lunedì 17 agosto 2020

Perseus: precise frequency measurement techniques

My Perseus exact frequency measuring action as described in February 2013:

Perseus is an excellent receiver and has also a precise fq measurement equipment!

You can reach an measurement accuracy of 1-2 Hertz on the Perseus unit display.

- you need a stable power supply.

- no battery slowdown in its performance on the notebook.

- I handeled much better PERSEUS browser visibility reading, my experience since 5th year now in row, direct here and on many Perseus remote units worldwide.

>> {now 12 years experience in this 2020 year}

set steps
use NBW only  !   {the other choices are too noisy}
BW = bandwidth to 6 kHz  AT BEST !
no   AVG OFF
no   NB OFF
ATT  off
Presel on
Preamp off

set Spectrum screen to 50 kHz width only

use Spect or WFall
use NBW only  !   {the other choices are too noisy}
PBT on
AVG both OFF

S.Mtr Peak

My advice to hobby people is always explained on a Perseus screenshot image:

steps - for Perseus frequency calibration

The choosen bandwith and FREQUENCY SPAN:
Most important switch from SPECTR  to  ZOOM  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
at the big main spectrum display.

set the FREQUENCY SPAN to very fine adjustment of 1.6 kHz  /  1.9 Hertz

set frequency to time signal normal stations like 2.5 / 5 / 10 / 15 MHz like WWV Fort Collins USA / WWVH Hawaii,

or Russia Moscow frequency normal 4996, 9996, 14996 kHz stations,

or Moscow buzzer 4625 kHz is very accurate too

or R Nikeii Japan 3925, 3945, 6055, 9595 kHz very accurate outlets

all these are correct frequency normals or use CHU Canada 3330/7850 kHz frequencies instead - too.

!  Most Perseus units are all very different in their accuracy.
!  To make Perseus as an excellent instrument,
!  you notice the frequency deviation against standard on a leaf !

AGC select either fast/med/slow,  b u t
    if choice  "OFF" on very weak threshold level signals
    ... then you should be forced first to set VOL - Volume level glider
    downwards to 20 % level !

S-meter Peak ON
Front-End      PRESEL  / Preamp OFF / Dither OFF
Amplitude      RevLevel  10
               Scale     15
Tuning         Center
Sampling Rate  125   small

- - - -

after all this have done,

!  measurement - for example - an odd fq station set/put the radio on that odd requency, EXACT PEAK on the big main spectrum display {small FREQUENCY SPAN to very fine adjustment of 1.6 kHz / 1.9 Hertz]

Read off the exact frequency, and notice the frequency on a leaf !

And ADD or SUBTRACT the Hertz value of the deviation against nearby reference time / standard fq station.

... despite wearing glasses, the differ accuracy is ONLY 1-2 Hertz !

But the assumption from 2500 kHz to 21840 kHz could manage with a SINGLE PERSEUS calibration alignement action is NOT very realistic.

Even the Perseus differs between 10 MHz WWV alignement and lets say Shepparton outlets in 25 mb by some ... 10 Hertz, so you should always check Hertz value of the deviation on other stations like BBC Oman, BBC Kranji, BBC Woofferton, BBC Ascension etc.

I'hope that helps working 12 years on GREAT PERSEUS.
73 wolfy df5sx