MOLDOVA/TURKEY Checked 11530 / 11540 kHz channels at 06.57 UT Oct 22:
here in central / western Europe
11530even Radio Denge Welat program in Kurdish, S=9+20dB strength,
9.6 kHz wideband audio block visible,
and 4 Hertz fq distance - underneath -
11530.004 kHz TRT Emirler, one of the five 500 kW units in central Turkey
see below direction finding screenshots in png format.
TRT broadcast of Turkish secret service
brought Arabic mens chorus sung performance, and also
marching music band of army music played in between,
as reported widely yesterday.
HOL/BEL border Denge Welat px ahead, TRT px underneath.
Northern ITALY Denge Welat px ahead, TRT px underneath.
POL Warsaw Denge Welat px underneath, TRT px ahead.
Stuttgart GER Denge Welat px, TRT px, both equal signal level.
GRC Denge Welat px, TRT px, both equal signal level.
Doha Qatar Denge Welat px, TRT px, both equal signal level,
but increase of Denge Welat at 07.20 UT.
35 million Kurdish national people settled in former Osmanic Empire
in Turkey, Irak, Iran and Syria, - as well as worldwide spread.
vy73 de wb df5sx