martedì 31 ottobre 2017
Propagation outlook from Boulder
:Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2017 Oct 30 0510 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 23 - 29 October 2017
Solar activity was at very low levels. The largest and only event of
the period was a B1 flare at 27/0044 UTC from Region 2686 (N13,
L=108, class/area Hax/030 on 27 Oct). No Earth-directed coronal mass
ejections were observed during the period.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit reached
moderate levels on 23 Oct with high levels on 24-29 Oct. The largest
flux of the period was 3,103 pfu observed at 29/1510 UTC.
Geomagnetic field activity ranged from quiet to G1 (Minor) storm
levels. The period began under nominal solar wind conditions with
wind speeds ranging between 330 to 415 km/s and total field
measurements under 7 nT. The geomagnetic field was at quiet to
unsettled levels on 23 Oct. At 24/0730 UTC, wind speeds began to
increase and total field became enhanced due to the arrival of a
corotating interaction region (CIR) in advance of a recurrent,
positive polarity coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS). Wind
speed increase to a period high of 675 km/s at 25/1945, total field
achieved a max of 15 nT at 24/1140 UTC and the Bz component of the
interplanetary magnetic field dropped to a low of -10 nT at 24/1017
UTC as a result of this feature. The geomagnetic field responded
with quiet to G1 (Minor) storm levels on 24-25 Oct and quiet to
active levels on 26 Oct. The remainder of the period was indicitive
of waning CH HSS influence with decreasing wind speeds and a less
enhanced total field. Quiet to unsettled conditions were observed on
27 Oct and quiet conditions prevailed on 28-29 Oct.
Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels with a slight
chance for C-class flares on 30 Oct - 04 Nov and 15-25 Nov due to
flare potential from Regions 2685 (S09, L=131, class/area Hax/070 on
22 Oct) and 2686. Very low levels are expected on 05-14 Nov.
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is
likely to be at high levels on 30 Oct - 01 Nov, 03-06, 08-15, 17-18,
and 21-25 Nov with very high levels on 11-14 Nov due to CH HSS
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at unsettled to active
levels on 02-05, 07-12, 15-17, 20-22 Nov, with G1 (Minor) storm
levels likely on 07-11, 20-22 Nov and G2 (Moderate) levels likely on
09 Nov due to recurrent CH HSS effects.
:Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2017 Oct 30 0510 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2017-10-30
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2017 Oct 30 75 5 2
2017 Oct 31 75 5 2
2017 Nov 01 75 5 2
2017 Nov 02 72 15 4
2017 Nov 03 72 15 4
2017 Nov 04 70 10 3
2017 Nov 05 70 8 3
2017 Nov 06 70 5 2
2017 Nov 07 70 28 5
2017 Nov 08 70 30 5
2017 Nov 09 70 40 6
2017 Nov 10 70 28 5
2017 Nov 11 70 25 5
2017 Nov 12 70 8 3
2017 Nov 13 70 5 2
2017 Nov 14 71 5 2
2017 Nov 15 72 12 4
2017 Nov 16 72 10 3
2017 Nov 17 73 8 3
2017 Nov 18 74 5 2
2017 Nov 19 75 5 2
2017 Nov 20 75 20 5
2017 Nov 21 75 20 5
2017 Nov 22 75 20 5
2017 Nov 23 75 5 2
2017 Nov 24 75 5 2
2017 Nov 25 75 5 2
(via DXLD)
:Issued: 2017 Oct 30 0510 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 23 - 29 October 2017
Solar activity was at very low levels. The largest and only event of
the period was a B1 flare at 27/0044 UTC from Region 2686 (N13,
L=108, class/area Hax/030 on 27 Oct). No Earth-directed coronal mass
ejections were observed during the period.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit reached
moderate levels on 23 Oct with high levels on 24-29 Oct. The largest
flux of the period was 3,103 pfu observed at 29/1510 UTC.
Geomagnetic field activity ranged from quiet to G1 (Minor) storm
levels. The period began under nominal solar wind conditions with
wind speeds ranging between 330 to 415 km/s and total field
measurements under 7 nT. The geomagnetic field was at quiet to
unsettled levels on 23 Oct. At 24/0730 UTC, wind speeds began to
increase and total field became enhanced due to the arrival of a
corotating interaction region (CIR) in advance of a recurrent,
positive polarity coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS). Wind
speed increase to a period high of 675 km/s at 25/1945, total field
achieved a max of 15 nT at 24/1140 UTC and the Bz component of the
interplanetary magnetic field dropped to a low of -10 nT at 24/1017
UTC as a result of this feature. The geomagnetic field responded
with quiet to G1 (Minor) storm levels on 24-25 Oct and quiet to
active levels on 26 Oct. The remainder of the period was indicitive
of waning CH HSS influence with decreasing wind speeds and a less
enhanced total field. Quiet to unsettled conditions were observed on
27 Oct and quiet conditions prevailed on 28-29 Oct.
Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels with a slight
chance for C-class flares on 30 Oct - 04 Nov and 15-25 Nov due to
flare potential from Regions 2685 (S09, L=131, class/area Hax/070 on
22 Oct) and 2686. Very low levels are expected on 05-14 Nov.
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is
likely to be at high levels on 30 Oct - 01 Nov, 03-06, 08-15, 17-18,
and 21-25 Nov with very high levels on 11-14 Nov due to CH HSS
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at unsettled to active
levels on 02-05, 07-12, 15-17, 20-22 Nov, with G1 (Minor) storm
levels likely on 07-11, 20-22 Nov and G2 (Moderate) levels likely on
09 Nov due to recurrent CH HSS effects.
:Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2017 Oct 30 0510 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2017-10-30
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2017 Oct 30 75 5 2
2017 Oct 31 75 5 2
2017 Nov 01 75 5 2
2017 Nov 02 72 15 4
2017 Nov 03 72 15 4
2017 Nov 04 70 10 3
2017 Nov 05 70 8 3
2017 Nov 06 70 5 2
2017 Nov 07 70 28 5
2017 Nov 08 70 30 5
2017 Nov 09 70 40 6
2017 Nov 10 70 28 5
2017 Nov 11 70 25 5
2017 Nov 12 70 8 3
2017 Nov 13 70 5 2
2017 Nov 14 71 5 2
2017 Nov 15 72 12 4
2017 Nov 16 72 10 3
2017 Nov 17 73 8 3
2017 Nov 18 74 5 2
2017 Nov 19 75 5 2
2017 Nov 20 75 20 5
2017 Nov 21 75 20 5
2017 Nov 22 75 20 5
2017 Nov 23 75 5 2
2017 Nov 24 75 5 2
2017 Nov 25 75 5 2
(via DXLD)
Glenn Hauser logs October 30-31, 2017
** ALGERIA [non]. 6105, Oct 30 at 0610, Arabic music, 0612 into Qur`an, S9, mutual ACI with 6100 RHC English. New frequency for RTA via FRANCE, at 0500-0700, 500 kW, 198 degrees to CIRAF 46N and 46SW, which translates to Sahara, Mauritania and points south of those (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 9666v, Oct 30 at 2357, no signal anywhere around here, just a JBA carrier on 9665.00 (nothing in HFCC); while other off-frequency ZYs are in at usual levels on 9674.9, 9725.4, 9819.1; so Voz Missionária is AWOL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 9605, Oct 30 at 1439, echo-jamming in Chinese, i.e. CNR1 vs IBB Chinese via Philippines, this hour only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 640, Oct 31 at 0003 UT, with near-local KWPN Moore OK nulled, something in Spanish, mentions ``pescador de hembras``, hmmm, sounds interesting; is it the new WMFN in Peotone IL? That station has just activated after being moved from Zeeland MI, causing excitement among MWDXers. Unfortunately, the Spanish I am hearing loops toward Cuba, Radio Progreso, not Chicago. Initially WMFN was being heard 24 hours in Spanish, as reported by Tom Jasinski, Joliet. How do you pronounce Peotone? Or in Spanish? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 11950, Oct 30 at 2210, surprised to find the RHC `Mesa Redonda` TV simulcast on air an hour earlier than usual 2300, and // weaker 6000. Definitely not same programming as on mainstream RHCs such as 11840, 11760. Recheck at 2344 the same, so apparently two hours long, at least today. Normally as a running dog of Yanqui Imperialism, Cuba in lockstep with the Miami Mafia shifts its clox on the same date, i.e. not until November 6, when the MR show should be appearing at 0000-0100 Tue-Sat (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [non]. 7435, Oct 30 at 2359, R. Martí with QSY announcement to 6030 and 7--- [cut off the air], but 7435 is back on at 0000, after a transmitter and/or antenna change at Greenville? 0000 Oct 31, usual canned ID for Radio Martí and onward. I`m listening carefully since Tim Hendel inquired today:
``Has Radio Martí changed its name? Hi, Glenn, I wonder if you can help me sort this mystery out. For some time, Radio Martí has been available on Sirius/XM on channel 153. This has been a good way for me to record for Carrie, since reception is clear, and no jamming. Now, a slight change seems to have occurred. When you bring up ch153, it identifies itself, at least on my Echo Dot, as "La Política." Yet, I heard an I.D. for Martí, including shortwave frequencies. A little later, I heard some commercials, including one in English, which I would not have expected on the SW version of Martí. I wonder if Martí, itself, has blended itself into Política, or, if Política is simply cutting away from R. Martí at certain moments. Any ideas? I haven’t tried paralleling the two streams at the same time. Thank you! Best, Tim``
Seems that must be something Sirius/XM is imposing upon it. Does anyone know about this? On SW I am not hearing any mention of La Política. Time to extract the full schedule from HFCC. Except for 11930, separate adjacent entries for a single frequency indicate antenna change, and maybe transmitter. Altho only two frequencies are ever modulating at once, more than two transmitters are employed, due to overlaps with warmup carriers.
00-12 6030, 12-14 7435, 14-20 13820, 20-24 9565
00-01 7435, 01-02 7365, 02-03 7435, 03-07 7435, 07-11 5980, 11-13 5980, 13-14 11930, 14-22 11930, 22-23 7375[NEW], 23-24 7435
** EAST TURKISTAN. 11880, Oct 30 at 1425, CRI English is S9 to S9+10 with flutter, a couple words ahead of 13740 Cuba relay, which is squealing. HFCC shows 11880 this hour only is 500 kW, 308 degrees from Kashgar. Also scheduled until 1427 is RVA in Bengali, 250 kW, 300 degrees from Palauig, Philippines, but no trace of that, which might have seemed more likely if really on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GOA. 11620, Oct 30 at 1429, very poor music, I try to match to 9690 or 13720, the AIR GOS in English frequencies at 1330-1500, but all are too poor. However, 11620 goes to tone at 1430 and off at 1431*. HFCC shows Panaji at 1200-1430, 250 kW, 25 degrees in multiple languages, two separate entries even tho same parameters, one for CIRAF 42S and 43SW, which means China north of India, i.e. Tibet. Thus, ought to be jammed. And, 55 & 58-60 which means all of Australia and New Zealand! Nowhere near that azimuth. AND, HFCC also has a conflicting, presumably outdated entry on 11620 at 1315-1500 for AIR in English, 250 kW, 132 degrees from Delhi to CIRAF 49, 50 and 54, which means SE Asia from Myanmar to Indonesia to Philippines (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU [and non]. 5980, Oct 30 at 2333, just like yesterday, no problem hearing the R. Chaski carrier amid the DRM noise from Romania instead of AM, until autocutoff at 2333:50.5* which is the expected 6.5 seconds later than yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 7730, Oct 30 at 2349 via WRMI, I pause on Molester Stair for the latest prophecy: 15 days of total darkness coming in November, first in voice of a synthyl. Then MS reads something about massive protests starting November 4 that the ``Trump-Pence regime must go``. And somehow 7 gigapersons on earth will die as a result. Ooh! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. 15350.050, Oct 30 at 1347, Turkish conversation in VOT service now scheduled all the way from 07 to 14, 500 kW, 310 degrees to WEu and USward beyond. A good one for music when they play it after fade-in over here. And better than the English from 1330 on 12035.
11815, Oct 30 at 1427, NHK in Japanese direct has a fast SAH from something. First guess is Brasil, where RBC has been sticking pretty close to accurate frequency, unlike all the others, but not a good daypart to hear much of anything from ZY. Then HFCC has the answer: 11815 is the successor frequency to 15350, VOT in Turkish at 1400-1700, but only 250 kW, still 310 degrees, and an almost-always off-frequency station.
[and non] 5960.00, Oct 30 at 2337, this time I take the trouble to pin down the VOT English to N America, and by golly, can`t make it off-frequency+plus. During music. Late sign-off circa 2355 and really goes off, no German to be heard at 0000 --- but a JBA carrier, presumably Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, East Turkistan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1901 monitoring: further checking of the WRN North America webfeed, where WOR is now scheduled at 0230 UT Mondays: Oct 30, it`s still in Russian! One hour earlier I thought it sounded like Russian but they kept mentioning Slovakia, so I correlated this with RSI (English) supposedly now scheduled at that time.
It seems the WRN streams are all mixed up. There is another one linked from the same page for Russian, and it is, but not the same Russian as what I am hearing on ``English``. Notified Master Control and they were going to look into it, but no reply or explanation yet.
Checked 22-23 hours later, Oct 31 at 0144, this stream:;stream.nsv
is in fact now in English with ``Israel Radio`` as scheduled daily 0030-0100, among other expanded times.
WOR 1901 also confirmed at 0310 UT Mon Oct 30 during Area 51 webcast, and at 0315 JBA on 5130.3v WBCQ. 9955 WRMI is inaudible, but after 0330, UT Mon Oct 30, WOR confirmed on its webcast. Also confirmed Mon Oct 30 at 2330 on WBCQ, 9330.88v-CUSB. Also confirmed UT Tuesday Oct 31 at 0052 check, the 0030 on WRMI 7730, VG S9+10/20. Next:
Tue 2030 on WRMI 11580 to NE, 9455 to WNW
WOR 1902 should be ready for first broadcasts Tue Oct 31 at 2130 on WRMI, 9455; and 2330 on WBCQ, 9330v-CUSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5810, Oct 30 at 0605, WEWN, R. Católica Mundial, still with problems, undermodulated. Night frequency 5810 is still running at 1424, now VG and nothing yet on 12050. No English frequencies are on, 9470 nor 11520 nor 15610 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 650, Oct 31 at 0005 UT, roughly equal mix of WSM and KGAB Cheyenne, mentioning Wyoming, making SAH of 28/minute = 0.47 Hz. Weather for WY, CO, NM and UT, which I thought was KGAB, but WSM also with far-flung weather (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 6230-USB, Oct 30 at 2335, 2-way in American English, discussing boat speed in knots, destinations including Roatán, with another sailor, who is barely audible. Appears to be solo (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report despatched at 0215 UT October 31
W4HM Daily HF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast #302
W4HM Daily HF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast
If you find this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast useful to your hamateur and SWL radio activities, feel free to drop me a line and let me know that at .
Feel free without prior permission to redistribute this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast, as long as you redistribute it in its entirety and give me credit for it.
Supporting images associated with my daily HF radio wave propagation forecast can be found in my Facebook account at
and at
but without supporting images.
It's a NO SPAM voluntary "opt" in email type group hosted by contesting on line (COL), so you have to sign up by using an existing email address and creating a password.
And last but not least I also post some snippets of solar, space and geomagnetic weather goings on and some images in my Twitter account at .
#302 Issued Tuesday October 30, 2017 at 1430 UTC
Global Daily HF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast-
HF radio wave propagation condition trend- improving
Northern Hemisphere Radio Wave Propagation Forecast-
3150-3400, 3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300 kHz- good at night and poor at day,
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- good at night and fair at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- very poor at night and good at day,
21000-21850 kHz- very poor at night and fair to good at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- very poor at night and fair at day,
28000-29700 kHz- very poor at night and poor at day.
Excellent- S9+10 or >
Very Good- S9 +1-9
Good- S8-9
Fair- S4-7
Poor- S1-3
Very Poor- S0
During the northern hemisphere winter season the higher HF bands of 10-20 meters (11-19 meters) close sooner due to less sun light illuminating the ionosphere than in the southern hemisphere. But the maximum usable frequency (MUF) is higher than in the southern hemisphere as the F layer of the ionosphere is lower in height and more dense.
Southern Hemisphere Radio Wave Propagation Forecast-
3150-3400, 3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300- good at night and poor at day,
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- good at night and fair at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168, kHz- very poor at night and good at day,
21000-21850 kHz- very poor at night and fair to good at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- very poor at night and fair at day,
28000-29700 kHz- very poor at night and poor at day.
Excellent- S9+10 or >
Very Good- S9 +1-9
Good- S8-9
Fair- S4-7
Poor- S1-3
Very Poor- S0
Keep in mind that almost daily during the southern hemisphere summer season you will find that the 10 (11) meter bands will open via short north-south and east-west propagation paths via sporadic E (Es). Also when multiple sporadic E (Es) clouds form and line up favorably much longer propagation paths open up on east-west paths. And last but not least north-south propagation paths occur across the equator via trans equatorial propagation (TEP).
This HF Radio wave propagation forecast is produced based on the SIGINT_CAP HF radio wave propagation prediction software. I wrote it beginning in the late 1980’s but I’m sorry to say that it can’t be distributed to the general public.
And though this HF radio wave propagation forecast is produced based on the SIGINT_CAP, I do check the actual band conditions at my location in the USA and tweak the forecast manually where and when necessary. I also check global HF radio wave propagation conditions via remoted radio receivers around on every continent of the globe and tweak the forecast manually if and when necessary.
The hamateur radio JT65A mode RF signal levels received are based on 5 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur radio PSK31 mode RF signal levels received are based on 25 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur radio CW mode RF signal levels received are based on 50 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur radio SSB RF mode signal levels received are based on 100 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The HF shortwave broadcast band AM Mode RF signal levels are based on 100,000 watts (100 kw) and a typical high gain VOA type curtain array antenna.
Please keep in mind that this is a relatively simplified HF radio wave
propagation forecast, so as to keep it easily understandable and applicable by the average radio enthusiast.
Globally HF radio wave propagation conditions are most evenly balanced
during the fall and spring equinoxes and most diametrically opposed during
the summer and winter solstices.
Conditions change daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and by decade, as the
sun rises and sets at different times and at different angles from the
ecliptic, as well as by radio wave frequency. This is due to changes in the
maximum usable frequency (MUF), lowest usable frequency (LUF) and F layer
critical frequency (FoF2).
The D and E layers also come into play through RF radio wave signal
absorption and refraction. And then there is sporadic E (Es) radio wave
propagation that can really throw a wrench into the gears so to speak.
Things like sporadic E (Es) radio wave propagation and lightning storm
static can impact HF radio wave propagation in an unpredictable manner and
mostly bad.
Ongoing solar, space and geomagnetic weather goings on also impact HF radio
wave propagation conditions in a negative manner.
Standard Disclaimer-
Note! I use error prone RAW public domain data from the NOAA Space
Environment Center, other U.S. government entities and educational
institutions, to produce this daily HF radio wave propagation
forecast. This data is gathered and made public by the U.S. Government using
taxpayer $$$ (including mine).
However this daily HF propagation forecast that I produce from the RAW public domain data is my personal intellectual property. Therefore this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast contained herein is copyrighted © 1988-2017 by Thomas F. Giella, W4HM.
Feel free without prior permission to redistribute this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast, as long as you redistribute it in its entirety and
give me credit for it.
Also HF radio wave propagation forecasting is still an inexact
science. The forecasts are not official but for educational and hobby
related purposes only and are subject to human error and acts of God,
therefore no guarantee or warranty implied.
If you find this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast useful to your hamateur and SWL radio activities, feel free to drop me a line and let me know that at .
Feel free without prior permission to redistribute this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast, as long as you redistribute it in its entirety and give me credit for it.
Supporting images associated with my daily HF radio wave propagation forecast can be found in my Facebook account at
and at
but without supporting images.
It's a NO SPAM voluntary "opt" in email type group hosted by contesting on line (COL), so you have to sign up by using an existing email address and creating a password.
And last but not least I also post some snippets of solar, space and geomagnetic weather goings on and some images in my Twitter account at .
#302 Issued Tuesday October 30, 2017 at 1430 UTC
Global Daily HF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast-
HF radio wave propagation condition trend- improving
Northern Hemisphere Radio Wave Propagation Forecast-
3150-3400, 3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300 kHz- good at night and poor at day,
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- good at night and fair at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- very poor at night and good at day,
21000-21850 kHz- very poor at night and fair to good at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- very poor at night and fair at day,
28000-29700 kHz- very poor at night and poor at day.
Excellent- S9+10 or >
Very Good- S9 +1-9
Good- S8-9
Fair- S4-7
Poor- S1-3
Very Poor- S0
During the northern hemisphere winter season the higher HF bands of 10-20 meters (11-19 meters) close sooner due to less sun light illuminating the ionosphere than in the southern hemisphere. But the maximum usable frequency (MUF) is higher than in the southern hemisphere as the F layer of the ionosphere is lower in height and more dense.
Southern Hemisphere Radio Wave Propagation Forecast-
3150-3400, 3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300- good at night and poor at day,
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- good at night and fair at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168, kHz- very poor at night and good at day,
21000-21850 kHz- very poor at night and fair to good at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- very poor at night and fair at day,
28000-29700 kHz- very poor at night and poor at day.
Excellent- S9+10 or >
Very Good- S9 +1-9
Good- S8-9
Fair- S4-7
Poor- S1-3
Very Poor- S0
Keep in mind that almost daily during the southern hemisphere summer season you will find that the 10 (11) meter bands will open via short north-south and east-west propagation paths via sporadic E (Es). Also when multiple sporadic E (Es) clouds form and line up favorably much longer propagation paths open up on east-west paths. And last but not least north-south propagation paths occur across the equator via trans equatorial propagation (TEP).
This HF Radio wave propagation forecast is produced based on the SIGINT_CAP HF radio wave propagation prediction software. I wrote it beginning in the late 1980’s but I’m sorry to say that it can’t be distributed to the general public.
And though this HF radio wave propagation forecast is produced based on the SIGINT_CAP, I do check the actual band conditions at my location in the USA and tweak the forecast manually where and when necessary. I also check global HF radio wave propagation conditions via remoted radio receivers around on every continent of the globe and tweak the forecast manually if and when necessary.
The hamateur radio JT65A mode RF signal levels received are based on 5 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur radio PSK31 mode RF signal levels received are based on 25 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur radio CW mode RF signal levels received are based on 50 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur radio SSB RF mode signal levels received are based on 100 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The HF shortwave broadcast band AM Mode RF signal levels are based on 100,000 watts (100 kw) and a typical high gain VOA type curtain array antenna.
Please keep in mind that this is a relatively simplified HF radio wave
propagation forecast, so as to keep it easily understandable and applicable by the average radio enthusiast.
Globally HF radio wave propagation conditions are most evenly balanced
during the fall and spring equinoxes and most diametrically opposed during
the summer and winter solstices.
Conditions change daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and by decade, as the
sun rises and sets at different times and at different angles from the
ecliptic, as well as by radio wave frequency. This is due to changes in the
maximum usable frequency (MUF), lowest usable frequency (LUF) and F layer
critical frequency (FoF2).
The D and E layers also come into play through RF radio wave signal
absorption and refraction. And then there is sporadic E (Es) radio wave
propagation that can really throw a wrench into the gears so to speak.
Things like sporadic E (Es) radio wave propagation and lightning storm
static can impact HF radio wave propagation in an unpredictable manner and
mostly bad.
Ongoing solar, space and geomagnetic weather goings on also impact HF radio
wave propagation conditions in a negative manner.
Standard Disclaimer-
Note! I use error prone RAW public domain data from the NOAA Space
Environment Center, other U.S. government entities and educational
institutions, to produce this daily HF radio wave propagation
forecast. This data is gathered and made public by the U.S. Government using
taxpayer $$$ (including mine).
However this daily HF propagation forecast that I produce from the RAW public domain data is my personal intellectual property. Therefore this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast contained herein is copyrighted © 1988-2017 by Thomas F. Giella, W4HM.
Feel free without prior permission to redistribute this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast, as long as you redistribute it in its entirety and
give me credit for it.
Also HF radio wave propagation forecasting is still an inexact
science. The forecasts are not official but for educational and hobby
related purposes only and are subject to human error and acts of God,
therefore no guarantee or warranty implied.
Radio Kuwait
KUWAIT MOI Radio Kuwait on Oct.31
0945-1315 on 15110 KBD 250 kW / 310 deg to WeEu Arabic General Sce DRM
1000-1200 on 17760 KBD 250 kW / 084 deg to SEAs Filipino-ann.old 21580
73! Ivo Ivanov
More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to
QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.
QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
0945-1315 on 15110 KBD 250 kW / 310 deg to WeEu Arabic General Sce DRM
1000-1200 on 17760 KBD 250 kW / 084 deg to SEAs Filipino-ann.old 21580
73! Ivo Ivanov
More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to
QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.
QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
DX RE MIX NEWS # 1037 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov. Date Oct.30, 2017
Also visit: &
ARMENIA(non) Good signal of Trans World Radio India on Oct.28
1300-1315 on 9410 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs English Mon-Sat
AUSTRALIA New B-17 schedule of Reach Beyond Australia in English:
AUSTRIA(non) Reception of Radio DARC via ORF Moosbrunn on Oct.15
1000-1100 on 6070 MOS 100 kW / non-dir to CeEu German Sun, strong
BELGIUM(non) Reception of Eye Radio via Alyx&Yeyi TDF Issoudun, Oct.27:
1600-1900 on 17730 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Arabic/English, good/weak
1600-1900 on 15250 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Arabic/English from Oct.29
BELGIUM(non) Reception of BRB Radio Voice of Amara via TDF Issoudun, Oct.28/29
1700-1800 on 15360 ISS 250 kW / 120 deg to EaAf Amharic Mon/Wed/Sat, poor signal
1600-1700 on 15360 ISS 250 kW / 120 deg to EaAf Amharic Sun, BUT in B-17 on same
1600-1700 on 15360 TRM 125 kW / 355 deg to SoAs Urdu, Sindhi & English AWR co-ch
FRANCE(non) Reception of Radio Xoriyo Ogaden via TDF Issoudun on Oct.27
1600-1630 on 17870 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Somali Mon/Fri, good/fair
1600-1630 on 17870 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Somali Mon/Fri from Oct.30
GERMANY Winter B-17 schedule of New Shortwave Radio for Europe from Oct.30:
1000-1200 on 6160 WIS 001 kW / non-dir to NWEu English Mon-Sat, as of in A17
1200-1400 on 3975 WIS 001 kW / non-dir to NWEu English Mon-Sat, as of in A17
1400-1600 on 6160 WIS 001 kW / non-dir to NWEu English Mon-Sat, as of in A17
1600-1800 on 3975 WIS 001 kW / non-dir to NWEu English Mon-Sat, as of in A17
2000-2200 on 6160 WIS 001 kW / non-dir to NWEu English Mon-Sat, ex 1800-2000*
2200-2400#on 3975 WIS 001 kW / non-dir to NWEu English Mon-Sat, ex 2000-2200
*1800-2000 on 6160 XIA 500 kW / 317 deg to WeEu German China Radio Int in B17
#not 20-22 on 3975 WIS 001 kW / non-dir to NWEu English wrong time on the web
GERMANY Reception of Missionswerk Friedensstimme via MBR Nauen, Oct.28
1200-1230 on 15320 NAU 250 kW / 060 deg to FERu Russian Sat, good signal
1200-1230 on 13710 NAU 250 kW / 060 deg to FERu Russian Sat, from Nov.4.
GERMANY(non) Reception of BVBroadcasting Dardasha 7, Oct.28:
0600-0615 on 11655 NAU 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf Arabic, strong
0600-0615 on 9440 NAU 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf Arabic, Oct.29
GERMANY(non) Reception of World of Radio via HLR 6190CUSB on Oct.28:
0630-0700 on 6190 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English Sat, fair/weak
0730-0800 on 6190 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English Sat from Nov.4
GERMANY(non) Reception of Bible Voice Broadcasting MBR Nauen on Oct.27
1500-1600 on 15350 NAU 125 kW / 096 deg to SoAs Urdu Mon/Wed/Fri, strong
1500-1600 on 11790 NAU 125 kW / 096 deg to SoAs Urdu Mon/Wed/Fri, Oct.30
GERMANY(non) Reception of Voice of Oromo Liberation via MBR Nauen, Oct.27:
1700-1730 on 15420 NAU 100 kW / 139 deg to EaAf Oromo Wed/Fri/Sun, good/fair
1700-1730 on 11810 NAU 100 kW / 139 deg to EaAf Oromo Wed/Fri/Sun from Nov.1
Transmission is jammed by Ethiopia with white noise digital jamming
GERMANY(non) Reception of Radio Waves International via Channel 292 on Oct.28
0700-0800 on 6070 ROB 025 kW / non-dir to CeEu French/English Sat, good signal
0800-0900 on 6070 ROB 025 kW / non-dir to CeEu French/English Sat, from Nov.4.
GERMANY(non) Deutsche Welle Bundesliga via MBR Issoudun, Oct.28
1325-1530 on 15195 ISS 500 kW / 170 deg to WeAf Hausa Sat, good
1325-1530 on 17840 ISS 500 kW / 065 deg to WeAf Hausa Sat, good
1425-1630 on 15195 ISS 500 kW / 170 deg to WeAf Hausa Sat Nov.4
1425-1630 on 17840 ISS 500 kW / 065 deg to WeAf Hausa Sat Nov.4
GERMANY(non) Bible Voice Broadcasting via MBR Issoudun on Oct.28
1430-1515 on 17650 ISS 250 kW / 083 deg to SoAs English Sat, good
1430-1515 on 17510 ISS 250 kW / 083 deg to SoAs English Sat, Nov.4
GERMANY(non) Reception of Radio Xoriyo Ogaden via MBR Issoudun on Oct.28
1600-1630 on 17630 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Somali Tue/Sat, good/weak:
1600-1630 on 11970 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Somali Tue/Sat from Oct.31
Transmission is jammed by Ethiopia with white noise digital jamming
GERMANY(non) Bible Voice Broadcasting via MBR Nauen, Oct.29
0800-0830 on 7220 NAU 100 kW / 260 deg to WeEu English Sun
GERMANY(non) Reception of World of Radio via HLR 9485CUSB on Oct.29:
1131-1200 on 9485 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English Sun, fair/good
GREECE Fair to good signal of Voice of Greece on Oct.28:
0520&0705 on 9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek tx#3
0520&0705 on 9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek tx#1
GREECE Fair to good signal of Voice of Greece on Oct.29:
0757&0803 on 9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#3
0757&0803 on 9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#1
*till 0800 relay Sunday Orthodox Liturgy and off at 0900UT
GUAM Good signal of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia on Oct.28
1230-1300 on 11695 TWR 100 kW / 290 deg to SoAs English Sat
GUAM Fair signal of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia on Oct.28
1318-1346 on 7510 TWR 100 kW / 320 deg to EaAs English Sat
INDIA Additional winter B-17 changes of All India Radio from Oct.29
KUWAIT Reception of MOI Radio Kuwait General Sce on Oct.28
0500-0900 on 15515 KBD 250 kW / 059 deg to EaAs Arabic, good
NUMBERS STATION Reception of E11 Oblique in 31mb on Oct.28
0805-0808 on 9200 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB:
OMAN Good signal of Radio Sultanate of Oman on Oct.28
0400-1000 on 13600 THU 100 kW / 220 deg to EaAf Arabic
PALAU(non) Reception of BRB Radio Que Me via T8WH Angel 3 on Oct.27
1200-1230 on 9930 HBN 100 kW / 318 deg to EaAs Vietnamese Fri, good:
ROMANIA(non) Reception of IRRS Radio City via ROU RadioCom on Oct.28:
0800-0900 on 9510 SAF 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu German Sat, fair signal
ROMANIA(non) Reception of IRRS EGR/UN Radio via ROU RadioCom on Oct.29:
1030-1300 on 9510 SAF 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu English Sun, fair to good
SAUDI ARABIA Weak to poor signal of BSKSA Radio Riyadhon Oct.28
0300-1000 on 9715 RIY 100 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic Holy Quran
SECRETLAND(non) IRRS R.Warra Wangeelaa-ti via SPL Secretbrod, Oct.28
1500-1530 on 15515 SCB 100 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Afan Oromo Sat, good
SECRETLAND(non) Reception of Mighty KBC Radio via SPL Secretbrod, Oct.28
1500-1600 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English Sat, fair to good
1530-1532 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu relay BBC World Service!!
SECRETLAND(non) Reception of IRRS Radio Santec The Word via SPL Secretbrod, Oct.29
1500-1530 on 15190 SCB 100 kW / 090 deg to SoAs Eng/Ger Sun The Cosmic Wave, strong:
SECRETLAND(non) Reception of From the Isle of Music via SPL Secretbrod on Oct.29
1500-1600 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 030 deg to EaEu English/Spanish Sun, strong signal
SECRETLAND(non) Voice of The Report of The Week via SPL Secretbrod, Oct.29:
1601-1700 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English Sun, very good signal
SOUTH KOREA Bad frequency selection of KBS World Radio for B-17 period:
1400-1700 on 9630 KIM 250 kW / 264 deg to SoAs English & strong co-ch at
same time on 9630 LIN 100 kW / 298 deg to EaAs Kazakh China Nat.Radio-17
SRI LANKA Reception of Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation on Oct.27
1630-1730 on 11750 TRM 125 kW / 345 deg to N/ME Sinhala City FM Daily
1730-1830 on 11750 TRM 125 kW / 345 deg to N/ME Sinhala City FM Sa/Su
TAJIKISTAN vs.ARMENIA National Unity Radio & Denge Kurdistan on Oct.29
U.K.(non) Radio Ranginkaman/Rainbow via BaBcoCk Grigoriopol on Oct.27
1600-1630 on 7575 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Persian Mon/Fri, good/fair
1600-1630 on 7580 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Persian Mon/Fri from Oct.30
U.K.(non) Follow The Bible Ministries via BaBcoCk Woofferton, Oct.29:
1830-1858 on 7220 WOF 300 kW / 114 deg to N/ME Arabic Sun, good signal
U.K.(non) B-17 Voice of the People of Somaliland via BaBcoCk Madagascar
1500-1530 on 11945 MDC 250 kW / 350 deg to EaAf Somali, nothing on Oct.29
1900-1930 on 9600 MDC 250 kW / 355 deg to EaAf Somali, weak/fair signal:
USA One new entry of WRMI probably for Radio Africa Network
USA Last minute changes of EWTN WEWN-1 and WEWN-2 effective from Oct.29:
USA(non) Winter B-17 inactive clandestine transmissions via WRMI brocker
USA(non) Frequency change of Voice of America Afia Darfur in A-17 schedule
1800-1830 NF 9620 WOF 300 kW / 140 deg to EaAf Arabic, ex 9650 kHz probably
to avoid same 9650 CON 050 kW / non-dir to WeAf French Radio Guinée Conakry:
USA(non) Last minute change in winter B-17 of Voice of America
USA Last minute changes of EWTN WEWN-1 and WEWN-2 effective from Oct.29:
WEWN-1 Global Catholic Radio
1200-1500 on #9470*EWN 250 kW / 355 deg to SEAs English, inregistered freq
# instead of 12065 EWN 250 kW / 355 deg to SEAs English registered in HFCC
*1200-1300 on 9470 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean R.Free NoKorea co-ch
WEWN-3 Radio Catolica Mundial
0000-1500 on 5810^EWN 250 kW / 160 deg to CeAm Spanish, inregistered freq
^ instead of 5970 EWN 250 kW / 160 deg to CeAm Spanish registered in HFCC
UZBEKISTAN(non) Two german station via Tashkent will be on air on Sunday Oct.29:
Radio Menschen & Geschichten
0900-1000 on 11520 TAC 100 kW / ??? deg to WeEu German last Sun, ex 6045 Nauen ???
1700-1800 on 7570*TAC 100 kW / ??? deg to WeEu German last Sun, ex via ERV A-17.
Radio MiAmigo International
1800-2000 on 7570*TAC 100 kW / ??? deg to WeEu English last Sun, ex via ERV A-17
* co-ch same 7570 KUJ 200 kW / 325 deg to WeEu Korean/English/Spanish VOKorea!!!
UZBEKISTAN(non) Winter B-17 frequency change of Voice of Khmer M'Chas Srok
UZBEKISTAN(non) Winter B-17 frequency changes of clandestines via Tashkent
73! Ivo Ivanov
More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to
QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.
QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
DX RE MIX NEWS # 1037 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov. Date Oct.30, 2017
Also visit:
ARMENIA(non) Good signal of Trans World Radio India on Oct.28
1300-1315 on 9410 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs English Mon-Sat
AUSTRALIA New B-17 schedule of Reach Beyond Australia in English:
AUSTRIA(non) Reception of Radio DARC via ORF Moosbrunn on Oct.15
1000-1100 on 6070 MOS 100 kW / non-dir to CeEu German Sun, strong
BELGIUM(non) Reception of Eye Radio via Alyx&Yeyi TDF Issoudun, Oct.27:
1600-1900 on 17730 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Arabic/English, good/weak
1600-1900 on 15250 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Arabic/English from Oct.29
BELGIUM(non) Reception of BRB Radio Voice of Amara via TDF Issoudun, Oct.28/29
1700-1800 on 15360 ISS 250 kW / 120 deg to EaAf Amharic Mon/Wed/Sat, poor signal
1600-1700 on 15360 ISS 250 kW / 120 deg to EaAf Amharic Sun, BUT in B-17 on same
1600-1700 on 15360 TRM 125 kW / 355 deg to SoAs Urdu, Sindhi & English AWR co-ch
FRANCE(non) Reception of Radio Xoriyo Ogaden via TDF Issoudun on Oct.27
1600-1630 on 17870 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Somali Mon/Fri, good/fair
1600-1630 on 17870 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Somali Mon/Fri from Oct.30
GERMANY Winter B-17 schedule of New Shortwave Radio for Europe from Oct.30:
1000-1200 on 6160 WIS 001 kW / non-dir to NWEu English Mon-Sat, as of in A17
1200-1400 on 3975 WIS 001 kW / non-dir to NWEu English Mon-Sat, as of in A17
1400-1600 on 6160 WIS 001 kW / non-dir to NWEu English Mon-Sat, as of in A17
1600-1800 on 3975 WIS 001 kW / non-dir to NWEu English Mon-Sat, as of in A17
2000-2200 on 6160 WIS 001 kW / non-dir to NWEu English Mon-Sat, ex 1800-2000*
2200-2400#on 3975 WIS 001 kW / non-dir to NWEu English Mon-Sat, ex 2000-2200
*1800-2000 on 6160 XIA 500 kW / 317 deg to WeEu German China Radio Int in B17
#not 20-22 on 3975 WIS 001 kW / non-dir to NWEu English wrong time on the web
GERMANY Reception of Missionswerk Friedensstimme via MBR Nauen, Oct.28
1200-1230 on 15320 NAU 250 kW / 060 deg to FERu Russian Sat, good signal
1200-1230 on 13710 NAU 250 kW / 060 deg to FERu Russian Sat, from Nov.4.
GERMANY(non) Reception of BVBroadcasting Dardasha 7, Oct.28:
0600-0615 on 11655 NAU 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf Arabic, strong
0600-0615 on 9440 NAU 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf Arabic, Oct.29
GERMANY(non) Reception of World of Radio via HLR 6190CUSB on Oct.28:
0630-0700 on 6190 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English Sat, fair/weak
0730-0800 on 6190 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English Sat from Nov.4
GERMANY(non) Reception of Bible Voice Broadcasting MBR Nauen on Oct.27
1500-1600 on 15350 NAU 125 kW / 096 deg to SoAs Urdu Mon/Wed/Fri, strong
1500-1600 on 11790 NAU 125 kW / 096 deg to SoAs Urdu Mon/Wed/Fri, Oct.30
GERMANY(non) Reception of Voice of Oromo Liberation via MBR Nauen, Oct.27:
1700-1730 on 15420 NAU 100 kW / 139 deg to EaAf Oromo Wed/Fri/Sun, good/fair
1700-1730 on 11810 NAU 100 kW / 139 deg to EaAf Oromo Wed/Fri/Sun from Nov.1
Transmission is jammed by Ethiopia with white noise digital jamming
GERMANY(non) Reception of Radio Waves International via Channel 292 on Oct.28
0700-0800 on 6070 ROB 025 kW / non-dir to CeEu French/English Sat, good signal
0800-0900 on 6070 ROB 025 kW / non-dir to CeEu French/English Sat, from Nov.4.
GERMANY(non) Deutsche Welle Bundesliga via MBR Issoudun, Oct.28
1325-1530 on 15195 ISS 500 kW / 170 deg to WeAf Hausa Sat, good
1325-1530 on 17840 ISS 500 kW / 065 deg to WeAf Hausa Sat, good
1425-1630 on 15195 ISS 500 kW / 170 deg to WeAf Hausa Sat Nov.4
1425-1630 on 17840 ISS 500 kW / 065 deg to WeAf Hausa Sat Nov.4
GERMANY(non) Bible Voice Broadcasting via MBR Issoudun on Oct.28
1430-1515 on 17650 ISS 250 kW / 083 deg to SoAs English Sat, good
1430-1515 on 17510 ISS 250 kW / 083 deg to SoAs English Sat, Nov.4
GERMANY(non) Reception of Radio Xoriyo Ogaden via MBR Issoudun on Oct.28
1600-1630 on 17630 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Somali Tue/Sat, good/weak:
1600-1630 on 11970 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Somali Tue/Sat from Oct.31
Transmission is jammed by Ethiopia with white noise digital jamming
GERMANY(non) Bible Voice Broadcasting via MBR Nauen, Oct.29
0800-0830 on 7220 NAU 100 kW / 260 deg to WeEu English Sun
GERMANY(non) Reception of World of Radio via HLR 9485CUSB on Oct.29:
1131-1200 on 9485 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English Sun, fair/good
GREECE Fair to good signal of Voice of Greece on Oct.28:
0520&0705 on 9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek tx#3
0520&0705 on 9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek tx#1
GREECE Fair to good signal of Voice of Greece on Oct.29:
0757&0803 on 9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#3
0757&0803 on 9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#1
*till 0800 relay Sunday Orthodox Liturgy and off at 0900UT
GUAM Good signal of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia on Oct.28
1230-1300 on 11695 TWR 100 kW / 290 deg to SoAs English Sat
GUAM Fair signal of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia on Oct.28
1318-1346 on 7510 TWR 100 kW / 320 deg to EaAs English Sat
INDIA Additional winter B-17 changes of All India Radio from Oct.29
KUWAIT Reception of MOI Radio Kuwait General Sce on Oct.28
0500-0900 on 15515 KBD 250 kW / 059 deg to EaAs Arabic, good
NUMBERS STATION Reception of E11 Oblique in 31mb on Oct.28
0805-0808 on 9200 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB:
OMAN Good signal of Radio Sultanate of Oman on Oct.28
0400-1000 on 13600 THU 100 kW / 220 deg to EaAf Arabic
PALAU(non) Reception of BRB Radio Que Me via T8WH Angel 3 on Oct.27
1200-1230 on 9930 HBN 100 kW / 318 deg to EaAs Vietnamese Fri, good:
ROMANIA(non) Reception of IRRS Radio City via ROU RadioCom on Oct.28:
0800-0900 on 9510 SAF 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu German Sat, fair signal
ROMANIA(non) Reception of IRRS EGR/UN Radio via ROU RadioCom on Oct.29:
1030-1300 on 9510 SAF 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu English Sun, fair to good
SAUDI ARABIA Weak to poor signal of BSKSA Radio Riyadhon Oct.28
0300-1000 on 9715 RIY 100 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic Holy Quran
SECRETLAND(non) IRRS R.Warra Wangeelaa-ti via SPL Secretbrod, Oct.28
1500-1530 on 15515 SCB 100 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Afan Oromo Sat, good
SECRETLAND(non) Reception of Mighty KBC Radio via SPL Secretbrod, Oct.28
1500-1600 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English Sat, fair to good
1530-1532 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu relay BBC World Service!!
SECRETLAND(non) Reception of IRRS Radio Santec The Word via SPL Secretbrod, Oct.29
1500-1530 on 15190 SCB 100 kW / 090 deg to SoAs Eng/Ger Sun The Cosmic Wave, strong:
SECRETLAND(non) Reception of From the Isle of Music via SPL Secretbrod on Oct.29
1500-1600 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 030 deg to EaEu English/Spanish Sun, strong signal
SECRETLAND(non) Voice of The Report of The Week via SPL Secretbrod, Oct.29:
1601-1700 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English Sun, very good signal
SOUTH KOREA Bad frequency selection of KBS World Radio for B-17 period:
1400-1700 on 9630 KIM 250 kW / 264 deg to SoAs English & strong co-ch at
same time on 9630 LIN 100 kW / 298 deg to EaAs Kazakh China Nat.Radio-17
SRI LANKA Reception of Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation on Oct.27
1630-1730 on 11750 TRM 125 kW / 345 deg to N/ME Sinhala City FM Daily
1730-1830 on 11750 TRM 125 kW / 345 deg to N/ME Sinhala City FM Sa/Su
TAJIKISTAN vs.ARMENIA National Unity Radio & Denge Kurdistan on Oct.29
U.K.(non) Radio Ranginkaman/Rainbow via BaBcoCk Grigoriopol on Oct.27
1600-1630 on 7575 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Persian Mon/Fri, good/fair
1600-1630 on 7580 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Persian Mon/Fri from Oct.30
U.K.(non) Follow The Bible Ministries via BaBcoCk Woofferton, Oct.29:
1830-1858 on 7220 WOF 300 kW / 114 deg to N/ME Arabic Sun, good signal
U.K.(non) B-17 Voice of the People of Somaliland via BaBcoCk Madagascar
1500-1530 on 11945 MDC 250 kW / 350 deg to EaAf Somali, nothing on Oct.29
1900-1930 on 9600 MDC 250 kW / 355 deg to EaAf Somali, weak/fair signal:
USA One new entry of WRMI probably for Radio Africa Network
USA Last minute changes of EWTN WEWN-1 and WEWN-2 effective from Oct.29:
USA(non) Winter B-17 inactive clandestine transmissions via WRMI brocker
USA(non) Frequency change of Voice of America Afia Darfur in A-17 schedule
1800-1830 NF 9620 WOF 300 kW / 140 deg to EaAf Arabic, ex 9650 kHz probably
to avoid same 9650 CON 050 kW / non-dir to WeAf French Radio Guinée Conakry:
USA(non) Last minute change in winter B-17 of Voice of America
USA Last minute changes of EWTN WEWN-1 and WEWN-2 effective from Oct.29:
WEWN-1 Global Catholic Radio
1200-1500 on #9470*EWN 250 kW / 355 deg to SEAs English, inregistered freq
# instead of 12065 EWN 250 kW / 355 deg to SEAs English registered in HFCC
*1200-1300 on 9470 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean R.Free NoKorea co-ch
WEWN-3 Radio Catolica Mundial
0000-1500 on 5810^EWN 250 kW / 160 deg to CeAm Spanish, inregistered freq
^ instead of 5970 EWN 250 kW / 160 deg to CeAm Spanish registered in HFCC
UZBEKISTAN(non) Two german station via Tashkent will be on air on Sunday Oct.29:
Radio Menschen & Geschichten
0900-1000 on 11520 TAC 100 kW / ??? deg to WeEu German last Sun, ex 6045 Nauen ???
1700-1800 on 7570*TAC 100 kW / ??? deg to WeEu German last Sun, ex via ERV A-17.
Radio MiAmigo International
1800-2000 on 7570*TAC 100 kW / ??? deg to WeEu English last Sun, ex via ERV A-17
* co-ch same 7570 KUJ 200 kW / 325 deg to WeEu Korean/English/Spanish VOKorea!!!
UZBEKISTAN(non) Winter B-17 frequency change of Voice of Khmer M'Chas Srok
UZBEKISTAN(non) Winter B-17 frequency changes of clandestines via Tashkent
73! Ivo Ivanov
More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to
QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.
QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
Agenda DX 31/10/2017
Radio Hogar, Panama 670 Khz (1954)
Radio Itatiaia AM Vale do Aço, Brasile 650 Khz (1994)
Radio Cora del Perù 4915 Khz (1983)
XEZT, Puebla, Messico 1250 Khz (1969)
Radio Trinidad, Trinidad & Tobago 730 Khz (1947)
Radio Deportes, Colombia 830 Khz (1954)
Radio Hogar, Panama 670 Khz (1954)
Radio Itatiaia AM Vale do Aço, Brasile 650 Khz (1994)
Radio Cora del Perù 4915 Khz (1983)
XEZT, Puebla, Messico 1250 Khz (1969)
Radio Trinidad, Trinidad & Tobago 730 Khz (1947)
Radio Deportes, Colombia 830 Khz (1954)
lunedì 30 ottobre 2017
Halloween Show on shortwave
October 31st 2017 - a "Halloween Special"
will be airplayed ( and
repeated-) on Radio Channel292 - 6070
Station-Id. = "Creepy Radio"
Listen Online (
via WebReceiver Twente/the Netherlands )
from about
08:00 - 09:45 utc and/or from 15:00 - 16:45 utc
( just Click the
following link to Listen Direct! )
This "Halloween Special" will
be also Airplayed-/Relayed by
( on
several frequencies-/times )
# - Radio Moonlight
# - Clever Name
Radio (USA)
# - Radio Merlin
Intern. (UK)
# - (not 100% of it
will be airplayed) Tpot Radio - 747 MW (NL)
# - Radio Channel292
Marconi Radio International test transmissions on 31 October 2017
Please be advised that MRI will be back on the air
tomorrow, Tuesday, 31
October 2017, with the following test transmissions: 12.45-14.45 UTC on 11390
kHz AM, from 1500 to 1700 and from 1730 to 1930 on 5760 kHz (USB
Reception reports to this E-mail:
marconiradiointernational (at)
Last but not
least, we need your help! If you are a DX blogger, or use social networks,
please post an announcement on your own blog and/or Facebook or send out a tweet
the day before the broadcast. You can also forward this message to a
We hope to hear
from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions.
Best 73's
Marconi Radio
International (MRI)
Marconi Radio International (MRI) sarà di nuovo in
onda domani, martedì 31 Ottobre 2017, con le seguenti
trasmissioni di prova: dalle 12.45 alle 14.45 UTC su 11390 kHz AM, dalle 1500
alle 1700 e dalle 1730 alle 1930 su 5760 kHz USB).
Per i vostri rapporti di ricezione scrivete a:
marconiradiointernational (at)
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W4HM Daily HF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast #301
W4HM Daily HF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast
If you find this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast useful to your hamateur and SWL radio activities, feel free to drop me a line and let me know that at
Feel free without prior permission to redistribute this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast, as long as you redistribute it in its entirety and give me credit for it.
Supporting images associated with my daily HF radio wave propagation forecast can be found in my Facebook account at
and at
but without supporting images.
It's a NO SPAM voluntary "opt" in email type group hosted by contesting on line (COL), so you have to sign up by using an existing email address and creating a password.
And last but not least I also post some snippets of solar, space and geomagnetic weather goings on and some images in my Twitter account at .
#301 Issued Monday October 30, 2017 at 1430 UTC
Global Daily HF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast-
HF radio wave propagation condition trend- improving
Northern Hemisphere Radio Wave Propagation Forecast-
3150-3400, 3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300 kHz- good at night and poor at day,
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- good at night and fair at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- very poor at night and good at day,
21000-21850 kHz- very poor at night and fair to good at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- very poor at night and fair at day,
28000-29700 kHz- very poor at night and poor at day.
Excellent- S9+10 or >
Very Good- S9 +1-9
Good- S8-9
Fair- S4-7
Poor- S1-3
Very Poor- S0
During the northern hemisphere winter season the higher HF bands of 10-20 meters (11-19 meters) close sooner due to less sun light illuminating the ionosphere than in the southern hemisphere. But the maximum usable frequency (MUF) is higher than in the southern hemisphere as the F layer of the ionosphere is lower in height and more dense.
Southern Hemisphere Radio Wave Propagation Forecast-
3150-3400, 3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300- good at night and poor at day,
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- good at night and fair at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168, kHz- very poor at night and good at day,
21000-21850 kHz- very poor at night and fair to good at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- very poor at night and fair at day,
28000-29700 kHz- very poor at night and poor at day.
Excellent- S9+10 or >
Very Good- S9 +1-9
Good- S8-9
Fair- S4-7
Poor- S1-3
Very Poor- S0
Keep in mind that almost daily during the southern hemisphere summer season you will find that the 10 (11) meter bands will open via short north-south and east-west propagation paths via sporadic E (Es). Also when multiple sporadic E (Es) clouds form and line up favorably much longer propagation paths open up on east-west paths. And last but not least north-south propagation paths occur across the equator via trans equatorial propagation (TEP).
This HF Radio wave propagation forecast is produced based on the SIGINT_CAP HF radio wave propagation prediction software. I wrote it beginning in the late 1980’s but I’m sorry to say that it can’t be distributed to the general public.
And though this HF radio wave propagation forecast is produced based on the SIGINT_CAP, I do check the actual band conditions at my location in the USA and tweak the forecast manually where and when necessary. I also check global HF radio wave propagation conditions via remoted radio receivers around on every continent of the globe and tweak the forecast manually if and when necessary.
The hamateur radio JT65A mode RF signal levels received are based on 5 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur radio PSK31 mode RF signal levels received are based on 25 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur radio CW mode RF signal levels received are based on 50 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur radio SSB RF mode signal levels received are based on 100 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The HF shortwave broadcast band AM Mode RF signal levels are based on 100,000 watts (100 kw) and a typical high gain VOA type curtain array antenna.
Please keep in mind that this is a relatively simplified HF radio wave
propagation forecast, so as to keep it easily understandable and applicable by the average radio enthusiast.
Globally HF radio wave propagation conditions are most evenly balanced
during the fall and spring equinoxes and most diametrically opposed during
the summer and winter solstices.
Conditions change daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and by decade, as the
sun rises and sets at different times and at different angles from the
ecliptic, as well as by radio wave frequency. This is due to changes in the
maximum usable frequency (MUF), lowest usable frequency (LUF) and F layer
critical frequency (FoF2).
The D and E layers also come into play through RF radio wave signal
absorption and refraction. And then there is sporadic E (Es) radio wave
propagation that can really throw a wrench into the gears so to speak.
Things like sporadic E (Es) radio wave propagation and lightning storm
static can impact HF radio wave propagation in an unpredictable manner and
mostly bad.
Ongoing solar, space and geomagnetic weather goings on also impact HF radio
wave propagation conditions in a negative manner.
Standard Disclaimer-
Note! I use error prone RAW public domain data from the NOAA Space
Environment Center, other U.S. government entities and educational
institutions, to produce this daily HF radio wave propagation
forecast. This data is gathered and made public by the U.S. Government using
taxpayer $$$ (including mine).
However this daily HF propagation forecast that I produce from the RAW public domain data is my personal intellectual property. Therefore this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast contained herein is copyrighted © 1988-2017 by Thomas F. Giella, W4HM.
Feel free without prior permission to redistribute this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast, as long as you redistribute it in its entirety and
give me credit for it.
Also HF radio wave propagation forecasting is still an inexact
science. The forecasts are not official but for educational and hobby
related purposes only and are subject to human error and acts of God,
therefore no guarantee or warranty implied.
If you find this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast useful to your hamateur and SWL radio activities, feel free to drop me a line and let me know that at
Feel free without prior permission to redistribute this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast, as long as you redistribute it in its entirety and give me credit for it.
Supporting images associated with my daily HF radio wave propagation forecast can be found in my Facebook account at
and at
but without supporting images.
It's a NO SPAM voluntary "opt" in email type group hosted by contesting on line (COL), so you have to sign up by using an existing email address and creating a password.
And last but not least I also post some snippets of solar, space and geomagnetic weather goings on and some images in my Twitter account at .
#301 Issued Monday October 30, 2017 at 1430 UTC
Global Daily HF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast-
HF radio wave propagation condition trend- improving
Northern Hemisphere Radio Wave Propagation Forecast-
3150-3400, 3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300 kHz- good at night and poor at day,
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- good at night and fair at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- very poor at night and good at day,
21000-21850 kHz- very poor at night and fair to good at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- very poor at night and fair at day,
28000-29700 kHz- very poor at night and poor at day.
Excellent- S9+10 or >
Very Good- S9 +1-9
Good- S8-9
Fair- S4-7
Poor- S1-3
Very Poor- S0
During the northern hemisphere winter season the higher HF bands of 10-20 meters (11-19 meters) close sooner due to less sun light illuminating the ionosphere than in the southern hemisphere. But the maximum usable frequency (MUF) is higher than in the southern hemisphere as the F layer of the ionosphere is lower in height and more dense.
Southern Hemisphere Radio Wave Propagation Forecast-
3150-3400, 3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300- good at night and poor at day,
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- good at night and fair at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168, kHz- very poor at night and good at day,
21000-21850 kHz- very poor at night and fair to good at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- very poor at night and fair at day,
28000-29700 kHz- very poor at night and poor at day.
Excellent- S9+10 or >
Very Good- S9 +1-9
Good- S8-9
Fair- S4-7
Poor- S1-3
Very Poor- S0
Keep in mind that almost daily during the southern hemisphere summer season you will find that the 10 (11) meter bands will open via short north-south and east-west propagation paths via sporadic E (Es). Also when multiple sporadic E (Es) clouds form and line up favorably much longer propagation paths open up on east-west paths. And last but not least north-south propagation paths occur across the equator via trans equatorial propagation (TEP).
This HF Radio wave propagation forecast is produced based on the SIGINT_CAP HF radio wave propagation prediction software. I wrote it beginning in the late 1980’s but I’m sorry to say that it can’t be distributed to the general public.
And though this HF radio wave propagation forecast is produced based on the SIGINT_CAP, I do check the actual band conditions at my location in the USA and tweak the forecast manually where and when necessary. I also check global HF radio wave propagation conditions via remoted radio receivers around on every continent of the globe and tweak the forecast manually if and when necessary.
The hamateur radio JT65A mode RF signal levels received are based on 5 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur radio PSK31 mode RF signal levels received are based on 25 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur radio CW mode RF signal levels received are based on 50 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur radio SSB RF mode signal levels received are based on 100 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The HF shortwave broadcast band AM Mode RF signal levels are based on 100,000 watts (100 kw) and a typical high gain VOA type curtain array antenna.
Please keep in mind that this is a relatively simplified HF radio wave
propagation forecast, so as to keep it easily understandable and applicable by the average radio enthusiast.
Globally HF radio wave propagation conditions are most evenly balanced
during the fall and spring equinoxes and most diametrically opposed during
the summer and winter solstices.
Conditions change daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and by decade, as the
sun rises and sets at different times and at different angles from the
ecliptic, as well as by radio wave frequency. This is due to changes in the
maximum usable frequency (MUF), lowest usable frequency (LUF) and F layer
critical frequency (FoF2).
The D and E layers also come into play through RF radio wave signal
absorption and refraction. And then there is sporadic E (Es) radio wave
propagation that can really throw a wrench into the gears so to speak.
Things like sporadic E (Es) radio wave propagation and lightning storm
static can impact HF radio wave propagation in an unpredictable manner and
mostly bad.
Ongoing solar, space and geomagnetic weather goings on also impact HF radio
wave propagation conditions in a negative manner.
Standard Disclaimer-
Note! I use error prone RAW public domain data from the NOAA Space
Environment Center, other U.S. government entities and educational
institutions, to produce this daily HF radio wave propagation
forecast. This data is gathered and made public by the U.S. Government using
taxpayer $$$ (including mine).
However this daily HF propagation forecast that I produce from the RAW public domain data is my personal intellectual property. Therefore this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast contained herein is copyrighted © 1988-2017 by Thomas F. Giella, W4HM.
Feel free without prior permission to redistribute this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast, as long as you redistribute it in its entirety and
give me credit for it.
Also HF radio wave propagation forecasting is still an inexact
science. The forecasts are not official but for educational and hobby
related purposes only and are subject to human error and acts of God,
therefore no guarantee or warranty implied.
QSL Radio Panda 6260 KHz
QSL Radio Panda 6260 KHz - con QSL elettronica allegata
in 3 giorni. (R. PAVANELLO)
Glenn Hauser logs October 29-30, 2017
** BOLIVIA [and non]. 5935, Oct 29 at 2327, usual JBA carrier from possible R. Yura if not Lhasa, and no WWCR to block it: they are probably waiting another week for DST to go off here before re-jiggering their schedule. At 2358, JBA 13845 is announcing QSY to 5935, and WWCR does blast on there just before *2359 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 9415, Oct 29 at 2331, Vietnamese talk, after bit of `Love Me Tender` tune, VG S9+25 to S9. Hard to believe this bigsig is, as in HFCC: CRI, 2300-2400, 500 kW, 193 degrees from Beijing site. Off at 0004 Oct 30 recheck. I was on the way to check 9420, finding neither Egypt nor Greece (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA [and non]. 9535, Oct 29 at 2335, Chinese atop music from RHC // 11760, Commies vs Commies! Now 2300-2400 is listed as CRI English, 100 kW, 122 degrees from Kunming to CIRAF 50, which means Philippines and China`s own South China Sea (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 11670, Oct 29 at 2353, RHC music is overmodulated and distorted, while 11760 is OK; 13740 also somewhat distorted. See also CHINA [and non] 9535 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GERMANY. 15780-15785-15790, Oct 29 at 1814, DRM noise, presumed Romania or some major station, but the only thing B-17 HFCC listed on 15785 is 100-watt non-direxional BIX FNA in ERL, i.e. as in NDXC/Aoki A-17, bit eXpress, Erlangen, 24 hours. I never expected to hear it and for once wish I had DRM reception. Is it really 24 hours? I give up trying to find it in WRTH --- no major heading under Germany in International Section. It could be buried somewhere in the 14 pages of state-by-state FM National listings. And EiBi, based in Germany, does not even list it at all! See also SOUTH CAROLINA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU [and non]. Good news and bad news. 5980 is now occupied by RRI, and it`s DRM spreading out plus/minus 7 kHz, not just 5! It`s not registered with HFCC as `N` = numérique. And on RRI`s own schedule as in DXLD 17-42, not specified as DRM either; and it`s for W Europe, not N America, altho we are right beyond there. So maybe DRM today by mistake.
But that`s good for my Chaski-checking. Despite the noise at S6 level, with BFO I can still detect an AM carrier amid it! If RRI were also in AM, it would not be easy to distinguish them. This carrier cuts off at 2333:44*, so it IS still little Radio Chaski, 7 seconds later than last night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ROMANIA. 5973-5980-5987, Oct 29 at 2326, DRM noise, from RRI on new frequency for B-17, listed as NOT DRM, 2300-2400, 300 kW, 285 degrees from Galbeni for W Europe in English, and exceeding the claimed sharp 10-kHz bandwidth for DRM. Looks bad for Chaski-checking, but axually it`s good! See PERU.
5980, Oct 30 at 0003, RRI is now in AM in Spanish hour, ending news already and into Ritmos music show. Almost same parameters as previous hour, except 5 degrees less at 280, yet no change in slewing, and now for CIRAF 12NE = Venezuela in particular (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH CAROLINA. While checking EiBi unsuccessfully for bit eXpress on 15785, I notice another entry on same frequency, M-F at 1000-1100, ``Molester Stair`` from USA site-n which must mean WWCR Nashville, except I thought they were on 15795 early before switching to 15825. Then it`s clear that EiBi has changed all 55 Brother Stair listings to Molester Stair. Now, now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN. 15500 > 9690 > 17755, Sun Oct 29 at 1812, REE NAm frequency 9690 has improved, but still not quite equal to the first one aimed exactly in the opposite direxion toward Mideast. Fourth frequency is still 15390, now redirected to be the one for S America, but unheard. Silly ballgame in progress (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** THAILAND. 13745, Oct 30 at 0000, R. Thailand from the PR Department is opening English to North America, poor S6-S7 and ACI from very strong Cuba which is still on 13740. Totally unnecessary for these to be adjacent with plenty of open frequencies. Found expected B-season change from 15590 without even looking it up (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. 5960, Oct 29 at 2347, VOT sign-off with English schedule, last frequency mentioned being 6165 which was an A-17, not B-17 frequency! So out of date info. But now the ``recorded at 23 and 04`` advisory has become correct. Anyway, Emirler has made the B-17 frequency and time change, ex 22 on 9830, now 2300 on 5960 to North America --- and guess what, again forgets to turn off the transmitter so next language on web/satellite feed, German, is heard on 5960 at 0002 October 30. Oh2, if they overrun on UT Sunday, that will collide with The Mighty KBC --- another reason to have avoided that new frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 15051-USB & 13270-USB, Oct 29 at 1819, no signals from New York Radio VOLMET, but at 1820 Gander can be heard weakly on both. For some time I had missed hearing NYR`s night frequency 3485, but now find it`s totally off, as Mike Cooper has reported:
``After several weeks where all reporting stations were "missing," now New York VOLMET seems to have been off the air for the past week. I've found no NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) indicating that it is out of service or decommissioned. Perhaps this is the latest instance of a station being taken off the air to see if anyone notices (Mike Cooper, GA, Oct 29, DXLD)``
NYR is supposed to occupy the first 20 minutes of each semihour, then over to Gander for 10 minutes. Another check at 2340 UT Oct 29: no signals on USBs 3485, 6604, 10051, 13270 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1901 monitoring: Dave Kenny, UK, reports:
``Hi Glenn, World of Radio via Hamburger Lokalradio on 9485 cusb confirmed at 1130-1200 UT today (Sunday 29 October). WoR followed on from Media Network Plus which is now at 1100-1130 Sundays on 9485 via HLR. Both heard with a good signal here as usual - this frequency propagates well to the UK, although it doesn't often get reported.
73s Dave Kenny, listening in Caversham, Berkshire. with and AOR 7030 + 25m long wire``
Also confirmed Sunday Oct 29 at 2330 on WBCQ 9330.16v-CUSB, S6-S4.
I check WRN English to North America audio feed at 0140 UT Monday Oct 30 for WOR at 0130 and hear not English, but Slovak! From who else.;stream.nsv
Schedule shows:
They have already shifted programming one UT hour later, with WOR at 0230 even tho we are still stuck on DST. Next:
Mon 0300v WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0330 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Mon 2330 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030 WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030 WRMI 11580 to NE, 9455 to WNW
** U S A. 15685-15735, Oct 29 at 1814, WHRI has made its usual B-season switch from 15760 to 15710 for Molester Stair, but it`s splattering over a 50-kHz range! Worse while MS is playing cruddy answering machine audio from some psychophant. At least this gets him away from 15770 if and when WRMI be able to resume there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9475 & 5830, Oct 29 at 2332, WTWW-1 is still missing from both possible frequencies, and nothing from -2 or -3 either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5050, Oct 29 at 2350, WWRB carrier is on at S9+40 but modulation is only dirty hum/buzz. Still registered here for B-17, but expected to go back to 3215/3195 split with WWCR, maybe in a week after DST (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 12050, Oct 29 at 2355, WEWN Spanish is dead air, or just barely modulated? Or from an understation? Nothing else in HFCC at this hour. Has it been dead air, all day, like at last check 1434? Would not surprise me. At 2359, 12050 is off, and 5810 is on with Salve Regina lead-in but undermodulated, S9+25; wiggle that patchcord? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report despatched at 0219 UT October 30
Agenda DX 30/10/2017
Radio Tawantisuyo, Perù 6175 Khz (1948)
Radio Macarena, Colombia 5975 khz (1974)
BBC Limassol, Cipro 1332 Khz (1956)
Radio Andina, Perù 4996 Khz (1961)
Radio Moldova (1930)
Radio Tawantisuyo, Perù 6175 Khz (1948)
Radio Macarena, Colombia 5975 khz (1974)
BBC Limassol, Cipro 1332 Khz (1956)
Radio Andina, Perù 4996 Khz (1961)
Radio Moldova (1930)
domenica 29 ottobre 2017
B17 schedule: Kall Krekel relay
GERMANY Kall Krekel 6005 kHz B17 season, times in CET (UT +1hr)
Sendeplan Montag-Freitag
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1100 Radio Belarus (dt.)
1100-1200 RAE Argentinien (dt.) (ausser Montags)
1200-1227 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
1227-1230 Nordschleswiger (dt.)
1230-1300 SRF Rendez-Vouz (dt.)
1300-1327 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1330-1357 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1400-1430 Voice Of Mongolia (en.)
1430-1500 Radio Tirana (en.)
1500-1527 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
1527-1530 Nordschleswiger (dt.)
1530-1557 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1600-1627 Radio Slowakei International (sp.)
1630-1657 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1700-1730 Polskie Radio (dt.)
1730-1757 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1757-1800 Nordschleswiger (dt.)
1800-1900 SRF Echo der Zeit (dt.)
1900 Sendeschluss
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1100 Radio Belarus (dt.)
1100-1200 RAE Argentinien (dt.) (ausser Montags)
1200-1227 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
1300-1327 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1330-1357 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1400-1430 Voice Of Mongolia (en.)
1430-1500 Radio Tirana (en.)
1500-1527 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
1530-1557 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1600-1627 Radio Slowakei International (sp.)
1630-1657 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1700-1730 Polskie Radio (dt.)
1730-1757 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1800-1900 SRF Echo der Zeit (dt.)
1900 Sendeschluss
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1100 Radio Belarus (dt.)
1200-1227 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
1300-1327 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1330-1357 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1400-1500 Radio Amathusia (nl.)
1500-1527 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
1530-1557 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1600-1627 Radio Slowakei International (sp.)
1630-1657 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1700-1730 Polskie Radio (dt.)
1730-1757 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1800-1900 SRF Echo der Zeit (dt.)
1900 Sendeschluss
Sendeplan Kall Krekel 7310 kHz B17 season, times in CET (UT +1hr)
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1000 Radio Canada Int. (fr.)
1000-1030 Radio Canada Int. (en.)
1045-1100 Swissinfo (en.)
1100-1200 Welle 370 (4. Samstag / Monat)
1200-1600 Radio MiAmigo International
1600 Sendeschluss
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1000 Musik
1000-1100 Radio. Menschen & Geschichten (letzter Sonntag / Monat)
1100-1200 Radio Gloria International (4. Sonntag / Monat)
1200-1600 Radio MiAmigo International
1600 Sendeschluss
Sendeplan Kall Krekel 3985 kHz B17 season, times in CET (UT +1hr)
1729 Sendebeginn
1730-1757 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1800-1900 SRF Echo der Zeit
1900-2000 Radio Mi Amigo International
2000-2027 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
2027-2030 Nordschleswiger (dt.)
2030-2057 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
2100-2127 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
2130-2200 Radio Tirana (dt.)
2200-2230 SRF Das war der Tag (dt.)
2230 Sendeschluss
1729 Sendebeginn
1730-1757 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1800-1900 SRF Echo der Zeit
2000-2027 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
2027-2030 Nordschleswiger (dt.)
2030-2057 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
2100-2127 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
2130-2200 Radio Tirana (dt.)
2200 Sendeschluss
1729 Sendebeginn
1730-1757 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1800-1900 SRF Echo der Zeit
1900-2000 Radio. Menschen und Geschichten (dt. / letzter Sonntag)
2000-2027 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
2027-2030 Nordschleswiger (dt.)
2030-2057 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
2100-2127 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
2130 Sendeschluss.
Sendeplan Kall Krekel 6085 kHz B17 season, times in CET (UT +1hr)
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1900 Radio Mi Amigo International
1900 Sendeschluss
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1900 Radio Mi Amigo International
1900 Sendeschluss
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1900 Radio Mi Amigo International
1900 Sendeschluss
(Christian Milling-D, Oct 23)
Relais ueber Kall-Krekel in B17 nach Anbieter sortiert
RSI Sendeplaene B17
1100-1127 UT Radio Slowakei International (dt.) auf 6005 kHz
1400-1427 UT Radio Slowakei International (dt.) auf 6005 kHz
2000-2027 UT Radio Slowakei International (dt.) auf 3985 kHz
1200-1227 UT Radio Slowakei International (en.) auf 6005 kHz
1530-1557 UT Radio Slowakei International (en.) auf 6005 kHz
1630-1657 UT Radio Slowakei International (en.) auf 6005 kHz
2000-2027 UT Radio Slowakei International (en.) auf 3985 kHz
1230-1257 UT Radio Slowakei International (fr.) auf 6005 kHz
1430-1457 UT Radio Slowakei International (fr.) auf 6005 kHz
1630-1657 UT Radio Slowakei International (fr.) auf 3985 kHz
1930-1957 UT Radio Slowakei International (fr.) auf 3985 kHz
1500-1527 UT Radio Slowakei International (sp.) auf 6005 kHz
Polskie Radio Sendeplaene B17
1600-1630 UT Polskie Radio (dt.) auf 6005 kHz
RAE Argentinien Sendeplaene B17
1000-1100 UT RAE (dt.) auf 6005 kHz (Di-Sa)
SRF Sendeplaene B17
1130-1200 UT Rendez-Vous auf 6005 kHz (Mo-Fr)
1700-1800 UT Echo der Zeit auf 6005 kHz (Mo-So)
1700-1800 UT Echo der Zeit auf 3985 kHz (Mo-So)
2100-2130 UT Das war der Tag auf 3985 kHz (Mo-Fr)
Radio Tirana Sendeplaene B17
1330-1400 UT Radio Tirana (en.) auf 6005 kHz (Mo-Sa)
2030-2100 UT Radio Tirana (dt.) auf 3985 kHz (Mo-Sa)
Voice Of Mongolia Sendeplaene B17
1300-1330 UT VOM (en.) auf 6005 kHz
Radio Canada International. Sendeplaene B17
0800-0900 UT RCI (fr.) auf 7310 kHz (Sa)
0900-0930 UT RCI (en.) auf 7310 kHz (Sa)
Swissinfo Sendeplaene B17
0945-1000 UT SWI (en.) auf 7310 kHz (Sa)
Radio Mi Amigo International Sendeplaene B17
0800-1800 UT RMAI auf 6085 kHz
1800-1900 UT RMAI auf 3985 kHz
1100-1500 UT RMAI auf 7310 kHz (Sa-So)
Nordschleswiger Sendeplaene B17
1127-1130 UT Nordschleswiger auf 6005 kHz
1427-1430 UT Nordschleswiger auf 6005 kHz
1857-1700 UT Nordschleswiger auf 6005 kHz
1927-1930 UT Nordschleswiger auf 3985 kHz
Sonstige Programme Sendeplaene B17
0900-1000 UT Radio. Menschen & Geschichten auf 7310 kHz (letzer Sonntag)
1000-1100 UT Welle 370 (4. Samstag)
1000-1100 UT Radio Gloria International auf 7310 kHz (4. Sonntag)
(Christian Milling-D, Oct 23)
Sendeplan Montag-Freitag
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1100 Radio Belarus (dt.)
1100-1200 RAE Argentinien (dt.) (ausser Montags)
1200-1227 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
1227-1230 Nordschleswiger (dt.)
1230-1300 SRF Rendez-Vouz (dt.)
1300-1327 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1330-1357 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1400-1430 Voice Of Mongolia (en.)
1430-1500 Radio Tirana (en.)
1500-1527 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
1527-1530 Nordschleswiger (dt.)
1530-1557 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1600-1627 Radio Slowakei International (sp.)
1630-1657 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1700-1730 Polskie Radio (dt.)
1730-1757 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1757-1800 Nordschleswiger (dt.)
1800-1900 SRF Echo der Zeit (dt.)
1900 Sendeschluss
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1100 Radio Belarus (dt.)
1100-1200 RAE Argentinien (dt.) (ausser Montags)
1200-1227 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
1300-1327 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1330-1357 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1400-1430 Voice Of Mongolia (en.)
1430-1500 Radio Tirana (en.)
1500-1527 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
1530-1557 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1600-1627 Radio Slowakei International (sp.)
1630-1657 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1700-1730 Polskie Radio (dt.)
1730-1757 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1800-1900 SRF Echo der Zeit (dt.)
1900 Sendeschluss
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1100 Radio Belarus (dt.)
1200-1227 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
1300-1327 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1330-1357 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1400-1500 Radio Amathusia (nl.)
1500-1527 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
1530-1557 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1600-1627 Radio Slowakei International (sp.)
1630-1657 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1700-1730 Polskie Radio (dt.)
1730-1757 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
1800-1900 SRF Echo der Zeit (dt.)
1900 Sendeschluss
Sendeplan Kall Krekel 7310 kHz B17 season, times in CET (UT +1hr)
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1000 Radio Canada Int. (fr.)
1000-1030 Radio Canada Int. (en.)
1045-1100 Swissinfo (en.)
1100-1200 Welle 370 (4. Samstag / Monat)
1200-1600 Radio MiAmigo International
1600 Sendeschluss
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1000 Musik
1000-1100 Radio. Menschen & Geschichten (letzter Sonntag / Monat)
1100-1200 Radio Gloria International (4. Sonntag / Monat)
1200-1600 Radio MiAmigo International
1600 Sendeschluss
Sendeplan Kall Krekel 3985 kHz B17 season, times in CET (UT +1hr)
1729 Sendebeginn
1730-1757 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1800-1900 SRF Echo der Zeit
1900-2000 Radio Mi Amigo International
2000-2027 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
2027-2030 Nordschleswiger (dt.)
2030-2057 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
2100-2127 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
2130-2200 Radio Tirana (dt.)
2200-2230 SRF Das war der Tag (dt.)
2230 Sendeschluss
1729 Sendebeginn
1730-1757 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1800-1900 SRF Echo der Zeit
2000-2027 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
2027-2030 Nordschleswiger (dt.)
2030-2057 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
2100-2127 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
2130-2200 Radio Tirana (dt.)
2200 Sendeschluss
1729 Sendebeginn
1730-1757 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
1800-1900 SRF Echo der Zeit
1900-2000 Radio. Menschen und Geschichten (dt. / letzter Sonntag)
2000-2027 Radio Slowakei International (dt.)
2027-2030 Nordschleswiger (dt.)
2030-2057 Radio Slowakei International (fr.)
2100-2127 Radio Slowakei International (en.)
2130 Sendeschluss.
Sendeplan Kall Krekel 6085 kHz B17 season, times in CET (UT +1hr)
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1900 Radio Mi Amigo International
1900 Sendeschluss
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1900 Radio Mi Amigo International
1900 Sendeschluss
0859 Sendebeginn
0900-1900 Radio Mi Amigo International
1900 Sendeschluss
(Christian Milling-D, Oct 23)
Relais ueber Kall-Krekel in B17 nach Anbieter sortiert
RSI Sendeplaene B17
1100-1127 UT Radio Slowakei International (dt.) auf 6005 kHz
1400-1427 UT Radio Slowakei International (dt.) auf 6005 kHz
2000-2027 UT Radio Slowakei International (dt.) auf 3985 kHz
1200-1227 UT Radio Slowakei International (en.) auf 6005 kHz
1530-1557 UT Radio Slowakei International (en.) auf 6005 kHz
1630-1657 UT Radio Slowakei International (en.) auf 6005 kHz
2000-2027 UT Radio Slowakei International (en.) auf 3985 kHz
1230-1257 UT Radio Slowakei International (fr.) auf 6005 kHz
1430-1457 UT Radio Slowakei International (fr.) auf 6005 kHz
1630-1657 UT Radio Slowakei International (fr.) auf 3985 kHz
1930-1957 UT Radio Slowakei International (fr.) auf 3985 kHz
1500-1527 UT Radio Slowakei International (sp.) auf 6005 kHz
Polskie Radio Sendeplaene B17
1600-1630 UT Polskie Radio (dt.) auf 6005 kHz
RAE Argentinien Sendeplaene B17
1000-1100 UT RAE (dt.) auf 6005 kHz (Di-Sa)
SRF Sendeplaene B17
1130-1200 UT Rendez-Vous auf 6005 kHz (Mo-Fr)
1700-1800 UT Echo der Zeit auf 6005 kHz (Mo-So)
1700-1800 UT Echo der Zeit auf 3985 kHz (Mo-So)
2100-2130 UT Das war der Tag auf 3985 kHz (Mo-Fr)
Radio Tirana Sendeplaene B17
1330-1400 UT Radio Tirana (en.) auf 6005 kHz (Mo-Sa)
2030-2100 UT Radio Tirana (dt.) auf 3985 kHz (Mo-Sa)
Voice Of Mongolia Sendeplaene B17
1300-1330 UT VOM (en.) auf 6005 kHz
Radio Canada International. Sendeplaene B17
0800-0900 UT RCI (fr.) auf 7310 kHz (Sa)
0900-0930 UT RCI (en.) auf 7310 kHz (Sa)
Swissinfo Sendeplaene B17
0945-1000 UT SWI (en.) auf 7310 kHz (Sa)
Radio Mi Amigo International Sendeplaene B17
0800-1800 UT RMAI auf 6085 kHz
1800-1900 UT RMAI auf 3985 kHz
1100-1500 UT RMAI auf 7310 kHz (Sa-So)
Nordschleswiger Sendeplaene B17
1127-1130 UT Nordschleswiger auf 6005 kHz
1427-1430 UT Nordschleswiger auf 6005 kHz
1857-1700 UT Nordschleswiger auf 6005 kHz
1927-1930 UT Nordschleswiger auf 3985 kHz
Sonstige Programme Sendeplaene B17
0900-1000 UT Radio. Menschen & Geschichten auf 7310 kHz (letzer Sonntag)
1000-1100 UT Welle 370 (4. Samstag)
1000-1100 UT Radio Gloria International auf 7310 kHz (4. Sonntag)
(Christian Milling-D, Oct 23)
B17 schedule: Deutsche Welle
Deutsche Welle, Bonn/Berlin - Schedule B-17, valid from
October 29, 2017 to March 24, 2018
StartEnd Freq Station
Power Azi Target Days
1600 1700 15275 TRINCOMALEE 250
270 Ethiopia Daily
1600 1700 17800 DHABAYYA 250 225 Ethiopia
1330 1400 9720 DHABAYYA 250 45 Afghanistan
1330 1400 15430 TRINCOMALEE 250 335 Afghanistan
0630 0700 7220 SAO TOME 100 0 West Africa
0630 0700 9830 NAUEN 500 185 West Africa Daily
0630 0700
15200 MEYERTON 250 330 West Africa Daily
1300 1400 9830 SAO TOME
100 20 West Africa Daily
1300 1400 17800 ISSOUDUN 500 170 West
Africa Daily
1300 1400 17840 ASCENSION 250 55 West Africa
1800 1900 9785 ISSOUDUN 500 170 West Africa Daily
1800 1900
9830 SAO TOME 100 0 West Africa Daily
1800 1900 15200 MEYERTON
250 330 West Africa Daily
HAUSA (Football)
1425 1630 15195
ISSOUDUN 500 170 West Africa Saturdays
1425 1630 17840 ISSOUDUN 500
172 West Africa Saturdays
1400 1430 9720 DHABAYYA 250
45 Afghanistan Daily
1400 1430 15430 TRINCOMALEE 250 335 Afghanistan
1000 1100 15275 MADAGASCAR 250 300 East Africa
1000 1100 17710 MEYERTON 250 7 East Africa Daily
(DW Bonn
Germany, via ADDX Andreas Volk-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct
These are RESERVE alternative frequency requests
15340 1600
1700 48 DHA 250 225 0 218 Amh UAE Alterna
11800 0630 0700
46,47W NAU 500 185 0 218 Hau D Alterna
17800 0630 0700 46,47W DHA 250
260 0 218 Hau UAE Alterna
15200 1300 1400 46,47W ISS 500 165 0 211 Hau
F Alterna
21780 1300 1400 46,47W NAU 500 185 0 218 Hau D
11620 1330 1400 40E,41NW DHA 250 45 0 217 Prs UAE Alterna
15215 1330 1400 40E,41NW DHA 250 45 -15 146 Prs UAE Alterna
17720 1330 1400 40E,41NW ISS 500 76 0 217 Prs D Alterna
11620 1400 1430 40E,41NW DHA 250 45 0 217 Pus UAE
15215 1400 1430 40E,41NW DHA 250 45 -15 146 Pus UAE Alterna
1400 1430 40E,41NW ISS 500 76 0 217 Pus D Alterna
(DW Bonn Germany, via
ADDX Andreas Volk-Munich-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 25)
REE nuevas B17 frecuencias de invierno
ESPAÑA, chequeo de las frecuencias de invierno de Radio Exterior de España
al inicio de la programación, 1456 UTC, hoy domingo día 29 de octubre, a las
1500 UTC:
9690, frecuencia para Norteamérica, señal muy fuerte, SINPO
15390, América del Sur y Océano Pacífico, no hay
15500, Océano Indico, Oriente Medio y Gran Sol, señal muy fuerte,
11685, frecuencia anunciada para Africa Occidental y
Atlántico sur, pero
a partir de las 1900 horas, señal moderada,
17755, Africa Occidental y Atlántico Sur, señal moderada, SINPO
Manuel Méndez
Lugo, España B17 schedule
" broadcasting to Benelux, UK & Ireland on 3975 and 6160 kHz
News October 27 2017:
Starting Monday, October 30, with the beginning of the B17 schedule.
Times for our 6160 kHz outlet have been slightly changed:
10:00 – 12:00 UTC
14:00 – 16:00 UTC
20:00 – 22:00 UTC
Schedule for 3975 kHz stays as it is:
12:00 – 14:00 UTC
16:00 – 18:00 UTC
20:00 – 22:00 UTC
Mondays to Saturdays
QSLs will be sent off as soon as possible, after 3975 khz is fully operational.
Thank you for your patience."
RWI 34th birthday on the airwaves 1983-2017
Next month it's RWI 34th birthday on the air under the callsign of WCS we will be alternatively on 48mb around 6235khz & 26mb on 11401khz and via Radio Channel 292 on Saturday morning visit Radio Channel 292 website for update and time table. every weekend a special QSL card will be available.
Thanks for your countinuous support.
Peter HILLS & Philippe
you can visit us at :
Radio Waves International
since November 1983 on shortwaves
34 years on the airwaves
with 27 year of country music
Every satuday on 6070khz via Radio Channel 292 from 07.00 to 08.00utc or on the web via
BP 130
92504 RUEIL Cedex
for UPS or Fedex ask us an alternative postal adress.
Thanks for your countinuous support.
Peter HILLS & Philippe
you can visit us at :
Radio Waves International
since November 1983 on shortwaves
34 years on the airwaves
with 27 year of country music
Every satuday on 6070khz via Radio Channel 292 from 07.00 to 08.00utc or on the web via
BP 130
92504 RUEIL Cedex
for UPS or Fedex ask us an alternative postal adress.
Radio Mi Amigo via Tashkent
UZBEKISTAN, Radio Mi Amigo special transmission via Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 7570,
in the second half of the program, 1900 UTC, they announced that the Gavar 11845
kHz antenna was broken by a strong wing like a hurricane days ago and they
decide to transmit via Tashkent this special transmission. The first part of the
program was recorded before the transmitter change, and the second part is live
now, and they announced the correct frequency, 7570 via Uzbekistan. Good signal
now at 1930. 44444
Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain
SWLDXBulgaria News, October 28-29
AUSTRIA(non) Reception of Radio DARC via ORF Moosbrunn on Oct.15
1000-1100 on 6070 MOS 100 kW / non-dir to CeEu German Sun, strong
BELGIUM(non) Reception of BRB Radio Voice of Amara via TDF Issoudun, Oct.28/29
1700-1800 on 15360 ISS 250 kW / 120 deg to EaAf Amharic Mon/Wed/Sat, poor signal
1600-1700 on 15360 ISS 250 kW / 120 deg to EaAf Amharic Sun, BUT in B-17 on same
1600-1700 on 15360 TRM 125 kW / 355 deg to SoAs Urdu, Sindhi & English AWR co-ch
GERMANY(non) Bible Voice Broadcasting via MBR Nauen, Oct.29
0800-0830 on 7220 NAU 100 kW / 260 deg to WeEu English Sun
GERMANY(non) Reception of World of Radio via HLR 9485CUSB on Oct.29:
1131-1200 on 9485 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English Sun, fair/good
GREECE Fair to good signal of Voice of Greece on Oct.29:
0757&0803 on 9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#3
0757&0803 on 9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#1
*till 0800 relay Sunday Orthodox Liturgy and off at 0900UT
INDIA Additional winter B-17 changes of All India Radio from Oct.29
ROMANIA(non) Reception of IRRS EGR/UN Radio via ROU RadioCom on Oct.29:
1030-1300 on 9510 SAF 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu English Sun, fair to good
SECRETLAND(non) Reception of IRRS Radio Santec The Word via SPL Secretbrod, Oct.29
1500-1530 on 15190 SCB 100 kW / 090 deg to SoAs Eng/Ger Sun The Cosmic Wave, strong:
SECRETLAND(non) Reception of From the Isle of Music via SPL Secretbrod on Oct.29
1500-1600 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 030 deg to EaEu English/Spanish Sun, strong signal
SECRETLAND(non) Voice of The Report of The Week via SPL Secretbrod, Oct.29:
1601-1700 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English Sun, very good signal
SOUTH KOREA Bad frequency selection of KBS World Radio for B-17 period:
1400-1700 on 9630 KIM 250 kW / 264 deg to SoAs English & strong co-ch at
same time on 9630 LIN 100 kW / 298 deg to EaAs Kazakh China Nat.Radio-17
USA Last minute changes of EWTN WEWN-1 and WEWN-2 effective from Oct.29:
TAJIKISTAN vs.ARMENIA National Unity Radio & Denge Kurdistan on Oct.29
TAJIKISTAN(non) Winter B-17 frequency change of Voice of Khmer M'Chas Srok
UZBEKISTAN(non) Winter B-17 frequency changes of clandestines via Tashkent
UZBEKISTAN(non) R.Menschen&Geschichten+R.MiAmigo Int via Tashkent on Oct.29, videos
Bad frequency choice for the evening transmissions on 7570 kHz, co-ch Voice of Korea!
73! Ivo Ivanov
More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to
QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.
QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
1000-1100 on 6070 MOS 100 kW / non-dir to CeEu German Sun, strong
BELGIUM(non) Reception of BRB Radio Voice of Amara via TDF Issoudun, Oct.28/29
1700-1800 on 15360 ISS 250 kW / 120 deg to EaAf Amharic Mon/Wed/Sat, poor signal
1600-1700 on 15360 ISS 250 kW / 120 deg to EaAf Amharic Sun, BUT in B-17 on same
1600-1700 on 15360 TRM 125 kW / 355 deg to SoAs Urdu, Sindhi & English AWR co-ch
GERMANY(non) Bible Voice Broadcasting via MBR Nauen, Oct.29
0800-0830 on 7220 NAU 100 kW / 260 deg to WeEu English Sun
GERMANY(non) Reception of World of Radio via HLR 9485CUSB on Oct.29:
1131-1200 on 9485 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English Sun, fair/good
GREECE Fair to good signal of Voice of Greece on Oct.29:
0757&0803 on 9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#3
0757&0803 on 9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#1
*till 0800 relay Sunday Orthodox Liturgy and off at 0900UT
INDIA Additional winter B-17 changes of All India Radio from Oct.29
ROMANIA(non) Reception of IRRS EGR/UN Radio via ROU RadioCom on Oct.29:
1030-1300 on 9510 SAF 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu English Sun, fair to good
SECRETLAND(non) Reception of IRRS Radio Santec The Word via SPL Secretbrod, Oct.29
1500-1530 on 15190 SCB 100 kW / 090 deg to SoAs Eng/Ger Sun The Cosmic Wave, strong:
SECRETLAND(non) Reception of From the Isle of Music via SPL Secretbrod on Oct.29
1500-1600 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 030 deg to EaEu English/Spanish Sun, strong signal
SECRETLAND(non) Voice of The Report of The Week via SPL Secretbrod, Oct.29:
1601-1700 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English Sun, very good signal
SOUTH KOREA Bad frequency selection of KBS World Radio for B-17 period:
1400-1700 on 9630 KIM 250 kW / 264 deg to SoAs English & strong co-ch at
same time on 9630 LIN 100 kW / 298 deg to EaAs Kazakh China Nat.Radio-17
USA Last minute changes of EWTN WEWN-1 and WEWN-2 effective from Oct.29:
TAJIKISTAN vs.ARMENIA National Unity Radio & Denge Kurdistan on Oct.29
TAJIKISTAN(non) Winter B-17 frequency change of Voice of Khmer M'Chas Srok
UZBEKISTAN(non) Winter B-17 frequency changes of clandestines via Tashkent
UZBEKISTAN(non) R.Menschen&Geschichten+R.MiAmigo Int via Tashkent on Oct.29, videos
Bad frequency choice for the evening transmissions on 7570 kHz, co-ch Voice of Korea!
73! Ivo Ivanov
More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to
QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.
QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
W4HM Daily HF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast #300
W4HM Daily HF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast
If you find this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast useful to your hamateur and SWL radio activities, feel free to drop me a line and let me know that at .
Feel free without prior permission to redistribute this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast, as long as you redistribute it in its entirety and give me credit for it.
Supporting images associated with my daily HF radio wave propagation forecast can be found in my Facebook account at
and at
but without supporting images.
It's a NO SPAM voluntary "opt" in email type group hosted by contesting on line (COL), so you have to sign up by using an existing email address and creating a password.
And last but not least I also post some snippets of solar, space and geomagnetic weather goings on and some images in my Twitter account at .
#300 Issued Sunday October 29, 2017 at 1630 UTC
Global Daily HF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast-
HF radio wave propagation condition trend- improving
Northern Hemisphere Radio Wave Propagation Forecast-
3150-3400, 3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300 kHz- good at night and poor at day,
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- good at night and fair at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- very poor at night and good at day,
21000-21850 kHz- very poor at night and fair to good at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- very poor at night and fair at day,
28000-29700 kHz- very poor at night and poor at day.
Excellent- S9+10 or >
Very Good- S9 +1-9
Good- S8-9
Fair- S4-7
Poor- S1-3
Very Poor- S0
During the northern hemisphere winter season the higher HF bands of 10-20 meters (11-19 meters) close sooner due to less sun light illuminating the ionosphere than in the southern hemisphere. But the maximum usable frequency (MUF) is higher than in the southern hemisphere as the F layer of the ionosphere is lower in height and more dense.
Southern Hemisphere Radio Wave Propagation Forecast-
3150-3400, 3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300- good at night and poor at day,
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- good at night and fair at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168, kHz- very poor at night and good at day,
21000-21850 kHz- very poor at night and fair to good at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- very poor at night and fair at day,
28000-29700 kHz- very poor at night and poor at day.
Excellent- S9+10 or >
Very Good- S9 +1-9
Good- S8-9
Fair- S4-7
Poor- S1-3
Very Poor- S0
Keep in mind that almost daily during the southern hemisphere summer season you will find that the 10 (11) meter bands will open via short north-south and east-west propagation paths via sporadic E (Es). Also when multiple sporadic E (Es) clouds form and line up favorably much longer propagation paths open up on east-west paths. And last but not least north-south propagation paths occur across the equator via trans equatorial propagation (TEP).
This HF Radio wave propagation forecast is produced based on the SIGINT_CAP HF radio wave propagation prediction software. I wrote it beginning in the late 1980’s but I’m sorry to say that it can’t be distributed to the general public.
And though this HF radio wave propagation forecast is produced based on the SIGINT_CAP, I do check the actual band conditions at my location in the USA and tweak the forecast manually where and when necessary. I also check global HF radio wave propagation conditions via remoted radio receivers around on every continent of the globe and tweak the forecast manually if and when necessary.
The hamateur radio JT65A mode RF signal levels received are based on 5 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur radio PSK31 mode RF signal levels received are based on 25 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur radio CW mode RF signal levels received are based on 50 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur radio SSB RF mode signal levels received are based on 100 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The HF shortwave broadcast band AM Mode RF signal levels are based on 100,000 watts (100 kw) and a typical high gain VOA type curtain array antenna.
Please keep in mind that this is a relatively simplified HF radio wave
propagation forecast, so as to keep it easily understandable and applicable by the average radio enthusiast.
Globally HF radio wave propagation conditions are most evenly balanced
during the fall and spring equinoxes and most diametrically opposed during
the summer and winter solstices.
Conditions change daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and by decade, as the
sun rises and sets at different times and at different angles from the
ecliptic, as well as by radio wave frequency. This is due to changes in the
maximum usable frequency (MUF), lowest usable frequency (LUF) and F layer
critical frequency (FoF2).
The D and E layers also come into play through RF radio wave signal
absorption and refraction. And then there is sporadic E (Es) radio wave
propagation that can really throw a wrench into the gears so to speak.
Things like sporadic E (Es) radio wave propagation and lightning storm
static can impact HF radio wave propagation in an unpredictable manner and
mostly bad.
Ongoing solar, space and geomagnetic weather goings on also impact HF radio
wave propagation conditions in a negative manner.
Standard Disclaimer-
Note! I use error prone RAW public domain data from the NOAA Space
Environment Center, other U.S. government entities and educational
institutions, to produce this daily HF radio wave propagation
forecast. This data is gathered and made public by the U.S. Government using
taxpayer $$$ (including mine).
However this daily HF propagation forecast that I produce from the RAW public domain data is my personal intellectual property. Therefore this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast contained herein is copyrighted © 1988-2017 by Thomas F. Giella, W4HM.
Feel free without prior permission to redistribute this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast, as long as you redistribute it in its entirety and
give me credit for it.
Also HF radio wave propagation forecasting is still an inexact
science. The forecasts are not official but for educational and hobby
related purposes only and are subject to human error and acts of God,
therefore no guarantee or warranty implied.
If you find this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast useful to your hamateur and SWL radio activities, feel free to drop me a line and let me know that at .
Feel free without prior permission to redistribute this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast, as long as you redistribute it in its entirety and give me credit for it.
Supporting images associated with my daily HF radio wave propagation forecast can be found in my Facebook account at
and at
but without supporting images.
It's a NO SPAM voluntary "opt" in email type group hosted by contesting on line (COL), so you have to sign up by using an existing email address and creating a password.
And last but not least I also post some snippets of solar, space and geomagnetic weather goings on and some images in my Twitter account at .
#300 Issued Sunday October 29, 2017 at 1630 UTC
Global Daily HF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast-
HF radio wave propagation condition trend- improving
Northern Hemisphere Radio Wave Propagation Forecast-
3150-3400, 3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300 kHz- good at night and poor at day,
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- good at night and fair at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- very poor at night and good at day,
21000-21850 kHz- very poor at night and fair to good at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- very poor at night and fair at day,
28000-29700 kHz- very poor at night and poor at day.
Excellent- S9+10 or >
Very Good- S9 +1-9
Good- S8-9
Fair- S4-7
Poor- S1-3
Very Poor- S0
During the northern hemisphere winter season the higher HF bands of 10-20 meters (11-19 meters) close sooner due to less sun light illuminating the ionosphere than in the southern hemisphere. But the maximum usable frequency (MUF) is higher than in the southern hemisphere as the F layer of the ionosphere is lower in height and more dense.
Southern Hemisphere Radio Wave Propagation Forecast-
3150-3400, 3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300- good at night and poor at day,
6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- good at night and fair at day,
13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168, kHz- very poor at night and good at day,
21000-21850 kHz- very poor at night and fair to good at day,
24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- very poor at night and fair at day,
28000-29700 kHz- very poor at night and poor at day.
Excellent- S9+10 or >
Very Good- S9 +1-9
Good- S8-9
Fair- S4-7
Poor- S1-3
Very Poor- S0
Keep in mind that almost daily during the southern hemisphere summer season you will find that the 10 (11) meter bands will open via short north-south and east-west propagation paths via sporadic E (Es). Also when multiple sporadic E (Es) clouds form and line up favorably much longer propagation paths open up on east-west paths. And last but not least north-south propagation paths occur across the equator via trans equatorial propagation (TEP).
This HF Radio wave propagation forecast is produced based on the SIGINT_CAP HF radio wave propagation prediction software. I wrote it beginning in the late 1980’s but I’m sorry to say that it can’t be distributed to the general public.
And though this HF radio wave propagation forecast is produced based on the SIGINT_CAP, I do check the actual band conditions at my location in the USA and tweak the forecast manually where and when necessary. I also check global HF radio wave propagation conditions via remoted radio receivers around on every continent of the globe and tweak the forecast manually if and when necessary.
The hamateur radio JT65A mode RF signal levels received are based on 5 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur radio PSK31 mode RF signal levels received are based on 25 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur radio CW mode RF signal levels received are based on 50 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The hamateur radio SSB RF mode signal levels received are based on 100 watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.
The HF shortwave broadcast band AM Mode RF signal levels are based on 100,000 watts (100 kw) and a typical high gain VOA type curtain array antenna.
Please keep in mind that this is a relatively simplified HF radio wave
propagation forecast, so as to keep it easily understandable and applicable by the average radio enthusiast.
Globally HF radio wave propagation conditions are most evenly balanced
during the fall and spring equinoxes and most diametrically opposed during
the summer and winter solstices.
Conditions change daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and by decade, as the
sun rises and sets at different times and at different angles from the
ecliptic, as well as by radio wave frequency. This is due to changes in the
maximum usable frequency (MUF), lowest usable frequency (LUF) and F layer
critical frequency (FoF2).
The D and E layers also come into play through RF radio wave signal
absorption and refraction. And then there is sporadic E (Es) radio wave
propagation that can really throw a wrench into the gears so to speak.
Things like sporadic E (Es) radio wave propagation and lightning storm
static can impact HF radio wave propagation in an unpredictable manner and
mostly bad.
Ongoing solar, space and geomagnetic weather goings on also impact HF radio
wave propagation conditions in a negative manner.
Standard Disclaimer-
Note! I use error prone RAW public domain data from the NOAA Space
Environment Center, other U.S. government entities and educational
institutions, to produce this daily HF radio wave propagation
forecast. This data is gathered and made public by the U.S. Government using
taxpayer $$$ (including mine).
However this daily HF propagation forecast that I produce from the RAW public domain data is my personal intellectual property. Therefore this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast contained herein is copyrighted © 1988-2017 by Thomas F. Giella, W4HM.
Feel free without prior permission to redistribute this daily HF radio wave propagation forecast, as long as you redistribute it in its entirety and
give me credit for it.
Also HF radio wave propagation forecasting is still an inexact
science. The forecasts are not official but for educational and hobby
related purposes only and are subject to human error and acts of God,
therefore no guarantee or warranty implied.
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