** BOLIVIA. 6135-, July 19 at 0107, music on surprisingly fair signal, lite het
no doubt from Aparecida; 0110 YL ID clearly ``Radio Santa cruz, la primera``,
back to music. The first what? Certainly the best if not only signal out of S
America on 49m tonight. Too bad about all the storm noise, else this would be
quite listenable strength. Closest lightning is small area circa Guymon OK but
plenty of other spots around the country, especially
Cincinnati-Indianapolis-Detroit (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 11815, July 19 at 0120, R. Brasil Central music at poor level
but hardly any crackling spur from 11780 this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** CUBA. 9820, July 18 at 1159, RHC IS, VG signal here
unusually on a par with 9850; by 1213, back to inferior, and comparing them,
there`s a reverb between two different sites: 9850 is Bauta-4, 100 kW toward
Chicago, while 9820 is Bejucal-9, 100 kW with an Actral antenna, whatever that
mean (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. 9965, 9315, 11935
and 12070, all four R. Cairo frequencies are absent, July 19 at 0118 and later
chex. Not due to propagation as e.g. Turkey 9770 & 9870, and by 0126,
Albania 9850 are doing fine (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
GREECE. 9420 & 9935, July 19 at 0119, it`s another off-night for Voice of
Greece. Not due to propagation as e.g. Turkey 9770 & 9870, and by 0126,
Albania 9850 are doing fine (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
MEXICO. Sporadic E analog TVDX, July 17, UT:
2314 on 2, fade-in Televisa-2
net star bug lower right, then image of Virgen de Guadalupe with her mandatory
rays, a Mexican thing
2328 on 2, fade-in during a novela, still net-2
bug; 6m Es map shows centered over Kentucky, but not for this path
on 2, fade-in again, still net-2 bug
UT July 18:
0000 on 2,
fade-in again, still same
0002 on 2, now the novela features guys in
hard-hats; also algo on 4
0034 on 2, old movie, probably monochrome,
playing a 78 rpm, sounds like Gardel, no bug visible on this one, CCI with the
above novela
0047 on 4, animated movie, Televisa-5 net bug in
0134 on 2, still some CCI [co-channel interference]
1755 on 2
and 3, CCI and Spanish
1753 on 2, Televisa-5 net bug in LR during movie?
not animation; NO activity shown on either 6m map!
1802 on 2, still
Televisa-5 bug LR, same offset CCI, now seems novela
1806 on 2, ``Cine
Cinco`` promo heard
[break in my TVDX monitoring, not promising, I
2010 on 2, resume monitoring, CCI with Azteca 7 promo audio;
Gala swirl video bug lower right; stronger signals than before and more
2010 on 4, CCI from algo
2012 on 5, CCI, brief MUF peak, maybe
just beating against KOCO cable radiation; but time to check FM
2013 on
88.1, sermon in Spanish, seems Es rather than Oasis fooler; so I head to the
preferred FM DX monitoring spot on the 100 degree porch
2022 on 97.7, no
Es DX found from 87.75 up, until now a few words of weak Spanish. Reminds me of
XHGL Mérida to go with frequent ch 2 visitor XHY-TV; but there are now 18 other
XEs on 97.7!
[deep fading completely out and in doesn`t have to be Es,
especially on a hot OK afternoon: on 99.5, a signal is doing just that, but soon
an ad for something in Coweta, so it`s merely KXBL Henryetta OK; after one last
lower bandscan, back inside for cool TVDX]
2032 on 4, strong signal with
Azteca 7 promo, heavy ghosting
2032 on 4, CCI at 10 kHz offset. Now the
6m central Es node is over north Texas
2042 on 2, movie with unknown bug
in upper right; a bit more CCI and then nothing more (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-USB, July 19 at 0123 blues
music, 0127 fax? QRM to 0128, still on at 0149. Closer to 0100 a pirate bandscan
produced nothing. UnID logs here turned into Radio Gaga by 0152*
too much storm noise here vs signals just too weak.
6945-USB, July 19 at
0140, pirate music, slightly stronger than 6925, and 6945 was not on when I
first heard 6925. 0142, ``Dick Weed on the air, this is Radio Free What-ever``;
0151 another ID. Numerous detailed logs here say he started circa 0130 with
Russian anthem:
** OMAN. 9740, July 19 at 0112, Mideast
music strumming and Arabic talk, somewhat undermodulated, presumably RSO on
alternate frequency as there is nothing on prime channel 9500; other alternate
15140 has a JBA carrier, probably CRI in Chinese. 9740 is `alternate` only in
the sense that it`s scheduled for 22-24 UT only, then 9500. However, Iran is
supposed to start Urdu eastward at 0120 on 9740, and it seemed like I was
hearing the same station as before at 0143 recheck; RSO staying presumably on
the 315 antenna much more favorable for us (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** PAPUA NEW GUINEA [non]. 6075, July 18 at 1200, NBC relay via
Shepparton, AUSTRALIA, importation-assistance ad again in English, then one in
Tok Pisin; no news on this hour. 1201 ID for 90.7 and mobile numbers, song about
the games. 1205 DJ acknowledges text messages thanking NBC for coverage of the
games, and of the closing ceremony. Says CDs of the opening and closing
ceremonies will be available (what about TV?); congrats to Team PNG (not
``TPNG``). Still fair signal, on what could be the last day of this
``temporary`` relay setup; or will they let it continue for normal times? (Glenn
** PERU. 5980, July 19 at 0104, JBA
carrier from R. Chaski. Good thing I tune in already, as it cuts off earlier
than expected at 0104:59.5*. Extrapolating from last capture 9 days earlier,
July 10 until 0106:03.5*, I was expecting it to have slipped close to 0107*.
Unless this is an anomaly, must have reset autocutoff timer but not all the way
back to 0100v, as this is 64 seconds *earlier* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** SRI LANKA. 11905, July 19 at *0114:11.5, weak carrier on from
SLBC, 0114:46.5 music prélude starts; 0115:19.0 the 2+1 mistimesignal ends,
opening presumed Bengali (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S
A. WORLD OF RADIO 1782 monitoring: confirmed Friday July 17 at 2130 on WRMI
15770, and at 2130.5 on WRMI 7570 --- this time 7570 is as good as 15770, much
better than usual. Also confirmed Saturday July 18 after 1430 (via UTwente) on
Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB, sufficient. Next:
0315vUT Sunday WA0RCR
2100 UT Sunday WRMI 15770
2300 UT Sunday WRMI 11580
Monday WBCQ 5110v Area 51
0330 UT Monday WRMI 9955
1100 UT Tuesday WRMI
0630 UT Wednesday HLR 7265-CUSB
1315 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955
UT Wednesday HLR 7265-CUSB
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v
(Glenn Hauser, OK,
** U S A. 9955, July 19 at 0116, WRMI modulation is
suptorted, not English, maybe Kriyol. Suspect it`s an input, not output problem,
i.e. crummy program source. Listed for 0115-0130 UT Sunday is Soulsvision. At
0142 now the modulation is OK from next show in Spanish giving address for
Ejército de la Salvación en Atlanta, Georgia, i.e. `Maravillosas Palabras de
Vida`; and at 0151 now W&M in Italian, the language of the `Made in Italy`
show rather than English. If they were to do an English version, the title would
then be in Italian (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report
despatched at 0313 UT July 19