lunedì 17 febbraio 2014

Glenn Hauser logs February 16-17, 2014

** CHINA. 9390-9450 approx., Feb 16 at 1408, distorted FMy spur range from 9450 CNR1 jammer; peaks in a clear spot around 9425, and also bothering V of Korea 9435 in French, tsk2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 6070, Feb 17 at 0416, RHC Spanish suffers from a LAH (low audible heterodyne), tnx to reactivated CFRX Toronto, which is some 40 Hz off-frequency. Hint to CFRX: go a bit further down to make it more annoying to Arnie, as RHC won`t move to benefit anything but themselves. Meanwhile, // 6060 RHC is in the clear tho SRDA Curitiba is capable of QRMing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [and non]. 9710, Feb 17 at 0418, closing announcements from IRIB English, fair with flutter. No mention of `V of Justice` heard, but presumably this 0320 starter still so-monickered. Checked // 11770 and found it quite inferior, overshadowed by second adjacents Cuba and Brasil. 9710 signal is roughly equivalent to 9655 adjacent Turkey which will continue English another semihour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 1430, Feb 16 at 0656 UT, much like last night, station with Mexican music is barely atop the heavy QRM of SAHing off-frequency mostly US stations, and looping N/S. Brief break between tunes sounds like ``Radio Sí`` – algo; and next break at 0659 UT attempts a real ID, sounds like ``XEOA, 14-30 de AM``, but no such call is listed anywhere. (The real XEOA is 570 in Oaxaca.)

Closest call, tho from the southwest, per Cantú and WRTH is:
1430 XEOX Exa + 106.5 Cd. Obregon, Son. 5,000 500
And if that were it, would expect national anthem at local midnite. Will have to keep trying, maybe even earlier than 0700 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-USB, Feb 17 at 0411 as I tune in, ``did I remind you my name is Dr. Benway?`` and launches into a story; fair-poor signal, only pirate around now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 90.1, KCSC-FM Edmond/OKC is a treasure, the only domestic station we can hear without DX help playing classical/serious music. Fortunately they are back up to full power. The KCSC signal here in Enid at the periphery is still not full-quieting in stereo, with the DX-398 whip, but much better than last month.

A new series is running Sundays at 22-23 UT, `Relevant Tones`, which we enjoyed immensely Feb 16 --- new music, new experiences. This episode was a CD Grab Bag of new releases. It`s part of the WFMT syndication, and no doubt now appearing on many other stations. See

It`s still not in the database at
But on WFMT itself, and possibly on stations relaying its network live, the time is 23-24 UT on Wednesdays. Listening to this show in stereo is a must.

Now explained on homepage
is the outage we experienced in Jan:

``A Note from the GM --- Dear Members and Listeners, If you are a regular listener, you know that KCSC's signal was disrupted during the month of January. KCSC's antenna, located in the Oklahoma City "antenna farm" near Kelly and Britton Road, was struck by lightning. Lightning strikes are not unusual, but in this instance our antenna was damaged, halting our ability to broadcast in Oklahoma City.

What you experienced between January 8 and January 22 were varying degrees of static and in more distant areas no service at all. During this period, we had to reduce power to 15% to prevent further damage. On January 22, the newly-fixed 20-year-old antenna was returned to service and we were able to return KCSC to full power.

Our staff remained busy during this period answering your many questions and we are all thankful for your supportive words once you were reassured we were not "going away" as many of you feared.

It is important for you to know that we now face the cost of replacing the old antenna with a new one. Our engineer, has made inquiries and the estimated cost to buy a new antenna, rework the old antenna into a backup, add new feed line and hangers, and call in a tower crew will be approximately $96,190.00. KCSC currently has dual transmitters, dual air conditioners, a new standby generator, and with completion of this project will have a dual antenna system which will put us in good shape.

Thankfully, a local foundation has offered to help us with about half of the project. It is our hope that during our upcoming spring fund drive scheduled for March 24 through March 31 many of you will step up to help. You can do that by becoming a new member, by adding a little extra in your spring donation, or if you are a fall member you might consider making two contributions this year. As always, we thank our many listeners for your generous interest and support. Yours in music, Bradford Ferguson`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA [non]. 9520, Feb 17 at 0418, fair signal with jazz, Russian announcement, more jazz past 0430 this UT Monday. EiBi shows it``s R. Liberty at 0400-0600 via KUWAIT, following 03-04 via Nauen (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 7570, Feb 16 at 0638, on WRMI, Brother Scare is musing on how he doesn`t have ironclad contracts with stations, so ``when we cannot pay, we do not go`` on such as WRMI, WHRI, WWCR, WWRB. So there`s always hope that a new month will see reduxions in total hours; preferably on WWCR, WHRI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1708 monitoring: confirmed on Area 51 webcast, starting about 0401 UT Monday Feb 17; and also a few minutes later at 0408 check, good signal on WBCQ 5110v-CUSB. Next: Tue 1200 & Wed 1400 on WRMI 9955; Wed 0730 & 1530 on HLR 7265-CUSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9975, UT Monday Feb 17 at 0421, strong signal and sufficient modulation with a bit of reverb from KVOH, outro Earl Hines piece, from the swing era, on `The Swingin` Years`, which to host Pat Conrad somehow implies evangelization at every break, quoting now Isaiah XII:2, and Philippians IV:4. This transmission is UT Sun & Mon only at 03-05 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 10051-USB, Feb 16 at 1413, New York Radio is still ``missing`` all airport weather data, right now repeating as such over and over, ``New York Kennedy, Newark, Boston, Baltimore, Washington Dulles``. Also a few minutes later, another set on 13270-USB. This situation is now at least in its third day.

13270-USB, Feb 16 at 2116, ``Atlanta missing, Bermuda missing, Miami missing, Nassau missing, Orlando missing`` and all repeating and repeating; quite weak signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12090-12145, Feb 16 at 1420, approx. range of spurs from 12105 WTWW in Biblical Russian; clearing up by 1425 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 21441-AM, Feb 16 at 2120, the rare hAMs on 15m really stand out, especially with the unmistakable voice of the WBCQ`s TimTron, Tim Smith, WA1HLR, so I don`t even need to wait for an ID. He`s discussing SWR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0513 UT February 17