domenica 25 aprile 2021

Glenn Hauser logs April 23-24, 2021

** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98-CUSB, Sat Apr 24 at 1407 I check my own outside antenna for any trace of LRA36, but none as expected for 300 watts, which is however still a `good DX catch` a few thousand km away at Brasil remotes. I do bring Pardinho up at 1459, and there it is, S5-S7 with a chronology for Apr 24, evidently `this day in history`. Lots of IDs ensue, bits of music, 1519 multi-contact info, 1520 ``hasta la próxima``, Antártida theme song.

But restarting at 1523, ``a partir de este momento``, informal ID as ``Radio San Gabriel`` without the Arcángel title; telling us in Spanish, German, English; and Korean? --- thought it ended with ``imnida`` --- that the broadcast is in: Spanish! and shortly same announcement repeated. 1545 rock song in English; still past 1600 but off at next check 1657.

On the remote`s waterfall, when tuned to reference frequency 15475.98-USB, the signal audio axually covers from 15476.20 to 15478.75 with sharp edges. I suspect interest in LRA36 has lagged as no one else reports it today and so I don`t bother to remind everyone of the regular Wed & Fri-only appearances (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 9640, April 23 at 2236, surprise, RHC Spanish is here ex-9650. 9640 had been in use last year until sudden switch to 9650, and now the reverse; why? Still at 0136 April 24. 9650 had been in use both morning and evening, so morning too on 9640? Yes, April 24 at 1334 check, S9 but undermodulated.

This is good news for Guinea, which could run 18 hours a day on its only SW frequency 9650, tho has been quite irregular, as Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal also notes. Let`s look at what else RHC confront on each per Aoki, without great detail:

9650: Guinea, Taiwan, Sa`udi Arabia, Korea North
9640: CRI Spanish via East Turkistan until 2300; Korea South from 1530, Iran from 1550; should RHC be on that late but was only 11-15 & 21-05 on 9650; so 9640 is mostly clearer.

I`m fairly sure RHC did not QSY because of the local unID device I have producing weak carriers every 50 kHz between ~7 and 15 MHz; with BFO they are just a smidgin less than 50.000 kHz apart, offset pitch ascending as I step up MHz by MHz; ideas? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 11850, April 24 at 0145, RHC Spanish is JBM and suptorted, with much weaker parasites on 11840 & 11860; the latter also with irregular beeps at a slow rate out of conflicting residual Cuban jammer. The spur carrier makes them audible without BFO, beating against it. 0213 recheck, still spurs, no beeps. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 5040, April 24 at 0207, RHC Spanish undermodulated, talk sounds the same as on 5025 Rebelde, a live event? But not // tho could be same out of synch; but soon audio diverges completely. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 6100, April 24 at 0410, RHC S9+10/20 suptorted in Spanish, tho supposedly does not start until 0500 English. 6060 is also undermod S9 Spanish; and 5040 Spanish; while English is at least on 6000 & 6165. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** ERITREA [non]. 17545v, April 24 at 1531, I`m trying to detect Bayto Yiakl, the American-based clandestine scheduled via RMI via FRANCE Wed & Sat at 1530-1600 during B-season, but is it still there in A-season? No remotes very close to target, and no signal to Kuwait, India, Iceland, Brasil; and RSA is blocked.

But UTwente is getting a trace, despite being way too close to France in skip zone. And it`s off-frequency as originally noted here: 17544.95971 at first and by 1537 Synch reading 17544.96728. No ID or even audio of course, but if anything is there, this should be it. Hope it does better to Eritrea! Greece remote also gets a JBA carrier, not even enough to lock onto. Gone from UTw by 1606 check. BTW not a single member of the WOR iog replied to my advance request, to check this out on Wed Apr 21; as I had to be away from radio then (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NEW ZEALAND. 11725, Apr 23 at 0601, no signal from RNZI, nor any carriers on 15720, 13840 or 13730; tho Vanuatu 11835 is audible. So where is NZ? Maybe unpropagable higher frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NIGERIA. 7254.9+, April 23 at 0552, big S9+10/20 open carrier, as VON is back here warming up; 0557 recheck in great IS of African percussion and winds; 0600 sign-on in Hausa with two words understood, ``Nigeria`` and ``kilohertz`` --- I wonder if they announce this frequency when really on 11769.9+? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6960-AM, UT Sat Apr 24 at 0118, pirate music S9-S7, no doubt Ball Smacker Radio again fulfilling its regular schedule of 7 pm MDT Fridays. Yes, 0143 YL ID about this time, and concluding with ten-pins crash noise. S9/+10 but really too much storm noise around here; in fact, I have just switched to the indoor-longwire to avoid lightning, and R75 stays on it rest of evening for logs thru 0410. Many more logs here including detailed playlist until 0224*:,80643.0.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6960-USB, recheck for BSR at 0243 April 24, pirate music but now on USB so different station; too much storm noise to stay with it, but these say it`s Voice of Alice (Cooper):,80649.0.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** PERU. 4752.47v, April 23 at 2357 via Bonaire SDR, R. Huanta Dos Mil is still here, SAM offset varying .467 to .472. Instead of cutting off circa 0030 as before, at rechex 0030, 0045 and 0100+ still going, vs CODAR.

It`s not audible via the occasionally active Bogotá SDR, where I`m also checking for the Colombian pirate on 6016+, active only on weekends, but not yet heard on either (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. While confined to indoor antennas due to storms, I`ve reactivated my Sony ICF SW07 with active antenna in a south-facing window, April 24 after 0300 UT, first finding dead air on 5950 WRMI while other frequencies such as 5800 are OK.

At 0408, 5950 with S9+10 of dead air; also 5850, then bursts of non-BS but TOM audio on and off on both (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SPAIN. 17855, April 23 at 2015, REE NAm frequency is VP S2-S4, while ME channel 15520 off the back is S1-S4, so that`s no help. Friday token English at 2202: 17855 now S9/+10 but soon fading down; 15520 S9-S7; 11940 S9+10/S7 the S American frequency is best.

After news review, 2203 something about a music project in El Salvador involving `El Sistema` as in Venezuela, and the native Nahuatl language, which I thought was in México, or more correctly, they say, Nahuat, without the -l -- I assume from only hearing it, not seeing it spelt. Guest was Sonia Mejía; 2226 finally plays a bit of the music. 2230 check of 17855 finds it still poorly audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 9830, April 23 at 2202, no signal from VOT direct, only RTTY. However, at 2230 check, RTTY is off and VOT English is on, but JBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 7602-USB, April 24 at 0113, sounds like a Civil Air Patrol net, mainly person with high-pitched voice, either woman or child. Not her? but some replies conclude with a beep. Keeps making contacts spelling out fonetikally secret messages, but trouble copying each other, asking for relays, etc. Extremely rigid para-military format. 0115 announces time as 0115 zulu; correct. Difficult copy here past 0124, due to weak signals, high storm noise level, and indoor antenna. But:

7615-USB, April 24 at 0125, I encounter the known CAP net, generally stronger, closer? signals, and one of them sounds like the same woman/child just heard on 7602-USB. Keeps referring to YX, presumably this net designator. Some of the tactical calls mentioned, either callers or callees, not necessarily spelt right: Light Speed 41; Blue Skies 52; Skyline 32; Rattlesnake 42; Fast Runner 37 & 31. Mentioned QSY to NNC, which must be secret name of another frequency; Silver something 34 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2083 monitoring: confirmed Friday April 23 at 2030 on Challenger Radio, 594 kHz, Villa Estense, Italy, as heard via nearby Noale KiwiSDR. Some program from Canada was cut off by 2029 for IRRS ID and WOR start on time.

While I`m listening on line, also bring up WOR 2083 webcast via World FM, NZ, and hear it ending at 2035 followed by ID in French! and Spanish music, so WOR on time from 2006 UT Friday.

Also confirmed Sat Apr 24 at 1328, tail of 1300 on WRMI 15770, JBA on indoor wire, but SWRG a few minutes later plenty beepery via outside antenna.

Also confirmed Sat Apr 24 from 1800:50 on IRRS Bulgaria? via UTwente, S9+15/25; with annoying skipping on this SDR, but none such when tuned via Carlow, Eire Kiwi, S9/+10. Earlier, 7290 cut on at 1759:48, with Aïda theme already in progress, but haven`t heard it at all for a few weeks with late joins. 1800:27 IRRS brief s/on only, no FSN headlines, some dead air until WOR start 23 seconds later. Then time for my lunch of a traditional breakfast, and recheck 1828 just in time to hear WOR ending clearly after 1829; IRRS ID asking for reports by p-mail for a numbered QSL; and into gospel music. Note: real times may have been a few seconds earlier considering internet delay.

WOR 2083 also confirmed Sat Apr 24 from 1959:17 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, MO, via nearby KB0FX remote, almost 30 minutes late. Sorry, there are now no SW times on NAm Sat afternoon or evening. Next:

0300vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0400]
2200vUT Sunday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW
2300 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE, 5800 to SSE
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 7780 to NE
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2200 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: thanks this week to Dan Sheedy, Encinitas, California, for a generous contribution to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702, ``Thanks for keeping accurate, reliable and timely DX info available all these years. Enclosed is a bit to help out all the WOR activities. Cheers from the Beach``

One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to woradio at (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. (7490v), UT Sat Apr 24 from 0000, WBCQ webcast with `AAAWWW`: I only dip in and out occasionally, as whenever I do, Angela is yelling about something, such as calling George Floyd a thug and that Chauvin should not have been convicted of murder. This is really repellant, except to those of like mind.

Allan sounds reasonable by comparison, but not really: again he makes no distinxion between socialism and communism (and Democrats), i.e. Democratic Socialism as successfully practiced in western Europe, vs Commie dictatorships. Of course that indistinxion we may blame on the CCCP by its very name, giving socialism a bad name for sesquidecades. Allan also mentions that he`s tired and thinking of retiring, turning the operation over to Angela. At 0045 says it`s on both 6160 and 7490; 0052 into email. Somewhat more detail from John Carver:

``Tonight's show started on time on both 6160 and 7490 with 7490 having the better signal. The het appeared about a minute after the top of the hour on 6160. Allan and Angela in the studio. Allan is feeling a little under the weather this evening and did some coughing and sneezing during the show. Allan and Angela talking amongst themselves for a bit. Allan stated that he and Angela had done some sight seeing in Fla today. Into politics within fifteen minutes. Anti taxes, anti stimulus checks, anti toll roads etc. This writer will not repeat what was said but Angela then jumped in and started talking about George Floyd. Allan didn't want to talk about it but got drawn in. A lot of raised voice as Angela got worked up into her rant about almost everything.

Phone call at 0032 pours more gas on the fire and also brought up many more conspiracy theories that hadn't been in the mix earlier. Call lasted for eight minutes and did nothing to calm Angela down.

Reading of emails at 0052 with most of the emails supporting Angela. Things flare up again during the reading of emails. Closing prayer at 0059 into music at 0100 and then into Hal Turner. John, Mid-North Indiana`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9330, Apr 24 at 0249, NO signal from 500 kW WLCR/WBCQ. Got to be OFF, since 9265 WINB is still well audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9265V, Apr 24 at 0249, WINB is S7-S9 with SWRG beepery; 0359 still on later than usual? with `Battle Hymn of the Republic`, unmarred, and then 0401 the merely secular `Star Spangled Banner` is treated as produxion music behind WINB sign-off, rather than Our National Anthem, to be played with respect.

But does not get 9265 turned off or at least silenced, before another program start `Back to Calvary` for a few seconds after 0402, then off. I guess it continue on webcast. No sked for that but B2C is supposedly at 9 pm EDT Fri = 01 UT Sat. America`s oldest private SW station still doesn`t have its basic act together.

Schedule still dated March 14 shows `Worship at Home` nightly except UT Sundays from 0300 - so it must be an hour long, but sign-off times or length of final show are never given (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** VANUATU. 11835, Apr 23 at 0601, R. Vanuatu with YL in presumed Bislama, S4-S5, as fundamental 3945 must have just come on. If this make it, NZ fundamental 11725 should too, but AWOL (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report despatched at 2135 UT April 24