** RUSSIA. 7295, Radio Sakha, via Yakutsk, 1119-1200, March 12. Thanks to Hiroyuki Komatsubara (Japan), who reported hearing them on March 2, at 0900. Have been monitoring this frequency since then, but today is the first time to hear them; moderate adjacent QRM; clearly // 7345, underneath a much stronger CNR1; music show; 1151-1155 usual series of commercial announcements; 1200 time pips; they have definitely dropped using the nice Jew's harp (khomus) IS that they formerly always played at the ToH. I certainly miss hearing this unique instrument!
Nippon no Kaze signed on 7295, at 1300, in Korean, which blocked Russia and caused a mess with the two mixing together, but R. Sakha went off the air sometime after 1300, so when Furusato no Kaze ("Wind of Hometown") started at 1330, on 7295, R. Sakha had already signed off.
Very nice to have a second frequency to listen to R. Sakha. Needs more monitoring to determine if this frequency will be used regularly now (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etn E1, antenna: 100' long wire, WOR iog via DXLD)