mercoledì 13 maggio 2009

Early Argentine Radio

Early Argentine Radio
From Parsifal to Peron
The Pacific Connection

The Radio Heritage Foundation has released a new article reviewing the book 'From Parsifal to Peron' by Robert H Claxton at its global website

Argentina began radio broadcasting in 1920, and its early history was based around radio amateurs who pushed new boundaries every day, proving that radio heritage is globally connected, and unable to be viewed just in the context of one nation's story.

By 1924, Argentina and New Zealand had set a joint world record for long distance radio broadcasting, and the article includes a photo of the equipment used to connect the two countries across the Pacific.

The article critically reviews this story of the early days of non-commercial radio in Argentina, and how radio radiated from Buenos Aires across the provinces, and very early on, across the Americas and to the world.

Using images from collections in New Zealand, Argentina and the USA, the article at brings color to the story of early Argentine radio, again confirming how Argentina soon became an important international broadcasting nation.

"Many Argentine radio stations have been heard across the Pacific since the 1920's" says the Radio Heritage Foundation, "and we believe this is a story worth telling. We plan to expand our Argentine and South American radio heritage content in the near future."

'Parsifal to Peron' by Robert H Claxton does a good job explaining how radio became so popular in Argentina, and because it is written in English, it broadens the audience beyond Argentines themselves.

We warmly recommend this article at to all those interested in Argentine media, and those who want to understand a little more about how Argentine radio developed in an international context.

Amongst the images are art work from LR1 Radio El Mundo, LS2 Radio Prieto, LR5 Radio Excelsior and even a brochure promoting 'El Cuando' from the Argentine Dance Series issued by the Argentine International Broadcasting Services in the mid-1930's.