giovedì 3 dicembre 2015

Glenn Hauser logs December 1-2-3, 2015

** BRAZIL. 9724.92, Dec 2 at 0131, Brazuguese talk into choral music, very poor S5, so Rádio RB2 has bumped its transmitter back up close to nominal frequency 9725.000, after drifting steadily downward for weeks; yesterday at same time I had it on 9722.62, and two nights earlier on 9722.72, so the rate of deceleration was .05 kHz per 24 hours. Shux, no point now in extrapolating when it would get to 9720.00. But will it resume drifting downward? Possibly not: Dec 2 at 0726 recheck, it`s still on 9724.92 with a Brazuguese song/hymn (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1802, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** CANADA. 2749-USB, Dec 2 at 0144, YL voice in English with day-by-day wind forecasts thru Sunday night at least, also sea heights, visibilities, past 0152, then Notices to Mariners at 0153; 

S8 signal, and noise blanker must be employed on the NRD-545: it`s effective contrary to what I had heard. Lately have been bugged by increased line noise level below 3 or 4 MHz here --- even tho power was still out across the street. Xmas season is typically bad with all the lighting displays at houses, altho I don`t see any yet in the immediate neighborhood. 

Anyway, according to
starting at 0140 UT is VCS Halifax, via the Chebogue NS site:

``Radiotelephony (English followed by French):
    Technical marine forecasts synopsis, forecasts and wave height forecasts for marine areas 201 to 2014.
    U.S. weather forecasts for Coastal Waters – Eastport to Schoodic Point, Maine and Offshore Waters – Gulf of Maine to the Hague Line.
    Notices to Shipping in areas Bay of Fundy, South and West Coast Nova Scotia.``

2598-USB also has a CCG station at this time, but too weak vs QRN level. Per same sked source that would be VOK Labrador with two sites shown starting at 0137 --- is it one or the other unpredictably, or what? Cartwright and Hopedale. Both are on the Labrador coast, Hopedale further north (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 15730, Dec 2 at 2109, surprised to find RHC French on a frequency not on their B-15 sked at all; had been in A-15 only at 11-15 in Spanish. And this is // and synchro on scheduled 11880 and 11670. What`s it doing on 15730 now? I wonder if they were also on it today before 2100, when VOA is the main 15730 occupant, to Africa (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, Dec 3 at 1435, not even a JBA carrier from Voice of Indonesia, which is about all I can ever expect any more. What does Atsunori Ishida say about recent activity? No signal from 1115 Nov 29, missing on Nov 30, Dec 1, Dec 2, but on Dec 3: ``1044c/on-1110- with very poor. No signal at 1155. Chinese announcement at 1100`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 6061.60, Dec 2 at 0122, JBA carrier detectable on NRD-545 in heavy 6060 Cuba splash, no doubt the off-frequency Zahedan transmitter as scheduled on 6060 itself in Arabic (Glenn Hauser, OK DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRELAND [and non]. 3413-USB, Dec 2 at 0627, weak VOLMET would be Shannon, but QRM from selcall tones, i.e. San Francisco which has the same frequency for 2-way aero comms. Looked for Shannon on 5 MHz band, but landed on 5450 RAF instead. Uplooked later in EiBi, I should have tried 5505-USB for Shannon (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1802, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN. 6055, Thu Dec 3 at 1351, English lesson from RN-1, levels 3 and 4, American accent, yet with Big-Ben-like chiming tune in background, discussion topic: Nobel Prizes; fair (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5985, Dec 3 at 1347, Sea Breeze from JAPAN, with usual YL in urgent Thursday English, but very poor, hard to copy, characteristic electronic stingers interspersed. Maybe jamming noise and/or Myanmar underneath (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KURDISTAN [non]. 9400, Dec 3 at 1420, Denge Kurdistan concert of YL vocalisations, poor-fair via PRIDNESTROVYE, but then dead air 1424-1429 before resuming at weaker level (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 700, Dec 3 at 1320-1327+, rustic off-key fiddle & guitar tunes, occasional shouts interspersed, roughly from WSW so presumably the usual, XEETCH, native 5 kW daytimer in Etchojoa, Sonora; the only other possibility XEGD in Parral, Chihuahua. Alone on the frequency, with not much else from Mexico on low-band; yet by 1339 UT it`s out and WLW is back in. 

Enid sunrise today: 1326 UT; our latest at 1343 UT will not be for another month, but our earliest sunset of the year is almost upon us: 2316 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** OKLAHOMA. 1650, Dec 2 at 0700 UT, gospel music: must be a format change somewhere; 1155 UT recheck, it`s gospel rock, 1200 ID as some FM and KFSW Fort Smith! So KYHN has finally changed call and format from ``Arklahoma`s Talk Radio``. The FCC officially changed call from KYHN to KFSW at beginning of November, but all month long they kept IDing as KYHN. 

Paul Walker says the FM is translator K254AM on 98.7, ``Life 98.7``, contemporary Christian music. So I look up FCC info on that: Licensee is Educational Media Foundation, which is really a huge nationwide gospel-huxter network. CoL Fort Smith AR, rebroadcasting KKRI 88.1 which is 1 watt! horizontal, 17 kW vertical in Pocola OK, also EMF. That in turn retransmits KLRD, which is apparently the EMF flagship in Yucaipa CA on 90.1. I assume all that is now at least partially outdated.

So has EMF bought the 1650 facility, or has the different KYHN licensee bought or rented the translator, which appears to be slightly on the AR side of the border, south of Ft Smith, but barely reaching that city, and not reaching further Van Buren with its 60 dbu contour (and not reaching Sallisaw OK at all, the true location of 1650). 

I am chagrined that most DXers appear to insist that 1650 KFSW/KYHN is an Arkansas station for counting purposes, not an Oklahoman, even tho there is no doubt whatsoever that its signal emanates from Oklahoma. (But don`t let such minor technical details get in your way.)

Meanwhile, RIP ``Arklahoma`s Talk Radio`` whose website is still up as of Dec 2:

The /about page still says:

``At KYHN it is our desire to both entertain and inform. We like to say, "We're conservative, but we're not mad about it". While most of our programs and hosts hold conservative values and principles we have purposely moved away from those hosts who desire to scream & holler and who want to be controversial. We believe we are a radio station that reflects the majority of voices and thoughts of our listeners in Eastern Oklahoma and Western Arkansas. We have chosen to carry programs that are more intellectual and thought provoking rather than those of anger and conspiracy. [HA! Including Alex Jones! --- gh]

We have also made a conscience [sic] choice of offering a variety of programs ranging from business and financial programs to talk shows. We have programs from technical computer experts to lawyers, from garden shows to real estate, from call in shows to local news broadcasts. We don't want the same three guys saying the same thing every day. We want to be a different option on your radio`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1802, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. Further obs of ice-storm related outages, afternoon of Dec 1, all times UT:

At 2055, 94.3 has CCI, so local KGLB-LP is NOT on; 2057 playing Super Tramp, 2100 ID as Classic Rock, KXOO (double-O), Elk City. It`s 12/12 kW H/V, and 143/143 m HAAT. Yes, area tropo is a bit up with humidity increase during melting. Maybe KLGB was not really on earlier when I thought it was.

At 2105, 1140 KRMP OKC must be still off; getting a SAH, and maybe an open carrier, hard to tell on caradio. Skywave is already coming in a couple hours+ before sunset.

1640, KZLS Enid-Hennessey-OKC is still dead air except for hum. Ditto Dec 2 at 0700 UT and 1155 UT chex, and the hum is really big. Finally Dec 3 around 1330 UT it`s back to local talk progoramming.

1460, KZUE El Reno seems back, on at least something in Spanish with CCI. Doesn`t take much skywave to overcome KZUE here

FM bandscan starting at 2100 UT Dec 1:
88.3, K202BY, Enid, still off
90.3, KGVV Goltry, now on with dead air
92.1, KAMG-LP Enid, still dead air
94.7, KBRU? Something weak
95.5, KWEY Clinton must be the one as ``The Cat``, and ``The Coyote``, YL DJ and C&W; 18.5/18.5 kW, 252/252m. Normally blocked by 95.7 KXLS, which is still DA
96.9, KQOB still dead air
98.1, WWLS-FM is off
98.9, KYIS is on
100.5, KATT is on
101.9, KTST is on
102.7, KJYO is on
103.1, KOFM Enid is on
104.1, KMGL is still on, now all-Xmas music, yuk
107.1, KNID Enid is still dead air

Another bandscan morning of Dec 2 at 1455-1501 UT on the PL-880:
1460, Spanish music, so KZUE is on
1640, KZLS, still nothing but hum

88.3, K202BY Enid still off
89.1, K206CA Enid is now off; had stayed on thru the ice storm earlier; translating KNYD Oasis 90.5 (really from 88.1 KMSI) 
92.1, KAMG-LP Enid still Spanish dead air
94.3, KLGB-LP Enid still off; instead hearing Bott station from Hutchinson KS, i.e. really 100/100 kW KVCW Kingman KS closer to here
95.7, KXLS Lahoma/Enid still dead air
96.9, KQOB Enid/Crescent/OKC, back to normal finally
97.5, KPAK Alva, rock music, presumably this back on
98.1, WWLS-FM, The Village, on but weak
98.9, KYIS, OKC, on and strong
99.7, hearing Spanish only, so 50/50 kW KHLT Belle Plaine (Wichita) KS; and is KNAH Hank FM, Mustang OK off again? Under normal conditions the two can fight over the frequency here, but tropo may give KS edge
100.5, KATT OKC is normal
101.9, KTST OKC is still weak
102.7, KJYO OKC is still weak
104.1, KMGL OKC is OK, still Xmas music, yuk
107.1, KNID North Enid still dead air

A few more chex Dec 2 on caradio:
1460, at 1745 UT, ``La Tremenda, la potencia sin competencia``, super hype --- yes no one can compete with their pennywhistle 500 watt daytime power. Approaching noon, there is still a SAH, probably skywave from The Metroplex. Then call letter ID pronounced in Spanish, KZUE, but I still haven`t heard how they pronounce ``El Reno``. Ads for nearby town Yukon.

107.1 and 95.7 North Enid/Lahoma are still dead air at 1750 UT, and 94.3 KLGB-LP is still off

One more bandscan midday Dec 3, from 1814 UT:

88.3, K202BA, Enid still off; weak gospel probably Wichita
89.1, K206CA, Enid still off, but discussion of Jesus statue, so not KMUW? No, it is public radio in Wichita, KMUW, pledge drive at 1820
92.1, KAMG-LP, Enid, still dead air in Spanish 
94.3, KLGB-LP, Enid, still off, but algo discussion, probably KVCW KS
95.7, KXLS, Lahoma-Enid, STILL DA, one of our main commercial stations
96.1, KXXY, OKC, weak. Until now had stayed strong
98.1, WWLS-FM, The Village/OKC, weak
98.9, KYIS, OKC, strong
99.7, KNAH, Mustang, still off? Only hearing Spanish KHLT KS
100.5, KATT, OKC strong
101.9, KTST, OKC still weak
102.7, KJYO, OKC still weak
104.1, KMGL, OKC, still strong, Xmas music, yuk
105.7, KRDR, Alva, presumed, finally back on with dead air
107.1, KNID, North Enid, finally on and modulating

AM check at 1822 UT Dec 3, one dekaminute before local mean noon:
1140, KRMP OKC, is finally back on, soul music
1460, KZUE El Reno, remains on, Spanish
1640, KZLS Enid-Hennessey-OKC, tho normal earlier, back to dead air
(Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5460, Dec 2 at 0105, no signal detectable from R. Bolívar, which Pedro F Arrunátegui, Lima, reported reactivated 24 hours earlier. Line noise level here is S9+20, despite power being off in a strip across the street. WRTH schedule for it is 2330-0130 only (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1802, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU [and non]. 5980, Dec 2 at 0111, two JBA carriers, the stronger one, R. Chaski, off about 0112:45.5* which is 10 seconds later than last night; maybe one or both are slightly askew as exact time of cutoff may be obscured by fading (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOMALILAND. 7120-AM, Dec 3 at 1355, S5 signal but can`t hear any modulation from R. Hargeisa, which I ought to if level were up to par; stay with it until cutoff at 1401:39* or so, as Ron Howard reconfirms they take a break between 14 and 15; he can hear them after 15 as his sun is just rising (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA. 11905, Dec 2 at *0114:14.5, SLBC JBA carrier on, music prélude from 0114:48.5, mis-timesignal ending at 0115:17.5, sign-on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K. 5450-USB, Dec 2 at 0626, robo-YL with VOLMET, thought it might be Shannon but EiBi listed as RAF (Glenn Hauser, oK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 3237.0-USB, Dec 2 at 0154, discussion of displays, RFI, with abbr`d calls including NGI, THN, and strongest TX3, all given fonetikaly; presumably a MARS net, but no time to keep with it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 6220.0, Dec 1 at 0106, surprisingly strong S9+10 signal of ranchera music from WMDB, 880, Nashville, as relayed  by WNQM, 1300, as transmitted spuriously by WWCR 7520, minus 1300 kHz. At this time, 7520 itself is only S9, as falling MUF is getting past it but not yet to 6.2 MHz. Well, the 10 over 9 signal on 6220 includes some utehash QRM and does fade down soon (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1802 monitoring: ready for first broadcasts Dec 3:
Thu 1230   WRMI 9955 to SSE 
Thu 2100   WRMI 7570 to NW
Fri 0200   WBCQ 9330-CUSB to WSW
Fri 2130   WRMI 15770 to NE
Fri 2130.5 WRMI 7570 to NW
Sat 0730   HLR 7265-CUSB to SW
Sat 1530   HLR 7265-CUSB to SW
Sat 2030v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND?
Sun 0415v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND?
Sun 0900   WRMI 5850 to NW [NEW!]
Mon 0400v  WBCQ 5110v-CUSB Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430   WRMI 9955 to SSE  
Tue 1200   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2200   WBCQ 7490v to WSW

** U S A. 9475, Dec 1 at 2110, WTWW-1 is off. 5830 is on earlier than usual Dec 2 at 0126 check, about rotting teeth. Maybe it was already on at 2110 too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9265, Dec 1 at 2112, WINB gospel huxter reciting list of affiliates including WWVA 1170. Modulation is distorted and carrier is wobbling: seems now typical warmup problem, having come on about half an hour ago. By next check 0127 Dec 2, now good modulation and steady carrier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [non]. 7425, Dec 2 at 0138, R. Martí in Spanish is readable at S6 on the NRD-545, because the intentional 7305, S9+30 carrier in Greenville is already on warming up for the 0145 Vatican relay, and it`s leapfrogging over the other Greenville on 7365, S9+35 over jamming, carrying R. Martí, i.e. another 60 kHz higher. On 7305 itself some audio from Martí is also bleeding in. A good time to try again for a reverse leapfrog on 7245, but inaudible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6131.5 approx., Dec 2 at 0121, RTTY intruder is absent for second night, hope forever (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1802, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 7235.82 approx., Dec 3 at 1405, JBA carrier, which points to always off-frequency EBC by longpath; or does it? EiBi has it on 7236.5 at 14-15 as EBC in Arabic; 15-16 switches to V. of Democratic Alliance clandestine; 16-17 back to EBC in English. Recent report from Wolfgang Büschel puts it a little lower, but supposedly not varying down below 7236:

``7236.372 kHz footprint narrowed - the Ethiopian station always wanders up and down 20-30 Hertz. Scheduled Radio Ethiopia in Arabic in 14-15 UT slot, from Addis Ababa-Gedja site. Noted at 1405 UT on Nov 25 (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 25)``

Of course, on this band mixed with ``40 meter`` hams, one of them could be running a carrier to confuse us. I also have a weaker signal on 7235.0, presumably VOA Korean via Tinian (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 21865.5-USB, Dec 3 at 1505, very animated 2-way in Spanish with strange accent, keeps referring to various ``miles de pesos`` of some commodity; sorta Portuguese, so maybe Galician. But pesos instead of pesetas hints at Mexican. Rather, I am not hearing his contact during cambios (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Since this report covers 3 days, I have double and triple-checked to be sure all dates be correct: I think so

This report dispatched at 1911 UT December 3