USA 9974.999 kHz single Hertz lower side, compared to nearby WWV Colorado time and standard signal stn on 10 MHz.
At 06.13 UT on Dec 15
Jazz like program, trumpet player performance, of the 50ties and 60ties, "Saturday Night Jazz Hour" and Voice of Hope ID announced.
Best in Florida on Perseus SDR rx Net
S=9 at N9JY at Cape Canaveral site
S=8-9 at K2IE in NJ
S=6 at K2ZN in Rochester NY
S=8 at W8GTX in Detroit MI
depending of the used rx antennas ...
but very weak signal on the west coast not propagated well in deep night time slot there S=4-5 at K7LD in Seattle WA area, nor in VE6JY installation in Edmonton, Alberta CAN.
73 wolfie df5sx