** CHINA. Firedrake July 12: at 1255 VG on 13970, nothing on 14420/14430 or any higher frequency up to 19 MHz. At 1259 fair on 8400, nothing on 9000, but at 1309 nothing on 8400 either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [and non]. RHC 11760 back in English, fortunately, UT Sunday July 12 at 0535 allowing DXers Unlimited to be heard; but as often happens, co-channel QRM from NHK`s Russian service; also // 6010, 6060, while 6000, 6120 and 6140 in Spanish, and a het on 6120. What could that be? Only other station listed at that hour is TWR Swaziland in English; are they ever so off-frequency?
RHC 11800 with its habitual distortion was audible before 1300, but not afterwards at 1317 check; at 1320, 13760 was missing leaving VOK English in the clear, while 13680 and 13780 were inbooming, 15120 and 15360 audible but not inbooming.
I haven`t checked for the RHC Esperanto service in several weeks, scheduled Sundays only at 1500-1530 on 11760, but others have found it missing. And it`s still missing July 12 at 1503, when extended Spanish broadcast was best on 11760 along with 13760, 6000 and a weak signal on 5965, probably same. Nothing on 13750 so Aló, Presidente remains suspended too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA NORTH. VOK, 11735 transmitter very dirty July 12 with anthem until 1250*, and jamming-like grind extending 11725 to 11745, first noticed on 11725 bothering YFR via Pet/Kam, RUSSIA in Chinese, as I had closed down the night before tuned to RNZI. In fact, the grind could be some kind of mix with a real jamming transmitter at same site. Next check at 1315, VOK Chinese back on 11735 along with the hash, incidentally also bothering VOA Korean on 11740 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. 11980 fair at 0537 July 12 with nice ME music, vocal with string accompaniment. This must be VOT`s Turkish service aimed usward at 310 degrees altho not often audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. Not much makes it on 41m vs noisy bands in summer mornings here, but July 12 at 1311 could hear weak singing in unknown language on 7225; by chance there was no QRhaM at the moment! If I were list-logging by PWBR `2009` I would have to conclude it was PBS Sichuan, Chengdu, China, 50 kW. However, checking current schedules, such as Aoki, which does show PSB Sichuan 2, Xichang 520 site with 10 kW in Chinese at 1300-1330, I would conclude it was instead VOA Korean via Tinian at 12-14, 250 kW, 329 degrees. And I could have //ed it to 11740 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 11776, still hearing unstable het against Anguilla 11775, July 12 at 1316. Suspect it has something to do with ChiCom jamming of AIR Tibetan service via GOA at 1215-1330 on 11775. Or it could be a remnant of DentroCuban jamming against Martí which uses 11775 only at a totally different daypart, 0000-0300, per Aoki listings. 25m was hot for E Asian reception today, unlike 31 and 22 m (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
** CUBA [and non]. RHC 11760 back in English, fortunately, UT Sunday July 12 at 0535 allowing DXers Unlimited to be heard; but as often happens, co-channel QRM from NHK`s Russian service; also // 6010, 6060, while 6000, 6120 and 6140 in Spanish, and a het on 6120. What could that be? Only other station listed at that hour is TWR Swaziland in English; are they ever so off-frequency?
RHC 11800 with its habitual distortion was audible before 1300, but not afterwards at 1317 check; at 1320, 13760 was missing leaving VOK English in the clear, while 13680 and 13780 were inbooming, 15120 and 15360 audible but not inbooming.
I haven`t checked for the RHC Esperanto service in several weeks, scheduled Sundays only at 1500-1530 on 11760, but others have found it missing. And it`s still missing July 12 at 1503, when extended Spanish broadcast was best on 11760 along with 13760, 6000 and a weak signal on 5965, probably same. Nothing on 13750 so Aló, Presidente remains suspended too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA NORTH. VOK, 11735 transmitter very dirty July 12 with anthem until 1250*, and jamming-like grind extending 11725 to 11745, first noticed on 11725 bothering YFR via Pet/Kam, RUSSIA in Chinese, as I had closed down the night before tuned to RNZI. In fact, the grind could be some kind of mix with a real jamming transmitter at same site. Next check at 1315, VOK Chinese back on 11735 along with the hash, incidentally also bothering VOA Korean on 11740 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. 11980 fair at 0537 July 12 with nice ME music, vocal with string accompaniment. This must be VOT`s Turkish service aimed usward at 310 degrees altho not often audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. Not much makes it on 41m vs noisy bands in summer mornings here, but July 12 at 1311 could hear weak singing in unknown language on 7225; by chance there was no QRhaM at the moment! If I were list-logging by PWBR `2009` I would have to conclude it was PBS Sichuan, Chengdu, China, 50 kW. However, checking current schedules, such as Aoki, which does show PSB Sichuan 2, Xichang 520 site with 10 kW in Chinese at 1300-1330, I would conclude it was instead VOA Korean via Tinian at 12-14, 250 kW, 329 degrees. And I could have //ed it to 11740 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 11776, still hearing unstable het against Anguilla 11775, July 12 at 1316. Suspect it has something to do with ChiCom jamming of AIR Tibetan service via GOA at 1215-1330 on 11775. Or it could be a remnant of DentroCuban jamming against Martí which uses 11775 only at a totally different daypart, 0000-0300, per Aoki listings. 25m was hot for E Asian reception today, unlike 31 and 22 m (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###