domenica 5 aprile 2009

Shortwave Logs from WDX6AA

CANADA   CBCNQ   9625  2324  English  433  April 1  YL with talk on Business Today program. News mentions murders by rebels in Africa. Pop music 2325.

CANADA   China Radio Intl Relay-CRI  11840  2327  English  444  April 1
OM on local health care and rich people in China. OM with Weather report in Beijing and other cities.

CANADA   China  Radio Intl Relay-CRI   13700  2247  Spanish  433  April 2  YL vocal music, YL with ID 2248. Then an OM and YL with comments.

ECUADOR   HCJB Global   12040  2234  German  433  April 2  YL and OM with comments.

MARIANAS, North   Radio Free Asia-RFA via Tinian   13740  2250  Chinese  333  April 2  YL with comments. OM with comments 2252. No Music Jammer was heard.

RWANDA   Voice of Germany Relay-DW   9430  2302  German  433  April 1  OM with comments and mentioning Pres Obama and London often. DW ID 2305 by an OM. //9775[444].

THAILAND   VOA Relay   13755  2312  English  433  April 1  OM with Do You Speak English? in Special English program. Functioning in Business at 2317 by YL and OM. //15145[333] Philippines.

UNKNOWN   Unknown Station?   12095  2240  Lanuage unknown  232  April 2
YL and OM with comments. Tis a very noisy frequency.   

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"