AUSTRALIA Radio Australia-Shepparton 15560 2237 English 232 Apr 17 YL and OM with comments. //15515[333]Shepparton and 15230[333]Shepparton..
BONAIRE Radio Japan Relay-NHK 15265 2244 Japanese 433 Apr 17 YL with ID followed by Classical Piano music. //13640[232] and 13760[232].
BRASIL Radio Nacional Amazonia 11780 2317 Portugues 444 Apr 17 OM with Musica program with music vocals.
CANADA Radio China Intl Relay-CRI 11990 2307 Spanish 444 Apr 17 OM with RCI ID. YL with ID 2308 followed by an OM with comments.
CUBA Radio Habana Cuba-RHC 11605 2325 Spanish 333 Arp 17 YL with comments and RHC ID.
ECUADOR HCJB Global 12040 2236 German 444 Apr 17 YL with comments. Childrens Choir music 2257. OM with an ID 2259 plus time pips 2300.
ECUADOR HCJB Global 11920 2310 Portuguese 433 Apr 17 YL with comments and interlude vocal music.
RWANDA Voice of Germany Relay-DW 11865 2312 German 333 Apr 17 Two OMs with comments. Also a YL at times.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
BONAIRE Radio Japan Relay-NHK 15265 2244 Japanese 433 Apr 17 YL with ID followed by Classical Piano music. //13640[232] and 13760[232].
BRASIL Radio Nacional Amazonia 11780 2317 Portugues 444 Apr 17 OM with Musica program with music vocals.
CANADA Radio China Intl Relay-CRI 11990 2307 Spanish 444 Apr 17 OM with RCI ID. YL with ID 2308 followed by an OM with comments.
CUBA Radio Habana Cuba-RHC 11605 2325 Spanish 333 Arp 17 YL with comments and RHC ID.
ECUADOR HCJB Global 12040 2236 German 444 Apr 17 YL with comments. Childrens Choir music 2257. OM with an ID 2259 plus time pips 2300.
ECUADOR HCJB Global 11920 2310 Portuguese 433 Apr 17 YL with comments and interlude vocal music.
RWANDA Voice of Germany Relay-DW 11865 2312 German 333 Apr 17 Two OMs with comments. Also a YL at times.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"