This time we have to start with some very sad news. For a long time (first time was in the spring of 2004 when WMR began broadcasting from Denmark on 5815 and 15810 kHz) WMR - and now also Radio208 - have been allowed to use "out-of-band" frequencies on a non-interference basis by the Danish telecom authorities. Now this has come to an end. The Danish telecom authorities has now finally decided that Denmark will not comply with the ITU Radio Regulations article 4 which allows the use of out-of-band frequencies. As all Shortwave listeners know, the use of out-of-band frequencies is very widespread - it is the case for all or most of the Shortwave stations in the US, for BBC, in Norway, Armenia, Thailand, The Netherlands, France, Germany, India etc. And many of these stations utilise transmitter power of more than 100,000 Watts while WMR and Radio208 are using only 500 Watts at most.
So WMR and Radio208 are now forced to change frequencies - at a rather short notice. This means that it will no longer be impossible [a spelling error? perhaps wanted to write "possible" ? - Schoech] to reach our listeners on Shortwave during evening hours, at night and in the early morning hours due to the crowded 49 meter band.
Today Monday November 30th a license was received from the Danish telecom authorities to use these new frequencies:
5930 kHz - World Music Radio - Bramming - 100W (soon 500W) - daily
schedule: 0700-1745 - change from 5840 to 5930 due late December 2020
5970 kHz - Radio208 - Hvidovre - 250W - daily schedule: 0700-1600 - due
on air early December 2020
15790 kHz - World Music Radio - Randers - 200W - Saturdays & Sundays
0700-2000 UTC - change from 15805 to 15790 due as of December 12th 2020
No changes for Medium Wave 927 and 1440 kHz
Please help keeping AM radio alive - and WMR and Radio208 on the air
Listeners of World Music Radio (WMR) and Radio208 are kindly invited to send a donation to cover some of the costs involved with running these two, non-commercial radio stations. The running costs includes music royalties (450 euro per month) and electricity costs for the four AM-transmitters. Funds are also needed for setting up the aerial for the 927 kHz transmitter in Hvidovre, Copenhagen.
All amounts are welcome!!
Please use this link: - or please make a bank transfer to Hartvig Media, Hovedvejen 17, DK 8920 Randers - IBAN DK1093310007162081 - SWIFT KRONDK22 (the bank is Sparekassen Kronjylland, Mariagervej 47, DK 8920 Randers, Denmark)
Please mention, if you want your contribution to be anonymous - please write "anon".
Thank you all so much for donations to WMR and Radio208 in November J
A big thank you to the many supporters of WMR and Radio208 for sending donations in the past weeks.
Transmitter situation
- The work with erecting the aerial for 927 kHz in Hvidovre is continuing.
- The WMR transmitter in Bramming is still running at 100 Watts. It is hoped that the 500 Watts PA can be taking into use at the time when the frequency is changed from 5840 to 5930 kHz - The 200W WMR transmitter on 15805 from Randers usually runs very well. 15790 from December 12th 2020. Remember though, to use AM mode when listening here. The audio gets distorted if using ECSS/SAM or LSB/USB modes.
- Radio208 on 1440 with 500 Watt from Ishøj is running without problems. Nice reception in good parts of Southern Sweden, northern Germany and the Benelux in the mornings. - The Radio208 transmitter on 5805 kHz (250 Watts) in Hvidovre went silent November 22nd. Transmissions on 5805 are not expected to return. Instead 5970 kHz (at 0700-1600 UTC only) is planned to be taking into use within this or next week.
Radio208 t-shirt and WMR mouse pad
Coming soon is a web shop at and where you will be able to buy t-shirts, mouse pads, mugs etc. Hopefully ready by mid December.
Stig Hartvig Nielsen,
lunedì 30 novembre 2020
WMR and Radio208 new frequencies
Doctor Tims Mailing List is closing down today on YG
Doctor Tims Mailing List is closing down today, but only on Yahoo Groups
It will reopen on io-groups (in fact, it is already open ...)
Why ? Beacuse Yahoo Groups is completely closing down on Dec 15, 2020.
These are the new adresses :
Group Owner:
Martin Schöch, Administrator
Programa del 29 de Noviembre 2020
Rincón Diexista es un programa semanal que produce Victoria Sepciu para Radio Rumania Internacional, donde se hace un habitual repaso de las cartas recibidas de los oyentes y noticias sobre la escucha de emisoras de onda corta.
Se emite los domingos, con repetición los martes, por la onda corta y por Internet haciendo "click" en:
Página web de Radio Rumania Internacional en español:
Radio Rumania Internacional
60-62 Calle General Berthelot
Bucarest, Rumania
Audios a demanda en Programas DX:
Para escuchar otros programa diexistas en:
Programas DX en facebook:
Programas DX en twitter:
Cordiales 73 - Programas DX
Collision between WHRI-2 & WBCQ-1 on 7490 kHz 0430-0600UTC
USA Collision between WHRI-2 & WBCQ-1 on 7490 kHz 0430-0600UTC
WHRI Angel 2, from March 7 probably will be move to new 9830 kHz
0430-0515 on 7490 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Daily
0515-0530 on 7490 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Sun-Thu
0515-0530 on 7490 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu French Fri
0530-0600 on 7490 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Daily
WBCQ-1 The Planet is registered in HFCC Database 1900-0400UTC
0400-0500 on 7490vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm English Sun/Mon
0400-0600 on 7490vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm English Tue-Sat
WBCQ-1 The Planet relay of Brother Stair is also unregistered
1700-1900 on 7490vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm English Daily
But what is true and what is actually broadcast
0400-0500 on 6160vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm Mon Herald of Truth, listed 7490
0400-0430 on 6160vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm Mon World of Radio
0430-0500 on 6160vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm Mon Hobart Radio Int
0400-0600 on 6160vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm Tue-Sat Late Nite in The Heartland, listed 7490
0200-0500 on 6160vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm Sun Shortwave Saturday Night, listed 7490
0200-0300 on 6160vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm Sun Lumpy Gravy Radio Show
0300-0400 on 6160vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm Sun The Lost Discs Radio Show
0400-0500 on 6160vBCQ 050 kW / 245 deg to ENAm Sun Eric Dolphy Mystery Hour
73! Ivo Ivanov
More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to
QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.
QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
Wolfgang Bueschel observations
9650 even bad mixture, not RHC Bejucal transmission here.
9650 kHz S=8 or -76dBm signal out of Kujang D.P.R. in Japanese service,
shrill army ladies singer chorus at 12.41 UT on Monday Nov 30th.
Instead a glitch fault of the RadioCom operator at Bejucal site again:
6950.004 kHz 50 kW unit of former USSR-relay site at Bejucal bcast site,
At 12.43 UT S=9+10dB or -59dBm heard in Rochester-NY state remotedly,
(ex7350kHz in A-20 summer season).
\\ 6000even S=8 poor in NY Rochester, at 12.45 UT Quivican San Felipe
TITAN 250 kW site.
\\ 6100even Bauta site tranmission bad mixture, but covered totally by
KCBS Pyongyang and co-channel powerhouse CRI Russian sce via 500 kW unit
from Beijing China mainland across the northern Pacific, at 12.48 UT.
\\ 11760 Bauta transmission towards CeAM/Carribean poor S=7 in NY state.
Excellent audio quality on
\\ 13740 kHz meant towards Buenos Aires SoAM, backlobe at 12.51 UT.
\\ 15140 kHz at 12.53 UT S=8 or -88dBm, un-clean audio feed out of studio,
or line transmission ? La Habana towards Bauta bcast center ?
73 wolfie df5sx
Radio Habana Cuba is again on wrong 6950 kHz at 1200UT on November 30
CUBA Radio Habana Cuba is again on wrong 6950 kHz at 1200UT on November 30
1200-1600 on 6950 BEJ 050 kW / 110 deg to SoAm Spanish, instead of 9650 kHz
Fair/good signal of Radio Habana Cuba via SDRs Frostburg MD & Boca Raton FL!
2200-0500 on 6950 BEJ 050 kW / 110 deg to SoAm Spanish - IS NEXT TIME SPOT!
Something`s always is wrong at Radio Habana Cuba - again wrong announcement:
en la banda 25m on 11760 kHz and 15140 kHz. Frequency 6000 kHz again missing
in announcement, but is on air (1200-1500UT) and is unlisted in RHC schedule
73! Ivo Ivanov
More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to
QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.
QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
Glenn Hauser logs November 29-30, 2020
** CHINA. CNR1 jammer survey, Nov 29 from 2316, mostly weak Chinese language: 6865 S6-S7; 6850 S7-S9; 7810 S7-S8; 9180; 9200; 9215 to 2325. I also tuned the entire 8 MHz band, but not the 7 MHz band where there might be non-jammer Chinese. All these check out in Aoki/NDXC as CNR1 jammer channels against Sound of Hope (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** COLOMBIA? 4940, Nov 30 at 0344 check, anonymous mystery missionary station just now at this odd time commencing another regular feature, `Lecciones de la Historia`, good S9 into Bonaire SDR (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** JAPAN [non]. 6185, Nov 30 at 0439, NHK Warudo Radio Japan news in English atop fast SAH from poor XEPPM which is always offset-minus, but hardly any of its modulation penetrating. NHK relay via AUSTRIA as tipped by Ivo Ivanov, has just moved here from 6155 for the M-F 0430 and S/S 0500 English semihour, ND 300 kW for W Europe but which would reach us sufficiently if on a clear frequency, but NHK does not want us North Americans as an audience. XEPPM is only 1 kW? Also blocked at earlier 0420 check with AWR in Turkish altho supposedly toward Turkey. Meanwhile I hear nothing on 6155; surely they did not move to avoid 6159.9v WBCQ over there (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6770, Nov 29 at 2318, JBA talk, S6-S7, presumed the Old Time Radio pirate -- not heard in ages despite occasional chex this far below the main pirate band. Tnx to new tip today:
``[WOR] Old Time Radio (pirate) 6770 AM 1348 UTC 29 Nov 2020 --- Not a bad signal this morning, SIO 333 to peaks of 444.,74989.0.html Chris Smolinski, Black Cat Systems, Westminster, MD USA`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** OKLAHOMA. Circa 9 MHz as I am bandscanning, Nov 29 at 2324 wideband RF noise burst for a few seconds as my nearest streetlight is igniting, confirmed by peeking out the window. Fortunately the noise abates once it`s fully bright, not adding to the high line noise level continuing. LSS today 2317 UT with clear sky at western horizon, so it sets off +7 minutes later (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 8501-USB, Nov 29 at 2323, marine weather e.g. for 45N/78W location, robom overmodulated distorted on S9+25 peak signal. EiBi shows NMG USCG New Orleans at 2315-2350 on 8502. Pretty sure I read frequency correctly, so? If they would just back off the modulation level. Very poor image for the USCG as anyham would do better with her SSB rig (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2062 monitoring: confirmed UT Monday November 30 at 0030 on WRMI 7730, good to the ATS-909 portable but some deep fades.
Also confirmed UT Mon Nov 30 at 0130 & 0230 on WRMI 7780, VG S9+15 to UTwente.
Also confirmed UT Mon Nov 30 at 0230 on WRMI 5800, S9+15/20 to Bonaire SDR. Also almost synchro on WRN webcast.
Also confirmed UT Mon Nov 30 from 0401:06 on Area 51 via WBCQ 6159.9, G S9+15 to Warrenton MO SDR after finding zero signals to Rochester & Alexandria, too close for skip. At 0355, before he gotta go, JL was doing a parody commercial about semen as a treatment for COVID, rather poor taste. At 0418 I found 6159.9 direct VP S7-S8.
Also confirmed UT Mon Nov 30 after 0430 on WRMI 9955, under Cuban pulse jamming at 0444, while earlier during Prague at 0419 it was S9+10 over PJ. Next:
1900vUT Monday IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE
0200 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?] NEW
0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 5800 to SSE
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2300 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 to SSE
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: thanks this week to James F. Leppard, Anderson SC, for a check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702
One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to: woradio at (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 5950, Nov 29 at 2312, something barely audible tho reading S7-S9 vs HNL, can it really be WRMI? On 5800 with SMTV it`s S9+25 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** VENEZUELA. 6906v, Nov 30 at 0345, ROCV is still gone, no trace even on H2Ofall of a signal into Bonaire SDR (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 0605 UT November 30
Agenda DX 30/11/2020
Radio Panambi Vera, Paraguay 1140 Khz (1974)
Radio Jaèn, Perù 5005 Khz (1963)
Valley Radio, Gran Bretagna 999-1116 Khz (1996)
Northland Radio, Gran Bretagna 1035 Khz (1986)
Radio ZDK, Antigua 1100 Khz (1971)
XEEP Radio Educaciòn, Messico 6185 Khz (1924)
Festa dell'Indipendenza a Barbados
domenica 29 novembre 2020
Glenn Hauser logs November 29, 2020
** BRAZIL. 4925, Follow-ups to my log of presumed Tefé, from Lúcio Otávio Bobrówiec to the WOR iogroup:
4925, Unid. (much probably R. Educação Rural, Brasil Tefé, AM) 26/11, 0000–0052 relaying R. Bandeirantes de São Paulo, which was covering a footbal soccer match (Corinthians X Curitiba). Poor, best signal at 0045; around 0052 abrupt sign off (LOB).
4925, Unid. (much probably R. Educação Rural, Brasil Tefé, AM) 28/11, 2340–2350 music, male talks. Very poor, slight improvement over time
4925, Unid. (much probably R. Educação Rural, Brasil Tefé, AM) 29/11,
0034–0042 female talks, short music, male talks, slow pop music. Very poor, some improvement over listening (LOB).
4925, Unid. (much probably R. Educação Rural, Brasil Tefé, AM) 29/11, 0059–0104 female talks, music. Trying to catch a ToH ID but deteriorated significantly (LOB).
It is worth mentioning that some het was heard at a certain time that I did not register on 4925 listenings (LOB). Tecsun PL310et, Wire 14m, dipole 18m, Embu SP Brasil`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CANADA. 218-MCW kHz, Nov 29 at 0640 UT, dash and RL, 980-watt ND beacon from Red Lake, Ontario. Tuning upward, the first one heard. BTW, I *never* hear even a JBA carrier on Euro LWBC frequencies. Of course, would have a better chance earlier from before sunset.
223-MCW kHz, Nov 29 at 0641 UT, dash and YYW, 1000 watts from Armstrong, Ontario. BTW, notes that the other Canadian on 223, YKA, 500 watts in Kamloops BC is ``to be decommissioned 2021-02-25`` among 18 others on the list --- so hurry up and DX them.
335-MCW kHz, Nov 29 at 0652, dash and YLD, 500-watt NDB from Chapleau, Ontario, not on the de-com list. BTW, the dashes only from Canadians make the correct frequency clear, while the Americans may be best audible 1, 2 or even 3 kHz displaced (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. 11550, Nov 29 at 1554, Korean, the first voice sounding synthetic; RFA via SAIPAN at 1500-1900. Unseems off-frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 245-MCW kHz, Nov 29 at 0643, NDB HS, but no such call listed --- presumably really FS, Sioux Falls - Rock SD, commonly heard 400 watts, and either miskeyed with a dot instead of a dash, or misheard.
257-MCW kHz, Nov 29 at 0650 UT, NDB JYR, which is 25 watts at York, Nebraska, Eclipse Central.
338-MCW kHz, Nov 29 at 0653 UT, NDB UMP, which is 25 watts at Indianapolis - Metropolitan, Indiana; also some unreadable CCI as I was tuned to 337-USB (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 475-MCW kHz, Nov 29 at 0715, WWW marker from WA4SZE, the very slow Morse code beacon in Manchester TN operated by Dave Frantz at the WWRB SW site & airstrip. I tune past here every night and first time logged since October 11 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2062 monitoring: confirmed UT Sunday November 29 starting at 0432:15 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, Wentzville MO, VG as picked up locally by Warrenton MO KiwiSDR. Next:
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0130 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE, 5800 to SSE
0400vUT Monday WBCQ 6160v Area 61 to WSW
0430 UT Monday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
1900vUT Monday IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE
0200 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?] NEW
0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 5800 to SSE
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2300 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 to SSE
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: thanks this week to James F. Leppard, Anderson SC, for a check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702
One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to: woradio at (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. Reply from Texas Radio Shortwave to my latest log:
``Ahoy Glenn - Alas TRSW may have to drop its pirate theme now that we've gone (sorta) mainstream. We guess that Cap'n Ric and the rest of Crew will just drift off (pirate humor!) and not be heard from again.
With the very limited number of listeners to US pirate stations compared to those of international broadcasters like Channel 292, WRMI, and WBCQ, we've learned where our carefully collated music is most appreciated. Like international broadcasters, we want listeners not just QSL collectors. Cap'n Ric can't recall the number of times he heard Ian McFarland, Jonathan Marks, Jeff White, and others say this at ANARC conferences and on the air. Now he knows what they meant.
Thanks for your report of our anniversary broadcast via WRMI. It's correct so here's your eQSL. You didn't report on our broadcast a year ago so you may be interested to know that the small image is the original eQSL we sent out.
We look forward to hearing from you when we broadcast our pre-Christmas and Christmas music programs via Channel 292, WRMI, and WBCQ. We appreciate any publicity you can give to those shows as we get closer to the dates.
73 and Arrgghh. Always be yourself. Unless you can be a pirate. Then always be a pirate. Texas Radio Shortwave Sailing into your ears from the Lone Star State``
And here`s the Longhorn eQSL [2423 kb]: or #102 via (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 2004 UT November 29
Wolfgang Bueschel: Mali observations
12 44 37 N 08 03 11 W
some 13 kilometers no-we of Bamako capital
CRI started renting 50 kW only location here in June 1999,
CRI 17880 kHz reported by Noel R. Green then
- - -
For political reasons - or islamist matter in Mali ?,
however, there has been an interruption of the lease and broadcast center access by RTC / CRI Beijing in the current decade.
So seemingly there was a 15 years contract between Mali and China govt, came into effect between August 2003 and last {probably} til 2018, when CRI forced to stopp their Africa/NE broadcast relay service there at Bamako Mali, .... and DXers told that the world last year.
The four frequency management ladies of RTC requested the full program of Bamako Chinese Africa relay site schedule some 8 weeks ago on HFCC meeting on 21 to 25 January 2019 in Tunisia ...
73 wb
EN CONTACTO DE RADIO HABANA CUBA. Emisión del 29 de Noviembre 2020
Emisión del 29 de Noviembre 2020
Programa diexista “En Contacto” emitido por Radio Habana Cuba todos los domingos, dedicado a los oyentes de las ondas cortas, Diexistas y Radioaficionados del mundo, con Martha Rios y Arnaldo Coro.
Página Web de RHC:
Dirección Postal:
Radio Habana Cuba - Programa En Contacto
Apartado Postal 6240
La Habana, Cuba.
Para escuchar otros programas diexistas en español en:
Programas grabados de Radio Habana Cuba:
Programas DX en facebook:
Programas DX en twitter:
Cordiales 73 - Programas DX
QSL Radio 319
Here are some details of the station :
- TX is PWM with DDS frequency synthesizer (range 5 - 7.3 MHz)
- Total Output RF carrier : 150W
- Antenna : Inverted V, top height about 9M
- Location : central Belgium
My broadcast consists mainly of shows remembering the offshore radio pirate spirit. So there are other jingles than my ID « 3-1-9 » and it can be difficult to identify my station. But you were right :)
Radio 3-1-9 Op. Pascal
New frequencies of Voice of Tibet, November 29
TAJIKISTAN(non) New frequencies of Voice of Tibet, November 29:
1300-1305 on 9864 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan unchanged
1305-1310 NF 9876 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 9886
1310-1335 NF 9894 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 9899
1330-1335 on 9864 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan unchanged
1335-1340 on 9876 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan unchanged
1335-1400 on 9814 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan unchanged
1340-1400 NF 9894 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 9864
73! Ivo Ivanov
More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to
QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.
QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
Ascolti AM Treviso 29 novembre
3995 29/11 0602 HCJB Deutschland, Weenermoor Mx Px rel. D 35533
5025 29/11 0603 Radio Rebelde, Bauta Mx Es 35533
5040 29/11 0604 Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta ID Nx Es 35543
5085 29/11 0605 WTWW Radio, Lebanon TN Px E 25533
5875 29/11 0606 BBC Radio, Ascension Nx F 45544
5905 29/11 0607 Deutscher Wetterdienst, Pinneberg Px meteo D 35544
5935 29/11 0608 WWCR University Network, Nashville Px E 25522
5995 29/11 0609 Radio Mali, Bamako I Px Bam 45544
6005 29/11 0610 BBC WS Radio, Ascension Px "report Tigrè" E 45544
6080 29/11 0611 Voice Of America, STP-Pinheira Mx E 35433
6155 29/11 0618 R. Oesterreich 1 Inter., Moosbrunn Mx D 55555
6180 29/11 0619 Deutscher Wetterdienst, Pinneberg Px info ID D 35533
7780 29/11 0620 The Overcomer Ministry,USA-Okeechobee 1 Px rel. E 45554
9385 29/11 0621 WEWN Radio 1, USA-Vandiver Px rel. E 45554
9395 29/11 0622 The Overcomer Ministry,USA-Okeechobee 6 Px rel. E 35533
9420 29/11 0623 Voice of Greece, Avlis Px Gr 55555
9510 29/11 1030 IRRS- Living The Bible, Tiganesti jingle ID Px rel. E 45544
9610 29/11 1031 AWR Europe, Nauen Px <RVS Magazine> It 55555
9610 29/11 1100 AWR KSDA, Guam-Agat info ID E Px rel. M 35544
9910 29/11 1101 KTWR GUAM Unlimited Grace, Agana Px rel. E 45544
9965 29/11 1102 Hope Radio -The Whole Truth PLW-Palau Medor Mx E 35533
9975 29/11 1103 KTWR GUAM Do You Know -Agana Px rel. Mon 45544
11660 29/11 1105 Voice Of America, PHL-Tinang Px Chi 45544
15805 29/11 1106 World Music Radio, DK-Randers info Mx E 35533
73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso, Italia
Ant.: filare 6 metri
Log Roberto Pavanello
558 23/11 18.04 R.N.E. R.5 - Valencia SS NX reg. Comun. Valenciana buono
648 22/11 17.30 R. Caroline - Orford Ness EE ID e MX suff.
657 23/11 17.30 RAI R.1 - Pisa IT NX reg. Toscana buono
693 28/11 10.10 R. Zainet - Siziano IT MX buono
945 25/11 17.30 Smooth R. - Bexhill EE MX buono
990 23/11 23.01 R. Bilbao - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
999 23/11 23.05 R. Malta - Gwardamangia Maltese Rosario suff.
1008 24/11 22.20 ERA 1 - Kerkira Greco MX buono
1125 26/11 18.04 R.N.E. R.5 - Vitoria SS NX reg. Pais Vasco buono
1287 27/11 22.57 R. Lleida - Catalano ID e pubblicità locale buono
1341 26/11 22.59 Onda Cero R. - Ciudad Real SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1548 28/11 10.15 Gold - London EE MX suff.
1566 24/11 17.35 Vahon FM - Den Haag Hindy MX buono
1575 24/11 17.30 RAI R.1 - Genova IT NX reg. Liguria buono
1602 23/11 15.34 R. Cartagena - SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
1611 28/11 21.30 R. Veluwe Ster - Dutch MX buono
1617 24/11 20.35 R. Marianne - Dutch ID e MX buono
1617 26/11 17.30 R. Black Molly - Dutch MX suff.
1625 28/11 20.30 R. Blauwe Koe - Dutch ID e MX buono
1638 23/11 20.40 R. Osaka - Dutch MX suff.
1660 29/11 00.10 R. Concorde - Dutch MX buono
1665 25/11 21.00 R. Kristal - Dutch MX buono
1671 24/11 21.30 R. Mijnwerker - Dutch MX suff.
1673 23/11 20.20 R. Digital - Dutch MX suff.
3905 28/11 17.20 R. Rebel - EE MX buono
3920 22/11 17.05 R. Piepzender - Zwolle Dutch MX buono
3935 22/11 16.20 Zenith Classic Rock - EE MX suff.
3975 28/11 19.45 Shortwave R. - Wietze IT Scorribande suff.
4875 22/11 16.05 R. Mystery 21 - EE MX buono
5140 22/11 16.00 Charleston R. Int. - EE MX ottimo
5780 22/11 17.20 R. Harmony - EE MX buono
5940 28/11 23.35 Voz Missionaria - Camboriu PP predica suff.
6115 23/11 16.00 R. New Zeland Pacific - Wellington EE NX buono
6205 22/11 16.10 Laser Hot Hits - EE MX suff.
6210 29/11 10.30 R. King SW - EE MX suff.
6270 27/11 17.30 R. Iran Int. - Farsi ID e talk buono
6275 29/11 09.50 R. Quadzilla - EE MX buono
6290 22/11 10.45 R. Johnny Tobacco - EE MX buono
6305 22/11 16.15 R. Merlin Int. - EE MX buono
6375 22/11 17.15 R. 319 - EE MX buono
7625 27/11 14.10 Voice of Wilderness - Seoul Coreano talk suff.
7850 28/11 23.30 CHU - Ottawa EE/FF ID e pip pip suff.
9505 24/11 17.25 Voice of Africa - Omdurman EE NX buono
9610 29/11 10.00 AWR - Firenze IT Obiettivo DX by Roberto Scaglione ottimo
11720 24/11 17.10 AWR - Talata Swahili talk buono
11750 24/11 17.15 Sri Lanka BC - Colombo Cingalese MX buono
11825 23/11 12.30 Reach Beyond - Kilsyth Hindy talk buono
11930 24/11 17.20 R. Marti - Washington SS NX buono
13580 23/11 15.55 TWR - Manzini Kirundi talk buono
15000 29/11 10.40 BPM - Lintong Cinese pip pip suff.
Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia
A cuore aperto: Ricevitore a Galena COSMOS RADIOPHONE (1922)
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Ricevitore con sintonia a variazione variometrica, copre la gamma delle onde medie da 300 a 600 metri.
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Il cambio gamma si effettua spostando il conduttore di antenna da un ingresso all'altro. Da sinistra troviamo i morsetti di attacco cuffia, quello di terra ed i due ingressi di antenna.
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L'espansione di gamma è ottenuta tramite un condensatore posto in parallelo al variometro e direttamente connesso al morsetto 5. Un secondo condensatore, posto in parallelo all'uscita cuffia, provvede a migliorare la resa audio ed a filtrare eventuali disturbi.
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Il ricevitore si presenta come un mobiletto in legno sul cui coperchio, all'interno, si trovano le istruzioni per l'uso e per l'installazione dell'antenna che, ci si raccomandava, non doveva essere lunga meno di 100 piedi, circa 33 metri. in alto a sinistra si vedono le firme del collaudatore e dell'ispettore.
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Sul retro del mobiletto si vede il timbro BBC POSTMASTER INSPECTED, una specie di omologazione che rendeva il ricevitore vendibile in quanto aderente alle norme tecniche di allora. I suoi accessori prendono posto in uno scomparto dedicato, accanto al ricevitore.
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Questo esemplare è arrivato a me corredato di: una cuffia BRANDES SUPERIOR da 2000 ohm, dello stesso anno del ricevitore, un deviatore di antenna che serviva a mettere a terra l'antenna quando il ricevitore non era in uso ed una scatolina "HERTZITE" con alcuni frammenti di galena per eventuale ricambio. Il detector è tipicamente con cercatore in acciaio/nickel.
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L'ascolto è ancora ottimo, la sera si possono ascoltare alcune emittenti estere tra cui, molto forte, Radio Romania, come si può vedere nel video...
Paolo Pierelli
Radio ricevitori Atwater Kent
Prima di parlare di questa prestigiosa marca americana parliamo dell'uomo Mr. Arthur Atwater Kent. Nato nel 1873 nel Vermont, Stati Uniti d'America, con un bagaglio di studi in ingegneria, da giovane inizia l'attività d'impresa in un modesto locale, mettendo insieme componenti per l'accensione delle candele di auto e semplici motori elettrici. Visto il crescere della domanda di radio, nel 1921 pensa di mettersi in quel settore, ma poiché in America la RCA era l'unica fabbrica detentrice dei brevetti, per aggirare l'ostacolo legale, glí viene l'idea di produrre Kit di radio da costruirsi con componenti sfusi, aggirando così i brevetti di fabbricazione consentendo ad appassionati di costruirsi da soli una bella radio di buone caratteristiche. La novità è anche che il Kit completo dì tutti i componenti necessari è fatto seguire da istruzioni che suggeriscono il montaggio su una semplice tavoletta di legno, la comune "Bredboard" (in italiano "Tavola del pane") oggetto casalingo presente in ogni famiglia americana. Queste geniali idee fanno la fortuna della fabbrica.
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Nel 1923, scaduti i brevetti di RCA, la fabbrica "Atwater Kent" decide di iniziare a produrre radio di qualità e già montate ed avanzate per l'epoca. Nel 1924 amplia la fabbrica a Philadelphia e continua nel successo tanto che l'anno seguente nel 1925 la "Atwater Kent Company" diventa il maggior costruttore di radio degli Stati Uniti d'America con una vasta gamma di modelli che nel momento di massimo fulgore supererà il numero di 100, dai più semplici a prezzo popolare ai più prestigiosi e costosi apparecchi supereterodina con 7 e 8 valvole con onde medie e corte, contenuti in eleganti mobili di gran lusso. Come sempre ogni bella storia ha il suo ciclo; la crisi del 1929 e la conseguente depressione economica, il nascere di altri "Competitors" e ì crescenti costi delle materie prime creano difficoltà, tant'è che nel 1936 la "Atwater Kent Company" economicamente stremata è ceduta alla americana "Philco" che di li a poco convertirà la produzione in frigoriferi.
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Triste fine di un glorioso nome che ha consentito a molti di ascoltare musica e notizie, vantandosi di possedere una radio costruita con le proprie mani! Fatta la storia parliamo di una di queste radio, custodita nel "Museo delle Comunicazioni di Vimercate" grazie alla cortesia di Dino Gianni 12 HNX. E' l'Atwater Kent " Receiving Set - Model 20 " - anno di costruzione 1925. La radio è a 5 valvole con il sistema degli stadi accordati in alta frequenza, il segnale captato dall'antenna è selezionato e amplificato da questi, quindi giunge alla rivelatrice, poi è lavorato dalla bassa frequenza che con adeguati trasformatori lo fa divenire suono e parlato, grazie anche all'altoparlante esterno a tromba. Un elegante mobile in legno ben laccato di stile semplice e moderno racchiude questo gioiello,
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L'alimentazione della radio è esterna con 2 batterie, rispettivamente per la tensione anodica e per i filamenti delle valvole. Guardando dentro a questa bella e antica radio, quello che ci stupisce (abituati agli odierni oggetti plasticosi con manopolíne di sintonia e volume che se le giri grattano) è notare che queste vecchie radio oltre che eleganti, sembrano fatte per durare mille anni. In questo esemplare che è in condizioni spettacolari, gli zoccoli portavalvole sono in ottone massiccio con piccole lamelle per fare contatto, le bobine di grossa dimensione sono montate sfasate per non influenzarsi e fatte in bakelite con avvolgimento di filo di rame a doppio isolamento in cotone, i condensatori variabili e i componenti sono di alta qualità, la morsetteria in ottone, le resistenze marcate "Atwater Kent" sono removibili e bloccate alla base di legno con un sistema come quello dei fusibili d'auto del secolo scorso, tutto e ben costruito senza risparmio e fatto per durare. Dopo aver collegato l'antenna, terra, batterie e altoparlante, la radio si accende pigiando il suo Switch; scaldati i filamenti bisogna pazientemente sintonizzare le onde medie con le tre grosse manopole dotate di nonio che sono presenti sul frontale e che vanno ben accordate tra di loro e anche "giocare" con i 2 reostati per ben regolare la tensione ai filamenti e così facendo magicamente il parlato e la musica escono dall'altoparlante che è una bellezza! La nonnina con 95 anni sulle spalle è vigorosa, canta bene e farà sentire la sua voce per chissà quanti decenni ancora! Quindi tante grazie anche a Lei Mister "Arthur Atwater Kent" che ancora oggi ci regala un bel sogno!
Lucio Bellè Grazie alla Cortesia del Museo privato delle Comunicazioni di Vimercate - Direttore Dino Gianni I2HNXBUZON DE RADIO JAPON Y NOTICIERO DIEXISTA. 29 de Noviembre 2020
29 de Noviembre 2020
Bienvenidos al programa semanal de NHK Radio Japón “BUZÓN DE RADIO JAPÓN”, un programa realizado por David Taranco y Esther Molina.
Es un espacio de encuentro entre los oyentes, y Radio Japón. Presentamos y comentamos algunas de sus cartas e informes de recepción que llegan a nuestra redacción desde distintas partes del mundo. Al mismo tiempo, les contamos las novedades más destacadas de Japón.
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Horarios y frecuencias de transmisión en español:
04:00-04:30 UTC para América del Sur por 6.195 kHz
04:00-04:30 UTC para América Central por 5.985 kHz
09:30-10:00 UTC para América del Sur por 6.195 kHz
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Cordiales 73 – Programas DX
More ENC Encompass Digital Media Services, replacing former Babcock now at Al Dhabbiya bcast relay site
re BBC 5995.0096 kHz odd fq via Al-Dhabbiya at 0306 UT...
5940 0230 0300 40E 250 45 -15 146 1234567 Prs IBR ENC SS31
5940.096 kHz
7300 0300 0330 40E,41NW 250 45 -15 146 1234567 Pus BBC ENC PASHA
7299.995 kHz
9410 0300 0330 40E,41NW 250 60 0 146 1234567 Pus BBC ENC PASHA
9410even exact
5995 0300 0400 47E,48NW 250 255 15 146 1234567 Ara BBC ENC ARABA_N
5995.096 kHz
7245 0330 0345 48W 250 225 -15 146 12 Amh TWR ENC
7245even kHz
7245 0330 0345 48W 250 225 -15 146 3 Orm TWR ENC
7245 0330 0345 48W 250 225 -15 146 5 Sid TWR ENC
11875 0330 0400 48 250 215 0 146 1234567 Som AGM AGM
11874.989 kHz
13790 0400 0430 48 250 225 -15 146 1234567 Som BBC ENC SOMLA
13790even exact
9410 0430 0530 40 250 45 -15 146 1234567 Fas BBC ENC FARSA
9409.989 kHz
12015 0500 0600 47E,48NW 250 255 15 146 1234567 Ara BBC ENC ARABA_N
12015.115 kHz
13860 0500 0600 48SW,53NW 250 225 -15 146 1234567 Eng BBC ENC ENAFE_E
13859.990 kHz
13790 0500 0600 48SW,53NW 250 225 0 206 7 Kin BBC ENC KRWNA
13790 0529 0600 48SW,53NW 250 225 0 206 1 Kin BBC ENC KRWNA
13790even exact
15255 0600 0700 42,43W 250 75 15 146 1234567 Bod AGM AGM
15254.988 kHz
2020-11-29 06:03:16 capture: AM 15255 (DHA) RFA TIBE
not US ADM RFA Tibetan language sce via Saipan MRA relay from Agignan
17830 0629 0700 46SE 250 260 0 218 1234567 Hau BBC ENC HAUSA
17830.131 kHz
17830 0700 0729 47S,52N,52SE 250 245 -15 218 1234567 Fra BBC ENC FRENA_C
[suffer by CNR1 DRM mode Urumqi transmission signal 01-08 UT,
also strong backlobe in Europe ]
73 wb df5sx
Glenn Hauser logs November 28-29, 2020
** AUSTRALIA [non]. `Calling All Radio Nutz`, I monitor on and off for the first time via the Unique Radio stream, as it has just been rescheduled for 20-22 biweekly UT Saturdays.
>From 2035 UT Nov 28, tune-in to VP off-the-air DX recording of something in Indonesian, then hi-fi music. 2041 back-announcement, has been a band from Benin called Orchestra; the preceding DX tapes were R. CANDIP, Zaire, 5066 from 1983y; UAE Radio, Abu Dhabi when it was on 11m, 25900; RRI Jakarta, 9680 from 1982? Is it still active? One co-host asks, No, replies the other who used to get it regularly in Denver. The latter is ``Jen, Radio Nutress`` --- does that mean they identify as female? Voice is ambiguous, soft-spoken and sometimes overridden by noise, such as someone unexpectedly on the roof installing an AC.
CARN is an extremely informal live show. 2053 an off-air recording of something in German. Recheck at 2124, the conversant in UK, called G.B.? or Mike? is giving some DX news, Inconfidência on 15190, Brasil DRM on 11880, Tumbril on 6070. 2126 into live bandscanning, comparing what they are hearing on same frequencies in widely divergent locations, such as 6000, 5995 Mali; 6050 - HCJB? mixing with something, Chinese, also ELWA? I think it`s a bit early for Ecuador. 2149 more vintage clips, Reloj de Costa Rica, I guess on 6006, something from Iceland. Meanwhile I also find:
Unique Radio has resumed streaming and changed times for WOR, also showing expected SW frequencies when they resume from new location: details at and webcast at Friday at 1200 on 5045-USB, Saturday at 0600 on 5045-USB, Sunday at 0600 on 3210-USB, Tuesday at 1300 on 3210-USB. So these have been reinserted into the WOR sked (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CHINA. 5050, Nov 28 at 2321, JBA carrier, presumed V of Beibu Bay Radio, Nanning, morning 2300-0102 broadcast no longer blocked by WWRB on weekends, moved to 3215, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CHINA. CNR1 jammer survey, Nov 28 from 2327, WOOB 9-16+ MHz; cannot be positive none be Sound of Hope or other targets as too weak to parallel, but no reason to believe they be anything but on-frequency jammers; when there is any audio it`s Chinese or seems Chinese: JBA or JBA carriers u.o.s.:
9215 stands out as S9+20, far stronger than any of the others, topping an open carrier on 9218; 9200 S7-S9; 9280; At 2336: 10160; 10820; 10870 S4-S5; 10920 S5-S7; 11070 S3; 11100; 11170. At 2340: 11430 S3-S4; 11440; 11460; 11500 S2-S3; At 2346: 12190; 12210; 12500 S4-S5; 13070 S6-S7; 13130 S5-S6; 13160; At 2354: 13530 S6-S7 vs CODAR; 14940; no 15s or 16s tho some RTTY is propagating above 16 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CHINA. 11670, Nov 28 at 2342, during CNR1 jammer survey, Chinese not // here, as it`s CNR2 non-jammer (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** OKLAHOMA. RF 21, Nov 28 at 1936 UT, I`m surprised to see some DTV area tropo enhancement still in vigour in the afternoon, as four hours earlier it wasn`t quite enough to decode KUOT-CD, OKC, but now it is: same PSIP as KUOT on all subchannels:
21-1, 3ABN {Cornerstone}
21-2, no signal! and diamond, an incoming error message at station {IBN Television}
21-3, 211? - not sure of my scribble {3ABN}
21-4, algo with LIVE bug UR {Amazing Facts}
21-5, Hope bug UR {Hope Channel}
These do not all match the lineup at {} as above (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 12808.5-CW, Nov 28 at 2350, VVV marker from KPH, the weekend-only legacy run of KPH by MRHS in California. A few other markers on 12 MHz probably South Korean (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2062 monitoring: confirmed Saturday November 28 from 2033:47 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, Wentzville MO, VG via nearby Warrenton KiwiSDR.
Also reconfirmed Saturday Nov 28 at 2300 on WRMI 7780, a time not showing on their skedgrid, S7-S9 here. Next:
0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415; as late as 0500]
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0130 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE, 5800 to SSE
0400vUT Monday WBCQ 6160v Area 61 to WSW
0430 UT Monday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
1900vUT Monday IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE
0200 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?] NEW
0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 5800 to SSE
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2300 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 to SSE
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: thanks this week to James F. Leppard, Anderson SC, for a check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702
One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to: woradio at (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. After an hour of napping along with KUCO`s anonymous post-opera birthday vocal music show, I tune on the same portable DX-398 with telescopic only to what I know will be a bigsig aimed right at us from Okeechobee:
7570, Sat Nov 28 from 2300, WRMI with the publicized anniversary replay of the inaugural broadcast of Texas Radio Shortwave. I hope for the special eQSL repeatedly offered for detailed reports. Opens with a song by Floyd Domino, `You Can`t Get The Hell Out of Texas`. Frequent Turkey-gobble-gobble SFX, for this was originally a TG show, now a biday late. 2304 plug gmail address and frequently, mostly by Third Mate Susan roboyl; and ``all the music was carefully selected and mixed by DJ Mr. Turkey``.
Most of the songs to follow are unfamiliar to me, titles and performers not announced, so I may only give vague descriptions of some, I would say lots of novelty tunes, and I do not shazaam. 2305 hard rock about America; 2312 it`s S9+20/35, as I start DXing with my right ear on the big rig, continuing this into my left ear. 2315 gobbler and segué; 2320 song includes some talking; 2323 ID by M&W voices, Mr Turkey DJ credit again. 2325 song about Mexican farmers, mentions several XE cities or states. 2328 QSL offer again; 2331 another ID and Happy TG. 2343 ID & Mr. Turkey, blues tune. 2352 gobble only. 2356 a song I do recognize, `Great Pretender`. 2358 closing with address, ``Happy Thanxgiving`` five times. Just a bit of `TROT` alla-marcia theme, was a ``look-back at our inaugural broadcast``. Susan concludes, ``Until next time, keep the wind at your back.``
Two or three times during this hour I also scanned the 6.9 MHz pirate band, but no sign of Radio Ga-Ga which was also going to air this special, which it was first to broadcast a year ago. Maybe it was during previous hour. No other pirates heard either. Altho TRSW is still a pirate of non-public provenance, now that it`s appearing on non-pirate stations, pirate specialists seem to have lost interest in it. 0000 WRMI switches 7570 to ``He Leadeth Me`` morphing into the moanin` & groanin` hour of TOMBS: add to that: howlin` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 3215, Sat Nov 28 at 2324, WWRB is on with S9+20/30 of dead air; recheck at 2332 now a gospel huxter about going to hell (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. (5085), UT Sun Nov 29 about 0130 WTWW-2 with `Theater Organ Under the Arch` in progress, so I listen on the $tereo webcast altho some of the recordings are rather lo-fi; ends at 0154 so WTWW can get back to inorganic ``Surfin` USA`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 0307 UT November 29
Agenda DX 29/11/2020
Radio El Mundo, Argentina 1070 Khz (1935)
Radio Granma, Cuba (1932)
Radio Sicuani, Perù 4826 Khz (1959)
Radio Tucumàn, Argentina 1110 Khz (1928)
sabato 28 novembre 2020
Glenn Hauser logs November 28, 2020 [more]
** AUSTRALIA [and non]. 6230-USB, Nov 28 at 1352, coastal marine weather info, obsessed with wind direxions and gusting speeds in knots, S6; 1354, ``end of transmission from VMW``, i.e. Wiluna, Western Australia, which is far inland in central WA, hardly a marine town, rather a gold-mining town: ``Wiluna is a small town in the Mid West region of Western Australia. It is situated on the edge of the Western Desert at the gateway to the Canning Stock Route and Gunbarrel Highway. Wikipedia``. But the VMW site was obviously chosen as at a suitable skip distance from the coasts. EiBi shows hours as 10-23; but also on 6230, Sound of Hope and CNR1/Firedrake jamming up to 24 hours. When VMW goes off I do detect a JBA carrier, fortunately nothing more, but that CCI should be a much greater hazard around Oz (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** BRAZIL. More replies on the WOR iog about the DRM tests from RNA:
Re: [WOR] Brazil DRM tests Nov 28 at 6:04 PM
``Earlier in the week I noted the signal cutting in and out but — par for the course — with a strong carrier on 11800 {sic - means 11880?} from (p) Cuba, so nothing decoded and the analog signal from Cuba was also subsumed in the DRM hash — meaning that at least in Michigan both signals were worthless.
All this just proves DRM is a poor ‘solution’ to the noise of long distance SWBC and as a ‘double whammy’ is rather ‘fragile’ too, collapsing into unusable/undecodable noise in the presence of any QRM.
One wonders if anyone involved in the design of the system actually ever listened to SWBC or tried to receive DRM under ‘normal’ double-hop SW conditions? For some reason they seem to think QAM-64 (in whatever mode) is appropriate for SW despite the fact it isn’t.
In the great green room there was a telephone. And a radio. There should always be a radio. ;) Ken Zichi``
``Yes, boring 'playground' since 2002 year of Fraunhofer software appeared here in Europe, the BrasTelecom technicians play in front of the christmas tree like out of b o r e d o m. Another event, once more, in the never-ending story of this deadborn decode / encode radio option product. Others attend very expensive conventions in luxury hotels around the world every year.
It's a test only; nothing on air at 0830 UT Nov 28, grayline Ireland, Azores, Brasília central Brazil. Technically it was an exciting innovation in 2002 to 2008 year era, once. For digital DRM tests one should occupy a frequency in the border range for example 11.5 to 11.6 MHz.
Around the Cuban RHC La Habana external service on 11880 kHz for Central and mainly South Africa badly extensive to interfere with a 17 kHz wide broadband digital signal. Thanks Rudolf from São Paulo for his informative mail recently. 73 wolfie df5sx`` (via Glenn Hauser, WOR)
** CANADA. 413-MCW kHz, Nov 28 at 0719 UT, dash and YHD, 250-watt ND beacon at Dryden, Ontario.
401-MCW kHz, Nov 28 at 0721 UT, dash and YPO, 500-watt NDB at Peawanuck, Ontario; also audible tuned to 400-USB (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA. 13635 & 13766 approx., Nov 28 at 1438, S9/+10 FM spurblobs with F# tone from 13700-AM RHC, much stronger than 2nd-orders circa 13570 & 13831, approx. 65.5 kHz intervals. 13700 itself S9+10 has SAH at fades, i.e. new CCI from Brother HyStairical via BULGARIA: see SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** ERITREA [non]. 17545, Sat Nov 28 at *1530:39, cuts on with talk already underway from Biato Yiakl scheduled Sat only via FRANCE, VP S8-S9. Note my previous unID report of Wed Nov 25, something here at same time but +.06 kHz off-frequency; I did not notice this one being askew but not directly measured; I was waiting for it to turn on (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** OKLAHOMA. Nov 28 at 1545 UT I bandscan DTV as there is slight tropo enhancement around here, showing BAD signals on 31, 22 and 21, but more noticeable, my only local on RF17 has been reconfigured, no longer showing virtual 41, KCYH-LD which is really in Ardmore, 256 km = 159 stmi away. No longer alternating vacant channels, and no longer three audio-only - the only DTV station I have seen ever doing that. So no more ``Radio 74`` as on 89.3 Loyal. Here`s the new lineup with PSIP IDs, note upper/lower cases:
BTW, closed-captioning only on 17-1; is that legal? Did I mention that this Enid station was off for a while after last month`s ice storm? (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, WOR)
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 5850, Nov 28 at 1359, TOMBS non-pausing, yet I can barely recognize underneath the intonations of a canned Bob Biermann WRMI ID. At 1400 is // 5800 and no doubt many others for the expanded Sabbathcasts. And that is not all!
13700, Nov 28 at 1402, TOM is here as BS is blathering on about the Sevens, as one of his wacko obsessions is numerology, interrupting himself for phone contact info; RHC has not come on yet. A frequency with TOMBS ending in -00 has got to be new from Secretbrod, BULGARIA, but not yet listed in EiBi or Aoki/NDXC. HFCC as of my 15 Nov download had 13700 from SOF only at 16-18 in Arabic! Ivo Ivanov had reported:
11600 also bears Bulgarian BS, Nov 28 at 1449, yelling // 5850 WRMI (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 420-MCW kHz, Nov 28 at 0716 UT, ND beacon TU, 25 watts from TUpelo - Verona, Mississippi. I was tuned to 419-USB. At first I thought it might be TUlsa, OK, but its TU is on 338 with 30 watts; have I ever heard it? Not lately if ever. On 338 if anything, I hear RYN which is in yet another TU-town, Tucson. But in, someone last logged Tulsa on 2020-11-05. Getting back to 420, I am simul-hearing much more common FQ, 25 watts in Fairmont, Minnesota, and also when tuned to 418-USB (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2062 monitoring: confirmed Saturday November 28 at 1322, the 1300 on WRMI 15770, S9. Next:
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: thanks this week to James F. Leppard, Anderson SC, for a check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702
One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to: woradio at (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 17775-, Sat Nov 28 at *1600, KVOH power is back on, cuts on air just in time for English, 1601 Wavescan, via TWR Key West SDR but too poor in noise to keep listening. PG&E cut power to KVOH area yesterday as fire precaution forcing it off the air (Glenn Hauser, oK, WOR)
** U S A. 5970, Nov 28 at 1358 open carrier, no doubt WEWN Spanish not turned off yet, despite day frequency 12050 already on with IS, proving that there are two different transmitters. The chanting IS I was thinking is `Salve Regina`, but does not seem to match online versions of it. A pity that years ago WRTH stopped including IS info, even musical notations (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 1090, Nov 28 at 1344 UT, dead air but finally some dinging so it`s RCC mass, and mention of ``sacrament`` in English, ergo KEXS Excelsior Springs MO - Kansas City market, with EWTN radio, same mass we would be hearing if WEWN were on the SW air any more in the mornings. It`s being overtaken by a gospel huxter citing Leviticus, likely remnant of KAAY Little Rock, and making a slow SAH of 28/minute = 0.47 Hz. Catholix vs Protestants! (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Pacific JBA MW carrier search, November 28 at 1332 UT: 1566, surely 250-kW HLAZ South Korea. None others found, not even NHK biggies on 774, etc. I`m seldom awake pre-sunrise, always running a sleep-deficit. Today`s LSR was 1322 UT, but the latest will be about 1344 circa Epiphany, or OrthoXmas. OTOH, our earliest sunset will be in about a week, 2316 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report despatched at 1830 UT November 28
QSL Radio Caroline Nord
QSL Radio Caroline Nord 648 KHz - con QSL elettronica allegata in 3 giorni. v/s Pat Edison. (R. PAVANELLO)
Il nuovo sito di Radio Capodistria
Da alcuni giorni è attivo il nuovo sito internet di Radio Capodistria. A breve cambierà veste grafica anche il portale Capo4Distria.
Digitando o si accede alla nuova pagina che fa riferimento al centro multimediale di RTV Slovenia che negli ultimi anni ha rinnovato e ammodernato anche il portale principale dell'ente radiotelevisivo pubblico. "Noi ci appoggiamo sul settore centrale del centro multimediale di RTV Slovenia che negli ultimi tempi ha ristrutturato e ammodernato anche il portale principale di tutto l'ente" rileva Antonio Rocco vicedirettore generale RTV per i programmi per la comunità nazionale italiana, "noi andiamo a sfruttare le nuove capacità tecnologiche e con funzioni innovative, nuove, migliori ci presentiamo adesso con questi questi questo sito di Radio Capodistria c'è anche quello di Tv Capodistria e tra poco avremo anche l'interfaccia comune per i due programmi così come fino ad oggi funzionante, del portale Capo4Distria. Mi sembra veramente un passo molto importante e offriamo un servizio come dire integrato in cui audio video ma anche testi danno una visione completa di quella che è la nostra informazione ma non solo; intrattenimento, cultura, lingua per cui penso che sia veramente un passo molto importante verso un'offerta multimediale completa da parte dei programmi italiani di Radio TV Capodistria."
Quali le novità più importanti?
"Ci sono stati dei passaggi importanti, soprattutto per quel che riguarda la parte testuale, le notizie, che è una cosa aggiunta per quel che riguardo il nostro lavoro, la radio è audio, la tv è audio-video, il testo è una cosa che non era proprio una cosa particolare nostra. Noi però abbiamo fatto un grande lavoro in questo settore e devo dire che le notizie sono anche ben seguite in particolare i giornalisti della radio lavorano molto bene su quella che è l'attualità. La novità è che in queste pagine possiamo fare anche delle ricerche tra le notizie, prima non era questo possibile, potevamo andare solo nell'archivio audio video, era un po' limitativo. Per il resto le funzioni sono quelle di prima, abbiamo naturalmente anche il live streaming dunque la possibilità di ascoltare in diretta i nostri programmi, di ascoltarli on demand, insomma abbiamo tutte quelle funzionalità che oggi un sito moderno deve offrire. Noi siamo molto orgogliosi di quello che abbiamo fatto, del lavoro che stiamo facendo e ringraziamo soprattutto i colleghi del centro multimediale di Lubiana che ci hanno assistito in questo importante passaggio."
Che fine farà il portale 4D che per il momento è ancora attivo?
"Verrà sostituito, ancora migliorato e integrato da questo nuovo portale. Come è sparito in qualche maniera il portale 4D di RTV Slovenia, così sparirà, andrà in archivio, il nostro portale. Però rimarrà Capo4Distria, il riferimento rimarrà invariato e ci sarà una semplice sostituzione della vecchia interfaccia, della vecchia grafica con le nuove possibilità. Ci sarà una pagina iniziale in cui avremo l'integrazione delle trasmissione, dei servizi e delle notizie di Radio e Tv Capodistria e la possibilità di entrare sia nel portale della radio che in quello della TV. Dunque veramente un servizio completo, come detto siamo veramente molto orgogliosi di quello che stiamo facendo in questo settore." (ld)
El 13 de abril de 1936, la dirección de Correos y Telégrafos, realizó un llamado de licitación pública, para la instalación de estaciones de radiodifusión, en lo que en aquellos años se conocía como zonas 68 y 78 del territorio de La República. La finalidad era la instalación y explotación comercial de estaciones de radiotelefonía previstas en los tratados internacionales, firmados por el gobierno, en las ciudades de Comodoro Rivadavia y Río Gallegos…
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Cordiales 73
Daniel Camporini/José Bueno
La Rosa de Tokio es un programa dedicado a difundir el apasionante mundo de la radio y del diexismo que se transmite semanalmente desde los estudios de LS11 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires.
Los temas de la semana: (2 programas)
LA ROSA DE TOKIO se emite ahora los domingos en su nuevo horario de 16:00 a 18:00 LU (19:00 a 21:00 UTC) por los 1270 Khz y en Internet en
Además, una extensa red de emisoras de frecuencia modulada de toda la República Argentina retransmite en forma semanal nuestro programa en diferentes días y horarios.
En la provincia de Buenos Aires nuestro programa es emitido por radioemisoras de Alberti, Garré, Pellegrini, Navarro, General Alvear, Lobería, General Lamadrid, Junín, Rojas, entre otras ciudades.
La Rosa de Tokio también sale por onda corta gracias a las facilidades brindadas por WRMI Radio Miami Internacional ( y ahora llega a Centroamérica pues es retransmitida por Radio Verdad, de Guatemala y La Chispa Estéreo, de Panamá.
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Cordiales 73
Programas DX
RADIOACTIVIDADES PARA EL FIN DE SEMANA (2 PROGRAMAS). Sábado 28 y Domingo 29 de Noviembre 2020
Sábado 28 y Domingo 29 de Noviembre 2020
Desde Uruguay “RADIOACTIVIDADES” programa conducido por Daniel Ayala, con la participación de Roberto Belo y la producción y diseño técnico de Luis Ignacio Moreira, se emite por la emisora Pública Uruguaya “Radio Uruguay” perteneciente a la Radiodifusión Nacional del Uruguay.
Nos dedicamos a historiar sobre la radio, personajes, programas y la actualidad de los medios de comunicación.
Se ha emitido de forma ininterrumpida desde febrero de 1989
Dirección de Radioactividades
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Cordiales 73 - Programas DX
Log of Hiroshima Japan remote SDR rx on Nov 28 at 08.50 UT
Highest CNR1 jamming against SOH Falun Gong TWN outlets
18970 kHz CNR1 jamming channel at 08.50 UT, S=7-8 signal in SoWe_JAP
17770DRM mode CNR Dongfang Isl bcast center, til 09.00 UT S=8-9 fair in JPN
15465even 20 kHz wideband CNR1 jamming against TWN RTI at 09.02 UT
14850even CNR1 jamming / TWN SOH S=7-8 at 09.05 UT,
same level also on 13920, 13890, 13870, 13775, 13590,
13535{SOH on 13530.221} kHz.
Much stronger noted on
13790even kHz 20 kHz wideband CNR1 signal S=9+5dB at 09.08 UT.
and a China mainland origin DRM digital mode of their CNR
from northeastern China Qiqhar broadcasting center,
in 2002 errected the first French made Alliss antenna Thales transmitter
type their location
in China export horizon then.
13159.950 SOH TWN S=6,
also 13019.760strong, 12879.938, 12835.042, 12734.976,
12549.987 {CNR1 even 12550 underneath ! at 09.29 UT}, same 12499.981,
12364.969, 12229.919, 12209.985, 12189.943 kHz, and
12084.876 kHz MNG Voice of Mongolia Ulan Bataar, in Mongolian scheduled,
S=5-6 in Hiroshima JPN at 09.33 UT on Nov 28,
and accompanied by two 100 Hertz distance apart spurious signals,
either sideband.
73 wb df5sx
Glenn Hauser logs November 28, 2020
** BRAZIL. 11880, replies to no DRM heard from RNA as last reported: ``11875-11880-11885, Nov 27 at 2252, cannot hear any DRM under RHC-AM in English``
``Well, they are tests, and by nature tests may be irregular. I don't know for sure, but I'd guess they are trying to fix whatever was causing transmitter dropouts all the time. 73 -- Chris Mackerell, Sandy Bay-Marahau Road, Marahau RD 2, Motueka 7197, New Zealand`` and
``Rafael Diniz via <> Fri 2020-11-27 9:20 PM: "Tx was shut down today, to be resumed next week with a more appropriate setup." -- Richard Langley`` (Glenn Hauser, WOR)
** SCOTLAND [non]. 5800, UT Sat Nov 28 at 0300, once again this week, WRMI is playing `Encore` classical music. I notified the WOR iog ASAP and wondered if this replace UT Thu on same, as Richard Lemke says that was missing this week. And also Brice Avery who is unaware of this emission in his publicity. But this is a prepeat, probably first airing anywhere as on the 28/11 playlist. which I think will become playlist-1 when there is a new one next week. I enjoy the hour very much via a remote in Missouri in the Synch AM mode --- S9+30 almost ``local`` reception but totally mono. WRMI skedgrid still has a blank in this space, with Encore on Thu.
About the playlist, the layout is rather confusing. Ma Vlast, for instance, does not attribute it to Smetana but seemingly to Dvorak: evidently the third column is the name of the record which presumably included this piece. In classical music, the composer always comes first --- then the title of the piece, movement; then the performers. After that the less important record title and label. The way this displays, the composer may or may not show up in any of the columns, or may be incorrect. Brice`s announcements, of course, are more explicit and with some further info.
Another thing I wish he would fix: ``playing out`` on the final piece, which means it is going to get chopped off abruptly at 59:30 for the WRMI ID before it`s finished. This is extremely jarring and unfair to the music. Make the program a little shorter, 59:00? and/or start the last piece in time for it to complete, preferably also then with a back announcement and good-bye (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2062 monitoring: confirmed UT Saturday November 28 at 0130 on WRMI 7780, fair S6-S7 at UTwente, Netherlands, with some storm crashes; these can be no closer than the western Mediterranean, per Blitzortung. Next:
1300 UT Saturday WRMI 15770 to NE
2030vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
2300 UT Saturday WRMI 7780 to NE
0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415; as late as 0500]
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0130 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE, 5800 to SSE
0400vUT Monday WBCQ 6160v Area 61 to WSW
0430 UT Monday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
1900vUT Monday IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE
0200 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?] NEW
0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 5800 to SSE
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2300 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 to SSE
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: thanks this week to James F. Leppard, Anderson SC, for a check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702
** U S A. (7490.1v), UT Sat Nov 28 at 0100, WBCQ webcast of `AAAWWW` notes: says is on 7490 & 6160 only. WBCQ is fine, crew is well. Looking for one or two full-time engineers to hire, good pay; very little COVID-19 in northern Maine --- but see this gh found: ``Aroostook County reports record high COVID-19 cases for a single day --- Alexander MacDougall • November 24, 2020`` --- County population is about 70K, he says. Aroostook is huge, the cap all over northern Maine, and down the NB border. Last week a pump blew a seal, so off the air for a day, and there was no spare, AHW`s fault, but the crew soon got it back on air. Not clear which transmitter(s) he is talking about.
Still waiting to acquire WHRI, delays in getting FCC approval, maybe because they are working from home. Otherwise would be on air right now with World`s Last Chance program --- and he mentions NO other program in connexion with WHRI, so it`s pretty clear WLC is bankrolling this too. Believes China should compensate handsomely every single American for the virus which was no accident. Discussing safety measures around electricity, and that common household 120V AC is among the most dangerous, because it locks your muscles up so you can`t let go before it kills you. So avoid getting shocked.
At 0124 finally datestamps this as 27 of November YOOL 2020. Then reads a Nov 18 Radio World article about stations other than KDKA being ``first``, such as MXZ Marconi in England, 9XM Madison WI now WHA, 8MK to WBL to WWJ Detroit. Discussion of VLF stations such as NAA Cutler, Maine. 0149 Angela reads some e-mail. AHW has A-Fib (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 7490, Nov 28 at 0528, outro of `Heart to Heart with Kimberly Ann`, World Harvest Radio promo, 0530 Pete Sumerall introduces late father Lester. So it`s WHRI as registered in HFCC B-20 for 0430-0600. Yet, the WBCQ program schedule claims it is on 7490 at 0400-0600 with a wacko conspiracy show I am not going to name. Since I first pointed out this anomaly of WHRI signing off 7490 at 0600, there has been a resounding lack of interest: it seemed as if WBCQ might already be doing some programming on a Furman transmitter.
6160, Nov 28 at 0545, I monitor 6160v which is certainly WBCQ while a talk show is in progress --- is that the one their schedule mistakenly shows as on 7490? At 0554 host says not going to do a third hour tonight --- that`s certainly flexible! Refers to ``want to show you this ---`` so apparently originally a web/podcast with video. As commercial plug. Jeffrey Daugherty is host, so that clinches my conclusion about WBCQ showing wrong frequency on sked (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. Re last report, 17775-, KVOH being off: converting PST to UT, I was thinking 21, but somehow wrote 18, sigh; fixed:
...We expect the power to be returned by about 1 pm Pacific, [21 UT] but KVOH will be off by then anyway. Ray``
We shall hear if it`s really repowered by 1600 Saturday for Wavescan (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 0616 UT November 28
Agenda DX 28/11/2020
Radio Cristal, Ecuador 1380 Khz (1982)
Super Suave 11-80, Venezuela 1180 Khz (1951)
Festa dell'Indipendenza in Albania
Muore a Chicago Enrico Fermi, Premio Nobel nel 1938
Glenn Hauser logs November 27, 2020
** BRAZIL [and non]. 11875-11880-11885, Nov 27 at 2252, cannot hear any DRM under RHC-AM in English at S7-S9; meanwhile RNA-AM on 11780 is S9/+20 with flutter, unusual for trans-equatorial on HF. Brasília KiwiSDR at 2312, hears only JBA AM carrier on 11880. Nothing listed after 2300; occurred to me later, possibly 2nd harmonic from the Brazilian but that would land on 11879. So what became of the 24-hour DRM tests? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA. 13564 & 13837 approx., Nov 27 at 1440, S3 FM spurblobs with F# tone out of S9+10 but undermodulated RHC 13700-AM; the lower one blots any chance of hearing K6FRC, 1.8 milliwatt HIFER beacon in California on 13565, but have not heard it for quite a while even when in the clear. These are second-orders, while the first-orders, plus and minus 68 kHz, circa 13632 & 13768 are S6. All still there at 1527 recheck. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** FRANCE. 18146-USB, Nov 27 at 1532, ham contact in French, then pileup and quick contacts in heavily accented English with US stations; with each one he gives temp 10 C, geographical location and spells name. shows: ``F5CAC France flag France, Christian Rebout, 45 Grande Rue, 25310 Abbevillers, France. Is there a contest? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6950-USB, Nov 27 at 2253, soft YL vocal music but mostly instrumental, S8-S9, past 2300 no ID, direct; sounds better via remote iin Missouri, still music at 2322 but reads only S6-S7. 2325 chirping sounds but not like usual SSTV, but no more music. Still thus at 2342, like multiple crickets, so something else? This had been Mix Radio International, widely reported since 1900:,74882.0.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** TURKEY [non]. 5960, Nov 27 at 2259 direct, no signal from VOT English to us; something`s always erroneous at Emirleer. Same at 2311 via UTwente but getting weak Chinese, i.e. PBS Xinjiang, 5960-, Urumqi, East Turkistan, land of cultural genocide and brainwashing of Uyghurs, which per EiBi starts at 2310. Would you believe that some editor won`t let me make that remark? It`s the least I can do, surely not much, to oppose and expose the ChiCom (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 404-MCW kHz, 1339 UT Nov 27, ND beacon HU, which is 25 watts from Hutchinson, Kansas. Mixing with at very different pitch:
407-MCW kHz, 1339 UT Nov 27, ND beacon HRU, 25 watts from Hoisington, Kansas; tuned to 404-USB, mixing with HU --- Hoisington is NE of Hutchinson, ESE of Salina, S of Junxion City (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2062 monitoring --- next:
0130 UT Saturday WRMI 7780 to NE
1300 UT Saturday WRMI 15770 to NE
2030vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
2300 UT Saturday WRMI 7780 to NE
0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415; as late as 0500]
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0130 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE, 5800 to SSE
0400vUT Monday WBCQ 6160v Area 61 to WSW
0430 UT Monday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
1900vUT Monday IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE
0200 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?] NEW
0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 5800 to SSE
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2300 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 to SSE
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: thanks this week to James F. Leppard, Anderson SC, for a check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702
One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to: woradio at (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 17775-, Nov 27 at 1535, no signal from KVOH, even tho I just heard a ham in southern California on 18 MHz band. Before I could report this, explanation was already in from Ray Robinson of KVOH to the WOR iogroup at 1752; would that more station personnel were so forthcoming explaining anomalies without even being asked:
``[WOR] Power Cuts --- Due to high winds, Southern California Edison has today been cutting power pre-emptively to subscribers in Los Angeles County and Ventura County. They are concerned that downed power lines may cause fires and result in law suits against them. Unfortunately, the areas they have targeted this morning include both the transmitter sites for KVOH-SW and for our sister FM station KWSV 99.1 The Ranch. As a result, KVOH is currently off the air, and the FM station is operating from a back-up transmitter at another location. We expect the power to be returned by about 1 pm Pacific, [18 UT] but KVOH will be off by then anyway. Ray`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** VATICAN [and non]. 15550, Nov 27 at 1528, OC, 1529 echoey talk with flutter, S7-S9, 1530 Radio Dabanga song, i.e. for Sudan via SMG site. Fortunately, WJHR with better signal is still on 15555-USB, not 15550 where Aoki/NDXC shows it, after brief jumpto months ago.
15400, Nov 27 at 1528, R. Tamazuj ID in passing, i.e. for Sudan South also via SMG, this one amid hour broadcast. 1531 sounds like Arabic, but presumably Juba dialect (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
...decadence yields ingratitude, ingratitude yields laziness in the populace, and a lazy populace is easily oppressed. And, my fellow Americans, we find ourselves today a decadent, lazy and corrupted nation, waiting for our version of the Goths — which could be another pandemic and its attendant economic collapse — to knock over our dry bones...
REFLECTIONS WITH PURPOSE James Neal, Enid News, Nov 25, 2020 (via gh)
This report dispatched at 2356 UT November 27
venerdì 27 novembre 2020
Wolfgang Bueschel observations
> ENC Encompass Digital Media Services, replacing former Babcock
> now at Al Dhabbiya bcast relay site:
9580 1515 1545 41N 250 60 0 146 1234567 Urd NHK ENC
9580even NHK Radio Japan Urdu sce at 15.35 UT Nov 27, S=9+25dB or -47dBm
signal in South Asia, on remote Perseus server at Delhi India.
12065 1600 1700 52SE,53SW,57N250 215 0 216 1234567 Eng BBC ENC ENAFE_S even
9820 1630 1700 48SW,53NW 250 225 -15 146 23456 Kin BBC ENC KRWNA even
11850 1630 1700 47E,48W 250 235 0 146 23456 Eng AGM AGM 11850.110 kHz 16.53 UT
9540 1700 1730 48W 250 225 -15 146 1234567 Orm IBR ENC FE06 9540.105 kHz
9585 1700 1900 47E,48NW 250 255 15 146 1234567 Ara BBC ENC ARABA_N even
12095 1730 1750 48 250 230 -30 218 23456 Amh BBC ENC AMHAR even
6180 1730 1800 48E,48SW 250 215 0 206 1234567 Som IBR ENC FE02 even
9540 1730 1800 48W 250 225 -15 146 1234567 Tir IBR ENC FE05 9540.105 kHz
12095 1750 1810 48 250 230 -30 218 23456 Orm BBC ENC OROMO even
12040 1800 1900 48 250 235 0 218 1234567 Amh AGM AGM 12040.111 kHz
9410 1800 2000 48SW,53NW 250 225 -15 146 1234567 Eng BBC ENC ENAFE_E even
12095 1810 1830 48 250 230 -30 218 23456 Tir BBC ENC TGRYA even
12040 1900 1930 48 250 235 0 218 23456 Tir AGM AGM 12040.111 kHz
6150 1900 2000 47E,48NW 250 255 15 146 1234567 Ara BBC ENC ARABA_N even
73 wb
6170 0200 0230 41NW 250 60 0 146 123457 Urd FEC ENC BC21
6170 0200 0300 41NW 250 70 -15 146 6 Urd FEC ENC BC21
5940 0230 0300 40E 250 45 -15 146 1234567 Prs IBR ENC SS31
7300 0300 0330 40E,41NW 250 45 -15 146 1234567 Pus BBC ENC PASHA
9410 0300 0330 40E,41NW 250 60 0 146 1234567 Pus BBC ENC PASHA
5995 0300 0400 47E,48NW 250 255 15 146 1234567 Ara BBC ENC ARABA_N
7245 0330 0345 48W 250 225 -15 146 12 Amh TWR ENC
7245 0330 0345 48W 250 225 -15 146 3 Orm TWR ENC
7245 0330 0345 48W 250 225 -15 146 5 Sid TWR ENC
11875 0330 0400 48 250 215 0 146 1234567 Som AGM AGM
13790 0400 0430 48 250 225 -15 146 1234567 Som BBC ENC SOMLA
9410 0430 0530 40 250 45 -15 146 1234567 Fas BBC ENC FARSA
12015 0500 0600 47E,48NW 250 255 15 146 1234567 Ara BBC ENC ARABA_N
13790 0500 0600 48SW,53NW 250 225 0 206 7 Kin BBC ENC KRWNA
13860 0500 0600 48SW,53NW 250 225 -15 146 1234567 Eng BBC ENC ENAFE_E
13790 0529 0600 48SW,53NW 250 225 0 206 1 Kin BBC ENC KRWNA
15255 0600 0700 42,43W 250 75 15 146 1234567 Bod AGM AGM
17830 0629 0700 46SE 250 260 0 218 1234567 Hau BBC ENC HAUSA
17830 0700 0729 47S,52N,52SE 250 245 -15 218 1234567 Fra BBC ENC FRENA_C
15420 1100 1130 48 250 225 -15 146 1234567 Som BBC ENC SOMLA
17830 1115 1145 54 250 105 0 218 1234567 Ind NHK NHK
17830 1115 1145 51W,54 250 105 15 218 1234567 Ind NHK ENC
17745 1130 1500 48 250 225 0 206 7 Som BBC ENC SOMLA
15420 1130 1700 48 250 225 -15 146 7 Som BBC ENC SOMLA
15215 1200 1230 41NE 250 70 -15 146 123 Bod FEC ENC BS26
17845 1200 1300 48E,48SW 250 225 -15 146 1234567 Som ENC ENC
15640 1230 1330 40E,41NW 250 45 -15 146 1234567 Prs AGM AGM
17680 1300 1315 48W 250 230 -30 218 1567 Aar TWR ENC
13590 1300 1400 40E,41NW 250 45 -15 146 1234567 Pst AGM AGM
11925 1315 1345 54 250 105 0 218 1234567 Ind NHK NHK
11925 1315 1345 51W,54 250 105 15 218 1234567 Ind NHK ENC
11925 1400 1430 49,50,54 250 90 0 218 1234567 Eng NHK NHK
11925 1400 1430 49,50,54 250 90 0 218 1234567 Eng NHK ENC
21630 1400 1430 46SE 250 260 0 218 23456 Hau BBC ENC HAUSA
17745 1400 1500 48 250 225 -15 146 1234567 Som BBC ENC SOMLA
9580 1515 1545 41N 250 60 0 146 1234567 Urd NHK ENC
9580 1515 1545 41NW 250 60 0 146 1234567 Urd NHK NHK
11655 1600 1630 48NW 250 230 -30 218 1234567 Aar IBR ENC FE07
12065 1600 1700 52SE,53SW,57N250 215 0 216 1234567 Eng BBC ENC ENAFE_S
9820 1630 1700 48SW,53NW 250 225 -15 146 23456 Kin BBC ENC KRWNA
11850 1630 1700 47E,48W 250 235 0 146 23456 Eng AGM AGM
9540 1700 1730 48W 250 225 -15 146 1234567 Orm IBR ENC FE06
9585 1700 1900 47E,48NW 250 255 15 146 1234567 Ara BBC ENC ARABA_N
9465 1700 2000 48 250 225 0 206 7 Som BBC ENC SOMLA
12095 1730 1750 48 250 230 -30 218 23456 Amh BBC ENC AMHAR
6180 1730 1800 48E,48SW 250 215 0 206 1234567 Som IBR ENC FE02
9540 1730 1800 48W 250 225 -15 146 1234567 Tir IBR ENC FE05
12095 1750 1810 48 250 230 -30 218 23456 Orm BBC ENC OROMO
6035 1800 1830 48 250 225 0 216 17 Tir FEC ENC Tigriny
12040 1800 1900 48 250 235 0 218 1234567 Amh AGM AGM
9410 1800 2000 48SW,53NW 250 225 -15 146 1234567 Eng BBC ENC ENAFE_E
12095 1810 1830 48 250 230 -30 218 23456 Tir BBC ENC TGRYA
12040 1900 1930 48 250 235 0 218 23456 Tir AGM AGM
6150 1900 2000 47E,48NW 250 255 15 146 1234567 Ara BBC ENC ARABA_N
(Al Dhabbiya B-20 schedule, of ENC Encompass Digital Media Services,
replacing former Babcock, 2020-Nov-25)