mercoledì 12 maggio 2010

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

CANADA Radio Japan Relay-NHK 5960 0405 Japanese May 10 OM with comments. //15325[333]via Japan.

CUBA Radio Rebelde 5025 0346 Spanish 444 May 10 Two YLs in a conversation. Also with Cuban music in the background. 5040[444].

MADAGASCAR Adventist World Radio-AWR 3215 0326 Malagasy 333 May 10 OM talking to an audience. Mentions , Amen often.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee WWRB 3185 0320 English 433 May 10 OM interviewing an OM on the oil spill the Gulf of Mexico-Carribean Sea.

UNITED STATES, WWCR #3 4840 0343 English 444 May 10 OM talking about the Holy Spirit. //5935[444].

UNITED STATES, Tennessee WWRB 5050 0351 English 444 May 10 Churches of Christ program. Choir vocal music 0353.

UNITED STATES, WWCR #2 5935 0359 English 444 May 10 OM preacher with comments on Egypt and Israel. OM with an ID 0400.

UNTED STATES WYFR Radio Taiwan Intl Relay-RTI 5950 0405 Mandarin 444 May 10 YL and OM with comments.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"