giovedì 30 aprile 2020

Cuba observations

CUBA   quick check at 11 UT April 30, RHC in A-20 season:

 5999.994 QUI S=9+25 in Rochester NY, at 11.07 UT
 6100even BAU S=8-9 at 11.05 UT
 7350.001 BEJ (ex9640, ex7340) S=9+5dB in Alberta, at 11.13 UT
 9535even BEJ S=6-7 in NJ state at 11.19 UT.
11760even BAU S=8-9 at 11.22 UT nice audio, fountain Caribbean signal.
13740even S=6-7 fair signal on grayline path into Alberta, 11.30 UT
15140even BAU distorted audio, Spanish program, noted in Recife Brazil
          S=7-8 -81dBm at 11.42 UT. S=9+10dB or -57dBm at 12.08 UT
15230 kHz RHC Spanish, nothing could be observed at 11.46 UT. But on air:
15230even RHC Quivican Sp at 12.06 UT S=9+25dB or -47dBm, Sao Paulo rx

but also nice RHC outlets check on KiwiNet at Colombia


Yes, also I noticed these RHC fq changes yesterday April 29 night at around 23.45 UT.
Cuban transmissions  n o t  as strong as usual in the northern hemisphere, in Alberta / nor NJ state,

but signals better readable in KiwiNet at TWR Bonaire, Recife, Sao Paulo
Brazil and Brisbane Queensland southerly hemisphere.

But when checked missed also the CRI Quivican 5990 / 11980 kHz relay
in 23-24 UT, something was in preparation or sudden first use and some
breaks by technicians yesterday night.

13650even  JAP  R Japan NHK Tokyo via Ibaragi Yamata in Thai language
on April 29 at 23.03 UT, S=8 signal in Edmonton Alb-CAN.

13388 to 13555 kHz broadband CODAR signal S=5 in Alb, 23.05 UT.

13640even CHN  CRI Jinhua in Japanese language, S=8 at 23.08 UT.

13759.983 KRE  Voice of Korea KCBS Korean program from Kujang site,
S=8-9 at 23.17 UT.

13840.009 NZL  R NZi Rangitaiki bcast center, in English sce
at 23.15 UT, S=9+20dB power noted at Edmonton-Alb-CAN.

adjacent also WWCR USA 13845 kHz,
annoying both fqs  TOO CLOSE TOGETHER, the frequency selection
by Adrian Sainsbury could be different - in an rather EMPTY 22 meterband.

13845.005 USA  WWCR Nashville TN, ID at 23.12 UT, S=8-9 in Alberta-CAN.

More CODAR swish-swish pulsing sound
on 13920 to 13973 kHz at 23.20 UT April 29.

73 wb  df5sx