BRASIL Radio Nacional da Amazonia 11780 2253 Portuguese 333 Apr 16
Two OMs with ongoing comments.
CUBA Radio Nacional Venezuela Relay 11670 2247 Spanish 444 Apr 16 OM with ID 2248 then into more comments.
ECUADOR HCJB Global 11920 2302 Portuguese 333 Apr 16 YL with comments plus a YL in vocal singing. MacKenzie-CA.
JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 9835 1820 Japanese 333 Apr 16 YL singing then two OMs in a conversation. Male singing 1823.
JAPAN Radio Kapan-NHK 13640 2300 Japanese 444 Apr 16 YL with comments. Another YL 2310 with music and comments.
RUSSIA Voice of Russia-VOR 9890 0253 English 433 Apr 16 YL with comments followed by orchestra music. YL with an ID of VOR 0258. This Is Moscow ID 0300 by an OM. //9665[433]via Moldova.
SAIPAN Radio Free Asia-RFA 9355 1815 Chinese 433 Apr 16 OM with comments. //9455[333]Saipan.
SAUDI ARABIA BS of the Kingdom 11820 2256 Arabic 333 Apr 16 OM with comments and suddenly off the air2258.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
Two OMs with ongoing comments.
CUBA Radio Nacional Venezuela Relay 11670 2247 Spanish 444 Apr 16 OM with ID 2248 then into more comments.
ECUADOR HCJB Global 11920 2302 Portuguese 333 Apr 16 YL with comments plus a YL in vocal singing. MacKenzie-CA.
JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 9835 1820 Japanese 333 Apr 16 YL singing then two OMs in a conversation. Male singing 1823.
JAPAN Radio Kapan-NHK 13640 2300 Japanese 444 Apr 16 YL with comments. Another YL 2310 with music and comments.
RUSSIA Voice of Russia-VOR 9890 0253 English 433 Apr 16 YL with comments followed by orchestra music. YL with an ID of VOR 0258. This Is Moscow ID 0300 by an OM. //9665[433]via Moldova.
SAIPAN Radio Free Asia-RFA 9355 1815 Chinese 433 Apr 16 OM with comments. //9455[333]Saipan.
SAUDI ARABIA BS of the Kingdom 11820 2256 Arabic 333 Apr 16 OM with comments and suddenly off the air2258.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"