lunedì 6 aprile 2009

Glenn Hauser logs April 6, 2009

** BURMA [non]. 11685, April 6 at 1345 some exotic music followed by Burmese talk, with its typical rising inflexion at the end of sentences. Bothered by RTTY from 11687.5. This is Democratic Voice of Burma via T8BZ, PALAU (a.k.a. KHBN), 100 kW due west, at 1300-1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 9845 with huge signal in very lively Chinese, CNR1? April 6 at 1325 and // slightly weaker 9985. Guess what? China is not scheduled on either frequency, but VOA Mandarin is, via Tinang, PHILIPPINES and Tinian, NMI, respectively, // 6110, 11785, 11805, 11990 and 12040 per VOA A09 schedule.

VOA totally inaudible here under this massive jamming; like a spoiled child, the ChiCom screams on the same frequencies, to prevent America from getting one word into Chinese ears. What a loss of face! Aren`t Chinese supposed to be hospitable? If the jamming is so effective way over here, how much worse can it be in China itself? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. RNW via Tinang, PHILIPPINES, 9650, definitely Dutch underneath CRI via Sackville in English, April 6 at 1309. Greatest QRM level yet heard to CRI, and no doubt worsens in western N America. Was still hearing it slightly past scheduled 1327*. Another instance of the hyped HFCC collision-detexion system failing to flag, each from different continents to widely divergent target areas --- but there you are (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 7200, haunting music interrupted by W&M speaking Russian, April 6 at 0543. Presumed Yakutsk as scheduled 1900-1500, 250 kW at 45 degrees for remote Siberia but also rather USward. The transmitter which used to be motor-boating, so I checked with BFO. It is still slightly unstable, but not noticeable in AM mode. And presumably the same one I still hear around 1230, encroaching on the worldwide hamband (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 9541.5 making a good het against China on 9540, April 6 at 1331. Could not separate any audio, but on this frequency surely it`s Solomons with their overnight BBCWS relay. Fortunately, no DentroCuban jamming audible from 9545 at this hour.

BTW, since I am not competing against anyone, not trying to rack up a country count, Solomons already heard and verified sesquidecades ago, I make no apologies for such presumed loggings, which people are free to take or leave. Those who wish to take it may find this a useful tip and be able to pull some audio; and I am also documenting the behavior of stations which may be of historical interest later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WWRB spurs reappear when the fundamental 9385 builds up in strength. Still weakish on 9385 around 1300 April 6 and no spurs detectable, but by 1335, 9385 was inbooming and there was Brother Scare on 9317.1 and matching 9452.9, the latter QRMing Thailand on new 9455 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###