domenica 2 febbraio 2014

Glenn Hauser logs February 1-2, 2014

** AMSTERDAM ISLAND. 14185-USB, Feb 2 at 0106, FT5ZM found here after pileup on 14190; as usual, no IDs, but calling QRZ and making very quick contacts with VE7XT, N6?NKT, KC7ZON. 0109 carrier jamming and some clueless co-channel calling, inspiring others to exclaim ``listening up``, but not as bad as usual. When CCI abates, FT5ZM himself is 5&9 here, about the best heard so far. At 0110 QSOing partial calls IM and KP. During a brief lull at 0111, he even gives an ID! ``This is Fox Tango Five Zulu Mike, listening up``. The op I heard first on 20m Jan 27 foneticized Mexico instead of Mike, so maybe a different one now. They *never* mention their handles, since doing so would gobble up precious seconds and drive down the overall QSO count. However, this one politely, frequently says ``thank you``, also a terrible waste of time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Strong OTH radar pulsing, rather low-pitched, presumed from here, all of these with the same sound, 26 to 29 kHz wide:
11436-11463, Feb 2 at 0139, so strong, easily audible on G8 with whip
11739-11756, Feb 2 at 0053, vs All India Radio broadcast on 11740
12287-12316, Feb 2 at 0122
12473-12499, Feb 2 at 0122
Chinese broadcast signals and jammers were also audible up past 17 MHz at this time, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. 17730, Feb 2 at 0113, heavy doppler on an Asian signal. It`s either CNR1 jamming or its target, R. Free Asia in Tibetan this hour only via MONGOLIA. By banning this transmission from HFCC, Radio Free Asia and Ulan Bator can invoke deniability and pretend Mongolia has not sold out to the Americans, but it`s openly listed in Aoki at 0100-0300, 250 kW, 230 degrees from Ulaanbaatar; and even in WRTH 2014 on page 494 as ``uba``.

This propagation encourages me to do a full bandscan on the DX-398, risking wearing out the down button, all the way to 12 MHz for more CNR1, jammers or Firedrake. This is all I find, starting at 0113:

17595, JBA signal. Aoki shows CNR1 from Shijiazhuang 723, not jammer!
17550, poor signal in Chinese, also CNR1 from Beijing 572, not jammer
17495, good signal in Chinese, i.e. CRI Amoy from Beijing all per Aoki
16100, at 0116, VP Chinese, no doubt CNR1 jammer vs Sound of Hope
15425, at 0117, Chinese, listed also as CRI Amoy, here via Xian
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Also see OTH radar logs, CHINA

** CUBA. 15340, Feb 2 at 1427, RHC is back on this morning frequency after missing for a few days (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ISLE OF MAN. 18130-USB, Feb 2 at 1430, pileups here, for FT5ZM? No, some guy named Julio is quickly working co-channel stations as if he`s a hot DX target, but I can only copy partial call BSV, and separately, MD. Then at 1441 someone asks if he is learning the Manx language, which is a hefty clue. Later I search on BSV and that goes right to MD/EB1BSV on 18130 as late as 1650 UT today. lookup for home call:
EB1BSV [Lifetime Platinum Subscriber]
Julio César García Mahillo
Avenida de Cortijos 14 Portal 2-1ºF
47270 Cigales (Valladolid) 47270

With lots of photos and other stuff at
including previous expeditions to IOM in 2012 and 2010 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH. 15575, Feb 1 at 0149, open carrier, fair signal, and doubtless KBSWR direct about to open Spanish to South America --- and it`s the OSOB, nothing propagating either on 13 MHz! If only they were so robust in English at 1300 to North America, should that still even exist (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [Date correct; overlooked for previous report]

** MEXICO. 6185, Feb 2 at 0639, XEPPM is still modulating with Spanish music, instead of stopping circa 0600; and it`s still undermodulated, but better than usual, yet not enough oomph to overcome 6180 Brasil. Just to be sure, I try to // it to 1060 XEEP, and succeed sufficiently amid the QRM there. Wolfgang Büschel also heard 6185- past 0600, 18 Hz low, and declared that ``Aoki is wrong``, but I say it`s just another instance of variable closing on 6185; don`t count on it to continue, nor even all-night as it once was (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. 7375, UT Sunday Feb 2 at 0145, The Mighty KBC via Nauen, GERMANY, indeed a mighty good signal tonight, playing ``I`m the Pied Piper``, 0148 Eric plugs the 100,000 watts [at another time] on 6095, and the 125,000 watts on 7375, KBC Imports ad for a SW receiver, 0150 weekly Forgotten Song segment with Kraig Krist introducing from Feb 1965, ``Just Dropped In, to See What Condition My Condition Was In`` by The First Edition, some ex-New Christy Minstrels, until 0154 back to Eric (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-AM, Feb 2 at 0054, screaming hard rock music from a pirate; 0103 several testimonials on how great this station is and ID as Radio Free Whatever; 0142 still going, 0143 another ID, mentions orgasmotron. Poor to fair signal here, reported much stronger to the east (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 91.7, Feb 2 at 0203 UT, KOSU Stillwater has the STereo pilot on, says the DX-398 icon, but with headphones The Spy music still sounds monophonic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU [and non]. 5980, Feb 2 at 0054, usual carrier from R. Chaski, vs nonsensical pulse jamming from Cuba, but I miss the expected cutoff circa 0105. Recheck at 0133, there is still/again a carrier here in the jamming; it would be extremely unusual for Chaski to stay on this late. HFCC has the answer: BBC Urdu, 250 kW, 60 degrees via UAE at 0130-0200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH AFRICA. 11755, Feb 1 at 2100-2102*, BabCoCk music loop IS, in splash from 11760 Cuba. HFCC shows this is Meyerton still running after AWR Yoruba at 2030-2100, 250 kW, 328 degrees also USward; typical slopperation by SENTECH (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. TOM on 7570 and 11825, not heard for several days, have now been deleted from the updated WRMI schedule grid; see USA. That leaves a total of *only* 48 transmitter hours per day of BS via WRMI as in December, rather than 72 during most of January.

7490, Feb 2 at 0636, only one BS is here, now presumably via WHRI rather than WBCQ after colliding last night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also USA: WBCQ

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1706 monitoring: confirmed still on extra WRMI frequency 9495, UT Sunday Feb 2 at 0052 check, fair signal and intact until finished at 0059, then dead air before closing.

WOR 1706 also confirmed VG at same time on 5085, WTWW-2 starting at 0029:18 UT Sunday Feb 2. And on 5830, WTWW-1 after 0501 UT Sunday Feb 2; weakened signal due to low MUF, but audible.

Next: UT Monday 0400v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB; Tuesday 1200 & Wednesday 1400 on WRMI 9955; Wednesday 0730 & 1530 on HLR, 7265-CUSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7730, Feb 1 circa 2100, it seemed that WRMI is no longer on this frequency, but it`s always been very weak here off the side while aimed at Europe. However, it`s still on the updated grid at:
at 1800-2100 TOM, and 2100-2200 RMI programming.

7570, however, has been removed completely as we have no longer been hearing it at all overnight with BS. It had been transmitter #11; also gone is 11825, which had been running all day long with BS.

Still on the schedule and still heard, tho weakly with BS, are WRMI 11565 and 13695 circa 0100 Feb 2. See also SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 9955 itself cannot be detected, just jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7490 // 5110, UT Sunday Feb 2 at 0137, ``Plastic Jeezus`` song from WBCQ, but 7490 is about a sesquisecond behind 5110. Presumably `Radio TimTron Worldwide` as now scheduled on 5110 at 00-02 UT Sundays (plus 02-03 `Lumpy Gravy`, 03-04 `Eric Dolphy Mystery Hour`). That`s from the Annotated WBCQ Program Guide for 5110,
but which has not yet been updated to delete The Overcomer at 00-11 UT Tue-Sat.

The corresponding 7490 schedule also still has TOM on it at 05-11 nightly, presumably kaput; and on UT Sun at 0000-0200 `Heart and Soul of America Broadcast` which was certainly not the case tonight!

At 0156, still 5110v//7490 are playing botched attempts by Casey Kasem to record promos for numerous stations carrying `American Top 40`, and he is swearing up a blue streak, with lots of F- and S-words. Quite a hoot. Should he have cared, it might not have been a good idea to keep swearing while tape was rolling and could be preserved for posterity.

At 0200, 7490 sign-off with Allan Weiner accompanied by classical music to 0201*, while 5110 continues with `Outer Limits` clips (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)