martedì 15 dicembre 2020

100 Years special transmission on 810 kHz from Königs-Wusterhausen

100 Years of Radio from Funkerberg Königs Wusterhausen.

On the 22th December from 2 pm to 3 pm [13 UTC to 14 UTC] will be a transmission on 810
from Königs-Wusterhausen in Germany.

As I know they will use a T-antenna from freestanding towers, not the big mast.

The big mast contains a wire antenna for 177 kHz and was the backup of Zehlendorf.

It can also be heard on shortwave 5960 kHz. I don’t know anything about the power. (


The website for the "100 Jahre Rundfunk" is:
(it is also has an English language page).

The 5960 kHz shortwave frequency on 22nd December at 1300-1400 UTC is via Moosbrunn, Austria (100 kilowatts) re HFCC.

There is a report on a visit to Königs-Wusterhausen museum and transmitter site following the EDXC conference in Germany in 2012 on the BDXC website at: - which includes the history of the site. This extract about the broadcast on 22nd December 1920:

"After WW1, the radio station was taken over by the German Imperial Post in 1919, for the transmission of commercial messages. On 22 December 1920 however, a Christmas concert of music was broadcast for the first time, the brainchild of Hans Bredow (who is considered the “Father of German Radio”). The broadcasts, on 2700 metres longwave, resulted in letters from listeners in England, Holland, Luxembourg and the Nordic countries, but none from Germany, where radio listening was forbidden. "

(Alan Pennington via BDXC-News io group)