** BULGARIA. 9600 with choral music July 27 at 0542. If it`s in –00, chances are it`s R. Bulgaria, and quickly confirmed as such by // 11600 with about same good reception. This is the German semi-hour at 306 degrees on both, exactly the same azimuth as used for NAm (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CANADA. CFRX had been reported missing from 6070 lately, and July 27 at 1318 check no sign of it here, so off the air? No, Steve Lare in much closer Michigan was hearing it at 1230, but much weaker than usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake July 27: at 1313 fair on 8400, and also at 1319 on 9000. At 1329 nothing audible on 13970; at 1334 very poor with flutter on 14430 and 15150, no other solo Firedrake heard. But Firedrake mixed with CNR1 jamming was again the case at 1324 on 12040 and at 1326 on 11805. CNR1-only jamming at 1327 on 11785 mixing with target also in Chinese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. UT July 27 at 0534 on 11760, RHC in Spanish with 26 de Julio speech including PA reverb on the Plaza, applause, at the moment recounting Cuba`s first revolution against Spanish colonialism. Concluded with ``¡Viva Fidel!`` --- ``¡Viva!,`` spurts the crowd; ``¡Viva Cuba Libre!`` --- ``¡Viva!``, spurts the crowd again.
Suspect it was Hermano Raúl, who seems to be sounding more vigorous as he gets to orate more. Why he would be calling for rum drinx or a clandestine radio station to live long, I don`t know. Yes, outro at 0535 said it was Raúl, on the 56th anniversary of Moncada. 0551 checked the 49m outlets and found Spanish also on 6120, 6000, English on 6140, 6060, 6010. 11760 was atop NHK in Russian // 11715 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH AFRICA. 11690, poor with VTC fill music loop, July 27 at 0533, when SENTECH is supposed to be carrying R. Okapi to the Congo DR. This happens far too frequently. No RTTY QRM at this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENERS)
** U K. 9915 at 0540 July 27 in Arabic, along with some noise and hum on frequency, unsure of source. Listed as BBCWS both via Skelton 300 kW, 180 degrees and Rampisham 250 kW, 140 degrees between 0500 and 0700, tho Skelton starts by itself at 0400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. July 27 at 1330, no signal on 13845, so figured there was zero sporadic E this morning --- but when I came to 15825, WWCR was inbooming, so 13845 was off the air and Es was in play; still could hear PMS on Anguilla 11775, whew, so all is not lost. BTW, her Costa Rica outlets kept being registered as if they were on the air, but not any more.
Since ``Tony Alámo`` was convicted Friday and removed from the WWCR schedule on Saturday, today`s the day, Monday July 27, to find what replaced him at 13-14 UT on 15825. At 1330, black gospel music; 1335 ad for American Family Insurance, more mx; 1351, ad for Shower to Shower body powder (did Tony ever use that to make himself more attractive to the girls he ``married``?), American Family Insurance again, which it seems is the sponsor of the show ``Inspirations Across America``.
1358 cut to a Creation Moment, in the relentless drive by the forces of ignorance to bury the scientific method. 1400 WWCR ID, serving the Statue of Liberty --- has anyone ever really heard WWCR inside the SOL? All that metal should be quite a barrier to SW signals, tho maybe audible with a clear shot from the crown outlook. Then another show ``The Liberating Secret, with Sylvia Pierce``. Make that Pearce, per the WWCR online sked, which does show that, but still just TBA for the previous hour.
The huge signal on 15825, if not 13845, called for another routine check of 18770 for the WWRB harmonic --- yes, at 1337 peaking S9+10 with Hallelujah Chorus // 9385, 1339 segué to a bit of another hymn, overcome by BS. After 1430 there was Es reaching channel 2 TV, such as bits of the Hoy morning show from Mexico`s Televisa around 1530 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [non]. These YFR tests (?) to SAm in English via Ascension have been canceled: 22-01 on 9835, 00-03 on 7335, 9420, the latter two clashing with Vatican and Greece respectively, and replaced with:
22-23 on 6035, 23-01 on 7235. None of this confirmed yet by monitoring (Glenn Hauser, July 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
** CANADA. CFRX had been reported missing from 6070 lately, and July 27 at 1318 check no sign of it here, so off the air? No, Steve Lare in much closer Michigan was hearing it at 1230, but much weaker than usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake July 27: at 1313 fair on 8400, and also at 1319 on 9000. At 1329 nothing audible on 13970; at 1334 very poor with flutter on 14430 and 15150, no other solo Firedrake heard. But Firedrake mixed with CNR1 jamming was again the case at 1324 on 12040 and at 1326 on 11805. CNR1-only jamming at 1327 on 11785 mixing with target also in Chinese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. UT July 27 at 0534 on 11760, RHC in Spanish with 26 de Julio speech including PA reverb on the Plaza, applause, at the moment recounting Cuba`s first revolution against Spanish colonialism. Concluded with ``¡Viva Fidel!`` --- ``¡Viva!,`` spurts the crowd; ``¡Viva Cuba Libre!`` --- ``¡Viva!``, spurts the crowd again.
Suspect it was Hermano Raúl, who seems to be sounding more vigorous as he gets to orate more. Why he would be calling for rum drinx or a clandestine radio station to live long, I don`t know. Yes, outro at 0535 said it was Raúl, on the 56th anniversary of Moncada. 0551 checked the 49m outlets and found Spanish also on 6120, 6000, English on 6140, 6060, 6010. 11760 was atop NHK in Russian // 11715 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH AFRICA. 11690, poor with VTC fill music loop, July 27 at 0533, when SENTECH is supposed to be carrying R. Okapi to the Congo DR. This happens far too frequently. No RTTY QRM at this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENERS)
** U K. 9915 at 0540 July 27 in Arabic, along with some noise and hum on frequency, unsure of source. Listed as BBCWS both via Skelton 300 kW, 180 degrees and Rampisham 250 kW, 140 degrees between 0500 and 0700, tho Skelton starts by itself at 0400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. July 27 at 1330, no signal on 13845, so figured there was zero sporadic E this morning --- but when I came to 15825, WWCR was inbooming, so 13845 was off the air and Es was in play; still could hear PMS on Anguilla 11775, whew, so all is not lost. BTW, her Costa Rica outlets kept being registered as if they were on the air, but not any more.
Since ``Tony Alámo`` was convicted Friday and removed from the WWCR schedule on Saturday, today`s the day, Monday July 27, to find what replaced him at 13-14 UT on 15825. At 1330, black gospel music; 1335 ad for American Family Insurance, more mx; 1351, ad for Shower to Shower body powder (did Tony ever use that to make himself more attractive to the girls he ``married``?), American Family Insurance again, which it seems is the sponsor of the show ``Inspirations Across America``.
1358 cut to a Creation Moment, in the relentless drive by the forces of ignorance to bury the scientific method. 1400 WWCR ID, serving the Statue of Liberty --- has anyone ever really heard WWCR inside the SOL? All that metal should be quite a barrier to SW signals, tho maybe audible with a clear shot from the crown outlook. Then another show ``The Liberating Secret, with Sylvia Pierce``. Make that Pearce, per the WWCR online sked, which does show that, but still just TBA for the previous hour.
The huge signal on 15825, if not 13845, called for another routine check of 18770 for the WWRB harmonic --- yes, at 1337 peaking S9+10 with Hallelujah Chorus // 9385, 1339 segué to a bit of another hymn, overcome by BS. After 1430 there was Es reaching channel 2 TV, such as bits of the Hoy morning show from Mexico`s Televisa around 1530 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [non]. These YFR tests (?) to SAm in English via Ascension have been canceled: 22-01 on 9835, 00-03 on 7335, 9420, the latter two clashing with Vatican and Greece respectively, and replaced with:
22-23 on 6035, 23-01 on 7235. None of this confirmed yet by monitoring (Glenn Hauser, July 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###