sabato 4 aprile 2009

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

AUSTRALIA   Radio Australia-Shepparton-RA   15560  2218  English  333  March 30  OM with a conversation with a YL about financial conditions in the London Stock Market.

BONAIRE   Radio Netherlands Intl Relay-RNI   17605  2225  Dutch  444  March 30  OM with Business News. IS 2226 and off the air 2227.

CANADA   China Radio Intl Relay-CRI   13700  2210  Spanish  433  March 30  YL with comments plus music interludes.

CHILE   CVC La Voz   17680  2228  Spanish  444  March 30  Pop music then OM with comments. CVC ID by an OM and YL.

JAPAN   RAdio Japan-NHK   13640  2207  Japanese  433  March 30  YL with comments. OM with Japanese music 2320.

PORTUGAL   R.D.P.   9820  2245  Portuguese  333  March 30  OM with comments.    MacKenzie-CA.

RWANDA   Voice of Germany Relay-DW   9775  2252  German  333  March 30  Two OMs in a conversation.

SPAIN   Radio Exteria Espana-REE   15110  2214  Spanish  433  March 30  OM with comments plus a YL asking questions to the OM.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"