martedì 30 aprile 2019
Glenn Hauser logs April 29-30, 2019
** CUBA. 15230, April 30 at 1415, RHC is just barely modulated here at S9 during `Sonido Cubano`, while 15140 is sufficient at S9+10. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [and non]. 5980, checked at 0053 UT April 30: this is not VOA in Spanish [as Wolfgang Bueschel assumed?], but TV Marti, per numerous IDs after an interview about the elexions in Spain. Possibly they mentioned Voz de America at some point. Heavy jamming, but TVM on top. Not hearing any RRI in the mix at first, but detectable at 0111, Romanian // 7420 in the clear, both scheduled 0000-0200. RRI QSY to 5980 was blindsided by OCB`s abrupt decision to put TVM audio on SW.
TVM also plugged again the secure website to access it; could not copy but seems to end in .info. So far I have not found a reference to that on the insecure site or (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. DTV RF 13, April 30 at 1424 UT, all four OETA channels are displaying the neat `Technical Difficulties` TP illustrating a wrench, screwdriver and hammer amid the old-style circles, and tiny ID lettering at the bottom --- both OTA and the two available via cable.
Here is a shot of it made last year:
Erratically audio-only comes on and sometimes video, before back to TP, ruining reception of programming until 1500 UT, then apparently back in business. A small but perhaps severe storm was moving thru OKC, maybe turning OETA`s satellite dish for PBS into a rain gauge!
(In Enid circa 0900 UT we had the same severe storm dumping two inches of rain into ours; and flood watches continue. And a tornado warning issued at 1616 UT for the Carney-Cushing OK area, just NE of OKC. At 1636 another warning for Osage County; fortunately away from Enid and not moving thisaway. But NWS interrupting OETA programming.)
The other OKC stations remained OK, except RF 16, KOCM ``46`` Norman, black screen and silence until recovery of Daystar gospel-huxtering at 1437 UT (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SAUDI ARABIA. 15435, April 29 at 1822, weak Arabic talk and pop music. Presumably SBA program 1 extended, as all references show its span is only 1500-1800, General program (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
15205.057, April 29 at 1823, VP talk, ME song, also presumed SBA always off-frequency here, and also on past nominal 1545-1757 span per Aoki/NDXC, 1600-1800 per EiBi and HFCC; 500 kW, 320 degrees USward beyond Eurotarget; WRTH lists as Qur`an program.
The next day, I am having second thots --- were these really heard at 1722 and 1723 UT, wrong times entered due to DST confusion? Must recheck today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
17615.067, April 30 at 1416, JBA carrier from always off-frequency SBA is nevertheless the SSOB, nothing else audible but an ever weaker one on 17780 from BBC Ascension. Nothing audible from the other Riyadhs on 17705 & 17895 which supposedly run until 1500 and are aimed USward unlike 17615 at 190 degrees! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. 9830, April 29 at 2247, VOT English to North America has been on, but successfully all the way from *2200? Now it`s sign-off time with ``news pre-recorded`` disclaimer; S8/S9+10, and right into IS loop. And no German extra after 2300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1979 monitoring: confirmed UT Tue Apr 30 at 0114 the 0100 on WRMI 7780, fair. Next:
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780
[it appears we will now be running on a Friday-to-Thursday cycle, so freshest new airings are on weekends]
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
** U S A. 9470, April 29 at 1941, surprised to find something here, Christian call-in in English, S8-S9, but tuning LSB totally separable from much stronger 9475 WTWW-1 at S9+20. 1947 EWTN ID in passing, guest a know-it-all about Catholic theology. 9470 is of course WEWN English frequency registered for 09-13 UT only, 335 degrees toward ``Bejing``.
After a 6-hour break, English supposed to resume at 1900, 85 degrees for Africa on 15610 --- but nothing on 15610 now. Recheck 2251, 9470 is still on with call-in past 2300. So is this nevertheless deliberate, 9470 propagating much better around here anyway than 15610? Or a mistake, failure to retune transmitter after previous emission? Normally, two US SW stations would never be authorized simultaneously only 5 kHz apart! We shall soon find out if this recur from 1900 UT April 30 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5890, April 30 at 0604, WWCR open carrier at S9+10/20, and also 3215 at S9+20/30 with some hum; while the other two are modulating on 4840 and 5935. Another Tuesday when this happens reliably, altho I can`t be sure it does not also happen certain other days of week. WHY? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
I am amassing a growing collexion of DTV breakup images from my Sanyo screen, often producing startling/beautiful art. Each one is unique and can never be replicated. This happens when stations are on the verge, only partially decoding and/or when the frame freezes during a channel change, capturing parts of two different stations. I have not kept track of the stations, times or circumstances involved, altho IIRC this latest one involved KDCD 31 Derby KS, which fortunately froze long enough for grabbing a camera: Eventually I plan to organize a gallery of these ARTifacts (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report dispatched at 1641 UT April 30
W4HM Daily HF-MF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast #2019-121
Greetings to
my fellow hamateur radio and SWL radio enthusiasts around the
Welcome to my
“not for profit” W4HM Daily HF-MF Radio Wave Propagation
It’s the only
accurate daily global HF-MF radio wave propagation forecast produced on the
You can sign
up for the daily email delivered global HF-MF radio wave propagation forecast
You can view
the forecast online at
I'm a
semiretired heliophysicist, troposphere meteorologist/climatologist, physical
oceanographer and one of the few on the planet with advanced education and
forecast experience in all aforementioned disciplines. In troposphere weather
forecasting I have 46 years of experience and in solar, space and geomagnetic
weather forecasting 31 years In physical oceanography 10 years.
This is
created and disseminated by Thomas F. Giella, W4HM in Lakeland, FL, USA ©
You can contact
me at .
W4HM Solar
Cycle 24 Update and Solar Cycle 25 Forecast- Short and to the
Solar minimum
will begin later in 2019-2020 and may last longer than any previous solar cycle
in the 20th century. When solar cycle 25 finally gets underway it could be the
weakest since the middle of the 19th century. Another “Dalton” type lesser grand
solar minimum may occur with a corresponding cooling of earth’s climate.
This would
negate anthropogenic climate change (harmful man induced global warming) if it
were occurring, (((((WHICH IT ISN’T.)))))
For more
“TRUTH” on the socialist lie of anthropogenic climate change (harmful man
induced global warming) check out and
On February 1,
2008 I forecasted that solar cycle 24 would be the smallest solar cycle in the
past 100 years. That forecast verified. I also forecasted that solar cycle 25
would be almost non nonexistent SSN <50.
#121 issued
Tuesday April 30, 2019 at 1400 UTC
Radio wave
propagation condition “trend” on April 30, 2019- steady.
Radio wave
propagation condition “trend” on May 1, 2019- minor
Radio wave
propagation condition “trend” on May 2, 2019- minor
Received RF
signal strength scale-
Very Good- +1
over S9 or greater
Very Poor-
3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300 kHz- S9 at night and S1-2 at
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- S9+ 1 at night and
S4-7 at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- S0 at night and S4-6 at day,
21000-21850 kHz- S0 at night and S1-2 at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- S0 at night and S0-1 at day,
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- S9+ 1 at night and
S4-7 at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- S0 at night and S4-6 at day,
21000-21850 kHz- S0 at night and S1-2 at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- S0 at night and S0-1 at day,
kHz- S0 at night and S0 at day.
3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300 kHz- S9 at night and S1-2 at
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- S9+ 1 at night and
S4-7 at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- S0 at night and S4-6 at day,
21000-21850 kHz- S0 at night and S1-2 at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- S0 at night and S0-1 at day,
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- S9+ 1 at night and
S4-7 at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- S0 at night and S4-6 at day,
21000-21850 kHz- S0 at night and S1-2 at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- S0 at night and S0-1 at day,
kHz- S0 at night and S0 at day.
Received RF
signal strength scale-
Very Good- +1
over S9 or greater
Very Poor-
-East <-> West To 1100 Mi /1800 km
*North <-> South To 1100 Mi /1800
+South <-> North To 1100 Mi /1800
-East <-> West To 1100 Mi / 1800
*South <-> North To 1100 Mi /1800
+North <-> South To 1100 Mi / 1800
Hemisphere (TA) Trans Atlantic, (TI) Trans Indian, (TP) Trans Pacific and cross
Equatorial propagation conditions in excess of
approximately 3200 mi / 5200 km-
High Latitude
Mid Latitude
Low latitude
Hemisphere (TA) Trans Atlantic, (TI) Trans Indian, (TP) Trans Pacific and cross
Equatorial propagation conditions in excess of
approximately 3200 mi / 5200 km-
High Latitude
Mid Latitude
Low latitude
Received RF
signal strength scale-
Very Good- +1
over S9 or greater
Very Poor-
This HF-MF
Radio wave propagation forecast is produced based on the SIGINT_CAP HF-MF radio
wave propagation prediction software. X and O ray tracing is
I wrote it
beginning in the late 1980’s and continue to refine it in 2019.
But I’m sorry
to say that it still can’t be distributed to the general public.
It does
outperform VOA CAP and Prop Lab.
I do check the
actual band conditions at my location in the USA and tweak the forecast manually
where and when necessary.
I also check
global HF-MF radio wave propagation conditions via remoted radio
receivers on
every continent of the globe and tweak the forecast manually if
and when
And last but
not least I look at ionsonde stations on every continent of the
The hamateur
radio JT65A mode RF signal levels received are based on 5 watts
and ½ wave
dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur
radio PSK31 mode RF signal levels received are based on 25
watts and ½
wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur
radio CW mode RF signal levels received are based on 50 watts
and ½ wave
dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur
radio SSB RF mode signal levels received are based on 100 watts
and ½ wave
dipole up at 40 feet.
The HF
shortwave broadcast band AM Mode RF signal levels are based on
100,000 watts
(100 kw) and a typical high gain VOA type curtain array
The MF
broadcast band AM Mode RF signal levels are based on 50,000 watts (50 kw) and an
omnidirectional vertical antenna.
Please keep in
mind that this is a relatively simplified HF-MF radio wave
forecast, so as to keep it easily understandable and applicable
by the average
radio enthusiast.
Note! I use
error prone RAW public domain data from the NOAA Space
Center, other U.S. government entities and educational
to produce this daily HF-MF radio wave propagation
forecast. This
data is gathered and made public by the U.S. Government using
taxpayer $$$
(including mine).
However this
daily HF-MF propagation forecast that I produce from the RAW
public domain
data is my personal intellectual property. Therefore this
daily HF-MF
radio wave propagation forecast contained herein is copyrighted ©
1988-2019 by
Thomas F. Giella, W4HM.
Feel free
without prior permission to redistribute this daily HF-MF radio
forecast, as long as you redistribute it in its entirety and
give me credit
for it.
Also HF-MF
radio wave propagation forecasting is still an inexact
science and
therefore also an art. The forecasts are not official but for
and hobby related purposes only and are subject to human error
and acts of
God, therefore no guarantee or warranty implied.
Radio Caroline 648 supporters club meeting - 7 May, Epping Essex
One week to go until the first meeting of the new RADIO CAROLINE 648 SUPPORTERS CLUB. Join us on Tuesday 7th May, 7.30pm at the Speak Easy Bar, 175 High Street, Epping, Essex, CM16 4BL. Guests will include Caroline presenter Barry James, who will be talking about his days spinning the discs at the legendary Radio Caroline Roadshows, which packed out venues across East Anglia and Kent from 1977 to 1980.Entry £5 inc buffet. Raffle and Caroline merchandise stall. If you would like to go along please email organiser Dave Ward at to let him know for catering.All funds raised go towards the upkeep of Ross Revenge.
Agenda DX 30/04/2019
R. RSA (1991) - R. Itapirema, brasile 1390 Khz (1994)
Virgin R., Gran Bretagna 1215 Khz (1993)
Radio Guaìba, Brasile 720 - 6000 - 11785 Khz (1957)
Radio Guatapurì, Colombia 740 Khz (1963)
WRDZ, Ohio 1260 Khz (1950)
CKRD, Alberta, Canada 700 Khz (1949)
Compleanno della Regina Beatrice in Olanda e nelle Antille
R. RSA (1991) - R. Itapirema, brasile 1390 Khz (1994)
Virgin R., Gran Bretagna 1215 Khz (1993)
Radio Guaìba, Brasile 720 - 6000 - 11785 Khz (1957)
Radio Guatapurì, Colombia 740 Khz (1963)
WRDZ, Ohio 1260 Khz (1950)
CKRD, Alberta, Canada 700 Khz (1949)
Compleanno della Regina Beatrice in Olanda e nelle Antille
lunedì 29 aprile 2019
Propagation outlook from Boulder
:Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2019 Apr 29 0213 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
22 - 28 April 2019
Solar activity was very low throughout the reporting period. No
spotted regions were observed on the solar disk. No Earth-directed
CMEs were observed in available coronagraph imagery.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at
moderate levels on 22-23 Apr and decreased to normal levels for the
remainder of the reporting period.
Geomagnetic field activity ranged from quiet to unsettled. A solar
sector boundary crossing was observed late on 23 Apr which caused
several periods of unsettled early into 24 Apr. No other significant
signatures were observed in the solar wind data. Quiet conditions
were observed for the remainder of the reporting period.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
29 April - 25 May 2019
Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels over the outlook
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is
expected to range from normal to high levels. High levels are
expected on 02-12 May; moderate levels are expected on 29 Apr-01 Mar
and 13-23 May. The remainder of the outlook period is expected to be
at normal levels.
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to range from quiet to active
levels. Active levels are expected on 01-02 May and 07 May;
unsettled levels are expected on 30 Apr, 03 May, 05-06 May, 08-10
May and 19 May. The remainder of the outlook period is expected to
be at quiet levels. All enhancements in geomagnetic activity are due
to the anticipation of multiple, recurrent CH HSSs.
:Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2019 Apr 22 0049 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2019-04-22
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2019 Apr 22 69 5 2
2019 Apr 23 69 8 3
2019 Apr 24 69 8 3
2019 Apr 25 69 8 3
2019 Apr 26 69 5 2
2019 Apr 27 69 12 4
2019 Apr 28 69 8 3
2019 Apr 29 69 5 2
2019 Apr 30 69 10 3
2019 May 01 69 14 4
2019 May 02 69 12 4
2019 May 03 72 8 3
2019 May 04 76 5 2
2019 May 05 76 10 3
2019 May 06 77 12 3
2019 May 07 78 14 4
2019 May 08 78 8 3
2019 May 09 78 8 3
2019 May 10 78 8 3
2019 May 11 78 5 2
2019 May 12 78 5 2
2019 May 13 78 5 2
2019 May 14 78 5 2
2019 May 15 78 5 2
2019 May 16 78 5 2
2019 May 17 76 5 2
2019 May 18 72 5 2
:Issued: 2019 Apr 29 0213 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
22 - 28 April 2019
Solar activity was very low throughout the reporting period. No
spotted regions were observed on the solar disk. No Earth-directed
CMEs were observed in available coronagraph imagery.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at
moderate levels on 22-23 Apr and decreased to normal levels for the
remainder of the reporting period.
Geomagnetic field activity ranged from quiet to unsettled. A solar
sector boundary crossing was observed late on 23 Apr which caused
several periods of unsettled early into 24 Apr. No other significant
signatures were observed in the solar wind data. Quiet conditions
were observed for the remainder of the reporting period.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
29 April - 25 May 2019
Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels over the outlook
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is
expected to range from normal to high levels. High levels are
expected on 02-12 May; moderate levels are expected on 29 Apr-01 Mar
and 13-23 May. The remainder of the outlook period is expected to be
at normal levels.
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to range from quiet to active
levels. Active levels are expected on 01-02 May and 07 May;
unsettled levels are expected on 30 Apr, 03 May, 05-06 May, 08-10
May and 19 May. The remainder of the outlook period is expected to
be at quiet levels. All enhancements in geomagnetic activity are due
to the anticipation of multiple, recurrent CH HSSs.
:Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2019 Apr 22 0049 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2019-04-22
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2019 Apr 22 69 5 2
2019 Apr 23 69 8 3
2019 Apr 24 69 8 3
2019 Apr 25 69 8 3
2019 Apr 26 69 5 2
2019 Apr 27 69 12 4
2019 Apr 28 69 8 3
2019 Apr 29 69 5 2
2019 Apr 30 69 10 3
2019 May 01 69 14 4
2019 May 02 69 12 4
2019 May 03 72 8 3
2019 May 04 76 5 2
2019 May 05 76 10 3
2019 May 06 77 12 3
2019 May 07 78 14 4
2019 May 08 78 8 3
2019 May 09 78 8 3
2019 May 10 78 8 3
2019 May 11 78 5 2
2019 May 12 78 5 2
2019 May 13 78 5 2
2019 May 14 78 5 2
2019 May 15 78 5 2
2019 May 16 78 5 2
2019 May 17 76 5 2
2019 May 18 72 5 2
Glenn Hauser logs April 28-29, 2019
** CUBA. 5980, UT Mon Apr 29 at 0245 check, nothing but Cuban jamming noise on the new frequency for TV Martí soundtrack, at 22-03 UT but not scheduled on weekends. However, during the previous hour at 0135, via remotes in NY & FL, Wolfgang Bueschel was getting a ``terrible mixture`` of VOA news in Spanish vs RRI in Romanian, which had inadvisably shifted from 9790 to 5980 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA NORTH [and non]. 6045, April 29 at 1203, good signal in Korean S9/+10, with lite beep jamming underaudible. I can`t believe this be from TAJIKISTAN site as in Aoki/NDXC for National Unity Radio clandestine at 1200-1458. EiBi also claims TJK but at 1100-1300. Not in HFCC at all. Rather something from E Asia/W Pacific. Steve McGreevy suggests Taiwan. Dan Sheedy, Moonlight Beach CA logged it several times in April with same too-good-for-Tajikistan observation. Ivo Ivanov assumes TJK, having replaced 7235 in mid-April.
Also relevant, this from Ron Howard earlier: ``BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, 1114-1120*, on April 5. Pop songs till transmitter off. The good news is that the recent jamming spur heard here from 6045, has ended, as National Unity Radio has moved away from 6045, taking the N. Korea jamming with them`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 540, April 29 at 1129 UT, Mexican NA from WSW, different version choral with band and heavy drumming, and an odd time for it too, perhaps its sign-on. 1130 no ID but immediate prayer to Jehová, YL solo hymn? to mi ciudad, finally 1135 full ID for XETX, La Ranchera de Paquimé, street address in Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, also FM 90.5, Grupo BM Radio, another informal slogan preceded by ``La Mera Mera ---`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 570, April 29 at 1102 UT, choral multiverse NA from SSW, until 1105 fades for ID but Monterrey mentioned, i.e. XEBJB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 580, April 29 at 1100 UT, M&W newscast including F and C weather for the frontera, Piedras Negras; holding its own against opposite WIBW Topeka, making 63/minute SAH = 1.05 Hz. Obviously ``XEMU``, new legal call of which is XELRDA standing for La Ranchera Del Aire (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 610, April 29 at 1104 UT, Coahuila mentioned, Grupo M(?) Radio. I would assume XEBX Sabinas, but it`s thought to have moved to FM 105.9 with 610 deleted from WRTH 2019. is merely under construxion as ``La Primera`` on 105.9 AND 610. There has been a CP for another Coahuilan on 610, XESORN in Saltillo to replace XESAC which is definitely gone. Must monitor 610 again closely (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 650, April 29 at 1100 UT, no signal yet, but recheck 1108, now Mexican music from southwest and 1111 `Buenos Días, Yarderos`, well-known wakeup show from XETNT, Radio 65 altho neither call nor slogan heard today. DJ mixes in plugs for local mercados in Los Mochis, Sinaloa; 1137 greeting listeners by name still in BDY show. Still no sign of sibling station XEGS Guasave, altho more QRM on 610 from KCSP, and Coahuila earlier. At ToH 1200 the two used to join for newscast, too late now.
So XETNT is definitely still on AM. Replying April 26 to my previous non-log, Raymie Humbert in AZ on the WTFDA Forum:
``XETNT should never have stayed on past a year; it was not the Mochis station with a continuity obligation. (That would be 540 XEHS-AM, on the air for the benefit of 27,552 people.) On the other hand, XEGS is continuity obligated. More than 21,000 people depend on it for their only radio service. Most continuity obligation stations are on low frequencies. There's still the chance, of course, someone wants to run a social AM radio station and assumes the continuity obligation. That's happening with XEEJ Puerto Vallarta, which will soon yield to a new station XECSBK on 650. Other frequencies that are part of continuity obligations are being advertised the same way.`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 710, April 29 at 1113 UT, gravelly Low-German preacher, his home on XEDP Ciudad Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, not off-frequency today; by 1138 back to Spanish with regional weather, 5:39 TC, plugs its whatsapp link, details of a fatal DUI --- conduciendo borracho? traffic accident (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 780v, April 29 at 1116 UT, semi-local KSPI Stillwater music carefully nulled, for Spanish producing low audible heterodyne (but not as bad as 740 KRMG torn up by XEQN Torreón), mentions Monclova, ads, something on carretera 30 which runs roughly between Monclova and Torreón, and CCI from another XE, 1118 fade-out. So it`s XEWGR in Monclova (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 820, April 29 at 1141 UT, slow SAH against WBAP nulled for ``Canal 800-20, ABC Radio`` IDs between guitar songs, again at 1143 by when it`s dominating WBAP, i.e. XEABCA, Mexicali BCN. No storm noise on band this morning, the lightning having migrated from KS last night to the dayside in MO; also a storm around Yuma, but not bothering this station (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 930, April 29 at 1145-1148 UT, WKY in a promotional loop with slight variations, slogans by YL such as ``La casa de deportes en Oklahoma City`` (or would that be ``caza``?) also plugging ESPN, Oklahoma City Thunder, call letters always in English, mixed with SFX, yelling (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1979 monitoring: confirmed Sunday April 28 at 2130 on WRMI 7780, JBA.
Also confirmed UT Monday April 29 at 0130 on WRMI 9395, good S9+10
Also confirmed UT Monday April 29 at 0230 on WRMI 7780, fair
Also confirmed UT Monday April 29 from 0300 on Area 51 webcast, and this week also modulating on WBCQ 5130.42, but VP in storm noise from Kansas.
Also confirmed UT Monday April 29 at 0330 on WRMI 9955, very poor.
1815 UT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780
0800 UT Tuesday Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW [2 editions]
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780
[it appears we will now be running on a Friday-to-Thursday cycle, so freshest new airings are on weekends]
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
** U S A. 7505v, April 29 at 1256, WRNO VG S9+20 in Christian Chinese, presumably about to close at 1300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 15825 & 13845, April 29 around 1320, both these WWCRs are getting a sporadic-E boost altho not imbooming yet, rather than JBA over too-close 1-megameter path. Correlates nicely with an OK/TN contact on 10m shown by DX Maps - but not into VHF yet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Pacific JBA MW carrier search, April 29 at 1121-1128 UT, before LSR of 1141 here:: 774, 756-WSW, 747, 702-WSW(2), 675-WSW, 657-WSW, 612-WSW, 846-WSW, 882-WSW(2), 1035-WSW, 1098-W. The ones without a DF I could not be sure of maybe both WSW and NW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report dispatched at 1639 UT April 29
W4HM Daily HF-MF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast #2019-120
Greetings to
my fellow hamateur radio and SWL radio enthusiasts around the world.
Welcome to my
“not for profit” W4HM Daily HF-MF Radio Wave Propagation
It’s the only
accurate daily global HF-MF radio wave propagation forecast produced on the
You can sign
up for the daily email delivered global HF-MF radio wave propagation forecast
You can view
the forecast online at
I'm a
semiretired heliophysicist, troposphere meteorologist/climatologist, physical
oceanographer and one of the few on the planet with advanced education and
forecast experience in all aforementioned disciplines. In troposphere weather
forecasting I have 46 years of experience and in solar, space and geomagnetic
weather forecasting 31 years In physical oceanography 10 years.
This is
created and disseminated by Thomas F. Giella, W4HM in Lakeland, FL, USA ©
You can contact
me at .
W4HM Solar
Cycle 24 Update and Solar Cycle 25 Forecast- Short and to the
Solar minimum
will begin later in 2019-2020 and may last longer than any previous solar cycle
in the 20th century. When solar cycle 25 finally gets underway it could be the
weakest since the middle of the 19th century. Another “Dalton” type lesser grand
solar minimum may occur with a corresponding cooling of earth’s climate.
This would
negate anthropogenic climate change (harmful man induced global warming) if it
were occurring, (((((WHICH IT ISN’T.)))))
For more
“TRUTH” on the socialist lie of anthropogenic climate change (harmful man
induced global warming) check out and
On February 1,
2008 I forecasted that solar cycle 24 would be the smallest solar cycle in the
past 100 years. That forecast verified. I also forecasted that solar cycle 25
would be almost non nonexistent SSN <50.
#120 issued
Monday April 29, 2019 at 1430 UTC
Radio wave
propagation condition “trend” on Apr 29, 2019- steady.
Radio wave
propagation condition “trend” on Apr 30, 2019- steady.
Radio wave
propagation condition “trend” on May 1, 2019- steady.
Received RF
signal strength scale-
Very Good- +1
over S9 or greater
Very Poor-
3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300 kHz- S9 at night and S1-2 at
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- S9+ 1 at night and
S4-7 at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- S0 at night and S4-6 at day,
21000-21850 kHz- S0 at night and S1-2 at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- S0 at night and S0-1 at day,
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- S9+ 1 at night and
S4-7 at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- S0 at night and S4-6 at day,
21000-21850 kHz- S0 at night and S1-2 at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- S0 at night and S0-1 at day,
kHz- S0 at night and S0 at day.
3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300 kHz- S9 at night and S1-2 at
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- S9+ 1 at night and
S4-7 at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- S0 at night and S4-6 at day,
21000-21850 kHz- S0 at night and S1-2 at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- S0 at night and S0-1 at day,
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- S9+ 1 at night and
S4-7 at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- S0 at night and S4-6 at day,
21000-21850 kHz- S0 at night and S1-2 at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- S0 at night and S0-1 at day,
kHz- S0 at night and S0 at day.
Received RF
signal strength scale-
Very Good- +1
over S9 or greater
Very Poor-
-East <-> West To 1100 Mi /1800 km
*North <-> South To 1100 Mi /1800
+South <-> North To 1100 Mi /1800
-East <-> West To 1100 Mi / 1800
*South <-> North To 1100 Mi /1800
+North <-> South To 1100 Mi / 1800
Hemisphere (TA) Trans Atlantic, (TI) Trans Indian, (TP) Trans Pacific and cross
Equatorial propagation conditions in excess of
approximately 3200 mi / 5200 km-
High Latitude
Mid Latitude
Low latitude
Hemisphere (TA) Trans Atlantic, (TI) Trans Indian, (TP) Trans Pacific and cross
Equatorial propagation conditions in excess of
approximately 3200 mi / 5200 km-
High Latitude
Mid Latitude
Low latitude
Received RF
signal strength scale-
Very Good- +1
over S9 or greater
Very Poor-
This HF-MF
Radio wave propagation forecast is produced based on the SIGINT_CAP HF-MF radio
wave propagation prediction software. X and O ray tracing is
I wrote it
beginning in the late 1980’s and continue to refine it in 2019.
But I’m sorry
to say that it still can’t be distributed to the general public.
It does
outperform VOA CAP and Prop Lab.
I do check the
actual band conditions at my location in the USA and tweak the forecast manually
where and when necessary.
I also check
global HF-MF radio wave propagation conditions via remoted radio
receivers on
every continent of the globe and tweak the forecast manually if
and when
And last but
not least I look at ionsonde stations on every continent of the
The hamateur
radio JT65A mode RF signal levels received are based on 5 watts
and ½ wave
dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur
radio PSK31 mode RF signal levels received are based on 25
watts and ½
wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur
radio CW mode RF signal levels received are based on 50 watts
and ½ wave
dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur
radio SSB RF mode signal levels received are based on 100 watts
and ½ wave
dipole up at 40 feet.
The HF
shortwave broadcast band AM Mode RF signal levels are based on
100,000 watts
(100 kw) and a typical high gain VOA type curtain array
The MF
broadcast band AM Mode RF signal levels are based on 50,000 watts (50 kw) and an
omnidirectional vertical antenna.
Please keep in
mind that this is a relatively simplified HF-MF radio wave
forecast, so as to keep it easily understandable and applicable
by the average
radio enthusiast.
Note! I use
error prone RAW public domain data from the NOAA Space
Center, other U.S. government entities and educational
to produce this daily HF-MF radio wave propagation
forecast. This
data is gathered and made public by the U.S. Government using
taxpayer $$$
(including mine).
However this
daily HF-MF propagation forecast that I produce from the RAW
public domain
data is my personal intellectual property. Therefore this
daily HF-MF
radio wave propagation forecast contained herein is copyrighted ©
1988-2019 by
Thomas F. Giella, W4HM.
Feel free
without prior permission to redistribute this daily HF-MF radio
forecast, as long as you redistribute it in its entirety and
give me credit
for it.
Also HF-MF
radio wave propagation forecasting is still an inexact
science and
therefore also an art. The forecasts are not official but for
and hobby related purposes only and are subject to human error
and acts of
God, therefore no guarantee or warranty implied.
5980 kHz terrible mixture 01 - 02 UT April 29 RRI Galbeni, co-channel 5980 kHz S=9+40dB - from Greenville NC probably ?
USA/ROMANIA Terrible co-channel.
Around 01.35 UT noted terrible mixture signals of
both station program on
5980even S=9+40dB in Rochester NY,
S=9+50dB POWERHOUSE in Cape Canaveral FL SDR unit,
probably origin from Greenville NC US foreign sce site.
Machine gun like - locutora in SPANISH language
"Voz de America" report from Nicaragua direct,
and underneath new RRI Galbeni ROMania requested service,
latter left original 9790 kHz channel last week in favor of 5980 kHz,
\\ 7420 kHz both 300 kW service from Romania Europe.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 29)
ROMANIA. I don't recall seeing this mentioned before - R Romania Int's
Romanian service from 0000-0200UTC (including the classical music hour
of Radio Concert Season 0100-0200) observed on 28 April on new 5980khz
(ex 9790) and 7420.
Alan Roe, Teddington, UK
USA private radio services, others
3215even WWCR Nashville, TOM Brother Stair roarer religious program,
S=9+30dB, 11 kHz wideband audio, nice quality though,
in Rochester NY, at 01.12 UT on April 29.
3264.933 kHz S=9 signal WBCQ 22-04 UT requested,
50 kW 245degr azimuth in database,
amateurish Banjo instrument singer music of western films.
5130.453 kHz WBCQ S=9 hard pop music program, 01.29 UT on April 26.
12 kHz wideband audio block.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 29)
Around 01.35 UT noted terrible mixture signals of
both station program on
5980even S=9+40dB in Rochester NY,
S=9+50dB POWERHOUSE in Cape Canaveral FL SDR unit,
probably origin from Greenville NC US foreign sce site.
Machine gun like - locutora in SPANISH language
"Voz de America" report from Nicaragua direct,
and underneath new RRI Galbeni ROMania requested service,
latter left original 9790 kHz channel last week in favor of 5980 kHz,
\\ 7420 kHz both 300 kW service from Romania Europe.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 29)
ROMANIA. I don't recall seeing this mentioned before - R Romania Int's
Romanian service from 0000-0200UTC (including the classical music hour
of Radio Concert Season 0100-0200) observed on 28 April on new 5980khz
(ex 9790) and 7420.
Alan Roe, Teddington, UK
USA private radio services, others
3215even WWCR Nashville, TOM Brother Stair roarer religious program,
S=9+30dB, 11 kHz wideband audio, nice quality though,
in Rochester NY, at 01.12 UT on April 29.
3264.933 kHz S=9 signal WBCQ 22-04 UT requested,
50 kW 245degr azimuth in database,
amateurish Banjo instrument singer music of western films.
5130.453 kHz WBCQ S=9 hard pop music program, 01.29 UT on April 26.
12 kHz wideband audio block.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 29)
Agenda DX 29/04/2019
BBC Radio Derby 1116 Khz (1971)
Deutsche Welle, Germania 6075 Khz (1924)
Radio Padilla, Bolivia 3476 Khz (1974)
WBAX, Wilkes-Barre 1240 Khz (1922)
WTVN, Ohio 610 Khz (1922)
BBC Radio Derby 1116 Khz (1971)
Deutsche Welle, Germania 6075 Khz (1924)
Radio Padilla, Bolivia 3476 Khz (1974)
WBAX, Wilkes-Barre 1240 Khz (1922)
WTVN, Ohio 610 Khz (1922)
Diploma Radio Londra II1BBC
Questo il diploma II1BBC ottenuto grazie all'ascolto dei messaggi speciali di Radio Londra. Le trasmissioni in SSB sono state molto travagliate perchè la propagazione ionosferica era pessima con un rumore che sfiorava il S 9, praticamente se la passavano meglio i nostri nonni quando ascoltavano Radio Londra. Particolarmente efficace è stato l'uso di un cluster che mi ha guidato quando la stazione operante faceva QSY. Sempre i nostri progenitori avevano a disposizione soltanto il segnale d'intervallo della BBC. Comunque, ho potuto fare anche un QSO in telegrafia/QRP 3 W in antenna ed è stato emozionante come al solito.
I T 9 T Z Z
Sito web> page>
SWLDXBulgaria News April 28-29
ARMENIA(non) Reception of Trans World Radio India via Yerevan on April 28
1530-1600 on 9300 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs English Sat/Sun, very good
FRANCE(non) Radio Taiwan International via TDF Issoudun on April 28
1900-2000 on 13835 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to NWAf French Sun, very good
GERMANY(non) Unscheduled frequency of DW via Issoudun, April 28:
1325-1400 on 15195 ISS 500 kW / 170 deg to WeAf Hausa, very good &
1400-1525 on 15195 ISS 500 kW / 170 deg to WeAf DW Interval Signal
This frequency of Deutsche Welle is scheduled on Sat - Bundesliga:
1325-1530 on 15195 ISS 500 kW / 170 deg to WeAf Hausa Sat Football
GERMANY(non) Bible Voice Broadcasting in 31mb via MBR Nauen, April 28
1815-1830 on 9635 NAU 250 kW / 125 deg to N/ME English Sun, very good
1831-1916 on 9635 NAU 125 kW / 133 deg to N/ME English Sun, very good
OMAN Reception of Radio Sultanate of Oman RSO in 31mb, April 28:
1400-1457 on 9620 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu English, very good
from 1457 on 9620 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu Arabic, very good
Co-ch of All India Radio, PARS TODAY VIRI IRIB and Voice of Turkey
till 1500 on 9620 ALG 250 kW / 282 deg to WeAs Sindhi
1500-1600 on 9620 ALG 250 kW / 282 deg to WeAs Baluchi
1615-1730 on 9620 ALG 250 kW / 282 deg to WeAs Farsi
1730-1945 on 9620 ALG 250 kW / 282 deg to N/ME Arabic
1945-2030 on 9620 ALG 250 kW / 282 deg to NWAf French
2023-2120 on 9620 SIR 500 kW / 298 deg to SoEu Spanish
2030-2125 on 9620 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg to SEAs English
PALAU vs.INDIA WHRI T8WH Angel 5 & All India Radio AIR on 9950 kHz, April 28
1630-1700 on 9950 HBN 100 kW / 345 deg to NEAs Sun English & Music, very good
same time on 9950 BGL 500 kW / 240 deg to EaAf Hindi All India Radio AIR-weak
NOTE: All transmissions Sat/Sun at this time in Korean are replaced by English
PHILIPPINES Reception of FEBC/Radio Teos in Ukrainian on April 28
from 1531 on 9920*BOC 100 kW / 323 deg to CeAs Ukrainian Sun, good
* co-ch same 9920 Maoli 1 kW / non-dir to EaAs Chinese Sound of Hope
Wrong frequency announcement 1900-2000 MST on 11650, instead of 9920
TAIWAN Summer A-19 frequency change of Radio Taiwan International:
1100-1200 NF 9425 PAO 300 kW / 205 deg to SEAs Vietnamese, ex 15350
TAJIKISTAN(non) Frequency changes of Voice of Tibet on April 28
1242-1307 NF 9894 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 9876
1307-1312 NF 9884 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 9886
1312-1332 NF 9876 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 9894
1330-1400 NF 9834 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 9884
1332-1400 NF 9889 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 9886
U.K.(non) Reception of FEBA Radio via ENC-DMS Yerevan, April 28
1730-1800 on 7510 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to EaAf Silte, very good:
U.K.(non) Follow The Bible Ministries via Wooffreton & Ascension, April 28
1830-1858 on 9470 WOF 300 kW / 114 deg to N/ME Arabic Sun, very good signal
1900-1928 on 9600 ASC 250 kW / 115 deg to SoAf English Sun, fair/weak signal
1900-1928 on 11660 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf English Sun, very good signal
USA World Harvest Radio International WHRI Angel 2 & WHRI Angel 1, April 28
WHRI Angel 2
2000-2100 on 11750 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Sun till May 4
2000-2100 on 13700 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Sun May 5-Sept.1
2000-2100 on 11750 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Sun from Sept.2
WHRI Angel 1
2200-2300 on 9505 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Sat/Sun till May 4
2200-2300 on 11750 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Sat/Sun May 5-Aug.3
2200-2300 on 9505 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Sat/Sun from Aug.4
UZBEKISTAN(non) Very good signal of Radio Menschen&Geschichten, April 28
1700-1800 on 7595 TAC 100 kW / 301 deg to CeEu German last Sun AM mode &
1830-1930 on 7595 TAC 100 kW / 301 deg to CeEu German DRM, BUT NO SIGNAL
ZAMBIA Fair signal of Voice of Hope Africa tx#2 on April 28
1200-1700 on 13680 LUV 100 kW / 315 deg to WeAf English Sa/Su
73! Ivo Ivanov
More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to
QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.
QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
1530-1600 on 9300 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs English Sat/Sun, very good
FRANCE(non) Radio Taiwan International via TDF Issoudun on April 28
1900-2000 on 13835 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg to NWAf French Sun, very good
GERMANY(non) Unscheduled frequency of DW via Issoudun, April 28:
1325-1400 on 15195 ISS 500 kW / 170 deg to WeAf Hausa, very good &
1400-1525 on 15195 ISS 500 kW / 170 deg to WeAf DW Interval Signal
This frequency of Deutsche Welle is scheduled on Sat - Bundesliga:
1325-1530 on 15195 ISS 500 kW / 170 deg to WeAf Hausa Sat Football
GERMANY(non) Bible Voice Broadcasting in 31mb via MBR Nauen, April 28
1815-1830 on 9635 NAU 250 kW / 125 deg to N/ME English Sun, very good
1831-1916 on 9635 NAU 125 kW / 133 deg to N/ME English Sun, very good
OMAN Reception of Radio Sultanate of Oman RSO in 31mb, April 28:
1400-1457 on 9620 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu English, very good
from 1457 on 9620 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu Arabic, very good
Co-ch of All India Radio, PARS TODAY VIRI IRIB and Voice of Turkey
till 1500 on 9620 ALG 250 kW / 282 deg to WeAs Sindhi
1500-1600 on 9620 ALG 250 kW / 282 deg to WeAs Baluchi
1615-1730 on 9620 ALG 250 kW / 282 deg to WeAs Farsi
1730-1945 on 9620 ALG 250 kW / 282 deg to N/ME Arabic
1945-2030 on 9620 ALG 250 kW / 282 deg to NWAf French
2023-2120 on 9620 SIR 500 kW / 298 deg to SoEu Spanish
2030-2125 on 9620 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg to SEAs English
PALAU vs.INDIA WHRI T8WH Angel 5 & All India Radio AIR on 9950 kHz, April 28
1630-1700 on 9950 HBN 100 kW / 345 deg to NEAs Sun English & Music, very good
same time on 9950 BGL 500 kW / 240 deg to EaAf Hindi All India Radio AIR-weak
NOTE: All transmissions Sat/Sun at this time in Korean are replaced by English
PHILIPPINES Reception of FEBC/Radio Teos in Ukrainian on April 28
from 1531 on 9920*BOC 100 kW / 323 deg to CeAs Ukrainian Sun, good
* co-ch same 9920 Maoli 1 kW / non-dir to EaAs Chinese Sound of Hope
Wrong frequency announcement 1900-2000 MST on 11650, instead of 9920
TAIWAN Summer A-19 frequency change of Radio Taiwan International:
1100-1200 NF 9425 PAO 300 kW / 205 deg to SEAs Vietnamese, ex 15350
TAJIKISTAN(non) Frequency changes of Voice of Tibet on April 28
1242-1307 NF 9894 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 9876
1307-1312 NF 9884 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 9886
1312-1332 NF 9876 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 9894
1330-1400 NF 9834 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 9884
1332-1400 NF 9889 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 9886
U.K.(non) Reception of FEBA Radio via ENC-DMS Yerevan, April 28
1730-1800 on 7510 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to EaAf Silte, very good:
U.K.(non) Follow The Bible Ministries via Wooffreton & Ascension, April 28
1830-1858 on 9470 WOF 300 kW / 114 deg to N/ME Arabic Sun, very good signal
1900-1928 on 9600 ASC 250 kW / 115 deg to SoAf English Sun, fair/weak signal
1900-1928 on 11660 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf English Sun, very good signal
USA World Harvest Radio International WHRI Angel 2 & WHRI Angel 1, April 28
WHRI Angel 2
2000-2100 on 11750 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Sun till May 4
2000-2100 on 13700 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Sun May 5-Sept.1
2000-2100 on 11750 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Sun from Sept.2
WHRI Angel 1
2200-2300 on 9505 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Sat/Sun till May 4
2200-2300 on 11750 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Sat/Sun May 5-Aug.3
2200-2300 on 9505 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Sat/Sun from Aug.4
UZBEKISTAN(non) Very good signal of Radio Menschen&Geschichten, April 28
1700-1800 on 7595 TAC 100 kW / 301 deg to CeEu German last Sun AM mode &
1830-1930 on 7595 TAC 100 kW / 301 deg to CeEu German DRM, BUT NO SIGNAL
ZAMBIA Fair signal of Voice of Hope Africa tx#2 on April 28
1200-1700 on 13680 LUV 100 kW / 315 deg to WeAf English Sa/Su
73! Ivo Ivanov
More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to
QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.
QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
domenica 28 aprile 2019
Glenn Hauser logs April 27-28, 2019
Hi Glenn, My latest Hitlist update.
1) IRAN - IRIB: Deleted link to obsolete Listeners Special old archive (page no longer found). Current archive link is still valid.
2) Netherlands - Studio 52: [NEW] Added station links
3) New Zealand - RNZ: Update to UTC offset notations.
4) Russia - R Rossii: Updated link to programme schedule
5) South Sudan - Eye R: Deleted link to SW freqs (page no longer found) [supposedly going off air after April per Ivo --- gh]
6) Syria - R Damascus: Deleted alternate link to downloads (only oneepisode from 2017 was listed there)
7) UK - BBCWS: Update to link to BBC online progs
8) USA - WRMI: Updated links to programme schedule grids (old 9955 kHzgrid no longer being updated)
Unless there's a major change anywhere, the next update will be in late May. Best wishes and 73 (Alan Roe, April 28, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [and non]. 11860, Saturday April 27 at 1950, surprised to hear Radio Martí as since this frequency was added, it had always been Mon-Fri only --- strange scheduling perhaps required by some budget limitation? Altho Cuban jammers formerly kept on here even weekends, not now, and in the clear unlike 11930 & 13605. So with RTVM expanding usage, like also on 5980, now it makes sense for dentro-Cuban over-jamming super-vigilance. Latest HFCC still has GB 11860 at 1400-2200 M-F only.
11860 recheck April 27 at 2248, now much weaker Spanish --- o, not // RM, but now the RHC spur out of // 11850, scheduled to start at 2100, so a one-hour overlap is likely (and Cuba jamming itself when they catch on).
11860, Sunday April 28 at 1517, RM on again, seems atop jamming about like 11930.
BTW, in his April NASWA Journal column, discussing the proposed FY 2020 USAGM budget, Kim Elliott says, ``It looks like OCB and USAGM are satisfied with the progress of access to new media in Cuba, strongly hinting that the Greenville shortwave site may no longer be needed`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 5900, April 28 at 0537, JBA carrier, presumed this late not Bulgaria but the RHC leapfrog mixing product of 6100 over 6000. Surveying the intentional English frequencies with blues music:
6165, JBM at S9/+10
6100, undermodulated at S9+30
6060, good modulation, S9+20/30
6000, undermodulated at S9+10/20, a bit louder than 6165
5040, good like 6060. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 12000, April 28 at 1319, RHC is S5-S6, axually better than fundamental 6000 deeper in the noise level, during `Amigos de Cuba`, not a mere mailbag as the name implies, including full addresses of faithful correspondents for penpal purposes, like someone in Ecuador. If you are a ``friend of a really FREE Cuba``, do not apply. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-AM, April 27 at 2232, soft music, later rock, only one brief announcement uncopied, off abruptly at 2304* without a word. S8 to S9+5. Several logs here say it was Wave Radio:,53420.0.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 101.5, April 27 at 2320 UT, KOCD Okeene OK is OFF again, the satellite of Radio Salvación, 93.9 KWDW-LP OKC. Not even cutting on for 7 seconds at a time. It had been on OK for a few weeks.
101.5, April 28 at 1513 recheck, Spanish back, weaker than KOCD should be and fading, with commercials and iHeart mentions, so obviously the 100 kW in Liberal KS (almost OK panhandle), KSMM, breaking for weather capsule en inglés; 101 punto 5 ID in Spanish, can`t copy slogan but WTFDA lists as ``La Mexicana`` (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SAUDI ARABIA. 9675.033, April 27 at 2001, VP talk S5-S7, OOFSOB but clearly off-frequency. It`s SRI in Turkish at 1800-2100, 500 kW, 340 degrees from Riyadh, also USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. 9830, April 27 at 2230, VOT English to N America is AWOL again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1979 monitoring: confirmed Saturday April 27 at 2100 on WRMI 9955, fair.
Also confirmed UT Sunday April 28 at 0030 on WRMI 7730, very good.
Also confirmed UT Sunday April 28 at 0339 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, MO, S9+20 vs plenty of storm crashes, about 10 minutes into, so started circa 0329. Next:
2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780
0130 UT Monday WRMI 9395
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780
0300vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51
0330 UT Monday WRMI 9955
0930 UT Monday Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW
1815 UT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780
0800 UT Tuesday Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW [2 editions]
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780
[it appears we will now be running on a Friday-to-Thursday cycle, so freshest new airings are on weekends]
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
** U S A. AAAWWW UT Sat April 27 on WBCQ: John Carver heard it all:
``Tonight's show started more or less on time on 7490. Allan and Angela in the studio in FLA. Allan states that he's not feeling well. Also announces that from this evening on his show would be known as Allan & Angela Worldwide and instructed Larry to change the name on the program schedule.
First phone call at 0006 from Dave in Indiana. A very drunk phone call. A much calmer Allan tackles recent political problems yet again. Phone call at 0015 with a reception report and comments on the political talk. The longer he talked the more wound up Allan got, to the point that he announced that he'd seen demons before and figuredout how to drive them away with electromagnetic frequencies and that the last time he tried that, one of his transmitters caught on fire and was destroyed.
He also trucked out his old rap about knowing that the FBI, CIA etc. monitored his program and he appealed to the Secret Service to be more vigilant in their watch of Trump as he was sure that someone would attempt to kill him.
Phone call at 0042 from Dave in Indiana again. Reading of emails at 0049. Phone call at 0051 from Canada with a question about the previous email that Allan read. Dave in Indiana on the phone again at0053 and still drunk.
In response to an email, Allan announced that the superstation would begin testing on 9330 this coming week. Possibly on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday and to check his tweets for further information.
Next email took him to task for ruining shortwave with his political ranting and raving. Allan said he was sorry the listener felt that way and that he was free to turn the knob on his radio to something else but it was a free speech station, his transmitter and his program and he would speak whatever was on his mind.
Then he said he would try to have more radio talk on next week`s show. Quick prayer at 0100. Show off the air at 0104 followed by music. 7490 was off the air at 0109. John`` (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9475 & 5830, April 27 at 2000, both WTWW-1 frequencies are still/again off, even during ham radio diversion from racist SFAW. Also neither audible at 1600 April 28 check: transmitter breakdown rather than mixup? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report dispatched at 1913 UT April 28
Hi Glenn, My latest Hitlist update.
1) IRAN - IRIB: Deleted link to obsolete Listeners Special old archive (page no longer found). Current archive link is still valid.
2) Netherlands - Studio 52: [NEW] Added station links
3) New Zealand - RNZ: Update to UTC offset notations.
4) Russia - R Rossii: Updated link to programme schedule
5) South Sudan - Eye R: Deleted link to SW freqs (page no longer found) [supposedly going off air after April per Ivo --- gh]
6) Syria - R Damascus: Deleted alternate link to downloads (only oneepisode from 2017 was listed there)
7) UK - BBCWS: Update to link to BBC online progs
8) USA - WRMI: Updated links to programme schedule grids (old 9955 kHzgrid no longer being updated)
Unless there's a major change anywhere, the next update will be in late May. Best wishes and 73 (Alan Roe, April 28, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [and non]. 11860, Saturday April 27 at 1950, surprised to hear Radio Martí as since this frequency was added, it had always been Mon-Fri only --- strange scheduling perhaps required by some budget limitation? Altho Cuban jammers formerly kept on here even weekends, not now, and in the clear unlike 11930 & 13605. So with RTVM expanding usage, like also on 5980, now it makes sense for dentro-Cuban over-jamming super-vigilance. Latest HFCC still has GB 11860 at 1400-2200 M-F only.
11860 recheck April 27 at 2248, now much weaker Spanish --- o, not // RM, but now the RHC spur out of // 11850, scheduled to start at 2100, so a one-hour overlap is likely (and Cuba jamming itself when they catch on).
11860, Sunday April 28 at 1517, RM on again, seems atop jamming about like 11930.
BTW, in his April NASWA Journal column, discussing the proposed FY 2020 USAGM budget, Kim Elliott says, ``It looks like OCB and USAGM are satisfied with the progress of access to new media in Cuba, strongly hinting that the Greenville shortwave site may no longer be needed`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 5900, April 28 at 0537, JBA carrier, presumed this late not Bulgaria but the RHC leapfrog mixing product of 6100 over 6000. Surveying the intentional English frequencies with blues music:
6165, JBM at S9/+10
6100, undermodulated at S9+30
6060, good modulation, S9+20/30
6000, undermodulated at S9+10/20, a bit louder than 6165
5040, good like 6060. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 12000, April 28 at 1319, RHC is S5-S6, axually better than fundamental 6000 deeper in the noise level, during `Amigos de Cuba`, not a mere mailbag as the name implies, including full addresses of faithful correspondents for penpal purposes, like someone in Ecuador. If you are a ``friend of a really FREE Cuba``, do not apply. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-AM, April 27 at 2232, soft music, later rock, only one brief announcement uncopied, off abruptly at 2304* without a word. S8 to S9+5. Several logs here say it was Wave Radio:,53420.0.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 101.5, April 27 at 2320 UT, KOCD Okeene OK is OFF again, the satellite of Radio Salvación, 93.9 KWDW-LP OKC. Not even cutting on for 7 seconds at a time. It had been on OK for a few weeks.
101.5, April 28 at 1513 recheck, Spanish back, weaker than KOCD should be and fading, with commercials and iHeart mentions, so obviously the 100 kW in Liberal KS (almost OK panhandle), KSMM, breaking for weather capsule en inglés; 101 punto 5 ID in Spanish, can`t copy slogan but WTFDA lists as ``La Mexicana`` (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SAUDI ARABIA. 9675.033, April 27 at 2001, VP talk S5-S7, OOFSOB but clearly off-frequency. It`s SRI in Turkish at 1800-2100, 500 kW, 340 degrees from Riyadh, also USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. 9830, April 27 at 2230, VOT English to N America is AWOL again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1979 monitoring: confirmed Saturday April 27 at 2100 on WRMI 9955, fair.
Also confirmed UT Sunday April 28 at 0030 on WRMI 7730, very good.
Also confirmed UT Sunday April 28 at 0339 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, MO, S9+20 vs plenty of storm crashes, about 10 minutes into, so started circa 0329. Next:
2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780
0130 UT Monday WRMI 9395
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780
0300vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51
0330 UT Monday WRMI 9955
0930 UT Monday Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW
1815 UT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780
0800 UT Tuesday Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW [2 editions]
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780
[it appears we will now be running on a Friday-to-Thursday cycle, so freshest new airings are on weekends]
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
** U S A. AAAWWW UT Sat April 27 on WBCQ: John Carver heard it all:
``Tonight's show started more or less on time on 7490. Allan and Angela in the studio in FLA. Allan states that he's not feeling well. Also announces that from this evening on his show would be known as Allan & Angela Worldwide and instructed Larry to change the name on the program schedule.
First phone call at 0006 from Dave in Indiana. A very drunk phone call. A much calmer Allan tackles recent political problems yet again. Phone call at 0015 with a reception report and comments on the political talk. The longer he talked the more wound up Allan got, to the point that he announced that he'd seen demons before and figuredout how to drive them away with electromagnetic frequencies and that the last time he tried that, one of his transmitters caught on fire and was destroyed.
He also trucked out his old rap about knowing that the FBI, CIA etc. monitored his program and he appealed to the Secret Service to be more vigilant in their watch of Trump as he was sure that someone would attempt to kill him.
Phone call at 0042 from Dave in Indiana again. Reading of emails at 0049. Phone call at 0051 from Canada with a question about the previous email that Allan read. Dave in Indiana on the phone again at0053 and still drunk.
In response to an email, Allan announced that the superstation would begin testing on 9330 this coming week. Possibly on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday and to check his tweets for further information.
Next email took him to task for ruining shortwave with his political ranting and raving. Allan said he was sorry the listener felt that way and that he was free to turn the knob on his radio to something else but it was a free speech station, his transmitter and his program and he would speak whatever was on his mind.
Then he said he would try to have more radio talk on next week`s show. Quick prayer at 0100. Show off the air at 0104 followed by music. 7490 was off the air at 0109. John`` (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9475 & 5830, April 27 at 2000, both WTWW-1 frequencies are still/again off, even during ham radio diversion from racist SFAW. Also neither audible at 1600 April 28 check: transmitter breakdown rather than mixup? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report dispatched at 1913 UT April 28
National election results in REE Noblejas live coverage, noted at 18.20 UT April 28
SPAIN Polling station closed at 18.00 UT in Spain mainland,
but still open til 19.00 UT on Canaries islands in Atlantic Ocean. UT-1hr
REE Noblejas live coverage on air, checked at 18.00 to 18.20 UT:
9690even towards North America,
S=8-9 signal on central Europe,
as well as also in NoAM
in NY, NJ, MI and FL on east coast US.
But suffered a little bit by co-channel
9689.918 kHz VoNigeria Abuja in English.
11670.005 kHz REE to South Africa, Guinea etc. S=7 in Germany,
S=5-6 sidelobe signal in NY, NJ, MI and FL on east coast US.
11940even kHz towards Brazil, ARG, CHL, PRG etc.
S=8-9 sidelobe signal in NY, NJ, MI and FL on east coast US.
12030even kHz towards all Africa, East, Central etc.
S=9 backlobe signal in NY, NJ, MI and FL on east coast US.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 28)
but still open til 19.00 UT on Canaries islands in Atlantic Ocean. UT-1hr
REE Noblejas live coverage on air, checked at 18.00 to 18.20 UT:
9690even towards North America,
S=8-9 signal on central Europe,
as well as also in NoAM
in NY, NJ, MI and FL on east coast US.
But suffered a little bit by co-channel
9689.918 kHz VoNigeria Abuja in English.
11670.005 kHz REE to South Africa, Guinea etc. S=7 in Germany,
S=5-6 sidelobe signal in NY, NJ, MI and FL on east coast US.
11940even kHz towards Brazil, ARG, CHL, PRG etc.
S=8-9 sidelobe signal in NY, NJ, MI and FL on east coast US.
12030even kHz towards all Africa, East, Central etc.
S=9 backlobe signal in NY, NJ, MI and FL on east coast US.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 28)
W4HM Daily HF-MF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast #2019-119
Greetings to
my fellow hamateur radio and SWL radio enthusiasts around the
Welcome to my
“not for profit” W4HM Daily HF-MF Radio Wave Propagation
It’s the only
accurate daily global HF-MF radio wave propagation forecast produced on the
You can sign
up for the daily email delivered global HF-MF radio wave propagation forecast
You can view
the forecast online at
I'm a
semiretired heliophysicist, troposphere meteorologist/climatologist, physical
oceanographer and one of the few on the planet with advanced education and
forecast experience in all aforementioned disciplines. In troposphere weather
forecasting I have 46 years of experience and in solar, space and geomagnetic
weather forecasting 31 years In physical oceanography 10 years.
This is
created and disseminated by Thomas F. Giella, W4HM in Lakeland, FL, USA ©
You can contact
me at .
W4HM Solar
Cycle 24 Update and Solar Cycle 25 Forecast- Short and to the
Solar minimum
will begin later in 2019-2020 and may last longer than any previous solar cycle
in the 20th century. When solar cycle 25 finally gets underway it could be the
weakest since the middle of the 19th century. Another “Dalton” type lesser grand
solar minimum may occur with a corresponding cooling of earth’s climate.
This would
negate anthropogenic climate change (harmful man induced global warming) if it
were occurring, WHICH IT ISN’T.
For more
“truth” on the left wing lie of anthropogenic climate change (harmful man
induced global warming) check out and
On February 1,
2008 I forecasted that solar cycle 24 would be the smallest solar cycle in the
past 100 years. That forecast verified. I also forecasted that solar cycle 25
would be almost non nonexistent.
#119 issued
Sunday April 28, 2019 at 1300 UTC
Radio wave
propagation condition “trend” on Apr 28, 2019- steady.
Radio wave
propagation condition “trend” on Apr 29, 2019- steady.
Radio wave
propagation condition “trend” on Apr 30, 2019- steady.
Received RF
signal strength scale-
Very Good- +1
over S9 or greater
Very Poor-
3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300 kHz- S9 at night and S1-2 at
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- S9+ 1 at night and
S4-7 at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- S0 at night and S4-6 at day,
21000-21850 kHz- S0 at night and S1-2 at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- S0 at night and S0-1 at day,
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- S9+ 1 at night and
S4-7 at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- S0 at night and S4-6 at day,
21000-21850 kHz- S0 at night and S1-2 at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- S0 at night and S0-1 at day,
kHz- S0 at night and S0 at day.
3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300 kHz- S9 at night and S1-2 at
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- S9+ 1 at night and
S4-7 at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- S0 at night and S4-6 at day,
21000-21850 kHz- S0 at night and S1-2 at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- S0 at night and S0-1 at day,
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- S9+ 1 at night and
S4-7 at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- S0 at night and S4-6 at day,
21000-21850 kHz- S0 at night and S1-2 at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- S0 at night and S0-1 at day,
kHz- S0 at night and S0 at day.
Received RF
signal strength scale-
Very Good- +1
over S9 or greater
Very Poor-
-East <-> West To 1100 Mi /1800 km
*North <-> South To 1100 Mi /1800
+South <-> North To 1100 Mi /1800
-East <-> West To 1100 Mi / 1800
*South <-> North To 1100 Mi /1800
+North <-> South To 1100 Mi / 1800
Hemisphere (TA) Trans Atlantic, (TI) Trans Indian, (TP) Trans Pacific and cross
Equatorial propagation conditions in excess of
approximately 3200 mi / 5200 km-
High Latitude
Mid Latitude
Low latitude
Hemisphere (TA) Trans Atlantic, (TI) Trans Indian, (TP) Trans Pacific and cross
Equatorial propagation conditions in excess of
approximately 3200 mi / 5200 km-
High Latitude
Mid Latitude
Low latitude
Received RF
signal strength scale-
Very Good- +1
over S9 or greater
Very Poor-
This HF-MF
Radio wave propagation forecast is produced based on the SIGINT_CAP HF-MF radio
wave propagation prediction software. X and O ray tracing is
I wrote it
beginning in the late 1980’s but I’m sorry to say that it still can’t be
distributed to the general public. It does outperform VOA CAP and Prop
I do check the
actual band conditions at my location in the USA and tweak the forecast manually
where and when necessary.
I also check
global HF-MF radio wave propagation conditions via remoted radio
receivers on
every continent of the globe and tweak the forecast manually if
and when
And last but
not least I look at ionsonde stations on every continent of the
The hamateur
radio JT65A mode RF signal levels received are based on 5 watts
and ½ wave
dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur
radio PSK31 mode RF signal levels received are based on 25
watts and ½
wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur
radio CW mode RF signal levels received are based on 50 watts
and ½ wave
dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur
radio SSB RF mode signal levels received are based on 100 watts
and ½ wave
dipole up at 40 feet.
The HF
shortwave broadcast band AM Mode RF signal levels are based on
100,000 watts
(100 kw) and a typical high gain VOA type curtain array
The MF
broadcast band AM Mode RF signal levels are based on 50,000 watts (50 kw) and an
omnidirectional vertical antenna.
Please keep in
mind that this is a relatively simplified HF-MF radio wave
forecast, so as to keep it easily understandable and applicable
by the average
radio enthusiast.
Note! I use
error prone RAW public domain data from the NOAA Space
Center, other U.S. government entities and educational
to produce this daily HF-MF radio wave propagation
forecast. This
data is gathered and made public by the U.S. Government using
taxpayer $$$
(including mine).
However this
daily HF-MF propagation forecast that I produce from the RAW
public domain
data is my personal intellectual property. Therefore this
daily HF-MF
radio wave propagation forecast contained herein is copyrighted ©
1988-2019 by
Thomas F. Giella, W4HM.
Feel free
without prior permission to redistribute this daily HF-MF radio
forecast, as long as you redistribute it in its entirety and
give me credit
for it.
Also HF-MF
radio wave propagation forecasting is still an inexact
science and
therefore also an art. The forecasts are not official but for
and hobby related purposes only and are subject to human error
and acts of
God, therefore no guarantee or warranty implied.
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