domenica 8 novembre 2020

FRS Holland Latest News about Sunday 8th November transmission

The first 3 hours- 09:52- 13:00 CET-  of the 40th Anniversary broadcast will be also aired on 6195.
FRS will be on 7700//5790 and 6160.

Because of a propagation issue, 3920 will start 1 or 2 hours earlier!
Surf to for latest news (will be published in the course of Sunday).
Have fun and enjoy our 40th Anniversary celebrations!

73s, Peter Verbruggen on behalf of the FRS team.

"FRS-Holland 1980-2020: 40 years on shortwave.

On Sunday November 8th FRS-Holland will celebrate 40 years of shortwave broadcasts. Following intensive preparations FRS is ready to offer an attractive programming that day.
This time we hope to surprise we won't reveal all details as far as the programme content is concerned. Tune in and find out! Of course our history plays an important part.
A hint: the music we play is closely associated to several aspects of FRS' past 40 years. Listen and enjoy.
To be honest: this won't be a typical broadcast for a quick listen...there's so much interesting to listen to next Sunday....sit down behind your SW receiver & make sure you are part of it.
In order to make listening convenient, next Sunday's broadcast will be aired on different frequencies ánd different times. In addition there will be a number of streams starting a few days
after the shortwave broadcasts. Take a look at our schedule.
There will be a special Anniversary QSL card. Besides: listeners who send in a letter/ report to P.O.Box 2702 in Herten will receive our FRS 40 years Souvenir booklet containing many interesting articles. Please enclose 5 euro to cover P&P. For an extra 5 euro we offer a FRS 40 years CD. This CD contains programme extracts from past & present, FRS 40th Anniversary jingles (recently produced for next Sunday) and a few surprises. 
We are looking forward to have your company next Sunday!

73's, Peter Verbruggen on behalf of the FRS team 

 *** LATEST NEWS *** Between 09:54- 13:00 CET FRS-Holland will also be on 6195 kHz.

 FRS-HOLLAND Programme-Schedule for Sunday November 8th 2020


FRS-Holland’s 40th Anniversary



Opening: IDs/ Theme Tune                                                 



Bert van Leer



Dave Scott



Jan van Dijk



Mike Taylor



Peter Verbruggen



End of programmes/ Closing down announcement











Our 40th anniversary broadcast is th 201nd one! As always FRS-Holland remains “Just a bit different.”

FRS-Holland 40th Anniversary Frequency Schedule

Sunday November 8th 2020






7700 kHz

08:52- 14:30 / 14:30- 20:00*

09:52- 15:30 / 15:30- 21:00*


5790 kHz

08:52- 14:30 / 14:30- 20:00*

09:52- 15:30 / 15:30- 21:00*


6160 kHz***

08:52- 14:30

09:52- 15:30


3920 kHz**

15:52- 21:30

16:52- 22:30








* Our full programming will be repeated on our two main frequencies being 7700 & 5790 kHz.
** The 3920  outlet offers best reception in the later afternoon & evening. So best option is to start at 17 CET to ensure good reception.
*** 6160 more or less runs in  parallel with our main 7700 & 5790 services.Only during the first run!

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain