venerdì 17 luglio 2009

Glenn Hauser logs July 15-16, 2009

** CHINA. Firedrake July 16: at 1310 fair on 15150, none heard higher. At 1312, poor on 14430, nothing on 13970. At 1339 poor and about equal on 9000 and 8400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. VOI missing from 9526/9525 July 16 at 1334 --- no trace of a carrier anywhere around here, nor on 11785/11786 where could only hear the usual ChiCom jamming/VOA Chinese mixture SAHing on 11785.0. And at 1335 check, 15150 was still occupied by Firedrake, where it is occasionally heard presumably against Sound of Hope. 9525, 11785 and 15150 are the frequencies VOI always announces in English even tho only one at a time is in use, or in this case, none (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Bandscanning July 16 at 1317 came upon strong and distorted SSB on 11436, Coast Guard net with control station calling a bunch of other stations which had much weaker signals. The few stations I could barely hear answering seemed to be a similar-sounding YL. Format was same with each call, but due to distortion, background noise, mumbling speech of op, it was hard to understand his ID given twice, but I suppose it was ``Camslant Chesapeake`` as previously logged last October 30 at the same hour. Referred to ``11 meg frequency``, ``Lima Charlie`` -- meaning loud and clear? Stations contacted included District 7 Miami, Coast Guard Air Station Lincoln(?), Sector San Juan, Sector Key West, at 1320 Clearwater, 1324 Charleston (which one?), 1327 Upper Mississippi (where is that exactly?). At 1330 announced the net was concluding. My October log started on 7530 and they QSYed to 11436 at 1316 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. Following Brazilian reports of Family Radio on unlisted 9855 in the 00-01 UT period July 15, I looked for it 24 hours later, starting at 2359 July 15: the tests via GUIANA FRENCH on 9790 and 9935 were not yet on, as Sackville DRM was ending on 9790, then weak signal on 9790 and by 0001 UT July 16 // 9935 was also on. This was about Family Radio, but not the all-Harold Camping stream, which was even weaker on Ascension 9835 // 7335. But nothing on 9855.

I thought I heard the announcer refer to ``the late Harold Camping``, but surely not! He`s got to last until at least Oct. 20, 2011. Googling for a new obit, I instead found several sites by irate `true Christians` claiming Camping runs a cult with Family Radio, e.g.:

Recheck at 0014 in case anything changed: no, still nothing on 9855

Oops, word just in from Adalberto Marques de Azevedo: Previous logs should have been reported as 9935, not 9855. Never mind. We already know that 9935 and 9790 are via French Guiana (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###