venerdì 29 dicembre 2017

Glenn Hauser logs December 28-29, 2017

** CHINA. 7415, Dec 29 at 1528, Firedragon jamming fair to poor, with target inaudible. Aoki/NDXC shows RFA Chinese at 15-19, 250 kW, 303 degrees via Tinian; and this overlaps CRI in Persian from Xi`an starting at 18, tsk2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COLOMBIA. 5910.266v, Dec 29 at 0655, Alcaraván Radio is on with S9-S5 music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 15508, 15439, 15301, 15232 approx., Dec 29 at 1452, filthy distorted spurblobs out of RHC 15370, and much weaker ones detectable further around 15164, 15095. It`s now a rare morning when this is *not* happening. Something`s always wrong at RHC. However, 15370 in the afternoon is obviously a different transmitter free of such a constellation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6940-USB, Dec 29 at 0047, unID pirate, S9 rap music, maybe some brief DJ talkovers, but stops at 0050*, no announcement. No reports on HF Underground, but maybe related to these 6940 logs which ended earlier at 2338 Dec 28:,39519.0.html

** OKLAHOMA. Earthquake felt at WOR HQ in Enid, a few seconds of horizontal shaking and creaking, UT Dec 29 at 0445:14. In a few minutes, USGS shows it as:

4.1 20km ENE of Hennessey, Oklahoma 2017-12-29 04:45:00 (UTC) 5.0 km
And an aftershock which we did not feel:
2.5 21km ENE of Hennessey, Oklahoma 2017-12-29 05:21:55 (UTC) 2.0 km

As often happens, revised later, as of 1545 UT and adding another, to:

2.6 21km   E of Hennessey, Oklahoma 2017-12-29 06:03:27 (UTC) 4.8 km
2.5 21km ENE of Hennessey, Oklahoma 2017-12-29 05:21:55 (UTC) 2.0 km
3.8 20km ENE of Hennessey, Oklahoma 2017-12-29 04:44:59 (UTC) 5.0 km

First figure is magnitude, last figure is depth. So it took 14-15 seconds to reach here. Epicenter is quite close to the KZLS-1640 transmitter site, but it remained on air, ops normal. EQ no doubt due to fracking/wastewater injexion (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 9695, Dec 29 at 1449, awful buzzroar, no program audio from BSKSA`s Pashto bihour, 500 kW, 55 degrees from Riyadh. And also can hear the same pitch spurs circa 15-20 kHz above, in AM not SSB mode, as I first encounter it tuning downward, also on the below side. Why in the world are they broadcasting this way? Must be total incompetence (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 15390, Dec 28 at 2239, REE is still scratchy and distorted on this unstable transmitter to S America, altho Wolfgang Büschel had just reported:

``11685, Surprise, surprise, all FOUR REE transmitter on air tonight from Noblejas, S=9+10dB at 2119 UT, 12 kHz wideband broad signal,

\\ 9690 S=7-8, 
15390 14 kHz wideband S=9+15dB,
15500 S=9+10dB, all 10/12/14  kHz wideband broad. A l l  transmissions with excellent audio, seemingly the faulty REE unit has been repaired now``

And earlier that day, but unlogged I also found 15390 to be scratchy. Maybe it cuts back to normal for brief periods? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13565-CW, Dec 29 at 1523, K6FRC, HIFER beacon vs CODAR is a little stronger than yesterday, but where are all the others? Listed as 13565.035, Patterson CA, CM97, 10 wpm CW (h 2017/12) at LWCA:

This one has a website, linked from this info at lookup:

``K6FRC USA flag USA
Ham Member Lookups: 124190
Operator of-
    K6FRC/B 50.080 MHz.
    K6FRC/B 28.300 MHz.
    K6FRC 13.565 MHz. (Part 15 'HiFer')

Go to for K6FRC beacon locations and other information.
Please mail your reception report or QSL to:

Paul Shinn
P.O. Box 175
Valley Springs, CA 95252

No S.A.S.E. required! It is a pleasure to respond by sending a real QSL card for all mailed QSLs and reception reports. Respect for tradition demands it. If you send your QSL in an envelope, you will receive your confirmation QSL in an envelope. If you send your QSL postcard style, you will receive your confirmation QSL by postcard``

Own website shows 13565 power as *1.8 milliwatts* and see it here:
Illustration of ``colorful`` QSL card adds that antenna is ``hamstick vertical``:
Also has beacons at different locations on 10 and 6 meters with much more power. Patterson is east of the Bay Area (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1910 monitoring: confirmed Thursday December 28 at 2230 on WRMI, 5850, S9+30/10. Not confirmed at 0045 UT Fri Dec 29 the 0030 on WBCQ 9330v-CUSB, no signal detectable (but even 9265 WINB is a JBA carrier; 9395 WRMI S9 still with TOM; 9370 WWRBS missing nor on 3185).. Next:
Sat 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 0729   HLR  6190-CUSB to WSW
Sat 1531   HLR  6190-CUSB to WSW [ex-7265]
Sat 2030v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sat 2230   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2300   WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0200   WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0410v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sun 1130   HLR  9485-CUSB to WSW [not pre-empted]
Mon 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0400v  WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030   WRMI 11580 to NE, 9455 to WNW [or #1911?]
Tue 2130   WRMI 9455 to WNW [or #1911?]

Full WOR schedule via all media, and podcast access:

** U S A. 11580 is to be replaced by 7780 in 2018y, says Jeff White of WRMI in a message to Clients on 11580, early UT Dec 29, 2017:

``Dear Friends and Colleagues: After receiving many suggestions from WRMI listeners and after monitoring our transmissions in many parts of Europe, we have come to the conclusion that our programming on 11580 kHz needs to be on a lower frequency for the rest of the northern hemisphere winter period. WRMI has been transmitting to Europe on 7780 kHz with very good to excellent reports from all over Europe, so we have decided to transfer all programming that is currently on 11580 kHz to 7780 kHz as of 0000 UTC Monday, January 8. 7780 kHz is a frequency that WRMI listeners are accustomed to hearing us on, and it should provide listeners with better reception than 11580 kHz for the rest of the winter period. Next spring or summer we may want to switch back to 11580 kHz, but we can watch propagation conditions and make this determination at a later time.

During the next several days we will be making announcements on 11580 kHz, informing listeners that they can hear all of their favorite programs on 7780 kHz beginning January 8. You may want to make similar announcements within your programs.

I should mention that both 11580 and 7780 kHz also provide excellent coverage of the eastern seaboard of the United States and Canada as the signal makes its way over to the United Kingdom, and then down through Europe and into the Middle East. So we use these frequencies to cover Eastern North America as well (including Bermuda, Greenland and Iceland too). These areas will also see better coverage on 7780 kHz for the rest of the winter period.

If you have any questions about this frequency change, just let me know. We want to provide the best possible coverage for listeners. Thanks for your understanding. Jeff White``

To which I replied: 

``Jeff, You have certainly been needing to go down from 11 to 7 MHz by sundown, but 7780 has always been a poor third here to the other 7 MHz frequencies, as would be expected about 90 degrees off azimuth (yet 11580 in daytime fared much better at 20-21, presumably also always 44. This early 7780 will not be an improvement). Thus for coverage of N America beyond the eastern seaboard, I would like to see the 11580 programming put on a 315 degree antenna and/or put on 7570 which was already 315, and now going unused. And does this include the 21-23 UT period M-F, where you currently have Power Hour on 7780, to be replaced or moved? 73, Glenn``

He does not specify the hours, but presumably during what`s left after removal of Brother Scare on XMTR #9, 11580: 2000-0300 (and Sundays only at 1300-1500). Aside from relays of Argentina, Czechia, Slovakia and Ukraine, the only diverse programming spans for this are 20-21, 2300-2330, and 01-02. And a bit more when RAE, RUI take weekends off.

Yes! The skedgrid has finally been updated Dec 28, removing almost all the light-green Overcomer blox, except for the ones we are still hearing, 00-01 on 9395, 02-03 on 9455. And also 12-13 on 9395. Will these also be gone after Dec 31?

When checked circa 17 UT Dec 29, the anonymous animals also watching
are Capybara, Gopher, Jackal, Monkey, Manatee.

Other significant updates: Radio Herwa is finally shown at 0700-0730 & 1930-2000 on 11530, XMTR #10 at 160 degrees! (Yet HFCC shows the proper azimuth for Africa, 87); and NO Radio Biafra. 

RAE French finally gets an evening airtime as 11580 at 13-14 has been removed: 2330-2400. All the 07-10 UT RAE broadcasts have been removed, including the one we reconfirmed a few days ago at 09-10 in Japanese on 5850. So that means RAE in Japanese and Chinese are totally off SW. BUT, 5850 & 7730 are to be on the air at 07-09 UT Sundays and Mondays only with other programming (such as Broad Spectrum Radio, I assume). 

And what about `Radiogram` which had been UT Monday 0600? Richard Langley forwards this Dec 29 notice from Kim Andrew Elliott:

``Jeff White at WRMI has kindly offered us Monday at 0800-0830 UT on 7730 kHz and (for this weekend at least) 5850 kHz.``

Along with all the White space on many transmitters, 7780 is now shown with nothing but 21-22 M-F `Power Hour`, Sat/Sun `Walking in Power`; 22-23 M-F `Power Hour`; and Sunday 16-17 `Yeshua Messiah`. All but the last will presumably be replaced by RAE ex-11580.

The program blox below the frequency blox have not yet been updated. How will this affect WORLD OF RADIO? The Sat 2300 & UT Sun 0200 airings from January 8 (but not yet this weekend, nor next) should be on 7780 instead of 11580; likewise the Tue 2030, which had really been on // 7780 anyway, along with // 9455 (will that continue?). The change to 7780 at 0200 has been much needed, with 11580 starting to fade out after 2330 and probably earlier to the north/east.

In general, it`s too bad that the 7570 transmitter on the 315 antenna right across the USA now lies fallow when it could provide a super signal of WRMI diverse programming now weaker on 9955 et al. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17774.989, Dec 29 at 1530, KVOH is S9+20 to S9, but just barely modulated in Spanish; why bother? So I can measure its variations, also noting a slight waver against the BFO which does not occur with other carriers I check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1300, Fri Dec 29 at 1412 UT, old-fashioned gospel huxter wrapping it up with a prayer, and program ID as `Word of Prophecy`, address Jaxonvil FL, which means it is this:
the website with everything but a station/schedule list! Fades out in time for an ID if any before another program at 1415 UT.

Definitely loops east/west. Daytime 1300 inhabitant here is KAKC Tulsa, but it`s sports. What else could this be? Format, language do not fit for the TX or AR, or even CO 1300 stations in the NRC AM Log. 

Why not 50 kW WNQM Nashville TN? Unlike its SW WWCR, WNQM does not provide a program schedule, but a list of programs, not including Word of Prophecy:
but I still think it`s most likely the source of this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1754 UT December 29