venerdì 17 aprile 2020

Glenn Hauser logs April 16-17, 2020

** ANTARCTICA. 15475.97-CUSB, April 17 at 1502, JJBBA carrier from LRA-36 with another special broadcast, as tipped via Manuel Méndez on the WOR iog by 0500, to start at 1400 with "FUNDACION INSTITUTO ANTARTICO ARGENTINO".

Then I try the three KiwiSDRs in Brasil: Campo and Rio are getting nothing but noise, but as soon as Pardinho opens to me at 1512, there it is, altho quite poor compared to other occasions; propagation must be degraded even that far/close. I keep on it, tho:

Too weak to understand much, but I can tell W&M are talking about Antarctica. Is it really aimed 180 toward the South Pole as Ivo thinx? That doesn`t make sense. 1530 some music for the first time, 1533 back to talk; 1543 sudden fade-up and stays much more readable for the remainder: was there any change in transmission? 1545 brief burst of buzz QRM, fortunately only once. 1551 canned ID ``Nacional Antártida en todo el país`` as show is no doubt being carried on the entire Argentine network. 1554 resume discussion. 1600 contact info. 1602 song; 1608 abrazos to oyentes; acknowledging someone in Italy listening on web; ``en todo el país, la radio pública``. 1614 the moving ``Antárdida`` hymn. 1617 canned ID again as above and a bit of music to cutoff*. These specials typically run 2+ hours. Pardinho had one other listener to it, from Los Angeles (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** JAPAN [non]. 11830.114, April 17 at 1417, JBA carrier. Of course, it`s UAE site, known for its offfrequenciness, this half hour being NHK World Radio Japan relay in English. Might we have better luck on // 9450 via Tashkent? Hardly (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** MEXICO. 50135-USB, original report of XE2NBW, by Es, 2205 UT April 15, had one typo in callsign as XE2NBN but the other references were correct. Fixed:

XE2NBW in Monterrey NL, making quick pro-forma contacts in accented English as if there were a contest, adding only his own grid, DL95, but the others generally inaudible here, one being in EN53. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SAO TOME. 15460.068, April 16 until 1859*, JBA off-frequency carrier. It`s VOA Shona service. Hope all those Zimbs can tune to three decimal places (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TINIAN. 13795.049, April 16 at 1446, Chinesish talk at S5-S7. Off- frequency must be Saipan? No, this time it`s sibling station across the Saipan Channel, scheduled this hour only RFA in Cantonese, not worth jamming? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 293 kHz, April 16 at 0620 UT, regular ND beacon FBY in Fairbury NE has QRM from another underneath --- hard to pull out but slightly different pitch and period so that at times it`s mostly sending during FBY pauses: UI, which is 30 watts from QUIncy IL.

FBY alone is audible again April 17 at 1344 UT, almost two hours after sunrise here at 1155, so is this skywave or groundwave? Fairbury is in SE Nebraska only a few miles from the Kansas border, 422 km = 262 statute miles from Enid. Quincy IL is 690 km = 429 stmi (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 395 kHz, April 17 at 1346, NDB CA, which is 25 watts from Newton - Harvs, Kansas.

404 kHz, April 17 at 1347, NDB HU, which is 25 watts from Hutchinson KS (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. WOR 2030 is available as of 0033 UT Friday April 17
(mp3 stream)
(mp3 download)

Or via
Also linx to podcast services.

WORLD OF RADIO 2030 contents: Albania non, Argentina non, Armenia, Bougainville, Chile, Cuba, Denmark, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia non, Guatemala, India, Iran non, Israel, Japan, Korea North & South, Madagascar, México, North America, Philippines, Romania, Sarawak non, Scotland non, Sri Lanka, Sudan South non, Taiwan and non, Turkey, USA, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam; and the propagation outlook

The shortwave broadcasts should be:

0900 UT Friday    Unique Radio NSW 5045-USB or 3210
2200 UT Friday    WRMI 9955 [maybe jammed?] to SSE
0130 UT Saturday  WRMI 5850 to NW, 5010 to S, 7780 to NE
0900 UT Saturday  Unique Radio NSW 5045-USB or 3210
1130 UT Saturday  WRMI 9955 to SSE
1300 UT Saturday  WRMI 15770 to NE
1930vUT Saturday  WA0RCR 1860-AM
0300vUT Sunday    WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315]
0900 UT Sunday    Unique Radio NSW 5045-USB or 3210
0130 UT Monday    WRMI 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday    WRMI 7780 to NE
0300vUT Monday    WBCQ 5130v Area 51 and/or 6160v to WSW
0330 UT Monday    WRMI 9955 to SSE
0900 UT Monday    Unique Radio NSW 5045-USB or 3210
1800vUT Monday    IRRS 7290 Romania? to WNW
0100 UT Tuesday   WRMI 7780 to NE
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0100 UT Thursday  WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Thanks this week for financial support from Gerald T. Pollard, Raleigh NC, who sent a generous US$ cheque to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702

One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to woradio at (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9955, Friday April 17 at 1422, surprised to find WRMI still on, with World Music, sounds E European with accordion and voice till cut off at 1426*; test? Supposed to quit at 1400 on weekdays (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5130, UT Fri April 17 at 0121, this WBCQ is back on, having been away for maintenance since April 11 --- and with another expansion of Hal Turner.

But 6160.017v, its substitute, is also still on //, S9+10 but suptorted modulation. Previously it was on minus side of 6160. We shall see if this lead to 6160v remaining airable (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 830 kHz, April 17 at 0614 UT, ID as ``102.9 The Wolf`` --- what?? This has got to be the usual bigsig from WCCO Minneapolis. Long string of PSAs; 0617 finally ID as ``WCCO 830 and AC on 102.9`` --- what`s AC? Homepage shows nothing but 830, rather than promoting any FM. Searching leads to a few mentions of 102.9 simulcasts.

WTFDA FM Database shows 102.9 in MN MN is not a mere translator, but 100/100 kW KMNB, country format, ``102.9 The Wolf``, but nothing about a connexion to WCCO 830; I suppose they are referring to being buried on a 102.9 ``HD`` subchannel.

0618 resumes `Our American Stories` --- show was supposed to be non-political but this one features voice of David Green, Oklahoma owner of Hobby Lobby, with his biblical propaganda. Good night, QRT (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report despatched at 1729 UT April 17