domenica 18 aprile 2021

Wolfgang Bueschel: log April 18, at 13 - 14 UT time slot

5025even CUB  Radio Rebelde, Bauta site, weak and tiny, JBA at 13.12 UT.
 6000even CUB  RHC Quivican San Felipe TITAN site, 250 kW transmission,
          Spanish talk on 4th Party Congress. S=8 rather weak signal
          during dark grayline area, in Edmonton, Alberta-CAN SDR remotedly
          at 13.20 UT.
 6170.005 NZL  R NZ PACIFIC program in English, scheduled in A-21 season
          13.00-16.45 UT, at 13.23 UT S=9+15dB signal strength in Canada,
          talk by two female program producer, discussion about philosophy
          in university  ...
Wiki: Striving for knowledge about the meaning of life, the essence of
the world and the position of man in the world; Doctrine, science of the
knowledge of the meaning of life, the world. Personal way of looking
at life and things.
 9535even CUB  RHC Bejucal 50 kW site, S=3 or -112dBm, JBA, bad 31 mb
          propagation, but at 13.30 UT noted equal QRM co-channel fq by CRI
          in Indonesian SoEaAsian foreign service, Kunming to zone ITU #54.
 9650even CUB  RHC Bejucal in Sp to Antilles, north-eastern South America,
          S=4 or -102dBm weak at 13.35 UT on April 18.
11760even CUB  RHC Bauta in Spanish S=8 -82dBm, \\ 6000, 9535, 9650 kHz.
13699.995 CUB  RHC Bauta bcast center site, S=4-5 or -101dBm,
and much stronger in 22 meterband too on
13740even CUB  RHC Bauta in Spanish, S=9+15dB in Canada at 13.39 UT.
Audio quality in both 22 mb on 13700 and 13740 kHz was not bad today.
Accompanied noted - symmetrical - two intermodulation spurs from
Bauta bcast center site curtain dipole antenna systems:
13630 and 13770 kHz some 70 kHz apart distance intermodulations
at 13.43 UT on April 18.
13844.987 much odd fq by USA  WWCR religious music singer chorus program,
          S=7 or -86dBm signal at 13.46 UT.
15140even CUB  RHC Spanish, distorted signal, small band range audio,
          weak S=6 or -91dBm signal at 13.48 UT, and little stronger on
15229.999 CUB  RHC La Habana via Quivican San Felipe Titan site towards
          Brazil / South America, at 13.51 UT on April 18.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 18)