martedì 25 agosto 2020

Wolfgang Bueschel: others on log in 23.30 to 00.30 UT time range

USA  Probably WTWW audio distortion in range 5080.84 to 5083.95 kHz
S=5-6 -88dBm at 00.12 UT on Aug 25 in MA and FL remotedly.
UNUSABLE outlet.

others on log in 23.30 to 00.30 UT time range:

5939.507 BRA  R Voz Missionaria, S=5-6 -93dBm at 23.38 UT.
5995even MLI  RTVM Bamako in French, female presenter, S=8-9 or -78dBm
         at 23.43 UT,
         but suffer reception of adjacent neighbour sideband splash
5999.990 CUB  RHC Quivican 250 kW powerful SPanish sce to North AM,
         S=9+30dB. 23.50 UT.
two strings seen poor and tiny on 6010.030 and 6009.986 kHz,
CHN is even 6010 kHz in Hiroshima-JAP.
6015even UK_  Likely? Encompas in Arabic scheduled on Woofferton site
         S=9 at 23.55 UT.
6049.997 EQA  Voz Andes Quito mountain outlet, S=8 or -82dBm, Vernac
         at 00.00 UT on Aug 25.
6060even IRN  VoIRIB Zahedan Arabic night sce, S=9+5dB at 00.01 UT.
6069.967 CAN  CFRX Toronto, "This is NEW" at 00.02 UT, Medical pilot
         project, school boys and student groups flexibility and
         hospitals matter.
6134.813 UNID at 00.05 UT Aug 25, S=3 string only. BRA?
6159.898 USA  terrible malefunction ? 32 kHz wideband outlet WBCQ
         pop mx program, noted in MA and FL state remotedly.
         S=9+25dB powerful.
6180.018 BRA  R Nacional da Amazonia, BrasPort, mx program at 00.08 UT
6184.971 MEX  As usual very low modulation these days. XEPRM Mexico D.F.
         S=6 -91dBm poor. 00.10 UT.
7490.014 USA  WBCQ, piano classical mx, 3 preludies, at 00.17 UT, at
         S=9+5dB or -67dBm signal level.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 24 / 25)