Radiocom, the company ensuring the broadcast of RRI's programmes, has announced Galbeni transmitter has been brought back into service and all frequencies ensured by this transmitter are working properly.
The second transmitter, in Ţigăneşti (near Bucharest), is still out of service, and Radiocom is making efforts to remedy the situation.
Shortwave frequencies for broadcasts in Romanian, English (azimuth New York, Los Angeles, London, Tokyo), French (azimuth Montreal, Central Africa, Maghreb), German (azimuth Berlin), Spanish (azimuth Mexico, Madrid, Buenos Aires), Russia (azimuth Moscow, Novosibirsk), Arabic (azimuth Maghreb and Mashrek) and Chinese (azimuth Beijing).
We'll keep you in the loop and in the meantime invite you to tune in to RRI's broadcasts using the remaining working frequencies, online (including on demand) as well as via mobile apps and satellite.