CUBA heard in Queensland Australia, 22-23 UT April 27.
11850even RHC Spanish to Brazil, Argentina azimuth,
also signal sidelobe noted at 22.48 UT on April 27 in
remote Perseus SDR in Brisbane Australia. S=6 or -86dBm, of 250 kW
unit from Quivican San Felipe TITAN bcast center.
SPAIN 11940even R Nacional de Espana Coronavirus special noted in
Queensland Australia, S=8 or -77dBm, at 22.50 UT and \\ little stronger
12030even clearer channel and stronger modulated at 22.52 UT.
Latter best RNE Noblejas channel downunder in Pacific.
VANUATU 11835.001 Vanuatu NX read at 22.34 UT, S=5-6 or -96dBm.
MALAYSIA 11665even RTM Kajang K-L in Malaysian heard at 22.36 UT
S=6 or -88dBm strength.
9835even RTM Kajang, Malaysian BM language talk. S=9 at 23.04 UT
on April 27.
KOREA D.P.R. 11764.988 Voice of Korea Kujang in Japanese language
service, 22.40 UT on April 27, shrill womens chorus sung.
GUAM 11874.994 KSDA AWR Agat Mandarin Chinese progr, 22.43 UT,
fair S=6 or -88dBm strength in Queensland.
USA 11930even AGM United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM) outlet
of Radio Marti to Cuba island in Spanish, from Greenville NC site S=8-9
at 22.45 UT, fair S=8 or -75dBm.
9565even AGM United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM) outlet
of Radio Marti to Cuba island in Spanish, from Greenville NC site at
S=9+5dB strong at 22.55 UT.
9330even WBCQ TX OFF at exact 22.55:35 UT. Before noted S=9+10dB
some stronger than R Marti 9565 kHz signal. WBCQ full power program
in Bras-PORTUGUESE language.
VIETNAM 12018.683 Voice of Vietnam Hanoi, via Son Tay bcast center
in Mandarin Chinese at 22.50 UT S=8-9 in Queensland Australia.
9839.776 Voice of Vietnam in Indonesian BI language sce scheduled
via Son Tay site, S=5-6 poor at 23.06 UT on April 27.
PHILIPPINES 9794.976 FEBC via Iba bcast center sent lovely interval
signal of FEBC Manila in 22.58 to 23.00 UT time slot, S=6 in Australia.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 27)