TAJIKISTAN Aug 31 at 13.30 UT, Voice of Tibet.
9876 kHz VoT towards central China ? 70 degr?, S=9+25 -52dBm.
But much stronger towards Tibet / Himalaya on
9894 kHz VoT 131degr S=9+40dB or -35dBm strength,
and intermodulation from Yangi Yul on upper sideband
9912 kHz S=9+25 -52dBm.
18 kHz apart distance intermodulation mix 9876 / 9894 kHz.
13.35:50 UT start of 9884 kHz,
and intermodulation mix 9864/9884 kHz
20 kHz away on 9904 kHz,
but n o t on lower flank 9844 kHz !
13.36-13.45 UT 9864 kHz S=9+20 -52dBm.
13.44:10 UT 9894 kHz S=9+40dB -36dBm
intermodulation mix 9864/9894 kHz
30 kHz away on 9924 kHz !
13.49 UT on 9864 and 9894 kHz.
13.58 UT 9894 kHz TX OFF !,
two minutes earlier than 9864 kHz at 14 UT.
73 wb