lunedì 14 dicembre 2015

Glenn Hauser logs December 14, 2015

** COLOMBIA. 6010.24v, Dec 14 at 0634, presumed LV de tu Conciencia carrier is wavering audibly as I listen on SSB (Glenn Hauser, oK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6100, UT Mon Dec 14 at 0640, RHC English starting ``From Havana`` which is about local music performers, alternate Sundays. Strongest frequency, but carrier is wobbling (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 11675, Dec 14 at 1420, bit of VIRI IS before cutoff at 1421*; I think it was about S9 but barely had a chance to look at the meter. Thus ends the Urdu sesquihour, 500 kW, 178 degrees from Kamalabad (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 580, Dec 14 at 0704 UT, bit of Mexican NA mixed with CBS News on WIBW KS. Ergo it`s not XEMU in Coahuila, but midnight+ in the UT-7 zone where exist two stations in the five states where that`s vigent winterly: XEFI Chihuahua2, or XEHO Ciudad Obregón, Sonora. Cf. this handy color-coded timezone map, whence you may also reach such for other worldparts:

** OKLAHOMA. Without doing another full FM bandscan, I can report that as of 1915 UT December 14, the following Enid stations are still off following the Nov 28-29 icestorm:
88.3, K202BY, Family Radio
94.3, KLGB-LP
This gives me an excuse to refer to a photo of the icestorm aftermath: my main longwire antenna for SW, sagging but never broken, unlike the poor tree next to it:

** U S A. 6080, Dec 14 at 0636, VOA International Edition, with report from climate agreement in Paris; 0639 offers free 2016 VOA calendar with photos of America`s #1 city, New York, by P-mail if requested by E-mail to VG at steady S9+20, obviously Greenville site still substituting for São Tomé, but during this semihour only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** YEMEN [non]. 11860, Dec 14 at 1419, R. Sana`a clandestine continues to put in amazing signals this hour; is it really for deep North America instead of Yemen?? Since 1403 tune-in, S9+20 during rousing music making me want to overthrow the usurpers; 1425 break for an exhortative speech in Arabic, soon back to music, shifting at 1436 to brief Qur`an*, and tnx to long pregnant pauses, now I can hear IBB Kuwait to Afghanistan underneath, a collision still not resolved. 

Yemen still VG with music past 1505. Allegedly via 50 kW ND Jeddah, SAUDI ARABIA transmitter, but no signal on 25m from Mideast anywhere near comparable; e.g., Turkey on 12035 at 1417 altho aimed toward us was only S6-S9 with flutter. So where is this Yemeni really via???

*As for the Qur`an break, this site
has an amazing number of Yemeni localities for a relatively small country, showing Sana`a (San`a with a macron over the last A) sunset today was 1434 UT --- and Aden (`Adan), even closer, right on 1436! So it was vespers, time for a 5x-a-day prayer break. Such precision can be helpful in identifying the source, if not the site, of other Qur`anic broadcasts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1140, Dec 14 at 1347 UT, ad but it`s about mattresses, not Wyoming, so not necessarily the 10 kW daytimer KZMQ in Greybull (Cody address); in English, roughly east-west and soon losing out to Spanish, no doubt KLTK Arkansas. I`d like to think the casper station was NV, CA, or ID, all with very unfavorable night patterns for us, but there are a number of little stations east of Arkansas; Enid sunrise was 1335 UT today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11590, Dec 14 at 1421, S9+10 in S Asian? language, i.e. KTWR GUAM at 1345-1430? HFCC says langs are VARiable and EiBi leaves it blank. So to Aoki for that detail: NO, no 11590 entries at all!

More than a sesquimonth into the B-15 season, Aoki has still not put up an easily accessible plain text version of the frequency schedule; via one must choose either an xlsx version unfriendly to my computer, or a condensed user list for Perseus which is zipped --- but if you open that you will find that the traditional full Aoki sked in text format is also ready to be unzipped, from the current or very recent date. 

BUT, consulting that, no 11590 entries either!! How about the Bulgarian B15 archive of schedules for TWR?
No 11590 there either, altho KTWR is included. During this time period on weekdays it does have:
1345-1500 on  9910 TWR 100 kW / 345 deg to EaAs Korean Mon-Fri
1400-1430 on  9975 TWR 200 kW / 315 deg to EaAs Cantonese Mon-Fri
So maybe a replacement for one of those, but sure didn`t sound like either language to me; or not TWR at all on 11590 now? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 12065, Dec 14 at 1415, music not // to 12085 Australia, so keep listening and at 1416, it`s a BaBcoCk test asking for reports to and back to BaBcoCk theme in medley of many music forms, sitar, fado, etc. This is S9+10, while 12085 is merely S9. 

12065 RA normally has CCI from BBC Singapore collision at 1330-1430 & 1500-1600 et al. sites later, but what`s the point of this additional CCI? Nominal assumption is that these tests come from Woofferton UK site, perhaps merely for training, but BaBcoCk controls lots of others. Recheck at 1422, it`s off already, uncovering weak S7 RA // 12085, which I couldn`t even hear while BaBcoCk was on (nor BBC in Hindi --- which ought to be moving off 12065 which ABC has claimed for itself 12 hours a day, tough luck, BBC) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1954 UT December 14