AUSTRALIA Radio Australia-Shepparton 15560 2240 English 333 July 4 OM with comments on the latest events happing in Iraq. //15515[333] Shep and 15230[333]Shep.
CANADA China Radio Intl Relay-CRI 11840 2313 English 333 July 5 OM with comments on the ouster of the Honduras president.
COSTA RICA Radio Exterior Espana Relay-REE 11815 1656 Spanish 333 July 3 OM with comments.
CUBA Radio Nacional Venezuela Relay-RNV 13680 2344 Spanish 333 July 5 OM singing Granada song. OM ancr 2345. YL with Radio Nacional Venezuela ID 2347.
ECUADOR HCJB Global 12040 2305 German 333 July 4 OM with comments.
GERMANY Voice of Croatia Relay 9925 2340 Croatian 333 July 5 Two OMs with comments plus some vocal music.
JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 11665 2317 Japanese 333 July 5 YL with comments.
SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana-REE 15110 2240 Spanish 433 July 4 OM with comments.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"