lunedì 20 aprile 2015

Glenn Hauser logs April 18-19, 2015

** CHINA. 16100, April 19 at 1307, open carrier, fair-good, no doubt CNR1 jammer in a break on one of its prime frequencies.

17705 & 17735, April 19 at 1308, CNR1 jammers, fair with flutter, Western classical music as often the case Sunday evenings during this hour, the original composers having no clue their output would ever be used for such a nefarious purpose. 17705 is of course vs AIR Chinese until 1315, and 17735 vs BBC Uzbek via Thailand, this semihour only.

17510, April 19 at 1308, CNR1 jammer, very poor; also vs BBC Uzbek, here scheduled via Oman.

11640, April 19 at 1311, CNR1 jammer, very poor; here vs Taiwan in Chinese. None found in the OOB 12s, 13s, 14s, 18s (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EAST TURKISTAN. 15445, April 19 at 0432, nice music show with songs sounding like Russian, good with flutter, and // 15665 about the same. HFCC shows these are CRI Russian at 04-06, 500 kW, 308 degrees from Kashgar on 15445, Urumqi on 15665 (so if I had compared, they probably would have been out of synch). 0454 finally Russian announcements, and 0457 some Chinese music fill for a change (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 11913, April 19 at 0138, what`s this? Open carrier, or rather just barely modulated and suptorted, à la Radio Cairo style on various frequencies. VG signal level at 43-57 dbu on the PL-880 with short random wire. See previous report of a wide R. Cairo blob around here blocking 11905 Sri Lanka et al., but this time it`s not a problem to adjacent weak 11905 nor to 11920 WRMI with Taiwan, which is at 49-63 dbu. Also this time, there is no signal from Egypt or Brasil on 11935, so probably that transmitter, but I cannot get an audio match to any of the other Cairo frequencies:

12070, April 19 at 0141, R. Cairo with Qur`an, VG level but suptorted

 9315, April 19 at 0142, NO signal from R. Cairo Spanish where there ought to be and usually is one

 9965, April 19 at 0145, R. Cairo, with Arabic talk and music 

** GREECE. 9420, April 19 at 0150, ERT with Greek music and announcement, good signal on an increasingly rare appearance. 

15630, April 19 at 0151, JBA, but enough to match it to ERT // 9420 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 15040, April 19 at 1306, fair signal with Bollywood music, i.e. Myanmarianese service of AIR at 1200-1315, 500 kW, 60 degrees from Bengaluru. Would have preferred Burmese music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 15120-, April 19 at 0437, open carrier/dead air, slightly on the low side compared to KMOX; presumably V. of Nigeria warming up for 0500 English broadcast. Recheck at 0504, YL news in English, undermodulated but not distorted; 0505 dead air (or maybe some soft music interlude?), 0506 resume talk (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6955-USB, April 19 at 0128, pirate with jazz/blues music. Seemed a bit of a carrier too, but definitely no LSB. Periodic chex next semihour continue with music, would be a good signal but not enough to overcome all the storm noise nearby in OK. 0154 quick announcement which I miss, and into SSTV beeps, off at 0156*. These details match numerous logs here as Wolverine Radio:
including fuzzy images of the SSTV (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Sunday April 19 from at least 1300 UT, all four major OKC TV stations are covering live the 20th anniversary commemoration of the Bombing, some inserting pre-produced pieces about the survivors or descendants which have also been running for at least a week on local news shows. 

Based on previous sporadic carriage of CBS by KWTV, a couple days before, I reminded them that we expect `CBS Sunday Morning`, and `Face the Nation` to be available unscathed on one of their alternate channels, 9.2 or 52.1, and indeed they are on KSBI, RF 23.

The formal program is underway by 1345 UT, for the traditional 168 seconds of silence --- except on KFOR RF 27, we can clearly hear the director calling camera shots!! That should never have been on the air. At least I assume it`s the KFOR director, altho could even be an intrusion from another station with someone`s mike open when it should not be. I don`t know the names of the various camera operators to compare.

Various long-winded speakers go right past 9:03 am [1403 UT], the exact time of the explosion 20.000 years ago. At this time, guest singer is performing ``How Great Thou Art``, and most of the speakers, with exception of Pres. Clinton later, work in heavy doses of Christian theology. 

Was not a single one of the 168 victims an Atheist, Jew, Moslem, or Other? In Oklahoma, they assume everyone is a Christian; if not, shut up and don`t let anyone know. At 1407 they even have a Catholic archbishop on. Supposedly secular elected officials like Governess Fallin keep speaking about faith, etc., etc. rather than blaming their god for letting this happen (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** TURKEY. Re whether or not `Letterbox` still exist on VOT as in previous report: I caught the first half of the Saturday April 18 broadcast on the next webcast transmission, 1830 UT, and no Letterbox then, either. 

Alan Roe replies: ``Glenn, There are DX Corner podcasts available up to and including the final edition of 27 December:

Although this doesn't confirm the situation in A-15, I did log Letterbox on 31 January, but seem to have managed to miss the likely "On" weeks for Letterbox since then. There was no "Letterbox" today - instead there was "Turkey Rising Out of the Crisis". But today would be the "off" week for Letterbox. Alan Roe, Teddington, UK`` (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5109.7-CUSB, UT Sunday April 19 at 0130, WBCQ fighting lots of OK storm noise rather unsuccessfully, but I do make out a Miller Hilife beer ad(!), then yodeling cowboy with ``Last Roundup``.

Area 51 website now shows details for this weekend:

``On-air, April 18-19, 2015
All on WBCQ 5.110 MHz and

Saturday, April 18, 2015 [into UT Sunday]
 7pm 2300 Radio Timtron Worldwide
 9pm 0100 The Lumpy Gravy Radio Show
10pm 0200 Zombo In Your Brain

Sunday, April 19, 2015 [into UT Monday]
 7pm 2300 Grits Radio (new time)
 8pm 0000 Plastic Magic
10pm 0200 Jean Shepherd
11pm 0300 Glenn Hauser’s World of Radio 1769
1130pm 0330 Glenn Hauser’s World of Radio 1768``

Note two WORs in a row, as 1768 was missed by mistake last week. Tnx, Larry Will.

I missed checking the true time of WOR on WA0RCR, 1860-AM this week circa 0315 UT Sunday; if I could have heard it vs storm noise. Next:
Sun 2100  WRMI   15770 
Sun 2300  WRMI   11580
Mon 0300v WBCQ    5110v Area 51 
Tue 1100  WRMI    9955 
Wed 1315  WRMI    9955 
Wed 2100  WBCQ    7490v 
Thu 0330  WRMI    9955 [or 1770 if ready in time]

** U S A. 11825, Saturday April 18 after 22 UT, WRMI is on with Global 24 programming, scheduled weekends only. G24 website continues unupdated beyond March 30, and the exact programming doesn`t match. I only make quick chex sometime during each hour, to find: 22 old time radio, 23 Rock Pile; UT April 19: 00 oldtime radio, 01 Rick Steves Travel. During the 23 UT hour only, 5850 also on with Democracy Now, altho there is no show produced on weekends. Could not listen long enough to evaluate whether these were new episodes, but I doubt it. 

Except Travel show, which sounded very familiar, guest Christopher P Baker, about loosened travel restrixions for Americans to Cuba. Yes, indeed, it was the March 28 edition:
and there have now been three more, but not via Global 24!

The G24 website has not been redesigned, still claiming to be on 9395. BTW, G24 Facebook said March 28, ``We our [sic] mailing paper QSL cards again on April 15 - get a report in if you want one.`` So by April 20 mailboxes should be inhabited. Has anyone received a card? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 11580 // weaker 9955, UT Sunday April 19 at 0132, WRMI with some classical band music catches my ear, but 0135 into Spanish M&W gospel huxters with ``historias inolvidables de la Biblia``. Grid shows that would be `Maravillosas Palabras`, but I`d prefer just the music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1624 UT April 19