sell XED?

** SWAZILAND. 9500, Sept 29 at 0508, preacher in African English, praising a lord and citing Zechariah, poor. Is TWR, 100 kW, 5 degrees from Manzini at 05-08 per HFCC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 870, Sept 29 at 1213 UT, XETAR, Chihuahua, usually totally in the clear, is now getting CCI from another Spanish station, generally separable by rotating DX-398, and obviously American with PSAs about United Way and IRS with those names pronounced in English, then ``8-70 AM, Radio Variedades`` ID.

Surely it`s KFJZ Fort Worth. 2011 NRC AM Log does not have this slogan and shows it as SS:RELigious, but certainly not now, plugging their variety of music. There are two other little US stations on 870 in CO and MO, neither listed as Spanish at all (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1110, Sept 29 at 1218 UT, rather startled to hear Qur`an being sung by a tenor, then interrupted by some English words, presumably translation; 1221 onto unsung talk in Arabic(?). Could not get a null on it, and could not separate it from KFAB. Surely it is one of the Texans, either the newish KVTT Mineral Wells (The Metroplex), which I thought was Christian, and tho 50 kW days has a big null toward us; OR KTEK Alvin (Houston), a 2.5 kW daytimer listed as BizRadio (in English) by NRC AM Log. I`ll assume the latter, with a pattern aimed right at us (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15610, Sept 29 at 1409, Mother Angelica crax a joke and provoxe laffs, as her modulation also crackles continuously; plus squishy spurs at plus and minus 9 and 18 kHz, i.e. 15592, 15601, 15619, 15628, but not much around at the moment to be QRMed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1584: first airing 0330 UT Thursday Sept 29 on WRMI; then Thursday 1500, 2100, Friday 1430, Saturday 0800, 1500, 1730, Sunday 0800, 1530, 1730.

On WTWW: Thu 2100 9479, UT Sun 0400 5755
On WBCQ: Thu 2130 7415, UT Mon 0300v 5110v-CUSB
On WWRB: UT Fri 0330 5051

NEW on Hamburger Lokal Radio, Germany: Saturday 0930 on 5980, special preview, but regular time from Oct 4 will be Tuesdays 0930.

On WRN via SiriusXM 120: Sat & Sun 1730, Sun 0830

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

CANADA   Radio Japan Relay NHK   5960  0344 GMT  Japanese  444  Sept 26  Two OMs with ongoing comments.

COSTA RICA    Radio Espana Exterior-REE  Relay    3350  0315 GMT  Spanish  333  Sept 26  OM and YL with comments in the Diaria program.

CUBA   Radio Rebelde    5025  0320 GMT  Spanish  333  Sept 26  YL and OM with comments plus some vocal music.

CUBA   Radio Havana Cuba-RHC   5040  0325  GMT  Spanish  333  Sept 26  YL and OM with ongoing comments.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee    WWRB   3185  0307 GMT  English  333  Sept 26  OM with comments in the Overcomer Ministries.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee    WWCR-#1   3215  0313 GMT  English  333  Sept 26  OM with on going comments.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee    WTWW    5755  0330 GMT  English  444  Sept 26  OM wants to Pteach to the World and comments what is in the Bible.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee    WWCR#2    5935  0340 GMT  English  444  Sept 26  YL with comments on Brotherly Love.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

KBC testing shortwave

Keeping your radio alive on 6095

Saturday and Sunday
09.00 - 16.00 UTC
6095 kHz

100 kW of Musical Power

We start testing on Saturday the 8th of October

DX India 10th Anniversary special broadcast via AWR Wavescan

DX India 10th Anniversary special broadcast via AWR Wavescan

In the AWR Wavescan program to be broadcast on 2nd October 2011 (Sunday) , there will be a special segment about 10th Anniversary of DX India.

Schedule of AWR Wavescan :

1200-1230 UTC 17535 Wertachtal
1330-1400 UTC 11880 Guam
1430-1500 UTC 11720 Guam
1500-1530 UTC 11720 Guam
1530-1600 UTC 15255 Wertachtal
1600-1630 UTC 11805 Guam, 12035 Guam
1630-1700 UTC 11740 Guam

Also via WRMI.

Special QSL Cards will be issued for the same by DX India.

Send your reception report at :

Address: DX India 10th Anni. QSL, PO Box 4914, New Delhi 110029, India.

Jose Jacob / Alokesh Gupta
DX India

mercoledì 28 settembre 2011

Glenn Hauser logs September 28, 2011

** CHINA. Firedrake Sept 28:
 7970, very poor at 1241
10300, fair at 1255, none in the 11s; poor with flutter at 1349
12600, poor at 1256
13920, poor-fair at 1256, none higher; at 1352 maybe still there under heavy ute QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COSTA RICA. 5970, Sept 28 at 1240, poor and fading signal in strange language, which might mislead some to suspect an exotic Asian, but it`s just REE relay with M-F 1230-1300 Basque segment, // much stronger 11880 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 11730, Sept 28 at 1306, open carrier from RHC, SAH from something else underneath, only IRAN listed, in Pashto. 1322 next check RHC audio but undermodulated, much less than 11690, 11760 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Sunrise DX Sept 28, UT; as the terminator moves relentlessly eastward as of 1200 UT, I am getting more Coahuilans than in previous weeks:

550, Sept 28 at 1214 UT, timecheck for 6:14 and mentions Sinaloa, which is on MDT; trouble is, no stations in that state on 550. The others in UT -6 are Nayarit and Chihuahua, so probably usual XEPL in Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, altho there is also XETNC in Nayarit which is further but maybe more likely to mention Sinaloa, up the coast

800, Sept 28 at 1207 UT, again hearing extremely distorted talk audio, language unknown, in null of KQCV OKC; at the same time I am getting weak non-distorted Spanish, presumably XEROK, so must be something else, probably further east. In view of all the Coahuilans I am getting at this time, prime suspect is, per Cantú:
800 XEZR La Traviesa Zaragoza, Coah. 2,000 2,000
Would those closer to it please check its modulation. (I shall be astounded by any replies, as no one has replied to any of my other queries about Mexicans, unIDs.)

830, Sept 28 at 1205 UT, mentions colonias (neighborhoods) de Torreón, ``el noticiero de Radio Zócalo``, ``estado de Coahuila``. The only Coahuilan on 830 is per Cantú:
830 XEIK La Norteñita Piedras Negras, Coah. 5,000 D
quite a distance from Torreón, up on la frontera; would it be relaying a Torreón station? Searching Cantú site on Zocalo gets zero hits! But Google search on Radio Zócalo goes right to a group in Piedras Negras y Ciudad Acuña, including this Norteñita. R. Zócalo is the newscast at 06-14 and 18 hours local on it and five other stations.
No doubt dealing with events in the whole state if not beyond.

880, Sept 28 at 1203 UT, amid QRM, mentions ``ayuntamiento de Gómez Palacio``, therefore from adjacent city:
880 XETC 880 AM Torreón, Coah. 10,000 1,000

900, Sept 28 at 1221 UT, ``Radio Vida`` ID, gobierno del estado [¿cuál?] PSA, adstring mentioning colonias, various addresses on carreteras away from town, but which? Only Mexican likely to propagate at this hour is the often heard:
900 XEDT La Reina Cd. Cuauhtemoc, Chih. 5,000 1,500
Once again I am not hearing the WRTH- and Cantú-listed name La Reina.

940, Sept 28 at 1200 UT, government PSA for CNDH = Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos, then mentions Saltillo, Estado de Coahuila; 1202 ID as XEYJ, Estéreo, ``la nueva era``, full ID by OM, and a YL interjects the English word ``Stereo``. (This Y is pronounced ``ye``, one of three ambiguous letters in Spanish, V-W-Y). So:
940 XEYJ La YJ Mexicana Mélchor Múzquiz, Coah. 15,000 ? [night power unknown to Cantú]
(I always have an audible het on 940 around sunrise and later. XEQ in the DF is well-known to be off-frequency, but too late for it. A US station, spur, another Mexican, a birdie, or from local appliance?)

1010, Sept 28 at 1159 UT, talking about Partido Verde en Chiapas, full ID but only bits caught, such as ``La Poderosa``, ``5 mil watts``. There is no Chiapan on 1010, and Cantú shows the only one with that slogan is:
1010 XEVK La Poderosa Torreón, Coah. 5,000 1,000

1040, Sept 28 at 1230 UT, full ID including Radio Vista, Guaymas, Once, FM station too. Yet another slogan for this one heard before?
1040 XEGYS La Primera + FM 90.1 Guaymas, Son. 5,000 250
I think it was ``Vista`` instead of Vida or Viva or Villa, but not positive.

Regarding my Sept 23 log on 600 of an unlisted ``XELN``, I now notice that Cantú has this call on 830, FWIW:
830 XELN La Caliente + FM 95.3 Linares, N.L. 3,000 250

** NIGERIA. 28 Sept, another check for VON on 19m: at 0518, JBA signal on 15120 may or may not be it; nothing on 15200. SSOBs were RA on 15160 and 15240, and 15580 VOA Botswana was fair, so if on, VON ought to have been audible too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 880, Sept 28 at 1219, English with URL for religious info, then amateur YL singing hymn in Navajo about Jesus Christ, banjo accompaniment. So KHAC AZ/NM. Website leads to ``Walk in the Word``, and in the extensive affiliate list is KHAC 880, supposedly at 8 am M-F.

I am so sad to hear native Americans being plied with the white man`s religion, and even buying into it. Unfortunately, secular KTNN 660 must have a very effective null toward New York before sunrise, unheard. Its official sunrise in Sept is 1300 UT, which even now is about 40 minutes after SR here, but end of month offers best chance at propagation; in Oct it won`t be until 1315 UT. Sunrise niceties don`t prevent KHAC from being heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1460, Sept 28 at 0536, YL with long list of contest rules on ``1460 KXNO`` mentioned several times, Clear Channel. Sounds like a parody, really. Is 5 kW from Des Moines IA, listed as a Fox Sports affiliate (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

martedì 27 settembre 2011

Ascolti AM Luca Botto Fiora

Ascolti AM (orari UTC)

Lunedì 26 settembre 2011
La propagazione, nonostante alcuni segnali, fa sempre pena, nel senso che è fortemente instabile, nell'arco di una singola giornata, per lassi di tempo non lunghi.
05.48 - 9819,7 kHz (R7)
RADIO 9 DE JULHO - São Paulo (Brasile)
Portoghese, canzone melodica OM.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente
05.52 - 9564,9 kHz (R7)
tent. SRDA - Curitiba (Brasile)
PP, tk OM in // 11765.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente
08.07 - 15200 kHz
Canzoni pop afrolatine non stop.
Segnale buono-sufficiente
s/off alle 08.09, poi di nuovo dalle 09.05.
KTWR al lunedì non è attiva, poi arriva più bassa, ma non mi riesce proprio di immaginare che faccia tests dei nuovi trasmettitori con musica afro-LA.
Tempo fa, di pomeriggio sui 16m, c'era un jammer - forse libico o contro la Libia non ricordo bene - che per interferire usava questo genere di programmazione, con musica pop africana non stop. In ogni caso, sotto o vicino da interferire non c'era niente.
09.01 - 9805 kHz (E5 - VR5000)
RADIO MARTÍ - Greenville-NC (USA)
SS, canto del gallo, annunci e mx cubana.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente
Verso le 09.09, sui 19m all'improvviso tutti i segnali sono aumentati e l'incremento si è notato un po' anche su 16 e 22 metri.
Stazioni non ascoltate, forse spente:
13590 CVC 1AFRICA (però alle 20-22 su 9505 era attiva)
15295 SUARA MALAYSIA (anche il 27/9)


Martedì 27 settembre 2011
Ieri alle 05.30-06.00 sui 25 metri c'era il Brasile, anche se solo su 11765 e 11815, oggi niente e sono quasi interamente vuoti anche i 31 metri. Quasi nullo ad esempio il DRM di REE su 9780 che abitualmente giunge a fondo scala e in tarda mattinata idem per Medi 1 su 9575. L'unica stazione ricevibile, dopo le 09.00, era la 'solita' Radio Martí da Greenville su 9805, ovvero una sola stazione dal Nord America. Incredibile.
05.48 - 7245 kHz (E5)
Preghiere coraniche.
Segnale buono-sufficiente
Per alcuni giorni è stata non attiva.
09.53 - 13850 kHz (S-500 - E5)
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente
SOH not heard.

Luca Botto Fiora

G.C. 09E13 - 44N21
Rapallo (Genova) - Italia
R7 Drake (R7)
Satellit 500 Grundig (S-500)
E5/G3/G6 Etón (E5 o G3 o G6)
VR5000DSP Yaesu (VR5000)
ATS909 Sangean (ATS909)
Loop in ferrite ACA di 75 cm interna (@70 kHz-2 MHz)
Loop magnetico 150x100 cm su finestra (@2-5,5 MHz)
Dipolo aperto esterno 30 m (@5.5-30 MHz)
Controllate regolarmente i vostri collegamenti d'antenna.

Amplificatore RF K0LR-WA1ION per loop in ferrite
Amplificatore RF LX1456 NE per loop magnetico e dipolo aperto
Balun a choke coassiali 1:1 di RG174 per dipolo aperto (dal sito di IZ7ATH)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 (modificato W8JI)
Splitters 0-1000 MHz a 2 vie
Check regularly your antenna connections.
ICD-BX112 Sony (R7 Drake)
ICD-BX800 Sony (Satellit 500 Grundig)
ICD-B500 Sony (E5-G3 Etón - VR5000DSP Yaesu)
TRC-1149 Sanyo (ATS909 Sangean)
Audacity 1.3.12 beta (acquisizione-conversione audio)
DXToolbox 3.6.2 demo (propagazione)
EarthDesk 5.7.3 demo (scrivania-orologio mondiale)
HourWorld 3.4.1 demo (orologio mondiale)
Marble 0.8 (atlante)
Multimode 6.2.3 demo Black Cat Systems (UTEs)
TimePalette 6.0.5 demo (orologio mondiale)

Glenn Hauser logs September 27, 2011

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, Sept 27 at 1311, LRA36 is back on again as evidenced by a JBA carrier here, 1316 traces of music. Could still detect carrier at chex 1347, 1403, 1429. So an active Tuesday; maybe this Thursday too, unless a holiday.

Ron Howard, CA, was also getting it today: ``open carrier at 1347; hovering just above and below threshold level (mostly below); best segment from 1420 to 1426 with singing and YL announcer; too weak to ID language; transmitter off at 1503`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHILE. Shortly after posting yesterday`s report, got a reply from Mathias Svensson of CVC La Voz, whom I had met at HFCC Dallas, about why I had heard 9780 and 11665 Sept 25 at 0550 UT, far beyond their usual sign-offs:

``Hi Glenn, It was nice to meet you too. Transmissions were extended to cover a two-night special event at the request of listeners. Everything returned to normal on Sunday`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, Sept 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Sept 27; geomag storms and blackouts really disrupted reception, as reported by WWV:

``Solar-terrestrial indices for 26 September follow.
Solar flux 148 and mid-latitude A-index 27.
The mid-latitude K-index at 1200 UTC on 27 September was 3 (39 nT).
The mid-latitude K-index at 1500 UTC on 27 September was 4 (40 nT).

Space weather for the past 24 hours has been moderate.
Geomagnetic storms reaching the G2 level occurred.
Solar radiation storms reaching the S1 level occurred.
Radio blackouts reaching the R1 level occurred.

Space weather for the next 24 hours is predicted to be moderate.
Geomagnetic storms reaching the G1 level are expected.
Solar radiation storms reaching the S1 level are expected.
Radio blackouts reaching the R2 level are expected.``

10300, JBA at 1135, none higher nor 7970

Not checked again until around 1330:
10300, fair at 1331
11500, poor at 1330 with lo het, CCI
14970, JBA at 1326; none in the 13s, 12s
15970, very poor at 1322 with flutter
16100, very poor at 1323 with flutter = 15970
17170, JBA at 1326

** COSTA RICA [and non]. 5970, Sept 27 at 1144, strong open carrier, making SAH with much weaker station. Surely REE Cariari warming up for the 1200 broadcast which with 0/360 degree listings is either non-direxional or due north. However, not audible at next check 1304, maybe outfaded. The other station could be PBS Gannan, China, per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 530, Sept 27 at 1114 I am hearing typical Enciclopedia EZL music, confirmed by 7:15 timecheck in Spanish at 1115, so this 10 kW CMBQ transmitter in Habana holds up this late --- well, of course, by I see that LSR there today is 1120 UT, while here in Enid it is 1223. BTW, have not heard the 1 kHz het from TN beacon LYQ 529 for many months; thanks, Dave (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9525-, Sept 27 at 1334, VOI conveniently mentioned Banjarmasin just as I tuned in, then music, too poor to follow but reconfirming another `Exotic-Indonesia` on Tuesday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. 7245, Sept 27 at 0545, IGIM is already on with YL in Arabish, 0547 Islamic chanting. It`s always fun to hear this right next to the super-Christian Vatican mass on 7250 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Pre-sunrise MW DX Sept 27: I woke up an hour too early.

620, Sept 27 at 1116 UT, Radio 6-20, music offer, 8-digit phone starting with 5-, i.e. DF, loops N/S, adstring mixed with government PSAs, addresses in DF. 1118 ``Está Vd. en Por el Campo`` program, ``desde la Ciudad de México``. Cantú:
620 XENK Radio 6.20 México, DF 50,000 5,000
Totally overriding Mickey Mouse and anything else on 620

** NIGERIA. 15120, Sept 27 at 0540, JBA signal, could have been VON, or China radio war, nothing audible on 15200, where 24 hours earlier, Daniel Hostetler in Anchorage AK said he was getting another VON service non-// --- finally activating new transmitter and antenna? Around when I was getting VON very well on 15120, Sept 26 at 0510-0515+, nothing was heard as I swept across 15200. 19 mb conditions tonight were totally different, back to dominant/only signals from Australia on 15160 > 15240, likewise 13630 > 13690 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. I don`t always see it, and it could vanish at any moment to be replaced by DTV for which there is a CP and a deadline, so I am always pleased when a bit of tropo enhances KWDW-LP, Nichols Hills on channel 48 analog, with Univisión from KUOK, such as Sept 27 at 1431 UT; 1437 in `hoy` program per bug in lower-left, (from DF or LA? Later a horoscope segment originated in Los Ángeles).

So I checked for other low-powers in OKC: at 1437, // KCHM-HD, 36.1 also on RF 36 was also in with `hoy` during 2011y month-by-month beefcake calendar segment; along with 36.2 which still runs audio of `La Zeta` 106.7 plus slide show from concerts. This signal was in & out, marginal, while analog 48 remained rather steady.

Checking all the other UHF analog channels, found only 19 with gospel huxter English audio, but unsynched screen seemed to be black as often noted before, i.e. KUOT-CA with GCN religious TV network. Also the audio cut in & out, not sure if transmitted that way or caused by 2-way QRM. When I came to ch 19 on the DTV set, I was also getting a `bad` DTV signal. Must have been Wichita, as RF 45 KSNW `3` was decoding even with the antenna in opposite direxion.

OTOH, the marginal DTV signal from OKC on 46, KOCM, Daystar, Norman, was not strong enough to decode, as it often is not, even tho apparently required on Enid cable, a late addition on ch 95.

Later while aimed north at Wichita I was getting bad signals from most, but RF 35 produced KMTW My-TV Hutchinson on 36.1, while 36.2 carried ``CNTVSD`` i.e. Country, same as on 25.2 of KOKH-24 OKC which however PSIPs it as ``CMN`` --- there is no standardization in such IDs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES. 9890, Sept 27 at 1355, choral music in a round, 1357 Chinesish YL announcement with website or e-mail, 1359 orchestral music, 1400 another announcement mixed with music, `Jesus Saves` IS and off at 1400:50*. HFCC shows FEBC, 100 kW, 305 degrees from Bocaue is scheduled here in Mandarin Chinese (cmn) at 1330-1400 only; why only a semihour apart from multi-hours in the 9.4s? Aoki refines this to Yunnan dialect. And from 1400, CNR13 via Lingshi 725 site in Uighur is supposed to take over 9890 until 1805; but not heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K. 17505, Sept 27 at 1325, VTC music loop, poor with flutter, and also at 1349, in another 1315-1400 BaBCock training transmission from Woofferton; unheard on listed // 15230 occupied by RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. 6195, Sept 27 at 1306, BBCWS `Newshour` introduced by a French woman, as again this week they are trialling [trialing? a Britishism] different guest-hosts each day, why? Did not catch her accented name. Just some time-off for the regulars, or a sign of things to come? This is a 250 kW SINGAPORE transmitter split into 125 each at 0 and 90 degrees per HFCC at 09-16 but also reaches W&C NAm for a while despite BBC`s intentions (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7555, Sept 27 at 0546 as I tune across WEWN Spanish, once going up and once going down, *both times* by pure chance I hear the unxuous `By the light of the moon` announcer intone ``dolorosa pasión``, the words he is really stuck on mindlessly repeating countless times during the program, such that the odds are high that you will hear them in random tuning, just reconfirmed.

9372, Sept 27 at 1139, squishy -18 kHz spur from WEWN 9390 was interfering with 9370 WTJC, Christians vs Christians! Matching spur around 9408 was likewise interfering with something in Chinese on 9410, i.e. Fu Hsing, Taiwan or CNR5. The +/- 9 kHz spurs not so obvious as nothing to beat against at the moment on 9380, tho FEBC Manila/Iba should have been hit on 9400 by a 9399 one (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9330-CUSB, Sept 27 at 1308, dead air again from WBCQ instead of Rod Hembree`s Good Friends Radio Network/Radio 2:11. Still DA at 1333 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

SIDC Weekly Bulletin

:Issued: 2011 Sep 26 1515 UTC
:Product: documentation at
# SIDC Weekly bulletin on Solar and Geomagnetic activity            #
WEEK 560 from 2011 Sep 19 


The past week featured strong solar activity with continuous flaring at C-class level, 19 M-flares and 2 X-flares. During the course of the the week, the GOES X-ray background level increased from B to high C-level. The most prominent active regions on the solar disk were Catania 72 and 74 (NOAA AR 1295 and 1296), Catania 80 (NOAA AR 1301, Catania 82 (NOAA AR 1302) and Catania 83 (NOAA AR 1303).

The main events produced by Cat 74 were a C6.2 flare peaking at 07:37 on Monday Sept. 19, associated with type III radio bursts in Humain, and a C9.5 flare with peak time 05:13 UT on Sept. 20. Also Cat 72 and 80 were flickering with plenty of C-flares on Sept. 19 and 20. On Sept. 21, Cat 82 took over and produced the first M-flare of the week: an M1.8 flare peaking at 12:23. Together with Cat 72, this region kept the level of activity very high duringhthe following days. The main event on Sept. 22 was the X1.4 flare in Cat 82, peaking at 11:00 UT. This flare was associated with a type II shock in the Humain data around 10:40 UT, a global EUV-wave (e.g. in PROBA2/SWAP difference movies) and a strong CME. Three more M-flares occurred on Sept 23, originating from Cat 72 and Cat 82. The most active day of the week was without a doubt Sept. 24, when 8 M-flares occurred as well as an X1.9 flare with peak time 09:40 UT, which was associated with Type II and II radio bursts is Humai!
n and a EUV wave in PROBA2/SWAP. Once more, Cat 82 was responsible for this event. The M flares originated in Cat 72, Cat 82 and Cat 83. THe most prominent one was a long duration M7.1 flare in Cat 82 with peak time 13:17 UT, accompanied by a strong CME. Six more M-flares were observed on Sept. 25 in Cat 82 an 83, the largest one an M7.4 flare peaking at 04:50 UT in Cat 82, associated with an EUV wave.

The first CME of the week was observed on Sept 19, originated from CAT 80 (NOAA AR 1301) on the east limb, came into the SOHO/LASCO field of view at 12:42 UT and was not earth-directed. In the following days a multitude of CME's was observed with SOHO/LASCO. Comparison to the STEREO/COR2 data revealed that these were linked to events occurring of the far side of the Sun. On Sept 22, the X1.4 flare was associated with a large scale CME. STEREO-A and B spacecrafts imaged this event as halo CME. Due to the location of the source region on the east limb, this CME was not directed straight at Earth, but we were in line to receive a glancing blow from it on Sept. 25. Several CME's were observed on Sept. 24 and 25 related to the M- and X-class flaring on those days. The most important one was associated with the long duration M7.1 flare on Sept 24, coming into the STEREO/COR2 field of view at 13:10 UT. Its speed was estimated to be around 1100 km/s. As none of the source regions of!
  these CME's were at the center of the solar disk at the time of flaring, we expected possible glancing blows from these events.


The proton flux measured by the GOES satellite has been rising since the long duration X flare event on Sept. 22, and increased further due to the numerous flares after this event. The >10MeV threshold was crossed just before midnight on Sept 23 and will remain elevated for the coming days. A shock was observed in the solar wind parameters measured by ACE around 11 UT this morning, probably related to the CME associated with the X flare on September 22. The total magnetic filed strength jumped to 10 nT, while the solar wind speed increased to 380 km/s. Geomagnetic conditions were quiet throughout the week: the Dourbes K-index never exceed the level of 3.

DATE          RC  EISN  10CM  Ak  BKG    M  X
2011 Sep 19  ///    093  141  003  B8.0  0  0
2011 Sep 20  121    083  144  006  B7.1  0  0
2011 Sep 21  110    076  144  004  C1.0  1  0
2011 Sep 22  111    072  151  006  C1.4  1  1
2011 Sep 23  107    056  158  003  C1.3  3  0
2011 Sep 24  ///    074  190  004  C1.6  8  1
2011 Sep 25  ///    080  169  005  C2.7  6  0
# RC  : Sunspot index (Wolf Number) from Catania Observatory (Italy)
# EISN : Estimated International Sunspot Number
# 10cm : 10.7 cm  radioflux (DRAO, Canada)
# Ak  : Ak Index Wingst (Germany)
# BKG  : Background GOES X-ray level (NOAA, USA)
# M,X  : Number of X-ray flares in M and X class, see below (NOAA, USA)
21  1204  1223 1245        M1.8          VI/1                      82  1302
22  0953  1000 1009        M1.1                                    72  1302
22  1029  1101 1144        X1.4    970  II/2                      82  1302
23  0147  0159 0210 N25W63 M1.6 1N                                  72  1295
23  2154  2215 2234 N23W73 M1.6 SF 210  VI/1,III/1,CTM/1          82  1295
23  2348  2356 0004 N11E52 M1.9 SF 220  III/3,II/3                82  1302
24  0921  0940 0948 N12E60 X1.9 2B 660  II/2,IV/3,V/2,III/2        82  1302
24  1233  1320 1410        M7.1    12000                            82  1302
24  1636  1659 1715        M1.7          IV/1                          1295
24  1719  1725 1731        M3.1                                    82  1302
24  1759  1815 1824 N15E56 M2.8 1B                                  82  1302
24  1909  1921 1941        M3.0    270  III/2,II/2                82  1302
24  2029  2036 2042        M5.8                                    82  1302
24  2123  2127 2132 S29W67 M1.2 SF                                      1303
24  2345  2358 0009 S29W68 M1.0 SF      VI/2,IV/2                      1303
25  0227  0233 0237 N12E49 M4.4 SF                                  82  1302
25  0431  0450 0505 N11E47 M7.4 2N 150  IV/2                          1302
25  0846  0849 0852 N15E45 M3.1 1N                                      1302
25  0925  0935 0953        M1.5    250                                  1303
25  1526  1533 1538 N16E43 M3.7 2B 180  III/2                          1302
25  1651  1658 1709 S28W75 M2.2 SF                                      1302

# Solar Influences Data analysis Center - RWC Belgium                #
# Royal Observatory of Belgium                                      #
# Fax : 32 (0) 2 373 0 224                                          #
# Tel.: 32 (0) 2 373 0 491                                          #
#                                                                    #

KBC Radio on shortwave

Keeping your radio alive on 6095
In just a few weeks' time, we'll begin testing
Saturday and Sunday
0900-1600 UTC
6095 kHz

Ascolti AM Luca Botto Fiora

Ascolti AM (orari UTC)

Lunedì 26 settembre 2011
La propagazione, nonostante alcuni segnali, fa sempre pena, nel senso che è
fortemente instabile, nell'arco di una singola giornata, per lassi di tempo
non lunghi.
05.48 - 9819,7 kHz (R7)
RADIO 8 DE JULHO - São Paulo (Brasile)
Portoghese, canzone melodica OM.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente
05.52 - 9564,9 kHz (R7)
tent. SRDA - Curitiba (Brasile)
PP, tk OM in // 11765.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente
08.07 - 15200 kHz
Canzoni pop afrolatine non stop.
Segnale buono-sufficiente
s/off alle 08.09, poi di nuovo dalle 09.05.
KTWR al lunedì non è attiva, poi arriva più bassa, ma non mi riesce proprio
di immaginare che faccia tests dei nuovi trasmettitori con musica afro-LA.
Tempo fa, di pomeriggio sui 16m, c'era un jammer - forse libico o contro la
Libia non ricordo bene - che per interferire usava questo genere di
programmazione, con musica pop africana non stop. In ogni caso, sotto o
vicino da interferire non c'era niente.
09.01 - 9805 kHz (E5 - VR5000)
RADIO MARTÍ - Greenville-NC (USA)
SS, canto del gallo, annunci e mx cubana.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente
Verso le 09.09, sui 19m all'improvviso tutti i segnali sono aumentati e
l'incremento si è notato un po' anche su 16 e 22 metri.
Stazioni non ascoltate, forse spente:
13590 CVC 1AFRICA (però alle 20-22 su 9505 era attiva)
15295 SUARA MALAYSIA (anche il 27/9)


Martedì 27 settembre 2011
Ieri alle 05.30-06.00 sui 25 metri c'era il Brasile, anche se solo su 11765
e 11815, oggi niente e sono quasi interamente vuoti anche i 31 metri. Quasi
nullo ad esempio il DRM di REE su 9780 che abitualmente giunge a fondo scala
e in tarda mattinata idem per Medi 1 su 9575. L'unica stazione ricevibile,
dopo le 09.00, era la 'solita' Radio Martí da Greenville su 9805, ovvero una
sola stazione dal Nord America. Incredibile.
05.48 - 7245 kHz (E5)
Preghiere coraniche.
Segnale buono-sufficiente
Per alcuni giorni è stata non attiva.
09.53 - 13850 kHz (S-500 - E5)
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente
SOH not heard.

Luca Botto Fiora
QTH G.C. 09E13 - 44N21
Rapallo (Genova) - Italia
R7 Drake (R7)
Satellit 500 Grundig (S-500)
E5/G3/G6 Etón (E5 o G3 o G6)
VR5000DSP Yaesu (VR5000)
ATS909 Sangean (ATS909)
Loop in ferrite ACA di 75 cm interna (@70 kHz-2 MHz)
Loop magnetico 150x100 cm su finestra (@2-5,5 MHz)
Dipolo aperto esterno 30 m (@5.5-30 MHz)
Controllate regolarmente i vostri collegamenti d'antenna.

Amplificatore RF K0LR-WA1ION per loop in ferrite
Amplificatore RF LX1456 NE per loop magnetico e dipolo aperto
Balun a choke coassiali 1:1 di RG174 per dipolo aperto (dal sito di IZ7ATH)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 (modificato W8JI)
Splitters 0-1000 MHz a 2 vie
Check regularly your antenna connections.
ICD-BX112 Sony (R7 Drake)
ICD-BX800 Sony (Satellit 500 Grundig)
ICD-B500 Sony (E5-G3 Etón - VR5000DSP Yaesu)
TRC-1149 Sanyo (ATS909 Sangean)
Audacity 1.3.12 beta (acquisizione-conversione audio)
DXToolbox 3.6.2 demo (propagazione)
EarthDesk 5.7.3 demo (scrivania-orologio mondiale)
HourWorld 3.4.1 demo (orologio mondiale)
Marble 0.8 (atlante)
Multimode 6.2.3 demo Black Cat Systems (UTEs)
TimePalette 6.0.5 demo (orologio mondiale)

Log Nino Marabello

15345  26/9  1946 R. Argentina Exterior, General Pacheco Px "Sport Rugby" It 34544
11735  26/9  1959 Radio Transmundial, Santa Maria Info ID P    23422
11765  26/9  2002 Super Radio Deus e Amor, Curitiba Info ID P 34433

Nino Marabello
Treviso, Italia
ANT: VHF esterna azimuth 230 gradi

DX MIX NEWS # 696 & 697

BELGIUM(non)    The Khmer Post Radio in Khmer is back on air from Sep.21:
1200-1300 on  9960 HBN 100 kW / 270 deg to SEAs Wed/Thu/Fri, ex Daily
BELGIUM(non)    New txion from Sep.17 Khmer People Power Movement in Khmer:
1200-1300 on  9960 HBN 100 kW / 270 deg to SEAs Sat only
U.K.(non)    TWN & JPN to North Korean Clandestine stations changes via BAB
Radio Free North Korea
1200-1300 on 15645 DB  100 kW / 070 deg to KRE  Korean, ex 1200-1400
1300-1400 NF 11640 DB  100 kW / 070 deg to KRE  Korean, ex 15645
CMI Voice of Wilderness
1400-1430 NF 15630 TAC 100 kW / 065 deg to KRE  Korean, ex 15500, Sun only
Voice of Martyrs(Freedom)
1600-1700 NF  7530 TAC 100 kW / 065 deg to KRE  Korean, ex  6240
USA[and non]   Revised A-11 schedule of WYFR Family Radio. Part 1 of 2:
Amharic to EaAF
1600-1700 on 15750 WER
1700-1800 on  9790 DHA
Arabic to NE & ME
1600-1700 on 13645 WER
1700-1800 on 11885 ISS
1700-1800 on 13700 SKN
Arabic to NoAF
1700-1800 on 13840 WER
1800-1900 on 11955 WER
1800-1900 on 13720 SKN
1900-2000 on  9590 WER
2000-2200 on  6115 WER
2200-2300 on  7420 WER
Assamese to SoEaAS
1400-1500 on 15450 TAC
Bengali to SoEaAS
1300-1500 on 17580 WER
Burmese to SoEaAS
1100-1200 on  6220 HUW
1200-1300 on 11570 TAI
1300-1400 on  9365 A-A
Cebuano to SoEaAS
1200-1300 on 15750 A-A, test from Sep.6
Chinese to EaAS
0900-1000 on 11565 TAI
0900-1100 on  9545 TAI
0900-1100 on  9945 TAI
1000-1100 on  9920 TAI
1100-1600 on  6240 TAI
1100-1600 on  9280 TAI
1200-1300 on 11535 TAI
2100-2400 on  9280 TAI
2200-2400 on  6230 TAI
2300-2400 on  9540 TAI
English to SoAM
2300-2400 on 11580 YFR
2300-2400 on 15255 YFR
0000-0100 on  5930 GUF
0000-0100 on  7360 GUF
0000-0100 on  7520 YFR
English to CeAM
0200-0245 on  5985 YFR
0300-0400 on 11740 YFR
English to SoEaAS
0900-1100 on  9465 TAI
1100-1300 on 15750 A-A, test August 23-30 only
1200-1300 on 17520 TAC, test from Sep.12
1300-1400 on 11520 TAI
1300-1400 on 12160 A-A
1300-1400 on 13820 A-A
1400-1500 on  9365 A-A
English to EaAS
1000-1100 on 12115 A-A, test from Sep.15(future plan in Japanese)
1100-1200 on 15560 A-A
1200-1300 on 15560 A-A, test from Sep.12
1200-1300 on 17880 DHA, test from Sep.8 (future plan in Thai)
English to SoAS
1300-1500 on 11560 TAI
1500-1600 on  6280 TAI
1500-1600 on 11605 DHA
1500-1600 on 15520 DHA
1500-1600 on 17650 WER, test from Sep.8
1600-1700 on 11850 DHA
English to SoAF
1500-1600 on 17580 ASC
1700-2000 on  7395 MDC
1800-1900 on  5905 MEY
1800-1900 on  9770 DHA
1800-1900 on  9925 WER
1900-2000 on  3230 MEY
1900-2000 on  9775 DHA
1900-2100 on  6020 MDC
English to EaAF
1600-1800 on 17545 ASC
English to WeCeAF
1800-1900 on 13750 WER
1900-2000 on  7270 MEY
1900-2200 on  9610 WER
2000-2100 on 15195 ASC
2000-2200 on 12060 ASC
Farsi to WeAS
1600-1700 on 13615 WER
1700-1800 on 13740 NAU
French to SoAM
0000-0100 on 15255 YFR
French to SoAF
1700-1800 on  6100 MEY
French to EaAF
1830-1930 on 17585 ASC
French to WeCeAF
1900-2000 on 11840 WER
2000-2100 on  9595 NAU
2100-2200 on  9715 NAU
Gujarati to SoAS
1500-1600 on 15495 ISS
Hausa to WeAF
1900-2000 on  9685 DHA
MOLDOVA     Tranmissions of E-SAT Radio are now closed:
1500-1600 on 15730 KCH 300 kW / 170 deg to EaAF // test freqs 15710 & 15790
1700-1800 on 15750 KCH 300 kW / 170 deg to EaAF // test freqs 15760 & 15770
But now there is a new UNIDentified tranmissions, first noted on Sep.18:
1700-1740 on 12130 KCH 100 kW / 180 deg to EaAF Sun, but no txion on Sep.25
UNIDENTIFIED    From Sep.26 another UNIDentified, maybe Radio Free Sarawak:
1000-1200 on 17560 DB  100 kW / 132 deg to SEAs
USA(and non)    Frequency changes for Voice of America in Uzbek:
1500-1530 NF 15105 KWT 250 kW / 046 deg to CeAS, ex 15100/17600/15780/13755
USA[and non]   Revised A-11 schedule of WYFR Family Radio. Part 2 of 2:
Hindi to SoAs
1400-1500 on 15520 DHA
1400-1600 on 15670 NAU
1600-1700 on  6280 TAI
Igbo to WeCeAF
1800-1900 on 11875 ASC
Illocano to SoEeAS
1100-1200 on 15750 A-A test from Sep.6
Indonesian to SoEeAS
0000-0100 on 11865 TAI
1100-1200 on 11550 TAI
1200-1300 on 11520 TAI
Kannada to SoAS
1300-1400 on 17735 DHA
1500-1600 on 17800 WER
Korean to EaAS
0800-0900 on 11895 TAI
Malagasy to SoAF
1600-1700 on  6100 MEY
Malayalam to SoAS
1400-1500 on 15690 ISS
Marathi to SoAS
1400-1500 on  9595 DHA
1500-1600 NF 13690 DHA, ex 11655 ARM
Oriya to SoAS
1400-1500 NF 15570 NAU, ex 15565 NAU
Oromo to EaAF
1600-1700 on 15160 NAU
Pashto to WeAS
1500-1600 on 12130 SMF
Portuguese to SoAM
0000-0100 on 11580 YFR
0000-0100 on 17725 YFR
0100-0145 on 11550 YFR
0100-0200 on 11530 YFR
2200-2300 on 17725 YFR
2200-2400 on  7360 GUF
2200-0045 on 15190 YFR
2300-2400 on  7520 YFR
Portuguese to SoAF
1900-2000 on  3955 MEY
1900-2000 on  6100 MEY
Punjabi to SoAS
1400-1500 on  7530 ERV, new from Sep.7, ex in English
1500-1600 on 11505 ERV
Russian to CeAS
1500-1700 on  9955 TAI
Sindhi to SoAS
1400-1500 on 17800 WER
Somali to EaAF
1700-1800 on 15255 RMP
Spanish to SoAM
2200-2300 on  7520 YFR
2200-2300 on 15255 YFR
2200-2400 on  9935 GUF
2200-0200 on  5985 YFR
2200-0200 on 15440 YFR
2300-0045 on  6915 YFR
2300-0100 on 11530 YFR
0100-0145 on 11855 YFR
0100-0145 on 17725 YFR
0100-0200 on  7570 YFR
0100-0300 on 11580 YFR
0100-0300 on 15255 YFR
Spanish to CeAM
0200-0300 on 11740 YFR
0200-0400 on  9385 YFR
0300-0345 on  6875 YFR
0400-0500 on 11740 YFR
Swahili to EaAF
1600-1700 on  9590 MDC
1900-2000 on  5930 MEY
Tagalog to SoEaAS
1100-1200 on 11520 TAI
1200-1300 on 13820 A-A
Tamil to SoAS
1400-1500 on 17715 DHA
1500-1600 on 13790 ISS
Telugu to SoAS
1300-1400 on 17715 DHA
Turkish to ME
1700-1900 on 17690 WOF
Urdu to SoAS
1600-1700 on 11505 ERV
Uzbek to CeAS
1400-1500 on 13730 WER
Yoruba to WeCeAF
1900-2000 on 11855 ASC
Vietnamese to SoEaAS
0000-0100 on 11630 TAI
1000-1100 on  9455 TAI
1200-1300 on  7460 TAI
1300-1400 on  7260 TAI
1300-1400 on  9960 TAI

Dx Mix News # 697

DX MIX NEWS # 697                                         27 September 2011
MOLDOVA     Tranmissions of E-SAT Radio are now closed:
1500-1600 on 15730 KCH 300 kW / 170 deg to EaAF // test freqs 15710 & 15790
1700-1800 on 15750 KCH 300 kW / 170 deg to EaAF // test freqs 15760 & 15770

But now there is a new UNIDentified tranmissions, first noted on Sep.18:
1700-1740 on 12130 KCH 100 kW / 180 deg to EaAF Sun, but no txion on Sep.25

UNIDENTIFIED    From Sep.26 another UNIDentified, maybe Radio Free Sarawak:
1000-1200 on 17560 DB  100 kW / 132 deg to SEAs

USA(and non)    Frequency changes for Voice of America in Uzbek:
1500-1530 NF 15105 KWT 250 kW / 046 deg to CeAS, ex 15100/17600/15780/13755

USA[and non]   Revised A-11 schedule of WYFR Family Radio. Part 2 of 2:
Hindi to SoAs
1400-1500 on 15520 DHA
1400-1600 on 15670 NAU
1600-1700 on  6280 TAI

Igbo to WeCeAF
1800-1900 on 11875 ASC

Illocano to SoEeAS
1100-1200 on 15750 A-A test from Sep.6

Indonesian to SoEeAS
0000-0100 on 11865 TAI
1100-1200 on 11550 TAI
1200-1300 on 11520 TAI

Kannada to SoAS
1300-1400 on 17735 DHA
1500-1600 on 17800 WER

Korean to EaAS
0800-0900 on 11895 TAI

Malagasy to SoAF
1600-1700 on  6100 MEY

Malayalam to SoAS
1400-1500 on 15690 ISS

Marathi to SoAS
1400-1500 on  9595 DHA
1500-1600 NF 13690 DHA, ex 11655 ARM

Oriya to SoAS
1400-1500 NF 15570 NAU, ex 15565 NAU

Oromo to EaAF
1600-1700 on 15160 NAU

Pashto to WeAS
1500-1600 on 12130 SMF

Portuguese to SoAM
0000-0100 on 11580 YFR
0000-0100 on 17725 YFR
0100-0145 on 11550 YFR
0100-0200 on 11530 YFR
2200-2300 on 17725 YFR
2200-2400 on  7360 GUF
2200-0045 on 15190 YFR
2300-2400 on  7520 YFR

Portuguese to SoAF
1900-2000 on  3955 MEY
1900-2000 on  6100 MEY

Punjabi to SoAS
1400-1500 on  7530 ERV, new from Sep.7, ex in English
1500-1600 on 11505 ERV

Russian to CeAS
1500-1700 on  9955 TAI

Sindhi to SoAS
1400-1500 on 17800 WER

Somali to EaAF
1700-1800 on 15255 RMP

Spanish to SoAM
2200-2300 on  7520 YFR
2200-2300 on 15255 YFR
2200-2400 on  9935 GUF
2200-0200 on  5985 YFR
2200-0200 on 15440 YFR
2300-0045 on  6915 YFR
2300-0100 on 11530 YFR
0100-0145 on 11855 YFR
0100-0145 on 17725 YFR
0100-0200 on  7570 YFR
0100-0300 on 11580 YFR
0100-0300 on 15255 YFR

Spanish to CeAM
0200-0300 on 11740 YFR
0200-0400 on  9385 YFR
0300-0345 on  6875 YFR
0400-0500 on 11740 YFR

Swahili to EaAF
1600-1700 on  9590 MDC
1900-2000 on  5930 MEY

Tagalog to SoEaAS
1100-1200 on 11520 TAI
1200-1300 on 13820 A-A

Tamil to SoAS
1400-1500 on 17715 DHA
1500-1600 on 13790 ISS

Telugu to SoAS
1300-1400 on 17715 DHA

Turkish to ME
1700-1900 on 17690 WOF

Urdu to SoAS
1600-1700 on 11505 ERV

Uzbek to CeAS
1400-1500 on 13730 WER

Yoruba to WeCeAF
1900-2000 on 11855 ASC

Vietnamese to SoEaAS
0000-0100 on 11630 TAI
1000-1100 on  9455 TAI
1200-1300 on  7460 TAI
1300-1400 on  7260 TAI
1300-1400 on  9960 TAI

lunedì 26 settembre 2011

Radio de soldados estadounidenses se retira de Irak

Sospesa la pubblicazione di BCL Medianews

Dopo quasi vent'anni, a partire dal prossimo mese di ottobre sospenderemo la pubblicazione del nostro bollettino BCL Medianews, nelle prossime settimane provvederemo a pubblicare sul sito i file mancanti della versione PDF. Durante il prossimo fine settimana sarà disponibile, per chi lo riceve, il numero #209 con l'arrivederci da parte della nostra redazione...

Un paio di inglesi in onde medie

Monitorando i due canali di 1071 kHz e 1233 kHz, con l'autoradio questa mattina fra le ore 03:15 e le 03:30 utc in provincia di Grosseto arrivavano le stazioni inglesi Absolute Radio sui 1233 kHz con musica pop (Pink Floyd) e TalkSport sui 1071 khz con un programma parlato, quest'ultima con un segnale inferiore e ricevibile solo a tratti. Nessuna presenza delle due stazioni italiane su quelle frequenze.
Roberto Rizzardi
SWL I/0216/GR
Porto S. Stefano (GR) Italy
Lat 42N43 - Long 11E12 - Locator grid JN52NK
Receivers: ICOM IC-R71E
Sangean ATS909 with 2x80kHz Murata filters in FM
Antennas: 15 meters outdoor random wire with RF System Magnetic Longwire Balun
Loop Grahn ML-1-S with GS2 controller
Telescopic and 7 meters indoor long wire antenna
Skype: robybenjy

WVOZ R. Voz San Juan

Al log di questa mattina aggiungete il seguente ascolto identificato grazie
all'aiuto dell'amico Groppazzi:

1520 26/09/2011 0420- PTR WVOZ R Voz San Juan PR, px musica locale in S,
annunci del tipo ".. a las siete de la mañana en Radio Voz" 23322

Saverio De Cian
Sedico (Belluno)

Radio Nostalgia Europa via Challenger Radio

Un accordo tra Challenger Radio e la cipriota Radio Nostalgia Europa, webradio della testata indipendente online Famagusta Gazzette (, consentirà a quest'ultima di sbarcare sulle onde medie in Italia dalle 1700 alle 1900 ora locale...

Roberto Scaglione

Glenn Hauser logs September 26, 2011

** ALBANIA. 13625, Sept 26 at 1430 check, still no R. Tirana on SW. As for what happened to Drita Çiço`s son Parid, he was extremely distraught about something and jumped out a window. This is very personal, not related to radio, and I will not deal with it further. Drita is talking about it to her mailing list (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. 15400, Sept 26 at 1249, HCJB English with Revelation nonsense about the antichrist, 666, great tribulation. Other transmitter on 15340 putting a big het on Morocco 15341v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BULGARIA. 11600 and 9600, again checking R. Bulgaria prior to the 0530 German Sept 26: 11600 carrier already on at 0523, not 9600, but it came on at *0524. I wonder why they don`t play their IS for a while, just dead air. 0529:50 or so, IS finally starts on 11600 but only gets a couple iterations, while 9600 cuts it on just before 0530 and only part of it is heard before theme on both and sign-on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 6754-USB, Sept 26 at 0532, Trenton Military with aviation weather including Keflavik, but several sites were ``nothing received from`` including Prestwick. Lots of background noise on the modulation, apparently, rather than QRM; just far enough away from the blob on 6768, see UNIDENTIFIED (Glenn Hauser, OK, D XLISTENING DIGEST)

** CHILE. Unlike 24 hours earlier [as in last report under USA [non]], no signals from CVC La Voz in Spanish on 11665 or 9780 as I tuned around 0530 UT Sept 26. That was certainly an anomaly, no reply yet to my inquiry to Calera de Tango (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Sept 26, before 1300:
10300, fair at 1243; none in the 7s, 11s, 12s
13920, poor at 1247; none in the 14s, 15s
16100, fair at 1253
16980, fair at 1253
18180, very poor at 1257; no 17170

Before 1330:
16100, very poor at 1323
16700, good at 1324 with flutter; unusual spot. Last heard May 14, 2010 as in DXLD 10-19; it all depends on whims of Sound of Hope
16980, good at 1324 with flutter, just like 16700
17170, JBA at 1326; no 18180

** CHINA [and non]. Some CRI signals were coming in well but with heavy flutter before 1300 Sept 26: 17575, at 1255 Sept 26, Chinese song, Russian announcement. HFCC shows SZG site at 12-13 aimed due northwest. Also similar signals on 17545 (unlisted), 17490 and 17650 both Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN.

9870, Sept 26 before 1307, AIR VBS was in well with Indian pop music, but at 1307 and still after 1400, CCI from CRI English, scheduled 13-16, 500 kW, 200 degrees from Xi`an, take that, Bengaluru! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 12020, Sept 26 at 0521, big open carrier, likely RHC not turned off at 0500.

9565, Sept 26 at 1306, DCJC pulse jamming far from the time they are ``needed`` vs R. Martí, but QRMing adjacent 9570, CRI relay via CUBA too, and 9560 Australia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INTERNATIONAL. On Sept 14-15, I attended the High Frequency Coordinating Conference in Dallas TX. Here`s the final final version of my report, including linx to 33 photos. There have been a few updates and additions since the version in DXLD 11-38:

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5985, Sept 26 at 1329 I hear a tone or het, very poor signal, but 1330 the het remains as piano music and Shiokaze sign-on is audible, intonation sounds Japanese today. The het is of course from off-frequency MYANMAR on the hi side; Sea Breeze back here after a while on 6135, via JSR JAPAN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Sunrise MWDX Sept 26, UT:

550, Sept 26 at 1209, ad with gong for a new Chinese buffet opening Sept 22 in Cuauhtémoc:
550 XEPL La Super Estación Cd. Cuauhtemoc, Chih. 5,000 150

630, Sept 26 at 1156 UT, historical item mentioning Municipio General Escobedo, Monterrey, outro as ``Al Momento``, to be continued an hour later; ``Buenos días, en directo desde la Ciudad de México en la F-B``, promo joint fútbol show with La Invasora 99.7 FM. Cantú:
630 XEFB FB La Estación Que Da Las Noticias Monterrey, N.L. 10,000 10,000
while 99.7 is confirmed as:
99.7 XHSP La Invasora Monterrey, N.L. 50,530
Altho IDing locally, XEFB was taking a program direct from the DF

630, Sept 26 at 1202 UT, another station has taken over 630, Fox fanfare, XEUR-AM, 50 kW, full ID, Grupo Radio Centro. O no, another bad lead. I was quite sure of the call, but the real XEUR is on 1530 in the DF, a Radiorama station. I don`t see any similar call listed on 630. Ahá, they must have said XEQR-AM, which is the original station of Radio Centro on 1030, but relayed on 630 somewhere? According to they have quite a few stations on AM and FM, but except for 93.9 in Los Ángeles, they are all in the DF, not a national network in Mexico.

680, Sept 26 at 1206 UT, NA ending and sign-on mentions Chihuahua, so:
680 XEFO Éxtasis Digital Chihuahua, Chih. 5,000 250

760, Sept 26 at 1205 UT, another late NA, 1206 ID as ``Antena 760, Chihuahua Capital``, i.e.:
760 XEES Antena 760 Chihuahua, Chih. 10,000 1,000

800, distorted signal: see UNIDENTIFIED

** NIGERIA [and non] 15120, Sept 26 at 0510, VON is the SSOB by far and virtually the OSOB (something weak on 15630, presumably Greece); in world newscast, well done with correspondents in New York, London, Moscow, and good, only slightly distorted modulation above the ever-present hum. 0513 item about legal limbo of trans-gender and intersex folk as far as passports, etc., but now some are providing `indeterminate gender` boxes to be checked. Deep fades, S6 to S9 but not bad (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 890, Sept 26 at 1300, KTLR OKC IDing with its FM translator, on 94.1 which is K231BH, 250 watts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA [and non]. 11920, 0400+ UT Sept 26, still huge collision between RRI in Romanian and V. of Justice, IRAN in English to NAm, a sesquiweek after I brought it in person to the attention of both frequency managers at HFCC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K. 17505, Sept 26 at 1325, fair signal again with the VTC/BaBCock music loop. Wolfgang Büschel found out from Dave Porter at Woofferton what this is all about:

``Hi Wolfie, Regrettably it's not as exotic as you suspected! I can confirm those frequencies are registered and they are on our schedule.
We are using the time slots and the changes in frequency and modulation mode to train our staff at the Babcock Media Management Centre in London for the remote operation of the Woofferton site when we are not staffed out of office hours.

At present our colleagues in the Babcock Control Room in Bush House look after us but soon that is closing when the BBC transfer to their London W1 studio centre. Hence the need to train our staff in the other control facility.

We needed to be able to run a real schedule and then we put faults on our transmitters so that the MMC staff can work out how to re-establish the service, etc. Vy 73, Dave``

``Also observed by Ivo at R Bulgaria, and Y.T. [wb] today: Heard popular CELLO music endless. At 1340 UT on 9795, 15230, 17505 kHz.

New UNID service via Babcock brokery on Sept 25:
1300-1345  9605 WOF 300kW 182deg to NoAF, non-stop VTC music till 1330
1300-1345  9800 WOF 125kW 180deg to NoAF, non-stop VTC music in DRM
1300-1345 11640 WOF 125kW 102deg to NoAF, non-stop VTC music till 1330

1315-1400  9795 WOF 125kW 090deg to NoAF, non-stop VTC music till 1400
1315-1400 15230 WOF 300kW 150deg to NoAF, non-stop VTC music till 1400
1315-1400 17505 WOF 125kW 152deg to NoAF, non-stop VTC music till 1400
Transmissions of 'popular' cello music ended exact 1400:00 UT
(Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 25`` (via DXLD)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1583 monitoring: confirmed on WBCQ Area 51 webcast, UT Monday Sept 26 at 0300. Did not get 5110v-CUSB checked in time, however. No word about whether `Pirates Week` will ever be resuming in that timeslot (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 800, Sept 26 at 1211, very distorted talk audible in KQCV OKC null, can`t even tell if it`s Spanish or English, but seems to peak SW/NE, pointing to XEROK. Might have been a spur except it`s right on 800 too. Has anyone noticed such a problem with XEROK Ciudad Juárez? There are some little US stations in the opposite direxion, but a bit late for them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6768, Sept 26 at 0528, big wide whine centered here, presumably a ``mutant``, perhaps from Cuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

La mia Italia

Il bando del concorso

Com'è l'Italia che ami, odii, sogni? È un luogo, una parola, una melodia? Dai spazio alla tua creatività e partecipa al concorso di Radio Colonia inviandoci uno scritto, una canzone o una fotografia entro il 15 novembre 2011. La tua Italia a Radio Colonia.

Bando del concorso "La mia Italia"

1. Destinatari e tema del premio - Il concorso "La mia Italia", indetto da Radio Colonia/Westdeutscher Rundfunk (indicato in questo bando come WDR) è aperto a tutti i residenti in Germania: non vi sono limiti di età o nazionalità. I partecipanti sono invitati a sviluppare liberamente il tema indicato dal titolo dell'iniziativa con un contributo scritto, una fotografia o un brano musicale. Il concorso ha il patrocinio dell'Ambasciata d'Italia di Berlino e della Camera di Commercio italiana per la Germania.

2. Giuria - La giuria sarà presieduta da Tommaso Pedicini, caporedattore di Radio Colonia, e composta da 7 membri, fra cui alcuni rappresentanti della redazione di Radio Colonia, dell'Istituto italiano di cultura di Colonia e della Camera di Commercio italiana per la Germania - ufficio di Colonia. La composizione e il giudizio della giuria sono insindacabili.

3. Partecipazione - La partecipazione al concorso è gratuita. Ciascun autore dovrà inviare l'opera o le opere con cui intende concorrere entro e non oltre le ore 24 del 15 novembre 2011, scegliendo tra le seguenti opzioni:

- all'indirizzo mail È obbligatorio indicare come oggetto della mail: "Concorso Radio Colonia". Farà fede la data di invio della mail;

- all'indirizzo postale:

WDR - Italienische Redaktion
Concorso "La mia Italia"
Appellhofplatz 1
50667 Köln.

Farà fede il timbro postale.

4. Categorie - Si può partecipare solamente con materiali inediti e inviando al massimo un'opera per ognuna delle seguenti categorie:

1. Fotografia

2. Scrittura

3. Musica

5. Opere - Tutte le opere dovranno essere inviate in formato digitale. Un'eccezione può essere fatta solo per la categoria "Scrittura": in questo caso le opere partecipanti verranno accettate anche in formato cartaceo. Tutte le opere dovranno essere accompagnate dalle seguenti informazioni:

1. Categoria prescelta: Fotografia, Scrittura o Musica

2. Titolo dell'opera

3. Dati personali dell'autore: nome e cognome, luogo e data di nascita, professione, numero di telefono, indirizzo postale, eventuale indirizzo mail. Per i minorenni va indicato anche il nome di un genitore o di chi ha la patria potestà.

Necessaria per la partecipazione al concorso è inoltre una scheda di partecipazione compilata e firmata. La redazione di Radio Colonia invia all'autore la scheda da compilare una volta ricevuta l'opera. La scheda è dunque anche una conferma di avvenuto recapito entro i termini previsti dal presente bando. Nel caso di partecipanti minorenni la scheda di partecipazione dovrà venire firmata anche da un genitore o da chi ha la patria potestà del minore. Tale firma autorizza inoltre il minore a partecipare al concorso "La mia Italia". Nel caso di opere di gruppo la scheda dovrà indicare i dati di tutti i partecipanti e segnalare un portavoce del gruppo, che firmerà la scheda e sarà l'interlocutore di Radio Colonia.

6. Termini di ammissione - Le opere dovranno essere inedite e avere le seguenti caratteristiche:

1. Categoria "Fotografia": sono ammessi soltanto formati digitali in jpg.

2. Categoria "Scrittura": sono ammessi soltanto formati Word o, in via eccezionale, stampati scritti a macchina. Non sono ammessi testi scritti a mano. L'elaborato dovrà essere in lingua italiana e non superare la lunghezza massima di tre cartelle, cioè 1800 battute, spazi inclusi.

3. Categoria "Musica": la canzone, in lingua italiana, non dovrà superare la lunghezza massima di 4 minuti e dovrà essere inviata in formato mp3 come allegato di una mail o su cd. In entrambi i casi va allegato il testo scritto per esteso.

7. Vincitori - Le opere vincitrici saranno tre, una per ogni categoria del concorso: fotografia, scrittura, musica. È possibile inviare una sola opera per categoria, ma si può concorrere in più categorie. Sono inoltre ammesse opere risultanti da lavori di gruppo.

8. Premi - I primi classificati in ogni categoria (fotografia, scrittura, musica) riceveranno un premio in denaro pari a 300 euro e avranno la possibilità di conoscere la redazione e gli studi di Radio Colonia. Le opere vincitrici verranno inoltre presentate nelle trasmissioni di Radio Colonia nei modi e nei termini stabiliti dalla redazione e pubblicate sul nostro sito internet: Le opere finaliste della categoria "Fotografia" verranno esposte in una mostra all'Istituto italiano di cultura di Colonia in data da definire.

9. Premiazione - La premiazione avverrà l'1 dicembre 2011 in occasione di una puntata speciale di Radio Colonia, a cui parteciperanno in qualità di ospiti i vincitori di ogni categoria (fotografia, scrittura e musica). I vincitori verranno informati per tempo dalla redazione, che si impegna a sostenere le eventuali spese di viaggio del vincitore stesso - o del portavoce se l'opera è frutto di un lavoro di gruppo - solo entro i confini tedeschi e solo per un biglietto di 2a classe, andata e ritorno, delle ferrovie tedesche.

10. Regole generali (a) - Compilando e firmando la scheda di partecipazione oggetto del punto 5, "Opere", l'autore si assume la responsabilità del materiale inviato e inoltre dichiara e garantisce di possedere tutti i diritti del materiale inviato, in particolare per quanto riguarda i diritti di autore ed il diritto alla diffusione ovvero pubblicazione, e di rispettare la legge sulla privacy. L'autore inoltre autocertifica che l'opera non è già stata pubblicata, solleva il WDR e Radio Colonia da ogni responsabilità e cede loro i diritti di riproduzione del materiale per la pubblicazione sul proprio sito web e/o per altre forme di comunicazione e/o pubblicazione senza fini di lucro, ivi inclusa la mostra fotografica presso l'Istituto italiano di cultura di Colonia. Le opere inviate non verranno restituite. Per la realizzazione o l'invio delle opere non è previsto alcun tipo di compenso o rimborso spese da parte di Radio Colonia o del WDR.

11. Regole generali (b) - La partecipazione al concorso comporta l'accettazione e l'osservanza di tutte le norme inserite nel presente bando. Non saranno ammesse le opere che contengono messaggi in qualche modo razzisti o discriminatori, offensivi, pubblicitari o promozionali. In caso di contestazioni sarà competente esclusivamente il tribunale di Colonia.

Per ulteriori informazioni contattare il servizio ascoltatori del WDR/Funkhaus Europa: 0221-56789 777.

LOG di Bruno Casula

3.155,00  CN.. 11043 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 23-set 2336 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 1106 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0130 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 1115 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0143 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 11164 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0318 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 1117 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0142 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 123456 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0429 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 13011 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0453 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 1302 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0238 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 13021 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0016 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 1306 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0502 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 13111 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 23-set 2352 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 1312 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0041 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 13132 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0251 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 13133 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0225 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 13141 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 23-set 2353 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 13241 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0449 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 2002 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 23-set 2330 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 2201 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0457 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 2203 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0029 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 22054 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0259 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 2211 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 23-set 2356 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 2401 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 23-set 2348 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 2407 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0404 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 24081 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0320 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 2415 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0517 SOUND -
3.155,00  CN.. 2419 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0456 SOUND -
4.040,00  CN.. 11043 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2336 SOUND -
4.040,00  CN.. 11143 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0435 SOUND -
4.170,00    - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 18-set 2353 N-D -
4.458,00  CN.. 2016 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2309 CLG "2015" -
4.458,00  CN.. 207101 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2343 SOUND -
4.855,00  B... 627 ..... CHN MIL ALE/USB 24-set 0255 CLG "673" -
4.855,00  CN.. 1102 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2329 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 1104 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0241 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 11062 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2312 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 11064 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2216 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 1111 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0007 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 1113 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0123 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 1114 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2137 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 11143 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0439 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 11162 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0408 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 11164 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0327 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 1301 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0427 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 13011 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0454 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 13012 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2217 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 1302 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0239 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 13021 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0031 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 1303 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0049 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 1306 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0503 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 1308 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0455 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 1311 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0123 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 13112 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2256 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 13122 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0436 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 13132 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0252 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 13133 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0226 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 1314 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2325 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 13142 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0326 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 1315 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2149 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 13151 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0528 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 1317 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0127 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 1318 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0040 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 1319 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0005 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 1321 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0516 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 1322 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2355 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 13241 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0454 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 13242 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0358 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 13251 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2333 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 13262 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2149 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 13263 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2126 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2002 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2338 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2203 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0031 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2205 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0253 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 22054 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0303 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2211 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2357 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2213 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0531 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2215 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2152 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 22154 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2200 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2401 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2347 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2404 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0001 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2406 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2340 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2407 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2312 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2409 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0000 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2411 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0447 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2414 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0502 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2415 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0533 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 24151 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0420 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2416 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0440 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2417 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0418 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2418 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2148 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2419 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 0500 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2512 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0019 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2515 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0134 SOUND -
4.855,00  CN.. 2518 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0520 SOUND -
5.083,00  CN.. 1311 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0124 SOUND -
5.083,00  CN.. 13111 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 23-set 2351 SOUND -
5.083,00  CN.. 1319 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0005 SOUND -
5.083,00  CN.. 1321 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0515 SOUND -
5.083,00  CN.. 1325 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0543 SOUND -
5.083,00  CN.. 13252 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 23-set 2330 SOUND -
5.083,00  CN.. 2512 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0023 SOUND -
5.083,00  CN.. 2518 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0524 SOUND -
5.083,00  CN.. 2519 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 24-set 0138 SOUND -
5.115,00  SZ.. - ..... GRC [...] J3E/LSB 20-set 0600 TFC GRE DUPLEX
5.242,00  CN.. 1020 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2329 SOUND -
5.242,00  CN.. 2012 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0039 SOUND -
5.242,00  CN.. 2013 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2349 SOUND -
5.242,00  CN.. 2017 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2311 SOUND -
5.242,00  CN.. 206102 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0126 SOUND -
5.242,00  CN.. 207101 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2342 SOUND -
5.242,00  CN.. 3261 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0400 SOUND -
5.242,00  CN.. 4012 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 24-set 0041 SOUND -
5.242,00  CN.. 4017 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2147 SOUND -
5.242,00  CN.. 9817 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 2312 SOUND -
5.455,00  7U.. BJ20 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 20-set 2047 CLG "UN20" -
5.455,00  7U.. ND20 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 20-set 2030 CLG "UN20" -
6.504,50  YI.. DB2 Tikrit IRQ CUSTOMS ALE/USB 19-set 2221 CLG "NAN" -
6.504,50  YI.. DB2 Tikrit IRQ CUSTOMS MIL- STD 188-110A/S8/USB 19-set 2222 SEND MSGS TO  "NAN" -
6.504,50  YI.. NAN Ninawa IRQ CUSTOMS ALE/USB 19-set 2156 CLG "DB2" -
6.504,50  YI.. NAN Ninawa IRQ CUSTOMS MIL- STD 188-110A/S8/USB 19-set 2156 SEND MAGA TO  "DB2" -
6.520,00  ..... 1001 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 22-set 2353 SOUND -
6.520,00  ..... 2001 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 22-set 2327 CLG "2005" -
6.520,00  ..... 2005 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 22-set 2328 CLG "2001" -
6.520,00  ..... 2014 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 23-set 0324 SOUND -
6.525,00    - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 19-set 2150 KRYPTO BROADCAST -
6.753,00  7U.. TD18 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 20-set 2033 CLG "UN10" -
6.773,00  K... 0011MACAP .....,MA USA CAP ALE/USB 19-set 0008 SOUND -
6.773,00  K... 0011NHCAP .....,NH USA CAP ALE/USB 19-set 0054 SOUND -
6.773,00  K... 0025CTCAP .....,CT USA CAP ALE/USB 19-set 0232 SOUND -
6.773,00  K... 002NERCAP .....,NE USA CAP ALE/USB 19-set 0009 SOUND -
6.776,50  AFB1MC - ..... USA USAF MARS PACTOR 19-set 0124 CLG/WKG AFB4MC -
6.776,50  AFB4MC - ..... USA USAF MARS PACTOR 19-set 0122 CLG/WKG AFB1MC -
6.812,00  ..... 1001 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 22-set 2252 SOUND -
6.812,00  ..... 2005 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 22-set 2247 CLG "2001" -
6.849,00  ..... 7TN ..... - CE-2011 ALE/USB 20-set 0550 CLG "P1H" -
6.849,00  ..... 7TN ..... - CE-2011 MIL- STD 188-110A/S8/USB 20-set 0549 SEND MSGS TO  "P1H"
6.849,00  ..... P1H ..... - CE-2011 ALE/USB 20-set 0550 CLG "7TN" -
6.849,00  ..... P1H ..... - CE-2011 MIL- STD 188-110A/S8/USB 20-set 0551 SEND MSGS TO  "7TN"
6.946,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL CW 20-set 0528 TFC/GR(N) -
6.949,00  F... FRB ..... F CE-2011 ALE/USB 20-set 0710 CLG "FRA" -
6.949,00  ..... 7TN ..... - CE-2011 ALE/USB 20-set 0553 CLG "P1H" -
6.949,00  ..... 7TN ..... - CE-2011 MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 20-set 0554 SEND MSGS TO  "P1H" -
6.949,00  ..... P1H ..... - CE-2011 ALE/USB 20-set 0553 CLG "7TN" -
6.949,00  ..... P1H ..... - CE-2011 MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 20-set 0554 SEND MSGS TO  "7TN" -
6.993,00  ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 18-set 2345 TFC FRA/ARA SIMPLEX
6.993,00  ..... - ..... - [...] MFSK-8 1250 18-set 2347 N-D ALE SOUND LIKE
6.995,00  SP.. ED9U ..... POL CE-2011 ALE/USB 20-set 0610 CLG "5GXS" -
6.995,00  SP.. FJ9W ..... POL CE-2011 ALE/USB 20-set 0525 CLG "5GXS" -
6.995,00  SP.. FJ9W ..... POL CE-2011 MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 20-set 0525
6.995,00  Z3.. 5GXS ..... MCD CE-2011 ALE/USB 20-set 0525 CLG "FJ9W" -
6.995,00  Z3.. 5GXS ..... MCD CE-2011 MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 20-set 0525
7.562,00  SP.. ED9U ..... POL CE-2011 ALE/USB 20-set 0609 CLG "5GXS" -
7.562,00  SP.. U5UW ..... POL CE-2011 ALE/USB 20-set 0610 CLG "Y4YS" -
7.562,00  SP.. U5UW ..... POL CE-2011 MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 21-set 0921 SEND MSGS TO  "Y4YS" -
7.562,00  YL.. K15N ..... LVA CE-2011 ALE/USB 21-set 0613 CLG "5GXS" -
7.562,00  YL.. K15N ..... LVA CE-2011 MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 21-set 0613
7.562,00  Z3.. 5GXS ..... MCD CE-2011 ALE/USB 20-set 0609 CLG "ED9U" -
7.562,00  Z3.. 5GXS ..... MCD CE-2011 MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 21-set 0613 SEND MSGS TO "K15N" -
7.562,00  ..... Y4YS ..... - CE-2011 ALE/USB 20-set 0615 CKG "U5UW" -
7.562,00  ..... Y4YS ..... - CE-2011 MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 21-set 0921 SEND MSGS TO  "U5UW" -
7.665,00  K... 0006DECAP .....,DE USA CAP ALE/USB 19-set 0243 SOUND -
7.665,00  K... 0011SCCAP .....,SC USA CAP ALE/USB 19-set 0412 SOUND -
7.665,00  K... 0040WVCAP .....,WV USA CAP ALE/USB 19-set 0334 SOUND -
7.665,00  K... 0189VACAP .....,VA USA CAP ALE/USB 19-set 0412 SOUND -
7.665,00  K... 043MERCAP ..... USA CAP ALE/USB 19-set 0251 SOUND -
7.665,00  K... 0902NCCAP .....,NC USA CAP ALE/USB 19-set 0247 SOUND -
7.698,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/500 21-set 2210 N-D -
7.760,00  SP.. U5UW ..... POL CE-2011 ALE/USB 20-set 0639 CLG "Y4YS" -
7.760,00  SP.. U5UW ..... POL CE-2011 MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 20-set 0640 SEND MSGS TO "Y4YS" -
7.760,00  YL.. K15N ..... LVA CE-2011 ALE/USB 20-set 0716 CLG "5GXS" -
7.760,00  YL.. K15N ..... LVA CE-2011 MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 20-set 0732 SEND MSGS TO "5GXS" -
7.760,00  Z3.. 5GXS ..... MCD CE-2011 ALE/USB 20-set 0730 CLG "K15N" -
7.760,00  Z3.. 5GXS ..... MCD CE-2011 MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 20-set 0731 SEND MSGS TO "K15N" -
7.760,00  ..... Y4YS ..... - CE-2011 ALE/USB 20-set 0636 CLG "U5UW" -
7.760,00  ..... Y4YS ..... - CE-2011 MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 20-set 0635 SEND MSGS TO "U5UW"
7.835,00  ..... EF4 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 21-set 1600 CLG "SH9" -
7.835,00  ..... SH9 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 21-set 1600 CLG "EF4" -
7.835,00  ..... TQ1 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 21-set 1612 CLG "SH9" -
7.854,00  ..... 1010 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 19-set 2143 SOUND -
8.318,00  AA.. FUZZY ..... IRQ USARMY ALE/USB 20-set 2036 SOUND -
8.318,00  NGB.. T1Z171 ..... IRQ USARMY ALE/USB 20-set 2046 SOUND -
8.582,00  PWZ33 - Rio de Janeiro/Ilha do Governador B BN PACTOR-FEC 24-set 0515 NW/WX -
8.759,50  ..... NAVIDATA ..... - [...] PACTOR-3 18-set 2321 N-D/CH MARKER/CW ID -
8.786,00  ..... CZT2 ..... - [...] CW 22-set 2229 CLG "RXP7" -
8.894,15  ..... 1000 ..... - [...] PACTOR 22-set 2156 SEND ASCII FILES 'FTYPE+ .BAG +SIZE+ 123 ++++++'
8.894,15  ..... 1500 ..... - [...] PACTOR 23-set 0441 SEND ASCII FILES 'FTYPE+ .BAG +SIZE+ 1023 ++++++'
8.894,15  ..... 3000 ..... - [...] PACTOR 22-set 2034 SEND ASCII FILES 'FTYPE+ .BAG +SIZE+ 547 ++++++'
8.894,15  ..... 8000 ..... - [...] PACTOR 22-set 2156 SEND ASCII FILES 'FTYPE+ .BAG +SIZE+ 974 ++++++'
8.912,00  K... D06 - BOMBARDIER Q400  - USA CPB ALE/USB 22-set 0152 SOUND -
8.912,00  K... I97 - CESSNA 550  - USA CPB ALE/USB 22-set 0041 SOUND -
8.912,00  NFMK FMK - USCGC SENECA - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-set 0354 SOUND -
8.912,00  N... 701 - HC-130H - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-set 0053 SOUND -
8.912,00  N... K16 - MH-65C - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-set 0037 SOUND -
8.993,00  FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 18-set 2334 GR(A) 'NR 46 S 21 01:43:28 1983 BT AFZSC MMXUW OIQNE JFIZB '
10.242,00  K... I43 - BEECH 65-A90  - USA CPB ALE/USB 24-set 0521 SOUND -
10.242,00  N... 702 - HC-130H - USA USCG ALE/USB 23-set 2328 SOUND -
10.242,00  N... J06 - MH-60J -  USA USCG ALE/USB 23-set 2259 SOUND -
10.477,00  ..... D50 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 19-set 1803 SOUND -
10.577,00  ..... 191 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 18-set 2119 CLG "193" -
11.082,00  U... - ..... CIS [...] CW 20-set 0658 VVV/TFC -
11.226,00  AFI MCC Sacramento,CA USA USAF MCCLENNAN AFB ALE/USB 20-set 0119 SOUND -
11.226,00  AF.. 160016 - AIRCRAFT - USA USAF ALE/USB 19-set 2235 SOUND -
11.226,00  AF.. 180214 - AIRCRAFT - USA USAF ALE/USB 19-set 2349 SOUND -
11.226,00  AGA2 HIK Honolulu HWA USAF HICKMAN AFB ALE/USB 20-set 0348 SOUND -
11.226,00  A... VORTOC Camp Bondsteel KSV KFOR ALE/USB 20-set 0518 SOUND SOUND EVERY 30'
11.226,00  MLU GBL Gibraltair GIB RAF ALE/USB 19-set 2246 SOUND 0016 SOUND
11.238,00  W... BFG ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1936 CLG "CTB" -
11.285,00  9W.. LUMPUR CONTROL Kuala Lumpur/'Klang MLA AIR (SEA) J3E/USB 20-set 1642 TFC ING/SELCALL 1647 CLG/WKG "LUFTHNSA-779" (MRDH)   1655 CLG/WKG Chennai
11.340,00  ..... 400001 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 19-set 1951 CLG "400004" -
11.340,00  ..... 400004 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 19-set 1915 CLG "400010" -
11.340,00  ..... 400010 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 19-set 1925 CLG "400004" -
11.445,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK-12/USB 19-set 2130 N-D -
11.459,00  ..... - ..... - [...] MFSK-8 125 23-set 2020 N-D ALE SOUND LIKE
11.494,00  NM.. P26 ..... USA USCG/CHOTEN ALE/USB 24-set 0523 CLG "K22" -
11.494,00  N... K22 - MH-65C - USA USCG ALE/USB 24-set 0524 SOUND -
12.087,00  NGB.. V020IN Saint Thomas VIR USANG ALE/USB 20-set 0700 SOUND 0710,0720,0730 SOUND
12.190,00  ..... ARAJA ..... - [...] J3E/LSB 21-set 2230 CLG "CUENTA" BEEP AT END
12.190,00  ..... ARAJA ..... - [...] MFSK-8 62,5/LSB 21-set 2235 N-D -
12.190,00  ..... ROMEO ..... - [...] J3E/USB 21-set 2220 TFC SPA BEEP AT END 'OK RECIBIDO DE ROMEO RECIBIDO'
12.190,00  ..... ROMEO ..... - [...] MFSK-8 62,5/USB 21-set 2221 N-D -
12.209,00  TC.. 3561 ..... TUR TRC ALE/USB 20-set 0733 CLG "3061" -
12.222,00  K... I97 - CESSNA 550  - USA CPB ALE/USB 22-set 0042 SOUND -
12.222,00  NOK Z13 Key West,FL USA USCG ALE/USB 21-set 2309 SOUND -
12.222,00  NFMK FMK - USCGC SENECA - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-set 0441 SOUND -
12.222,00  N... 504 - HC-130H - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-set 0015 SOUND -
12.731,00  PWZ33 - Rio de Janeiro/Ilha do Governador B BN PACTOR-FEC 23-set 2001 NXS L-A -
13.128,00  TAH - Istanbul TUR RADIO J3E/USB 21-set 1000 WX/NW ING -
13.221,00  NMJ2 PTH Ketchikan ALS USCG ALE/USB 21-set 2351 SOUND -
13.221,00  NO.. NOME2 Nome ALS USCG ALE/USB 19-set 1921 CLG "6030" T E N T A T I V E
13.221,00  N... 704 - HC-130H - USA USCG ALE/USB 21-set 2330 CLG "NOJ" -
13.221,00  N... 715 - HC-130H - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-set 0206 SOUND -
13.221,00  N... J32 - MH-60J - USA USCG ALE/USB 20-set 1755 SOUND -
13.312,00  NMF Z15 Cape Cod,MA USA USCG ALE/USB 23-set 2352 CLG "K66" -
13.312,00  N... 701 - HC-130H - USA USCG ALE/USB 23-set 2241 SOUND -
13.312,00  N... K66 - MH-65C - USA USCG ALE/USB 24-set 0015 SOUND -
13.419,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL FSK 100/250 20-set 0730 N-D -
13.438,60  WGY912 FCSFEM3 Mount Weather,VA USA FEMA ALE/USB 21-set 1930 CLG "GHM" -
13.438,60  W... BFG ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1935 CLG "CTB" -
13.438,60  W... CTB ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1935 CLG "BFG" -
13.438,60  W... GHM ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1932 CLG "FCSFEM3" -
13.907,00  K.. CRB ..... USA CPB ALE/USB 22-set 0340 SOUND -
13.907,00  K... D06 - BOMBARDIER Q400  - USA CPB ALE/USB 22-set 0225 CLG "CRB" -
13.907,00  K... D07 - BOMBARDIER Q400  - USA CPB ALE/USB 22-set 0023 SOUND -
13.907,00  K... I97 - CESSNA 550  - USA CPB ALE/USB 22-set 0042 SOUND -
13.907,00  NMJ8 SKA Sitka ALS USCG ALE/USB 22-set 0010 SOUND 0113 SOUND
13.907,00  NM.. Z14 Saint Petersburg,FL USA USCG ALE/USB 22-set 0034 CLG "J08" -
13.907,00  NOK Z13 Key West,FL USA USCG ALE/USB 22-set 2230 CLG "720" -
13.907,00  WU.. C20 Mobile,AL USA USACE ALE/USB 22-set 0256 SOUND -
13.907,00  NFMK FMK - USCGC SENECA - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-set 0352 SOUND -
13.907,00  N... 504 - HC-130H - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-set 0127 SOUND -
13.907,00  N... 701 - HC-130H - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-set 0055 SOUND -
13.907,00  N... J06 - MH-60J -  USA USCG ALE/USB 23-set 2049 SOUND -
13.907,00  N... J08 - MH-60J -  USA USCG ALE/USB 22-set 0005 CLG "PAC" -
13.907,00  N... J40 - MH-60J -  USA USCG ALE/USB 21-set 2251 SOUND -
13.907,00  N... K37 - MH-65C - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-set 2240 SOUND -
14.530,00  SSE - Cairo EGY MFA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 21-set 1457 SEND MSGS TO Kinshasa -
14.531,70  SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 21-set 1504 CLG/WKG Kinshasa -
14.536,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL FSK 100/250 20-set 0735 N-D -
14.600,00  SNB - ..... POL PoF ALE/USB 21-set 1502 CLG SPI -
14.600,00  SPI - ..... POL PoF ALE/USB 21-set 1502 CLG SNB -
14.600,00  SP.. LCR154 ..... POL PoF ALE/USB 21-set 1509 CLG SPI34 -
14.776,00  NGB.. V020IN Saint Thomas VIR USANG ALE/USB 23-set 2020 SOUND -
14.849,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK-12/USB 20-set 0738 N-D -
14.915,00  ..... 2Z2 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 20-set 1553 CLG "P83" -
14.915,00  ..... 2Z2 ..... - [...] MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 20-set 1554 SEND MSGS TO  "P83" -
14.915,00  ..... GST ..... - [...] ALE/USB 20-set 1557 CLG "P83"
14.915,00  ..... GST ..... - [...] MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 20-set 1635 SEND MSGS TO  "P83" -
14.915,00  ..... P83 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 20-set 1557 CLG "GST"
14.915,00  ..... P83 ..... - [...] MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 20-set 1555 SEND MSGS TO  "2Z2" -
14.930,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/200 20-set 0740 N-D -
15.033,00  YI.. 14D1 ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 21-set 1536 CLG "BAS" -
15.033,00  YI.. BAS Basrah IRQ POLICE ALE/USB 21-set 1530 CLG "14D1" -
15.037,00  W... BFG ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1838 CLG "HYR" -
15.037,00  W... CNU ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1746 CLG "IRK" -
15.037,00  W... CTB ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1657 CLG "IRK" -
15.037,00  W... GWO ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1730 CLG "MHE" -
15.037,00  W... HYR ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1838 CLG "BGF" -
15.037,00  W... IRK ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1651 CLG "CTB" -
15.037,00  W... NHE ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1721 CLG "GWO" -
15.805,50  R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD/USB 21-set 1520 TFC KRY -
16.025,00  U.. - ..... CIS MIL MPSK-12/USB 21-set 1410 N-D -
16.026,70  SSE - Madrid E AMB. EGIZANA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 20-set 1730 CLG/WKG Cairo -
16.090,00  WGY912 FCSFEM2 Mount Weather,VA USA FEMA ALE/USB 21-set 1708 SOUND 2002 CLG "GHM"
16.090,00  W... ALN ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1631 CLG "CTB" -
16.090,00  W... BFG ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1609 CLG "MHE" -
16.090,00  W... BGD ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1717 CLG "HYR" -
16.090,00  W... BRX ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1813 SOUND -
16.090,00  W... CTB ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1546 CLG "GHM" -
16.090,00  W... EDK ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1538 SOUND 1609 CLG "MHE"
16.090,00  W... HYR ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1655 CLG "VSF" -
16.090,00  W... MBY ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1543 CLG "MHE" -
16.090,00  W... MHE ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1542 CLG "MBY" -
16.090,00  W... VSF ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1646 CLG "HYR" -
16.140,00  SSE.. - Luanda AGL AMB. EGIZIANA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 19-set 1520 SEND MSGS TO Cairo -
16.141,70  SSE.. - Luanda AGL AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 19-set 1528 WKG Cairo -
16.240,00  CN.. 11021 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 23-set 1008 SOUND -
16.240,00  CN.. 2401 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 23-set 1020 CLG "2002" -
16.240,00  CN.. 2402 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 23-set 1034 CLG "2002" -
16.240,00  CN.. 2403 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 23-set 1049 CLG "2002" -
16.283,60  KWA64 - ..... USA DoS ALE/USB 21-set 1036 CLG KWS97 -
16.283,60  KWS97 - ..... USA DoS ALE/USB 21-set 1136 CLG KWV71 -
16.283,60  KWV71 - ..... USA DoS ALE/USB 21-set 1036 CLG KWS97 -
16.338,50  NGB.. V020IN Saint Thomas VIR USANG ALE/USB 21-set 2100 SOUND 2110,2120,2130,2150 SOUND
16.342,50  R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD/USB 21-set 0903 TFC KRY -
16.350,50  R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD/USB 21-set 0904 TFC KRY -
16.724,00  ..... ROMEO ALFA MIKE ..... - [...] J3E/USB 20-set 0751 TFC ING SIMPLEX (SHIP+COAST)
17.411,50  IE.. - ..... - IA J3E/USB 21-set 0922 TFC ITA DUPLEX
17.411,50  IE.. - ..... - IA STANAG-4285/1200S/8N1/USB 21-set 0906 TFC ITA/KRY 'ok qrx next buona giornata tks tks tks'
17.412,00  K... 0012SCCAP .....,SC USA CAP ALE/USB 23-set 1929 SOUND -
17.412,00  K... 100SWRCAP ..... USA CAP ALE/USB 23-set 2012 SOUND -
17.412,00  K... 101NCRCAP ..... USA CAP ALE/USB 23-set 1924 SOUND -
17.435,00  CN.. 2002 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 23-set 1020 CLG "2401" -
17.435,00  CN.. 2401 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 23-set 1020 CLG "2002" -
17.435,00  CN.. 2402 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 23-set 1034 CLG "2002" -
17.435,00  CN.. 2403 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 23-set 1049 CLG "2002" -
17.435,00  CN.. 2513 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 23-set 1015 CLG "2002" -
17.487,00  KGD825 - BostonMA USA EPA ALE/USB 23-set 1657 SOUND -
17.487,00  KNY70 - Herndon,VA USA NCS ALE/USB 23-set 1729 SOUND -
17.940,00  EC.. OPERACIONES Madrid E IBERIA J3E/USB 21-set 0944 WKG "IBERIA-6275" -
18.000,00  CFH - Halifax,NS CAN CF J3E/USB 19-set 1540 TFC ING SIMPLEX
18.000,00  ..... - ..... - [...] MIL-STD 188-110A/7N1/USB 19-set 1542 TFC KRY SIMPLEX
18.021,00  WGY912 FCSFEM2 Mount Weather,VA USA FEMA ALE/USB 21-set 1709 SOUND -
18.021,00  W... ALN ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1613 CLG "MHE" -
18.021,00  W... BFG ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1933 CLG "CBT" -
18.021,00  W... BRX ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1717 SOUND -
18.021,00  W... BVO ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1843 CLG "CBT" -
18.021,00  W... CBT ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1456 CLG "ALN" -
18.021,00  W... CNU ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1700 CLG "IRK" -
18.021,00  W... GHM ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1939 CLG "CTB" -
18.021,00  W... IRK ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1700 CLG "CNU" -
18.021,00  W... MBY ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1550 CLG "CTB" -
18.021,00  W... MHE ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1605 CLG "RHV" -
18.021,00  W... RHV ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1551 CLG "MHE" -
18.021,00  W... VSF ..... USA GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 21-set 1624 CLG "CTB" -
18.029,70  SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 19-set 1553 TFC ARA -
18.032,00    - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 21-set 1447 KRYPTO BROADCAST -
18.056,70  SSE.. - Madrid E AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 20-set 1640 CLG/WKG Cairo -
18.062,00    - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 21-set 1000 KRYPTO BROADCAST -
18.211,50  KHF DB Agana GUM GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 21-set 1420 N-D/CH MARKER -
18.439,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK-12/USB 20-set 0754 N-D -
18.536,00    - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 20-set 0800 KRYPTO BROADCAST -
18.550,00  7U.. ME1NI El Meina ALG DGSN ALE/USB 21-set 0924 CLG "OU1RG" -
18.550,00  7U.. OU1RG Ouargla ALG DGSN ALE/USB 21-set 0927 CLG "ME1NI" -
18.765,00  CN.. 1107 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 1040 SOUND -
18.765,00  CN.. 1113 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 1047 SOUND -
18.765,00  CN.. 2402 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 1033 CLG "2002" -
18.765,00  CN.. 2510 ..... MRC PC ALE/USB 23-set 1042 SOUND -
19.025,00    - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 22-set 1940 KRYPTO BROADCAST -
19.032,00  YI.. 14D2DV14NET ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 19-set 1604 CLG "52DV14NET" -
19.032,00  YI.. 14D2DV14NET ..... IRQ IrqF MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 20-set 1544 SEND MSGS TO  "52DV14NET" '\\\":N41VD05N41VD2D418'
19.032,00  YI.. 50DV14NET ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 19-set 1702 CLG "14D2DV14NET" -
19.032,00  YI.. 50DV14NET ..... IRQ IrqF MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 20-set 1627 SEND MSGS TO  "14D2DV14NET" '\\\":N41VD05N41VD2D418'
19.032,00  YI.. 51DV14NET ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 19-set 1635 CLG "14D2DV14NET" -
19.032,00  YI.. 52DV14NET ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 19-set 1555 CLG "14D2DV14NET" -
19.032,00  YI.. 58DV14NET ..... IRQ IrqF MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 20-set 1625 SEND MSGS TO  "14D2DV14NET" '\\\"9N41VD2D41N41VD058TETE6À."'
19.066,00  SSE.. - Accra GHA AMB. EGIZIANA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 19-set 1625 WKG Cairo -
19.600,00    - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 19-set 1608 KRYPTO BROADCAST -
19.855,00    - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 21-set 1428 KRYPTO BROADCAST -
20.036,70  SSE - Cairo EGY MFA FEC 100/170/ATU-80 21-set 1436 TFC ARA -
20.318,00  SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 21-set 1439 N-D -
20.319,70  SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 21-set 1554 TFC ARA -
20.457,50  ..... - ..... - [...] PACTOR 23-set 1602 CLG "PPN01" 1616,1631 CLG "PPN01"
20.540,00    - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 19-set 0805 KRYPTO BROADCAST -
20.871,50  R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD/USB 21-set 1031 TFC KRY 111770009673596'  '111770009610906'
20.890,00  KPS396 MEM Senatobia,TN USA CHOTEN ALE/USB 22-set 2121 SOUND -
21.878,50  P7.. - ..... - DIPLO DPKR FSK 600/600 20-set 0809 N-D -
22.135,00    - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 19-set 1614 KRYPTO BROADCAST -
22.806,60    - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 20-set 0813 N-D -
24.320,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/500 21-set 0937 N-D -
25.244,00  HBD20 - Bern/Kernenried SUI MFA ALE/USB 20-set 0810 N-D PROTECTED LINK  SIMPLEX
25.244,00  HBD20 - Bern/Kernenried SUI MFA MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 20-set 0908 TFC KRY SIMPLEX
25.244,00  ..... 8Y9 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 20-set 0921 SOUND -
25.244,00  ..... U6K ..... - [...] ALE/USB 20-set 0816 SOUND 0827 SOUND
26.445,00  U.. - ..... CIS TAXI/TRUCKERS ? F3E 20-set 0926 TFC RUS SIMPLEX
26.465,00  U.. - ..... CIS TAXI/TRUCKERS ? F3E 20-set 0927 TFC RUS SIMPLEX
26.555,00  U.. - ..... CIS TAXI/TRUCKERS ? F3E 20-set 0929 TFC RUS SIMPLEX

(via Utilityworld)