** AUSTRALIA. new frequency of 4835, Ozy Radio, ex: 5045, March 28. Craig's first day here; thanks to Fred Vos's timely alert in WOR iog, started monitoring at 1009, only to find strong OTH radar (4810-4885); OTHR still there at 1219; a check at 1236 had OTHR gone, but seemed like a utility on the high side of 4835, blocked any reception; by 1240 no longer with any QRM; weak Ozy signal fading in and out (unusable); heard mostly music and occasional announcer (still unusable); luckily my local sunrise today was at 1359 UT, so I was able to catch a positive "Waltzing Matilda" at 1406, after the news, which was the only meaningful detail I could pull in. My brief WM audio at http://goo.gl/1SN6ve (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, antenna: 100' long wire, WOR iog via DXLD) - 1kw Sydney Australia on air 10khz audio bandwidth