domenica 9 febbraio 2014

Voice of Mongolia is not active at present on shortwave

MONGOLIA   Voice of Mongolia is not active at present on shortwave. I did
checking in the last few days from Feb.4-9. No signal from several remote
SDR in Asia and Australia 0900-1100 / 1400-1600 according to B13 schedule
0900-0930 on 12085 U-B 250 kW / 178 deg to SoAs English
0930-1000 on 12085 U-B 250 kW / 178 deg to SoAs Mongolian
1000-1030 on 12085 U-B 250 kW / 116 deg to EaAs Chinese
1030-1100 on 12085 U-B 250 kW / 116 deg to EaAs Japanese
1400-1430 on 12015*U-B 250 kW / 178 deg to SoAs Mongolian
1430-1500 on 12015*U-B 250 kW / 178 deg to SoAs Chinese
1500-1530 on 12015*U-B 250 kW / 116 deg to EaAs Japanese
1530-1600 on 12015*U-B 250 kW / 116 deg to EaAs English
* there are the following stations of this frequency:
1400-1600 Voice of Korea in French / English to WeEu-on Feb.9 is not on air
1423-1520 Voice of Islamic Republic in Hindi to SoAs


QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire