GREECE Unscheduled frequency of ERT on February 28:
from 1100 NF 15630, instead of 11645 // 7475 and 9420
Ivo Ivanov
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
venerdì 28 febbraio 2014
Ascolti AM Treviso Feb. 28
1521 28/02 600 Cadena SER Radio, Castellon Px "Hoy por hoy" Es 34444
1575 28/02 713 Cadena SER Radio, Pamplona Px Es 13422
13840 28/02 1225 Radio New Zealand, Rangitaiki Px E 34544
15340 28/02 1229 HCJB Australia, Kununurra Info ID Px rel. E 33533
17595 28/02 1300 R. Exterior Espana, Noblejas Px "Las noticias" Es 34544
73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso, Italia
Ant.: esterna VHF azimuth 230 + quadro DLF 1539 kHz
1575 28/02 713 Cadena SER Radio, Pamplona Px Es 13422
13840 28/02 1225 Radio New Zealand, Rangitaiki Px E 34544
15340 28/02 1229 HCJB Australia, Kununurra Info ID Px rel. E 33533
17595 28/02 1300 R. Exterior Espana, Noblejas Px "Las noticias" Es 34544
73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso, Italia
Ant.: esterna VHF azimuth 230 + quadro DLF 1539 kHz
ERT on February 28
GREECE Unscheduled frequency of ERT on February 28:
from 1100 NF 15630, instead of 11645 // 7475 and 9420
The broadcasts has been stopped immediately at 1308UT
And again back on the air from around 1500 on Feb.28:
from 1500 on 9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek
from 1500 on 9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek
from 1500 on 15630 AVL 100 kW / 105 deg to SoAs Greek
Ivo Ivanov
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
from 1100 NF 15630, instead of 11645 // 7475 and 9420
The broadcasts has been stopped immediately at 1308UT
And again back on the air from around 1500 on Feb.28:
from 1500 on 9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek
from 1500 on 9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek
from 1500 on 15630 AVL 100 kW / 105 deg to SoAs Greek
Ivo Ivanov
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
VOA Radiogram, 1-2 March, include 4 speeds of Olivia
On VOA Radiogram, 1-2 March 2014, in addition to our usual MFSK32, we will include transmissions in four flavors of the Olivia mode: Olivia 64-2000 (29 wpm), 32-2000 (48 wpm), 16-2000 (76 wpm), and 8-2000 (104 wpm). As these modes become faster, they become less robust in the face of challenging reception conditions. How fast can we go before gibberish starts to appear on your display?
More details about this weekend's program at...
Decode using Fldigi from
More details about this weekend's program at...
Decode using Fldigi from
(Kim Elliot via dxld yg)
HLR & MVBR Schedule for this weekend
Saturday is HLR:
06 - 09 UTC on 7265 KHz
09 - 12 UTC on 6190 KHz
12 - 16 UTC on 7265 KHz
Sunday is MVBR and HLR:
08 - 09 UTC, MVBR on 7265 KHz
09 - 10 UTC, MVBR on 9485 KHz
11 - 13 UTC, HLR on 9485 KHz
Please all reception reports for MVBR to
09 - 12 UTC on 6190 KHz
12 - 16 UTC on 7265 KHz
Sunday is MVBR and HLR:
08 - 09 UTC, MVBR on 7265 KHz
09 - 10 UTC, MVBR on 9485 KHz
11 - 13 UTC, HLR on 9485 KHz
Please all reception reports for MVBR to
Good Listening
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giovedì 27 febbraio 2014
Grecia: parte fra due mesi la nuova Tv statale Nerit
La nuova emittente radio-televisiva pubblica greca Nerit (ovvero Nuova Radio, Televisione e Internet ellenica) comincerà le trasmissioni il prossimo 27 aprile, al termine di un periodo di sperimentazione di otto mesi cominciato lo scorso 21 agosto con il logo 'DT' (Televisione Pubblica).
Lo ha annunciato, parlando ai microfoni di radio Vima FM, il vice ministro per la Cultura con delega alla radio-tv pubblica Pantelis Kapsis. La Nerit ha sostituito l'estate scorsa la vecchia emittente di stato Ert (Radio Televisione Ellenica) e si avvale di poco più di 500 tra giornalisti, tecnici e impiegati quasi tutti ex dipendenti della defunta azienda pubblica.
La Ert, per cui lavoravano circa 2.700 persone, venne chiusa nel giugno scorso per mezzo di un decreto 'ad hoc' voluto dal premier conservatore Antonis Samaras il quale accusava la dirigenza dell'emittente di partitocrazia, nepotismo ed enormi sprechi di denaro pubblico. Pochi giorni dopo, i giornali pubblicarono il contenuto di rapporti ufficiali sui quali indagava la magistratura e dai quali risultava una lunga serie di scandali con stipendi astronomici e bonus milionari elargiti a dirigenti e giornalisti dell'Ert, appalti di lavori a società-fantasma, assunzioni illegali e così via.
La controversa iniziativa di Samaras provocò un vero e proprio terremoto politico che per poco non travolse il suo governo di cui all'epoca faceva parte oltre al socialista Pasok anche Sinistra Democratica di Fotis Kouvelis, poi uscito dalla coalizione proprio perché in disaccordo con la chiusura dell'azienda.
Dal canto loro, centinaia di dipendenti dell'emittente - rifiutando la decisione di Samaras - occuparono l'edificio in cui aveva sede l'Ert e, dal momento che i canali erano stati oscurati e il ripetitore principale neutralizzato dalla polizia, continuarono a trasmettere per un paio di mesi in streaming via web grazie alla collaborazione dell'European Broadcasting Union (Ebu). La polizia è intervenuta all'alba dello scorso 7 novembre ed ha sgomberato l'edificio dagli ultimi 50 dipendenti che vi erano ancora asserragliati. Ma la saga dell'Ert non è finita. Lo scorso 30 gennaio, un gruppo di giornalisti e sindacalisti della defunta emittente statale hanno cominciato le trasmissioni di una nuova Tv digitale denominata Ertopen - da loro definita "la continuazione della Ert" - da un palazzo nel quartiere di Agia Paraskevì (periferia nord di Atene) quasi di fronte all'edificio che ospitava la vecchia radio-Tv pubblica.
Intervenendo nei giorni scorsi in Parlamento circa i ripetuti ritardi nell'avvio delle attività della Nerit, Kapsis ha detto che la procedura per le assunzioni è ora del tutto trasparente e che tutte le fasi previste dalla legge sono state rigorosamente rispettate: la valutazione delle competenze e delle qualifiche, le esperienze passate e l'intervista. I giornalisti che andranno a lavorare per la Nerit dovranno avere almeno cinque anni di esperienza. Il vice ministro ha aggiunto che il consiglio d'amministrazione della Nerit sta attualmente valutando proposte per nuovi programmi e che lo Stato ha già sborsato 30 milioni di euro per pagare stipendi e liquidazioni ai dipendenti della Ert licenziati. I pagamenti ancora in sospeso, ha concluso Kapsis, saranno effettuati dopo la relativa approvazione da parte del ministero delle Finanze.
La Nerit verrà finanziata tramite un canone obbligatorio che sarà prelevato direttamente sulla bolletta dell'utenza elettrica degli abbonati così come avveniva per la Ert. (ANSAmed).
Lo ha annunciato, parlando ai microfoni di radio Vima FM, il vice ministro per la Cultura con delega alla radio-tv pubblica Pantelis Kapsis. La Nerit ha sostituito l'estate scorsa la vecchia emittente di stato Ert (Radio Televisione Ellenica) e si avvale di poco più di 500 tra giornalisti, tecnici e impiegati quasi tutti ex dipendenti della defunta azienda pubblica.
La Ert, per cui lavoravano circa 2.700 persone, venne chiusa nel giugno scorso per mezzo di un decreto 'ad hoc' voluto dal premier conservatore Antonis Samaras il quale accusava la dirigenza dell'emittente di partitocrazia, nepotismo ed enormi sprechi di denaro pubblico. Pochi giorni dopo, i giornali pubblicarono il contenuto di rapporti ufficiali sui quali indagava la magistratura e dai quali risultava una lunga serie di scandali con stipendi astronomici e bonus milionari elargiti a dirigenti e giornalisti dell'Ert, appalti di lavori a società-fantasma, assunzioni illegali e così via.
La controversa iniziativa di Samaras provocò un vero e proprio terremoto politico che per poco non travolse il suo governo di cui all'epoca faceva parte oltre al socialista Pasok anche Sinistra Democratica di Fotis Kouvelis, poi uscito dalla coalizione proprio perché in disaccordo con la chiusura dell'azienda.
Dal canto loro, centinaia di dipendenti dell'emittente - rifiutando la decisione di Samaras - occuparono l'edificio in cui aveva sede l'Ert e, dal momento che i canali erano stati oscurati e il ripetitore principale neutralizzato dalla polizia, continuarono a trasmettere per un paio di mesi in streaming via web grazie alla collaborazione dell'European Broadcasting Union (Ebu). La polizia è intervenuta all'alba dello scorso 7 novembre ed ha sgomberato l'edificio dagli ultimi 50 dipendenti che vi erano ancora asserragliati. Ma la saga dell'Ert non è finita. Lo scorso 30 gennaio, un gruppo di giornalisti e sindacalisti della defunta emittente statale hanno cominciato le trasmissioni di una nuova Tv digitale denominata Ertopen - da loro definita "la continuazione della Ert" - da un palazzo nel quartiere di Agia Paraskevì (periferia nord di Atene) quasi di fronte all'edificio che ospitava la vecchia radio-Tv pubblica.
Intervenendo nei giorni scorsi in Parlamento circa i ripetuti ritardi nell'avvio delle attività della Nerit, Kapsis ha detto che la procedura per le assunzioni è ora del tutto trasparente e che tutte le fasi previste dalla legge sono state rigorosamente rispettate: la valutazione delle competenze e delle qualifiche, le esperienze passate e l'intervista. I giornalisti che andranno a lavorare per la Nerit dovranno avere almeno cinque anni di esperienza. Il vice ministro ha aggiunto che il consiglio d'amministrazione della Nerit sta attualmente valutando proposte per nuovi programmi e che lo Stato ha già sborsato 30 milioni di euro per pagare stipendi e liquidazioni ai dipendenti della Ert licenziati. I pagamenti ancora in sospeso, ha concluso Kapsis, saranno effettuati dopo la relativa approvazione da parte del ministero delle Finanze.
La Nerit verrà finanziata tramite un canone obbligatorio che sarà prelevato direttamente sulla bolletta dell'utenza elettrica degli abbonati così come avveniva per la Ert. (ANSAmed).
Glenn Hauser logs February 26-27, 2014
** BRAZIL. 5999.59, Feb 27 at 0642, for second nite, weak audible het upon low side of RHC English. Meanwhile, Art Delibert replied, from which I take the exact frequency: ``0120-0130 -- I'm hearing the station on 5999.59. Fairly strong signal that competes well with talk on RHC, but can't compete with the music. Language is definitely Portuguese, seems to be a sports event (Art Delibert, N. Bethesda, MD, JRC NRD 535D, 2/27/14)``. So listed R. Guaíba, Porto Alegre? Maybe not; from DXLD 14-07:
``Tuesday, February 11, 2014 --- New DRM testing in Brazil will begin soon. At this time the "Empresa Brasil de Comunicação - EBC" is testing a 4 kW AM transmitter in 6000 kHz, from Brasília - Distrito Federal. This same transmitter will be used in tests with DRM30 digital radio in Brazil. More details:
Monday to Friday
Transmitter with 4 kW power - LEMSA solid
Time of 9:30h to 15:30h (Brasília - 2h UT) or 1130 to 1730 (UT)
[note: Brazil goes off DST Feb 16! so time will then presumably shift
to 1230-1830 UT --- gh]
Freq: 6.0 MHz
Mode: AM - PDM
Azimuth of 244 degrees from Brasília [WSW!]
Good news, EBC (the Brazilian public broadcaster) detailed their plans
for the SW trial. They'll use a Continental Lensa transmitter at power
levels of 4 kW, 1 kW and 250 W with the antenna at Brasília beamed to
Amazônia (beamed to the north [sic]).
They made reception prediction using VOACAP and the expected coverage
with be the centre and part of the north of Brazil at 4 kW. They'll
start testing the tx in AM mode in a few days at 6000 kHz. Also, as
soon as possible, they'll change the crystal to 5990 kHz (EBC's Radio
Senado frequency) and install the DRM30 exciter. ; ) Best regards,
Rafael Diniz (Via drmna yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1708, DXLD)``
** CUBA. 11750, Feb 27 at 1447, RHC in dead air, unlike // 11760, then occasional bits of JBM on 11750 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN [non]. 13615, Feb 27 at 1449, enjoyable and distinctive mix of western and Iranian pop music, quickly confirmed with Radio Farda ID, but poor signal here; then found a bit better on // 15410. 13615 is via Lampertheim, GERMANY at 1430-1730; while 15410 is via Woofferton, UK at 1400-1600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 1170, Feb 27 at 1323 UT, I`m getting Spanish with KFAQ Tulsa nevertheless nullable, but making a 1.6 Hz SAH with what`s left of it. Greeting celebrants of wedding anniversaries and playing a tune. I thought I heard a place name ``Alton`` mentioned which had me going as a possible US station around St Louis; 1332 ``Que Buena`` ID in passing; but 1335 Mexican federal PSAs, and fuller ``Ke Buena 11-70 AM`` ID, which is the name of XERT, Reynosa, Tamaulipas, 5 kW daytimer, per IRCA. 1358 recheck: still getting some Mexican music with KFAQ nulled. Enid sunrise was 1305 UT, now hastening 10 minutes earlier every week (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 1320, Feb 27 at 1338 UT, vamp music loop, 1339 two Spanish guys chatting; CST TCs several times at 1345, 1347, 1354; barely make out a Coahuila state PSA at 1352, vamp music loop again at 1353, more chat, so it`s the expected closest one, 10 kW XECPN, Piedras Negras, Coahuila. Very fast SAH thruout, probably caused by my nearest, KCLI Clinton OK, which is obviously perpetually off-frequency during daytime groundwave dominance with its far-right agenda (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. Regarding my ``Sports Animal`` monitoring concerning KSIW 1450 Woodward, along with WWLS-FM 98.1 The Village [OKC], and KWPN 640 Moore (mostly? separate with ESPN net), and my finding nothing about affiliates on the website --- Larry Russell in Michigan, MARE Tipsheeet points out that there is a different `Sports Animal` in eastern OK:
``1550 KYAL Sapulpa OK 2:30am Sports. Heard mention of OSU & website: Website lists 2 FMs at top of page & 2 AMs way down at bottom of page, including AM-1550 Tulsa. [AM doesn't matter anymore.] rare catch. 2/17 (Russell)``.
The other AM on the site is 1490 Muskogee, i.e. KBIX, which Bruce Winkelman, driving near the site, has repeatedly found to be silent, last report from late December. No Babe gallery on the Tulsa version!
Not clear whether these also simulcast local animalistic sports talk out of OKC, but maybe not, considering civic rivalries. Another one is KPGM 1500 Pawhuska/Bartlesville, i.e. closer to Tulsa, but not sure to which group it may affiliate, nor do I care except for the purposes of DX identification (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1640, Feb 27 at 0646 UT, KZLS Enid is in dead air except for periodic blaaaps! as some audio including music is attempting to break thru, probably a lost commercial, as then followed by a trucker ad in normal modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. Update on KXOK-LD, sorry excuse for a TV station in Enid: on RF 31 & 32, it continues to broadcast no Retro TV, but a few old segments from syndicated OK promotional shows, presumably freebies, `Discover Oklahoma`, but more often now, `Outdoor Oklahoma`, from the Department of Wildlife Conservation, i.e. hunting & fishing show as ``conservation`` is only for the purpose of slaughtering poor animals for sport. Human host is a thalidomide? survivor with withered arms and hands, whom we are nevertheless pleased to see in such a visible job with no problems.
This was around 2000 UT check February 26. By 1600 UT Feb 27, back to segments from the other show, `Discover Oklahoma`, featuring peripatetic hostess Jenifer [sic] Reynolds, again about Pryor OK, with long black screens between them, and occasional ID slides for KTEW 18 Ponca, KXOK 31 Enid and K35JY Lamont (but never the RF 32, inter-city point-to-point feeder to Lamont, WQOS5306!). I assume KXOK has a DVD changer set up to play this same filler stuff over and over, rather than funxioning as a real TV station with a network feed.
KXOK`s two subchannels: 31.2 with color bars and silence, but still PSIP ID as M-FOX. 31.3 instead of black and silence, now also has color bars, and Azteca PSIP ID. 31.2 can change aspect ratio, but 31.3 and 31.1 cannot; why? It`s now been weeks since we have been able to watch any real Spanish programming from either network (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENIING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1710 monitoring: not ready for first broadcast at 0430 UT Thursday, but instead 1330 Thursday Feb 27 on WRMI-10, 9955, confirmed: rather weak signal compared to 9950 Furusato no Kaze from Taiwan, and 9965 R. Australia from Palau. At *1355, WRMI-11 carrier comes on 9955, overriding us on WRMI-10, and at 1356 modulation switches to #11 aimed northwest, so the last three minutes of WOR are suddenly loud & clear, and playing to completion before 1359 `Scoreboard`. Next:
Thu 2201 on WTWW-1 9475
UT Fri 0426v on WWRB-1 3195 [not on the air last week]
Sat 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
UT Sun 0030 on WRMI-14 9495
UT Sun 0030 on WTWW-2 5085 [but not last week]
UT Sun 0501 on WTWW-1 5830
UT Mon 0400v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB [last week: 0403-]
Tue 1200 on WRMI-10 9955
Wed 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Wed 1400 on WRMI-11 9955
** U S A. 1510, Feb 27 at 0648 UT, no het upon WLAC, but plenty of CCI, as KCTE MO must have finally decided to quit broadcasting illegally at night, and far out of frequency tolerance. But we`re sure there will be a recurrence (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VATICAN [and non]. 11625, Feb 27 at 0637, Vatican Radio is propagating again, African service in English, an alternative to the declining Latin mass on 3975, 6075, etc. News by a non-African about Pope Emeritus Benedict`s rejexion of reports that he was forced to resign due to scandals, and about how he wears his vestments differently from his successor. 0639 ID and switch to heavy African accent for Catholic news from there. 11625 is 250 kW, 202 degrees from SMG, nowhere near USward, even backward. By comparison, 11645 Greece is very poor with flutter, having to traverse further north into the auroral zone (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report dispatched at 1731 UT February 27
``Tuesday, February 11, 2014 --- New DRM testing in Brazil will begin soon. At this time the "Empresa Brasil de Comunicação - EBC" is testing a 4 kW AM transmitter in 6000 kHz, from Brasília - Distrito Federal. This same transmitter will be used in tests with DRM30 digital radio in Brazil. More details:
Monday to Friday
Transmitter with 4 kW power - LEMSA solid
Time of 9:30h to 15:30h (Brasília - 2h UT) or 1130 to 1730 (UT)
[note: Brazil goes off DST Feb 16! so time will then presumably shift
to 1230-1830 UT --- gh]
Freq: 6.0 MHz
Mode: AM - PDM
Azimuth of 244 degrees from Brasília [WSW!]
Good news, EBC (the Brazilian public broadcaster) detailed their plans
for the SW trial. They'll use a Continental Lensa transmitter at power
levels of 4 kW, 1 kW and 250 W with the antenna at Brasília beamed to
Amazônia (beamed to the north [sic]).
They made reception prediction using VOACAP and the expected coverage
with be the centre and part of the north of Brazil at 4 kW. They'll
start testing the tx in AM mode in a few days at 6000 kHz. Also, as
soon as possible, they'll change the crystal to 5990 kHz (EBC's Radio
Senado frequency) and install the DRM30 exciter. ; ) Best regards,
Rafael Diniz (Via drmna yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1708, DXLD)``
** CUBA. 11750, Feb 27 at 1447, RHC in dead air, unlike // 11760, then occasional bits of JBM on 11750 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN [non]. 13615, Feb 27 at 1449, enjoyable and distinctive mix of western and Iranian pop music, quickly confirmed with Radio Farda ID, but poor signal here; then found a bit better on // 15410. 13615 is via Lampertheim, GERMANY at 1430-1730; while 15410 is via Woofferton, UK at 1400-1600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 1170, Feb 27 at 1323 UT, I`m getting Spanish with KFAQ Tulsa nevertheless nullable, but making a 1.6 Hz SAH with what`s left of it. Greeting celebrants of wedding anniversaries and playing a tune. I thought I heard a place name ``Alton`` mentioned which had me going as a possible US station around St Louis; 1332 ``Que Buena`` ID in passing; but 1335 Mexican federal PSAs, and fuller ``Ke Buena 11-70 AM`` ID, which is the name of XERT, Reynosa, Tamaulipas, 5 kW daytimer, per IRCA. 1358 recheck: still getting some Mexican music with KFAQ nulled. Enid sunrise was 1305 UT, now hastening 10 minutes earlier every week (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 1320, Feb 27 at 1338 UT, vamp music loop, 1339 two Spanish guys chatting; CST TCs several times at 1345, 1347, 1354; barely make out a Coahuila state PSA at 1352, vamp music loop again at 1353, more chat, so it`s the expected closest one, 10 kW XECPN, Piedras Negras, Coahuila. Very fast SAH thruout, probably caused by my nearest, KCLI Clinton OK, which is obviously perpetually off-frequency during daytime groundwave dominance with its far-right agenda (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. Regarding my ``Sports Animal`` monitoring concerning KSIW 1450 Woodward, along with WWLS-FM 98.1 The Village [OKC], and KWPN 640 Moore (mostly? separate with ESPN net), and my finding nothing about affiliates on the website --- Larry Russell in Michigan, MARE Tipsheeet points out that there is a different `Sports Animal` in eastern OK:
``1550 KYAL Sapulpa OK 2:30am Sports. Heard mention of OSU & website: Website lists 2 FMs at top of page & 2 AMs way down at bottom of page, including AM-1550 Tulsa. [AM doesn't matter anymore.] rare catch. 2/17 (Russell)``.
The other AM on the site is 1490 Muskogee, i.e. KBIX, which Bruce Winkelman, driving near the site, has repeatedly found to be silent, last report from late December. No Babe gallery on the Tulsa version!
Not clear whether these also simulcast local animalistic sports talk out of OKC, but maybe not, considering civic rivalries. Another one is KPGM 1500 Pawhuska/Bartlesville, i.e. closer to Tulsa, but not sure to which group it may affiliate, nor do I care except for the purposes of DX identification (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1640, Feb 27 at 0646 UT, KZLS Enid is in dead air except for periodic blaaaps! as some audio including music is attempting to break thru, probably a lost commercial, as then followed by a trucker ad in normal modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. Update on KXOK-LD, sorry excuse for a TV station in Enid: on RF 31 & 32, it continues to broadcast no Retro TV, but a few old segments from syndicated OK promotional shows, presumably freebies, `Discover Oklahoma`, but more often now, `Outdoor Oklahoma`, from the Department of Wildlife Conservation, i.e. hunting & fishing show as ``conservation`` is only for the purpose of slaughtering poor animals for sport. Human host is a thalidomide? survivor with withered arms and hands, whom we are nevertheless pleased to see in such a visible job with no problems.
This was around 2000 UT check February 26. By 1600 UT Feb 27, back to segments from the other show, `Discover Oklahoma`, featuring peripatetic hostess Jenifer [sic] Reynolds, again about Pryor OK, with long black screens between them, and occasional ID slides for KTEW 18 Ponca, KXOK 31 Enid and K35JY Lamont (but never the RF 32, inter-city point-to-point feeder to Lamont, WQOS5306!). I assume KXOK has a DVD changer set up to play this same filler stuff over and over, rather than funxioning as a real TV station with a network feed.
KXOK`s two subchannels: 31.2 with color bars and silence, but still PSIP ID as M-FOX. 31.3 instead of black and silence, now also has color bars, and Azteca PSIP ID. 31.2 can change aspect ratio, but 31.3 and 31.1 cannot; why? It`s now been weeks since we have been able to watch any real Spanish programming from either network (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENIING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1710 monitoring: not ready for first broadcast at 0430 UT Thursday, but instead 1330 Thursday Feb 27 on WRMI-10, 9955, confirmed: rather weak signal compared to 9950 Furusato no Kaze from Taiwan, and 9965 R. Australia from Palau. At *1355, WRMI-11 carrier comes on 9955, overriding us on WRMI-10, and at 1356 modulation switches to #11 aimed northwest, so the last three minutes of WOR are suddenly loud & clear, and playing to completion before 1359 `Scoreboard`. Next:
Thu 2201 on WTWW-1 9475
UT Fri 0426v on WWRB-1 3195 [not on the air last week]
Sat 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
UT Sun 0030 on WRMI-14 9495
UT Sun 0030 on WTWW-2 5085 [but not last week]
UT Sun 0501 on WTWW-1 5830
UT Mon 0400v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB [last week: 0403-]
Tue 1200 on WRMI-10 9955
Wed 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Wed 1400 on WRMI-11 9955
** U S A. 1510, Feb 27 at 0648 UT, no het upon WLAC, but plenty of CCI, as KCTE MO must have finally decided to quit broadcasting illegally at night, and far out of frequency tolerance. But we`re sure there will be a recurrence (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VATICAN [and non]. 11625, Feb 27 at 0637, Vatican Radio is propagating again, African service in English, an alternative to the declining Latin mass on 3975, 6075, etc. News by a non-African about Pope Emeritus Benedict`s rejexion of reports that he was forced to resign due to scandals, and about how he wears his vestments differently from his successor. 0639 ID and switch to heavy African accent for Catholic news from there. 11625 is 250 kW, 202 degrees from SMG, nowhere near USward, even backward. By comparison, 11645 Greece is very poor with flutter, having to traverse further north into the auroral zone (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report dispatched at 1731 UT February 27
CZE: Topolna 270kHz stays in operation
It was officially announced today that the Topolna longwave transmitter on 270kHz will stay in operation for another 3 years but not without changes. Current high power transmitter (750kW) will be replaced by a new 50kW transmitter.
(Karel Honzik, CZE via mwdx yg)
Frequency change on Hamburger Lokaradio and other broadcasts from March 2
GERMANY Frequency change on Hamburger Lokaradio and other px from March 2
0900-1400 NF 9485 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu CUSB, ex 9480 as scheduled:
1000-1100 1st Sun MV Baltic Radio English/German
0900-1000 2nd Sun Atlantic 2000 International French
0900-1000 3rd Sun European Music Radio English
1000-1200 3rd Sun Radio Geronimo English
0900-1100 4th Sun Radio Gloria International English/German
1200-1400 Sunday Hamburger Lokalradio German
Full shortwave schedule of European low powered stations may be found here:
Ivo Ivanov
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
0900-1400 NF 9485 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu CUSB, ex 9480 as scheduled:
1000-1100 1st Sun MV Baltic Radio English/German
0900-1000 2nd Sun Atlantic 2000 International French
0900-1000 3rd Sun European Music Radio English
1000-1200 3rd Sun Radio Geronimo English
0900-1100 4th Sun Radio Gloria International English/German
1200-1400 Sunday Hamburger Lokalradio German
Full shortwave schedule of European low powered stations may be found here:
Ivo Ivanov
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
mercoledì 26 febbraio 2014
Frequency changes of BBC and Radio Liberty
U.K.(non) Frequency changes of BBC in Hindi: 0100-0130 NF 5980 DHA 250 kW / 070 deg to SoAs, ex 6165*//7325,11995,15510 * to avoid Thazin Radio Reg.Sce in Karen USA(non) Radio Liberty from March 1 1700-1800 NF 9790 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu Russian, ex 9435 1800-1900 NF 9790 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to CeAs Russian, ex 9590 2000-2100 NF 9490 UDO 250 kW / 022 deg to FERu Russian, ex 5885
Ivo Ivanov
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
Glenn Hauser logs February 25-26, 2014
** BRAZIL. 9665.6 approx., Feb 26 at 0122, sound like a national anthem, but unfamiliar, with full orchestra, good signal. I was speculating on North Korea until 0124 Brazilian announcement. So R. Voz Missionária has varied back up to the hi side of nominal frequency; nothing around to het it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also UNIDENTIFIED 5999.65
** BRAZIL [and non]. 6134.8, Feb 26 at 0057, big collision tonight, not only R. Santa Cruz, BOLIVIA, but another equal-strength signal almost on same frequency, close enough to cause a rumbling low audible heterodyne past 0111. Strongly suspect it`s the widely-varying R. Aparecida, which had been as high as 6137+, but now attempting to confront RSC head-on? Or just here by chance? With main receiver DX-398 on 6134.8, second receiver G8 tuned to 11855 which is audible at 0101, and by 0113 can barely make it // during talk from Aparecida, while RSC is in music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 15230, Feb 26 at 0627, very poor signal with music. Suspect it`s RHC, failing to turn off this transmitter at 0500. There`s no other Spanish frequency to compare it with, all the others on 5, 6 MHz in English service music and not //. But at 0630 I detect a few words of Spanish, so that`s it.
6060, among the RHC English frequencies at 0641 Feb 26 is very undermodulated, and 5040 is somewhat undermodulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KUWAIT. 15540, Feb 25 at 2055, JBA carrier, no doubt R. Kuwait`s English broadcast at 18-21, which little by little, should become more and more audible with springtime oncoming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6935-USB, Feb 26 at 0104, very dense music, so very hard to pinpoint frequency until there was some voice. Off at 0120 recheck. Many logs here agree it was XLR8 until 0111*:,15543.0.html
** OKLAHOMA. On an unID, the question arose whether KSIW 1450 Woodward OK might have flipped away from sports. Not when I check it on caradio; at 90 miles away I can barely hear it on groundwave, but Feb 25 at 1917 UT, sports talk and WWLS ID in passing. It`s getting a boost from defacto powerline beverage radiation I happen to be stopped under; otherwise it`s about as weak as co-channel KGFF Shawnee OK at the same distance, which is playing Elvis and gives its own ID at 1924 UT. The two make a SAH of 220/minute = three and two-thirds Hz. Possibly there is an even weaker third station in the mix, the under-powered KWHW Altus OK. On a portable second radio I am also comparing 1450 to WWLS 98.1 and to KWPN 640, all of which mostly ID as ``WWLS, The Sports Animal``. 1450 definitely not // 640, 98.1 definitely not // 640, but maybe 1450 // 98.1 but far out of synch.
Then I check the website --- nothing there about the several stations around OK relaying it. No hits with direct internal searches on KSIW, or separately on 1450.
There is, however, a link to Babe of the Day, like WCKY and several other sports radio stations, WWLS feeling the responsibility to proffer soft porn to its ``animals``, adding a much-needed visual aspect: here, bare butts are OK but not breasts.
You may wonder how an FM station in OK, 425 miles from the nearest bend of the Mississippi near Greenville, could have a W- call? 640 was originally a grandfathered legacy call WNAD, at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, which stupidly sold off its educational AM station to commercial interests. It became WWLS on Dec 7, 1981. At some point, the city of license shifted north a notch to Moore. I don`t know the real story, but it would seem the new owners convinced the FCC that in view of its history, this station deserved to retain a W-call. That lasted until April 4, 2012, when it changed to KWPN. Meanwhile, the same owners had acquired the 98.1 FM facility and made it WWLS-FM on Oct 23, 2006. It took another 5.5 years for the AM side to be demoted to KWPN (not KEPN as I misrecalled in my original report: I never can remember the calls since it still non-IDs as ``WWLS``, and I avoid listening to stupid sportstalk as much as possible). Also, 640 remains
infested with IBOC, but only during daytime, and sometimes turned off unpredictably.
Meanwhile, it would take several years for OU to get back into the public radio field, and by then, no full-power FM channels were available (or affordable), so KGOU became a class-A on 106.3, and had to add another one on 105.7, KROU in Spencer, just the other side of OKC, in order to cover the city adequately. Despite its low power, 105.7 would make it to Enid if it were not for a local translator on 105.5 which KGOU has refused to challenge; meanwhile, further-flung towns like Woodward get their own OU relay station, KWOU 88.1, 23.5 kW ERP, which needs some tropo enhancement to make it to Enid vs another station in Moore, 50 kW KMSI, Oasis Network (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1650, Feb 26 at 0647 during `Red Eye Radio`, KYHN Sallisaw is running 25 seconds behind same on 1640 KZLS, which in turn is about 5 hateful words behind 1520 KOKC (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU [and non]. 5980, Feb 26 at 0052, R. Chaski, Urubamba, Cusco, is unusually strong enough to provide some Spanish modulation, vs. T-storm crashes in the distance, and abetted by the absence of modulation from bigsig 5990 CRI via CUBA, still the case past 0101. 5980 still on at 0103 when I think I detect a light SAH from a second station, but the stronger Chaski signal quits at 0103:47*, 5 seconds later than yesterday, leaving the weaker one, which is whence?? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1709 monitoring: confirmed after 1400 UT Wednesday Feb 26 on WRMI-11, 9955, VG signal to the northwest.
Hope to have WOR 1710 ready for first airing:
UT Thursday 0430 on WRMI-10, 9955 to the south-southeast. Then:
Thu 1330 on WRMI-10 9955
Thu 2201 on WTWW-1 9475
UT Fri 0426v on WWRB-1 3195
Sat 0730 & 1530 on HLR 7265-CUSB
UT Sun 0030 on WTWW-2 5085 [but not last week]
UT Sun 0030 on WRMI-14 9495 [could be previous show]
UT Sun 0501 on WTWW-1 5830
UT Mon 0400v on Area 51 via WBCQ-4 5110v-CUSB
Tue 1200 on WRMI-10 9955
Wed 0730 0& 1530 on HLR 7265-CUSB
Wed 1400 on WRMI-11 9955
** U S A. 15610, 12050, 13830, Feb 25 at 2054, WEWN is still totally off all frequencies. By next check 0632 Feb 26, all three are back on: 11520 English, 11870 & 7555 Spanish, with the usual squeals (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1509.8 approx., Feb 26 at 0649 UT, KCTE Independence MO for at least the fourth night is on the air illegally after daytime with sportstalk, and far out of frequency tolerance, big het upon poor WLAC.
Did not hear any ID at 0700 UT; omitted? It`s one thing for the automation failing to turn off transmitter at sunset (tho humans in charge should have noticed immediately); quite another for program feed still to be going into it and out of it when supposed to be off the air completely (and there is no known FM simulcast), making this less likely to be unintentional (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 5999.65, approx., Feb 26 at 0115, het upon the lo side of RHC English 6000.0, and still there at 0637 during DXers Unlimited. Something new I would have noticed before. Best bet is R. Guaíba, Brasil, which may not have been active, or off-frequency? until now. Please confirm its exact frequency in South America (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 15255, Feb 25 at 2125-2126* open carrier with flutter, whence? Uplooked later in HFCC, the only thing around is VOA Bambara via ASCENSION from 2130 weekdays --- so maybe it was testing and came back on in time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report despatched at 1722 UT February 26
** BRAZIL [and non]. 6134.8, Feb 26 at 0057, big collision tonight, not only R. Santa Cruz, BOLIVIA, but another equal-strength signal almost on same frequency, close enough to cause a rumbling low audible heterodyne past 0111. Strongly suspect it`s the widely-varying R. Aparecida, which had been as high as 6137+, but now attempting to confront RSC head-on? Or just here by chance? With main receiver DX-398 on 6134.8, second receiver G8 tuned to 11855 which is audible at 0101, and by 0113 can barely make it // during talk from Aparecida, while RSC is in music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 15230, Feb 26 at 0627, very poor signal with music. Suspect it`s RHC, failing to turn off this transmitter at 0500. There`s no other Spanish frequency to compare it with, all the others on 5, 6 MHz in English service music and not //. But at 0630 I detect a few words of Spanish, so that`s it.
6060, among the RHC English frequencies at 0641 Feb 26 is very undermodulated, and 5040 is somewhat undermodulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KUWAIT. 15540, Feb 25 at 2055, JBA carrier, no doubt R. Kuwait`s English broadcast at 18-21, which little by little, should become more and more audible with springtime oncoming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6935-USB, Feb 26 at 0104, very dense music, so very hard to pinpoint frequency until there was some voice. Off at 0120 recheck. Many logs here agree it was XLR8 until 0111*:,15543.0.html
** OKLAHOMA. On an unID, the question arose whether KSIW 1450 Woodward OK might have flipped away from sports. Not when I check it on caradio; at 90 miles away I can barely hear it on groundwave, but Feb 25 at 1917 UT, sports talk and WWLS ID in passing. It`s getting a boost from defacto powerline beverage radiation I happen to be stopped under; otherwise it`s about as weak as co-channel KGFF Shawnee OK at the same distance, which is playing Elvis and gives its own ID at 1924 UT. The two make a SAH of 220/minute = three and two-thirds Hz. Possibly there is an even weaker third station in the mix, the under-powered KWHW Altus OK. On a portable second radio I am also comparing 1450 to WWLS 98.1 and to KWPN 640, all of which mostly ID as ``WWLS, The Sports Animal``. 1450 definitely not // 640, 98.1 definitely not // 640, but maybe 1450 // 98.1 but far out of synch.
Then I check the website --- nothing there about the several stations around OK relaying it. No hits with direct internal searches on KSIW, or separately on 1450.
There is, however, a link to Babe of the Day, like WCKY and several other sports radio stations, WWLS feeling the responsibility to proffer soft porn to its ``animals``, adding a much-needed visual aspect: here, bare butts are OK but not breasts.
You may wonder how an FM station in OK, 425 miles from the nearest bend of the Mississippi near Greenville, could have a W- call? 640 was originally a grandfathered legacy call WNAD, at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, which stupidly sold off its educational AM station to commercial interests. It became WWLS on Dec 7, 1981. At some point, the city of license shifted north a notch to Moore. I don`t know the real story, but it would seem the new owners convinced the FCC that in view of its history, this station deserved to retain a W-call. That lasted until April 4, 2012, when it changed to KWPN. Meanwhile, the same owners had acquired the 98.1 FM facility and made it WWLS-FM on Oct 23, 2006. It took another 5.5 years for the AM side to be demoted to KWPN (not KEPN as I misrecalled in my original report: I never can remember the calls since it still non-IDs as ``WWLS``, and I avoid listening to stupid sportstalk as much as possible). Also, 640 remains
infested with IBOC, but only during daytime, and sometimes turned off unpredictably.
Meanwhile, it would take several years for OU to get back into the public radio field, and by then, no full-power FM channels were available (or affordable), so KGOU became a class-A on 106.3, and had to add another one on 105.7, KROU in Spencer, just the other side of OKC, in order to cover the city adequately. Despite its low power, 105.7 would make it to Enid if it were not for a local translator on 105.5 which KGOU has refused to challenge; meanwhile, further-flung towns like Woodward get their own OU relay station, KWOU 88.1, 23.5 kW ERP, which needs some tropo enhancement to make it to Enid vs another station in Moore, 50 kW KMSI, Oasis Network (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1650, Feb 26 at 0647 during `Red Eye Radio`, KYHN Sallisaw is running 25 seconds behind same on 1640 KZLS, which in turn is about 5 hateful words behind 1520 KOKC (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU [and non]. 5980, Feb 26 at 0052, R. Chaski, Urubamba, Cusco, is unusually strong enough to provide some Spanish modulation, vs. T-storm crashes in the distance, and abetted by the absence of modulation from bigsig 5990 CRI via CUBA, still the case past 0101. 5980 still on at 0103 when I think I detect a light SAH from a second station, but the stronger Chaski signal quits at 0103:47*, 5 seconds later than yesterday, leaving the weaker one, which is whence?? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1709 monitoring: confirmed after 1400 UT Wednesday Feb 26 on WRMI-11, 9955, VG signal to the northwest.
Hope to have WOR 1710 ready for first airing:
UT Thursday 0430 on WRMI-10, 9955 to the south-southeast. Then:
Thu 1330 on WRMI-10 9955
Thu 2201 on WTWW-1 9475
UT Fri 0426v on WWRB-1 3195
Sat 0730 & 1530 on HLR 7265-CUSB
UT Sun 0030 on WTWW-2 5085 [but not last week]
UT Sun 0030 on WRMI-14 9495 [could be previous show]
UT Sun 0501 on WTWW-1 5830
UT Mon 0400v on Area 51 via WBCQ-4 5110v-CUSB
Tue 1200 on WRMI-10 9955
Wed 0730 0& 1530 on HLR 7265-CUSB
Wed 1400 on WRMI-11 9955
** U S A. 15610, 12050, 13830, Feb 25 at 2054, WEWN is still totally off all frequencies. By next check 0632 Feb 26, all three are back on: 11520 English, 11870 & 7555 Spanish, with the usual squeals (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1509.8 approx., Feb 26 at 0649 UT, KCTE Independence MO for at least the fourth night is on the air illegally after daytime with sportstalk, and far out of frequency tolerance, big het upon poor WLAC.
Did not hear any ID at 0700 UT; omitted? It`s one thing for the automation failing to turn off transmitter at sunset (tho humans in charge should have noticed immediately); quite another for program feed still to be going into it and out of it when supposed to be off the air completely (and there is no known FM simulcast), making this less likely to be unintentional (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 5999.65, approx., Feb 26 at 0115, het upon the lo side of RHC English 6000.0, and still there at 0637 during DXers Unlimited. Something new I would have noticed before. Best bet is R. Guaíba, Brasil, which may not have been active, or off-frequency? until now. Please confirm its exact frequency in South America (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 15255, Feb 25 at 2125-2126* open carrier with flutter, whence? Uplooked later in HFCC, the only thing around is VOA Bambara via ASCENSION from 2130 weekdays --- so maybe it was testing and came back on in time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report despatched at 1722 UT February 26
Ascolti AM Luca Botto Fiora
Ascolti AM (orari UTC)
Segnale / Signal
JBA - Portante appena udibile
IN - Insufficiente / Poor
SF - Sufficiente / Fair
BN - Buono / Good
MB - Molto Buono / Very good
Martedì 25 febbraio 2014
17.40 - 1017 kHz (VR5000DSP)
Musica liscio.
Alle 18.20 picco di segnale con Studio DX.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente
Che strana propagazione: fino alle 17.00-17.30 circa
era mescolata con la Spagna, poi quest'ultima è sparita
quasi completamente e c'era solo il segnale italiano.
*18.00 - 11800 kHz (PL-660 SYNC-U)
NHK WORLD - Meyerton (Sud Africa)
Inglese, nxs OM.
Segnale buono
18.40 - 1458 kHz (PL-660 USB)
SUNRISE ONE - Brookmans Park (Regno Unito)
Programmazione in diretta, con musica indie-pop
e annunci YL in hindi e ogni tanto in inglese.
Dopo le 19.00 speaker OM ma sempre live.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
Co-ch CRI Italiano (1458v) e Romania Actualitati.
Se può interessare, ecco un link con un articolo del 12.2.2014:
Luca Botto Fiora
QTH Rapallo (Genova) - Italia
G.C. 44° 21' 06.89" N / 09° 13' 30.94" E
Set 1 (LW-MW-SW)
R7 Drake
PL-660 Tecsun
VR5000DSP Yaesu
(da 70 kHz a 2 MHz)
Loop in ferrite di 75 cm ACA modificata per LW-VLF
(da 2 a 5-6 MHz)
Loop magnetico interno tipo KR1ST 150x100 cm su finestra
(da 5-6 a 30 MHz)
Dipolo "windom" 21 metri
Balun 4:1 bifilare su ferrite cm 20x1 (17 spire)
Isolatore di linea (ø 20 cm x 6 spire di RG174)
(per loop MW-VLF)
Preamplificatore RF K0LR-WA1ION autocostruito (escludibile)
(per loop e dipolo HF)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 modificato W8JI (escludibile)
Preamplificatore RF kit LX1456 NE (escludibile)
Splitters 0-1000 MHz a 2 vie GBC
Set 2 (LW-MW)
E5 Etón
Loop in ferrite di 75 cm ACA
ICD-B500 (VR5000DSP)
ICD-BX800 (PL-660)
ICD-BX112 (R7 - E5)
Audacity 2.0.5 (acquisizione-conversione audio)
DXToolbox 4.1.1 demo (propagazione)
EarthDesk 6.3 demo (scrivania-orologio mondiale)
HourWorld 3.4.4 demo (orologio mondiale)
Multimode 6.3.1 demo Black Cat Systems (UTEs)
TimePalette 6.2 demo (orologio mondiale)
SmartPad 7.0 Go Mediacom
Segnale / Signal
JBA - Portante appena udibile
IN - Insufficiente / Poor
SF - Sufficiente / Fair
BN - Buono / Good
MB - Molto Buono / Very good
Martedì 25 febbraio 2014
17.40 - 1017 kHz (VR5000DSP)
Musica liscio.
Alle 18.20 picco di segnale con Studio DX.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente
Che strana propagazione: fino alle 17.00-17.30 circa
era mescolata con la Spagna, poi quest'ultima è sparita
quasi completamente e c'era solo il segnale italiano.
*18.00 - 11800 kHz (PL-660 SYNC-U)
NHK WORLD - Meyerton (Sud Africa)
Inglese, nxs OM.
Segnale buono
18.40 - 1458 kHz (PL-660 USB)
SUNRISE ONE - Brookmans Park (Regno Unito)
Programmazione in diretta, con musica indie-pop
e annunci YL in hindi e ogni tanto in inglese.
Dopo le 19.00 speaker OM ma sempre live.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
Co-ch CRI Italiano (1458v) e Romania Actualitati.
Se può interessare, ecco un link con un articolo del 12.2.2014:
Luca Botto Fiora
QTH Rapallo (Genova) - Italia
G.C. 44° 21' 06.89" N / 09° 13' 30.94" E
Set 1 (LW-MW-SW)
R7 Drake
PL-660 Tecsun
VR5000DSP Yaesu
(da 70 kHz a 2 MHz)
Loop in ferrite di 75 cm ACA modificata per LW-VLF
(da 2 a 5-6 MHz)
Loop magnetico interno tipo KR1ST 150x100 cm su finestra
(da 5-6 a 30 MHz)
Dipolo "windom" 21 metri
Balun 4:1 bifilare su ferrite cm 20x1 (17 spire)
Isolatore di linea (ø 20 cm x 6 spire di RG174)
(per loop MW-VLF)
Preamplificatore RF K0LR-WA1ION autocostruito (escludibile)
(per loop e dipolo HF)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 modificato W8JI (escludibile)
Preamplificatore RF kit LX1456 NE (escludibile)
Splitters 0-1000 MHz a 2 vie GBC
Set 2 (LW-MW)
E5 Etón
Loop in ferrite di 75 cm ACA
ICD-B500 (VR5000DSP)
ICD-BX800 (PL-660)
ICD-BX112 (R7 - E5)
Audacity 2.0.5 (acquisizione-conversione audio)
DXToolbox 4.1.1 demo (propagazione)
EarthDesk 6.3 demo (scrivania-orologio mondiale)
HourWorld 3.4.4 demo (orologio mondiale)
Multimode 6.3.1 demo Black Cat Systems (UTEs)
TimePalette 6.2 demo (orologio mondiale)
SmartPad 7.0 Go Mediacom
Ascolti AM Treviso Feb. 25, 2014
12035 25/02 1500 AWR Asia, Agat Guam Info ID E Px rel. KA 34543
12085 25/02 1506 Radio Australia, Shepparton Px E 34533
12125 25/02 1512 VOA, via Philippines Px "English course" E E 33533
12150 25/02 1513 VOA, via Thailand Mx E 44544
15340 25/02 1526 HCJB Australia, Kununurra Px rel. E 45444
15665 25/02 1527 AWR Asia, Agat Guam Px rel. TAM 34533
1539 25/02 1643 Cadena SER Radio, Manresa Info ID Px "La ventana" Es 23533
73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso, Italia
Ant.: esterna VHF azimuth 230 + quadro DLF 1539 kHz
12085 25/02 1506 Radio Australia, Shepparton Px E 34533
12125 25/02 1512 VOA, via Philippines Px "English course" E E 33533
12150 25/02 1513 VOA, via Thailand Mx E 44544
15340 25/02 1526 HCJB Australia, Kununurra Px rel. E 45444
15665 25/02 1527 AWR Asia, Agat Guam Px rel. TAM 34533
1539 25/02 1643 Cadena SER Radio, Manresa Info ID Px "La ventana" Es 23533
73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso, Italia
Ant.: esterna VHF azimuth 230 + quadro DLF 1539 kHz
Frequency changes of IBB
USA(non) Frequency changes of IBB:
Deewa Radio
0100-0400 NF 9765 KWT 250 kW / 070 deg to WeAs Pashto, ex 9370 from Feb.10
Voice of America
1400-1500 NF 17740 LAM 100 kW / 075 deg to CeAs Tibetan,ex 9670 from Feb.24
1600-1700 NF 11850 PHT 250 kW / 283 deg to SoAs Bangla, ex 9490 from Feb.23
Radio Ashna, this is the 3rd change from 17580 to 11595/from 11595 to 17580
1500-1530 NF 11595 BIB 100 kW / 085 deg to WeAs Dari, ex 17580, re-ex 11595
Ivo Ivanov
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
Deewa Radio
0100-0400 NF 9765 KWT 250 kW / 070 deg to WeAs Pashto, ex 9370 from Feb.10
Voice of America
1400-1500 NF 17740 LAM 100 kW / 075 deg to CeAs Tibetan,ex 9670 from Feb.24
1600-1700 NF 11850 PHT 250 kW / 283 deg to SoAs Bangla, ex 9490 from Feb.23
Radio Ashna, this is the 3rd change from 17580 to 11595/from 11595 to 17580
1500-1530 NF 11595 BIB 100 kW / 085 deg to WeAs Dari, ex 17580, re-ex 11595
Ivo Ivanov
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
martedì 25 febbraio 2014
Glenn Hauser logs February 24-25, 2014
** BOLIVIA. 6135-, Feb 25 at 0101, R. Santa Cruz, on low side, and no het from R. Aparecida, Brazil on the hi side, which must already be off (Glenn Hauser, OK, X LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 6165, Feb 25 at 0055, RHC carrier is already on, as I expected after hearing the 4775 mix with local KCRC, 1390 kHz lower (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [and non]. 15340, Feb 25 at 1502:10, live (?) RHC announcess asserts it`s ``exactamente las 10, ante meridiano en todo el territorio nacional`` --- ``exactly`` 130 seconds off! Undercurrent from HCJB Reaching Beyond Australia also audible, and an hour earlier, the QRMelbourne was worse (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INTERNATIONAL INTERNET. Found another webcast station carrying `Relevant Tones`, the new music show from WFMT, i.e. Yellowstone Public Radio, mostly Montana, Monday at 18-19 UT; webcast habitually runs about 5 minutes behind. Meanwhile, added RT to database after my report of KCSC-FM, Sundays at 22-23 UT, plus four more:
Friday 00-01 WABE
Saturday 23-24 WFMT [tho we found it on their sked as Wed 23-24]
Sunday 04-05 KWAX
Sunday 19-20 WXXI-FM
See my previous report under OKLAHOMA. All times shift one UT hour earlier from March 9 for DST (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1520 KOKC & 1640 KZLS, Feb 25 at 0650 UT check are running same trucker ad, but probably not synchronized, both still with `Red Eye Radio`. KOKC has been reported with a 5 kW STA because of damage to their 50 kW transmitter, but I can`t really tell any difference here (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 99.1, Feb 24 at 2116 UT, big hum on open carrier. From a mall parking lot in western Enid, only a block from the former ``WECS`` Part 15 at the Emmanuel Christian School kilochurch which was on 97.7, but gone for at least a sesquiyear altho its abandoned mini-antenna is still visible on a roof tripod; more likely to be an RF feeder left on, in someone`s parked car nearby. And it fades out as soon as I pull out of the lot. If I had a bit more time, I might have located the exact car and requested a QSL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU [and non?]. 5980, Feb 25 at 0053, presumed R. Chaski carrier amid heavy splash from 5990 CRI/Cuba. It`s been a full week since my last check of cutoff time, which was Feb 18 until 0103:01*, so I am expecting it to occur now circa 0103:38. The signal weakens slightly at 0103:42 but there`s still a carrier. In meantime, some otherstation may have started up on 5980 during this period; BBC had already been using it from 0130 via UAE. Nothing showing up yet in HFCC or Aoki at 0100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO monitoring: 5085, UT Tuesday Feb 25 at 0057, surprised to hear WOR on WTWW-2, about to end, and it`s from 5 weeks ago, #1705; must have started circa 0030. Such additional plays are always welcome, but news to me.
WORLD OF RADIO 1709: last best chance to hear it should be Wed 1400 on WRMI-11, northwest antenna on 9955 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 15610, Feb 25 at 1501 UT, no signal from WEWN English, nor on filthy spurs normally accompanying, peaking circa 15592, 15601, 15619, 15628. Spanish frequencies 11550 and 12050 also absent. Weather Channel lightning map checked a couple hours later shows zero strikes anywhere in USA, just a bit on the Bahamas (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1510-, Feb 24 at 2120 UT, on caradio, even in the daytime I can hear the het caused by off-frequency KCTE, Independence MO, as well as two audios mixing weakly; presumably another peripheral, KNNS, Larned KS, 1 kW daytimer.
And Feb 25 at 0649 UT, sportstalk making audible het with 1510.0 stations, primarily WLAC; and the DF fits, so it`s 10 kW daytimer KCTE, not only off-frequency, but again illegally on air at night. Other reports of KCTE, Feb 23-24, via IRCA list:
``I am hearing KCTE 1510 Independence MO, a 10 kW directional daytimer with a NNE/SSW pattern, on late below WLAC. The station, which has the slogan "ESPN 1510", is ironically a carrying Yahoo sports talk at present. 73 Bill Dvorak, Madison WI``
``I had traces of what I'm pretty sure was KCTE; it was considerably low, on about 1509.83 or so. 73, Nigel Pimblett, Dunmore, Alberta``
``This guy's been off frequency for a couple years and on day rig at night far too often. 73 KAZ`` = Neil Kazaross, IL/WI
``We've tracked KCTE's actual sign-off (and the concurrent disappearance of the het). I should have an SDR mega-file somewhere. Mark Durenberger On the Road``
``Yahoo Sports Radio is Boston and something on 1509.832 which this site <> says is KCTE.
Rick Shaftan, NJ`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report dispatched at 1728 UT February 25
** CUBA. 6165, Feb 25 at 0055, RHC carrier is already on, as I expected after hearing the 4775 mix with local KCRC, 1390 kHz lower (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [and non]. 15340, Feb 25 at 1502:10, live (?) RHC announcess asserts it`s ``exactamente las 10, ante meridiano en todo el territorio nacional`` --- ``exactly`` 130 seconds off! Undercurrent from HCJB Reaching Beyond Australia also audible, and an hour earlier, the QRMelbourne was worse (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INTERNATIONAL INTERNET. Found another webcast station carrying `Relevant Tones`, the new music show from WFMT, i.e. Yellowstone Public Radio, mostly Montana, Monday at 18-19 UT; webcast habitually runs about 5 minutes behind. Meanwhile, added RT to database after my report of KCSC-FM, Sundays at 22-23 UT, plus four more:
Friday 00-01 WABE
Saturday 23-24 WFMT [tho we found it on their sked as Wed 23-24]
Sunday 04-05 KWAX
Sunday 19-20 WXXI-FM
See my previous report under OKLAHOMA. All times shift one UT hour earlier from March 9 for DST (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1520 KOKC & 1640 KZLS, Feb 25 at 0650 UT check are running same trucker ad, but probably not synchronized, both still with `Red Eye Radio`. KOKC has been reported with a 5 kW STA because of damage to their 50 kW transmitter, but I can`t really tell any difference here (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 99.1, Feb 24 at 2116 UT, big hum on open carrier. From a mall parking lot in western Enid, only a block from the former ``WECS`` Part 15 at the Emmanuel Christian School kilochurch which was on 97.7, but gone for at least a sesquiyear altho its abandoned mini-antenna is still visible on a roof tripod; more likely to be an RF feeder left on, in someone`s parked car nearby. And it fades out as soon as I pull out of the lot. If I had a bit more time, I might have located the exact car and requested a QSL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU [and non?]. 5980, Feb 25 at 0053, presumed R. Chaski carrier amid heavy splash from 5990 CRI/Cuba. It`s been a full week since my last check of cutoff time, which was Feb 18 until 0103:01*, so I am expecting it to occur now circa 0103:38. The signal weakens slightly at 0103:42 but there`s still a carrier. In meantime, some otherstation may have started up on 5980 during this period; BBC had already been using it from 0130 via UAE. Nothing showing up yet in HFCC or Aoki at 0100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO monitoring: 5085, UT Tuesday Feb 25 at 0057, surprised to hear WOR on WTWW-2, about to end, and it`s from 5 weeks ago, #1705; must have started circa 0030. Such additional plays are always welcome, but news to me.
WORLD OF RADIO 1709: last best chance to hear it should be Wed 1400 on WRMI-11, northwest antenna on 9955 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 15610, Feb 25 at 1501 UT, no signal from WEWN English, nor on filthy spurs normally accompanying, peaking circa 15592, 15601, 15619, 15628. Spanish frequencies 11550 and 12050 also absent. Weather Channel lightning map checked a couple hours later shows zero strikes anywhere in USA, just a bit on the Bahamas (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1510-, Feb 24 at 2120 UT, on caradio, even in the daytime I can hear the het caused by off-frequency KCTE, Independence MO, as well as two audios mixing weakly; presumably another peripheral, KNNS, Larned KS, 1 kW daytimer.
And Feb 25 at 0649 UT, sportstalk making audible het with 1510.0 stations, primarily WLAC; and the DF fits, so it`s 10 kW daytimer KCTE, not only off-frequency, but again illegally on air at night. Other reports of KCTE, Feb 23-24, via IRCA list:
``I am hearing KCTE 1510 Independence MO, a 10 kW directional daytimer with a NNE/SSW pattern, on late below WLAC. The station, which has the slogan "ESPN 1510", is ironically a carrying Yahoo sports talk at present. 73 Bill Dvorak, Madison WI``
``I had traces of what I'm pretty sure was KCTE; it was considerably low, on about 1509.83 or so. 73, Nigel Pimblett, Dunmore, Alberta``
``This guy's been off frequency for a couple years and on day rig at night far too often. 73 KAZ`` = Neil Kazaross, IL/WI
``We've tracked KCTE's actual sign-off (and the concurrent disappearance of the het). I should have an SDR mega-file somewhere. Mark Durenberger On the Road``
``Yahoo Sports Radio is Boston and something on 1509.832 which this site <> says is KCTE.
Rick Shaftan, NJ`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report dispatched at 1728 UT February 25
Associazione "Amici di Italcable" 10+15 MHz
Ascolti AM (orari UTC)
Segnale / Signal
JBA - Portante appena udibile
IN - Insufficiente / Poor
SF - Sufficiente / Fair
BN - Buono / Good
MB - Molto Buono / Very good
Martedì 25 febbraio 2014
15.58 - 10000 MHz (BN-SF)
16.01 - 15000 MHz (SF-IN)
Musica e segnali di tempo *perfettamente* sincronizzati con BPM in isofrequenza dalla Cina ed RWM -4 kHz dalla Russia.
Luca Botto Fiora
QTH Rapallo (Genova) - Italia
G.C. 44° 21' 06.89" N / 09° 13' 30.94" E
Set 1 (LW-MW-SW)
R7 Drake
PL-660 Tecsun
VR5000DSP Yaesu
(da 70 kHz a 2 MHz)
Loop in ferrite di 75 cm ACA modificata per LW-VLF
(da 2 a 5-6 MHz)
Loop magnetico interno tipo KR1ST 150x100 cm su finestra
(da 5-6 a 30 MHz)
Dipolo "windom" 21 metri
Balun 4:1 bifilare su ferrite cm 20x1 (17 spire)
Isolatore di linea (ø 20 cm x 6 spire di RG174)
(per loop MW-VLF)
Preamplificatore RF K0LR-WA1ION autocostruito (escludibile)
(per loop e dipolo HF)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 modificato W8JI (escludibile)
Preamplificatore RF kit LX1456 NE (escludibile)
Splitters 0-1000 MHz a 2 vie GBC
Set 2 (LW-MW)
E5 Etón
Loop in ferrite di 75 cm ACA
ICD-B500 (VR5000DSP)
ICD-BX800 (PL-660)
ICD-BX112 (R7 - E5)
Audacity 2.0.5 (acquisizione-conversione audio)
DXToolbox 4.1.1 demo (propagazione)
EarthDesk 6.3 demo (scrivania-orologio mondiale)
HourWorld 3.4.4 demo (orologio mondiale)
Multimode 6.3.1 demo Black Cat Systems (UTEs)
TimePalette 6.2 demo (orologio mondiale)
SmartPad 7.0 Go Mediacom
Segnale / Signal
JBA - Portante appena udibile
IN - Insufficiente / Poor
SF - Sufficiente / Fair
BN - Buono / Good
MB - Molto Buono / Very good
Martedì 25 febbraio 2014
15.58 - 10000 MHz (BN-SF)
16.01 - 15000 MHz (SF-IN)
Musica e segnali di tempo *perfettamente* sincronizzati con BPM in isofrequenza dalla Cina ed RWM -4 kHz dalla Russia.
Luca Botto Fiora
QTH Rapallo (Genova) - Italia
G.C. 44° 21' 06.89" N / 09° 13' 30.94" E
Set 1 (LW-MW-SW)
R7 Drake
PL-660 Tecsun
VR5000DSP Yaesu
(da 70 kHz a 2 MHz)
Loop in ferrite di 75 cm ACA modificata per LW-VLF
(da 2 a 5-6 MHz)
Loop magnetico interno tipo KR1ST 150x100 cm su finestra
(da 5-6 a 30 MHz)
Dipolo "windom" 21 metri
Balun 4:1 bifilare su ferrite cm 20x1 (17 spire)
Isolatore di linea (ø 20 cm x 6 spire di RG174)
(per loop MW-VLF)
Preamplificatore RF K0LR-WA1ION autocostruito (escludibile)
(per loop e dipolo HF)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 modificato W8JI (escludibile)
Preamplificatore RF kit LX1456 NE (escludibile)
Splitters 0-1000 MHz a 2 vie GBC
Set 2 (LW-MW)
E5 Etón
Loop in ferrite di 75 cm ACA
ICD-B500 (VR5000DSP)
ICD-BX800 (PL-660)
ICD-BX112 (R7 - E5)
Audacity 2.0.5 (acquisizione-conversione audio)
DXToolbox 4.1.1 demo (propagazione)
EarthDesk 6.3 demo (scrivania-orologio mondiale)
HourWorld 3.4.4 demo (orologio mondiale)
Multimode 6.3.1 demo Black Cat Systems (UTEs)
TimePalette 6.2 demo (orologio mondiale)
SmartPad 7.0 Go Mediacom
Voice of Mongolia is back on shortwave
MONGOLIA Voice of Mongolia is back on shortwave on Feb.25:
0900-0930 on 12085 U-B 250 kW / 178 deg to SoAs English
Very strong signal on remote SDR in Hong Kong and Spain
There was no broadcasts yesterday Feb.24.Full shortwave schedule of Voice of Mongolia may be found here:
Ivo Ivanov
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
0900-0930 on 12085 U-B 250 kW / 178 deg to SoAs English
Very strong signal on remote SDR in Hong Kong and Spain
There was no broadcasts yesterday Feb.24.Full shortwave schedule of Voice of Mongolia may be found here:
Ivo Ivanov
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
UNIDentified unmodulated carrier on 12100
UNIDentified unmodulated carrier was observed on Feb.25
from 0730 on 12100. Very strong here in Sofia, Bulgaria
Ivo Ivanov
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
from 0730 on 12100. Very strong here in Sofia, Bulgaria
Ivo Ivanov
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
Two new registered frequencies of WRMI(corrected 5850, not 5550)
USA Two new registered frequencies of Radio Miami International:
0000-2400 on 5030 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CeAm English from March 9
0000-2400 on 5950 YFR 100 kW / 181 deg to CARR English from March 9
Other registered frequencies of Radio Miami International, but not active:
2200-1100 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to NEAm English from Dec.23
2200-1100 on 7730 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to MEXI English from Dec.23
Ivo Ivanov
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
0000-2400 on 5030 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CeAm English from March 9
0000-2400 on 5950 YFR 100 kW / 181 deg to CARR English from March 9
Other registered frequencies of Radio Miami International, but not active:
2200-1100 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to NEAm English from Dec.23
2200-1100 on 7730 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to MEXI English from Dec.23
Ivo Ivanov
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
lunedì 24 febbraio 2014
Glenn Hauser logs February 23-24, 2014
** BRAZIL. 10000, Feb 24 at 0619, ``Observatório Nacional, 3 horas, 19 minutos, 20 segundos``, beeps every dekasecond, etc., confirming that Brasil is back on standard time, during no-tone minute from WWVH which is much stronger, but this time, PPE announcements are readable; however I do not hear any in the seconds preceding 0620:00, when WWV would be announcing but not audible either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 5025, Feb 24 at 1401, R. Rebelde is JBA before fade-out, ``la emisora de la revolución``, and carrier is slightly unstable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 5980, Feb 24 at 0623, wall-of-noise jamming against nothing, likewise on 6030, despite it being the Monday-morning silent period of R. Martí, and WONJ normally not ``needed`` on other nights before *0700 on 5980. Wacky DentroCuban Jamming Command, incompetent but injurious, wasting precious energy/costs while countless Cubans try to survive on inadequate rations and salaries; meanwhile reaffirming all over the SW bands that Communist Cuba remains an outlaw nation which cannot tolerate free speech (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also USA [non] 6080
** OKLAHOMA. 1640, Feb 23 at 2104 UT check, KZLS Enid/OKC ending `news` from Glenn Beck`s Blaze network, but this being Sunday, 2105 UT onward to True Oldies Channel music. I checked the Blaze talkshow lineup and none of those were on the publicized KZLS weekday schedule. After 0605 UT Monday, back to talk, with `Red Eye Radio`, from WBAP; see also 1650 log (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1650, Feb 24 at 0638 UT, after noting that 1640 KZLS is back to talk after midnight Monday morning with anti-government `Red Eye Radio`, same show also heard on 1650 a few seconds later. No 1650 stations listed at
which I got direct with a Google search, but outdated and should be removed, so back to current homepage
which leads to a totally different station finder with a map, which goes right to a single 1650 entry:
KWHN 1320 AM / 1650 AM Fort Smith AR
KYHN 1320 AM Fort Smith AR
where they are obviously still confused (like a year ago? when I checked), as the 1650 station is KYHN, not KWHN, and RER is surely not on both 1650 and 1320; and furthermore of course, 1650 is really in OKLAHOMA. Thus one may conclude that RER station list adds but does not remove ex-affiliates (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [non]. 6080, Feb 24 at 0307, 3-tone Cuban jammer atop weaker talk station, which HFCC shows is VOA English via VATICAN during this hour, and also at 04-07 via São Tomé. Assume this is a stray, running all(?) the time on 6080, rather than a deliberate attack on VOA English to Africa, but if it helps to mess up the Yanqui Imperialists, so much the better (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See CUBA
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1709 monitoring: confirmed on Area 51 webcast, UT Monday Feb 24 at 0412 about 9 minutes into the program, so must have started at 0403; presumably also on WBCQ-(4?), 5110v-CUSB. Next: Tuesday 1200 on WRMI-10 9955; Wednesday 1400 on WRMI-11 9955; Wednesday 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 17775, Feb 24 at 1430, KVOH is already propagating well, but modulation is very distorted. Weakest-link syndrome. Announcer plugs new show `Del Valle a la Nación` at 11 am Pacific time [1900 UT]. Aimed toward the Caribbean, KVOH presumably has very few listeners in the Pacific zone (beyond groundwave to LA?) so why confuse them with local time, which anyway is going to shift an hour in a biweek?
Slow-loading pdf program grid shows `Valle` show is only on Fridays at 1900-1930. Also shows that `Wavescan` is now on KVOH, UT Mondays at 0300-0330 on 9975; not surprising, since Ray Robinson has started voicing segments of that show; sort of replaces the deleted airing on WINB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1510-, Feb 24 at 0630 UT, ESPN station significantly off-frequency to low side, making audible het against understation WLAC, and het wavers slightly. It was ever thus with KCTE, Independence MO, nominally 10 kW daytimer. No ID caught but others have been reporting this daytimer cheating again, so I have no doubt. also audible under after local weather at 0634 UT. I was also hearing the het last night and figured this was it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report dispatched at 1739 UT February 24
** CUBA. 5025, Feb 24 at 1401, R. Rebelde is JBA before fade-out, ``la emisora de la revolución``, and carrier is slightly unstable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 5980, Feb 24 at 0623, wall-of-noise jamming against nothing, likewise on 6030, despite it being the Monday-morning silent period of R. Martí, and WONJ normally not ``needed`` on other nights before *0700 on 5980. Wacky DentroCuban Jamming Command, incompetent but injurious, wasting precious energy/costs while countless Cubans try to survive on inadequate rations and salaries; meanwhile reaffirming all over the SW bands that Communist Cuba remains an outlaw nation which cannot tolerate free speech (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also USA [non] 6080
** OKLAHOMA. 1640, Feb 23 at 2104 UT check, KZLS Enid/OKC ending `news` from Glenn Beck`s Blaze network, but this being Sunday, 2105 UT onward to True Oldies Channel music. I checked the Blaze talkshow lineup and none of those were on the publicized KZLS weekday schedule. After 0605 UT Monday, back to talk, with `Red Eye Radio`, from WBAP; see also 1650 log (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1650, Feb 24 at 0638 UT, after noting that 1640 KZLS is back to talk after midnight Monday morning with anti-government `Red Eye Radio`, same show also heard on 1650 a few seconds later. No 1650 stations listed at
which I got direct with a Google search, but outdated and should be removed, so back to current homepage
which leads to a totally different station finder with a map, which goes right to a single 1650 entry:
KWHN 1320 AM / 1650 AM Fort Smith AR
KYHN 1320 AM Fort Smith AR
where they are obviously still confused (like a year ago? when I checked), as the 1650 station is KYHN, not KWHN, and RER is surely not on both 1650 and 1320; and furthermore of course, 1650 is really in OKLAHOMA. Thus one may conclude that RER station list adds but does not remove ex-affiliates (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [non]. 6080, Feb 24 at 0307, 3-tone Cuban jammer atop weaker talk station, which HFCC shows is VOA English via VATICAN during this hour, and also at 04-07 via São Tomé. Assume this is a stray, running all(?) the time on 6080, rather than a deliberate attack on VOA English to Africa, but if it helps to mess up the Yanqui Imperialists, so much the better (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See CUBA
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1709 monitoring: confirmed on Area 51 webcast, UT Monday Feb 24 at 0412 about 9 minutes into the program, so must have started at 0403; presumably also on WBCQ-(4?), 5110v-CUSB. Next: Tuesday 1200 on WRMI-10 9955; Wednesday 1400 on WRMI-11 9955; Wednesday 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 17775, Feb 24 at 1430, KVOH is already propagating well, but modulation is very distorted. Weakest-link syndrome. Announcer plugs new show `Del Valle a la Nación` at 11 am Pacific time [1900 UT]. Aimed toward the Caribbean, KVOH presumably has very few listeners in the Pacific zone (beyond groundwave to LA?) so why confuse them with local time, which anyway is going to shift an hour in a biweek?
Slow-loading pdf program grid shows `Valle` show is only on Fridays at 1900-1930. Also shows that `Wavescan` is now on KVOH, UT Mondays at 0300-0330 on 9975; not surprising, since Ray Robinson has started voicing segments of that show; sort of replaces the deleted airing on WINB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1510-, Feb 24 at 0630 UT, ESPN station significantly off-frequency to low side, making audible het against understation WLAC, and het wavers slightly. It was ever thus with KCTE, Independence MO, nominally 10 kW daytimer. No ID caught but others have been reporting this daytimer cheating again, so I have no doubt. also audible under after local weather at 0634 UT. I was also hearing the het last night and figured this was it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report dispatched at 1739 UT February 24
Ascolti AM Treviso 24/02
17520 24/02 1057 AWR Asia, Agat Guam Px rel. M 34533
17630 24/02 1059 Radio Thailand, Udon Thani Px T 44534
13840 24/02 1100 Radio New Zealand, Rangitaiki info ID Jingle E 34533
15400 24/02 1106 HCJB Australia, Kununurra Px rel. E 23423
900 24/02 1110 RAI Radio1, Milano Info ID Px "GR Lombardia" It 24533
1017 24/02 1113 Media Veneta Broadcast, Piove di Sacco (PD) Mx It 34543
15605 24/02 1158 AWR Asia, Agat Guam Jingle ID Px rel. SHA 24533
73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso, Italia
Ant.: esterna VHF azimuth 230 + quadro DLF 1539 kHz
17630 24/02 1059 Radio Thailand, Udon Thani Px T 44534
13840 24/02 1100 Radio New Zealand, Rangitaiki info ID Jingle E 34533
15400 24/02 1106 HCJB Australia, Kununurra Px rel. E 23423
900 24/02 1110 RAI Radio1, Milano Info ID Px "GR Lombardia" It 24533
1017 24/02 1113 Media Veneta Broadcast, Piove di Sacco (PD) Mx It 34543
15605 24/02 1158 AWR Asia, Agat Guam Jingle ID Px rel. SHA 24533
73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso, Italia
Ant.: esterna VHF azimuth 230 + quadro DLF 1539 kHz
domenica 23 febbraio 2014
Log Roberto Pavanello
576 17/2 18.40 R.N.E. R.5 - Barcelona Catalano NX reg. Catalunya buono
711 17/2 22.35 COPE - Murcia SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
810 19/2 22.55 R. Madrid - SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
1044 21/2 22.55 R. Valladolid - SS ID e NX locali buono
1071 17/2 23.10 I.R.I.B - Tehran Farsi talk OM buono
1071 22/2 17.50 A.I.R. - New Delhi Urdu talk OM suff.
1107 18/2 18.49 R.N.E. R.5 - Camargo SS NX reg. Cantabria buono
1134 17/2 18.50 COPE - Pamplona SS ID e pgr. locale suff.
1278 16/2 14.30 France Bleu Alsace - Strasburgo FF ID con jinglee e MX suff.
1323 22/2 18.00 Gold - Brighton EE NX // a 1548 KHz suff.
1350 23/2 00.20 R. Cristal - Salvador PP predica suff.
1530 21/2 20.40 VoA - Sao Tome EE talk relazioni USA/Europa buono
1539 17/2 22.55 R. Elche - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1550 16/2 23.10 R. Nac. Saharaui - Tindouf Arabo talk OM suff.
1566 20/2 20.10 BBC R. Sommerset & Bristol - Taunton EE live phone suff.
1602 18/2 22.55 R. Segovia - SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
1602 20/2 22.55 R. Ontinyent - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1626 22/2 23.30 R. Mexicano - Dutch ID e MX buono
3905 17/2 18.30 R. Alice - EE ID e MX buono
3905 20/2 20.40 R. U-Boat 66 - IT/EE ID e MX buono
4750 20/2 17.00 R. Bangladesh - Dhaka Bengalese talk OM suff.
4775 22/2 23.20 R. Tarma - SS talk OM suff.
4835 21/2 20.35 VL8A - Alice Springs EE NX suff.
4845 22/2 23.25 R. Cultura - Manaus PP calcio suff.
4915 22/2 05.5 R. Difusora - Macapa PP MX suff.
5780 16/2 20.45 Atlantis FM Tenerife - EE ID e rock MX buono
5800 23/2 09.15 R. Tower - EE ID e MX buono
5910 22/2 05.10 R. Alcaravan - Puerto Lleras SS MX buono
5915 17/2 20.20 Zambia BC - Lusaka Vern. talk OM buono
6135 22/2 23.15 R. Aparecida - PP MX suff.
6160 22/2 23.10 CKZN - St. John's EE NX buono
6210 21/2 17.10 R. Borderhunter - EE/SS ID e MX buono
6210 22/2 17.15 R. Vasily - EE/Russo ID e MX buono
6290 22/2 16.50 R. Titanic - EE ID e MX buono
6290 22/2 17.30 Farmers from Holland - EE ID e MX buono
6292 18/2 17.45 R. Verona - ID e MX buono
6300 18/2 17.50 States of Unrest R. - EE ID e MX buono
6305 19/2 19.50 R. Mir/R. Pirates for Peace - EE/Ucraino ID, MX e talk sulla lotta per la democrazia in Ucraina buono
6306 16/2 13.10 R. Brandaris - EE ID e MX buono
6325 16/2 17.50 R. Esperience - EE ID e MX buono
6747 16/2 17.55 R. Pioneer - EE ID e MX suff.
7120 16/2 18.00 R. Hargeisa - Somalo intervista buono
7480 23/2 09.35 R. Thunderbird - c/o SRS Germany - Postfach
101145 - 99801 Eisenach - Germania EE ID e MX buono
9480 23/2 09.45 R. Gloria - Tedesco ID e MX buono
10000 21/2 20.30 Obs. Nac. - Rio de Janeiro PP pip pip e ora suff.
11710 22/2 05.02 R. Nac. - Buenos Aires SS NX e brusco S/OFF buono (boh ????)
11855 19/2 20.05 R. Aparecida - PP MX // a 9630 KHz buono
15215 21/2 16.40 R. Oomrang - Nebel-Westerheide EE/Frisone talk OM buono
Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia
711 17/2 22.35 COPE - Murcia SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
810 19/2 22.55 R. Madrid - SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
1044 21/2 22.55 R. Valladolid - SS ID e NX locali buono
1071 17/2 23.10 I.R.I.B - Tehran Farsi talk OM buono
1071 22/2 17.50 A.I.R. - New Delhi Urdu talk OM suff.
1107 18/2 18.49 R.N.E. R.5 - Camargo SS NX reg. Cantabria buono
1134 17/2 18.50 COPE - Pamplona SS ID e pgr. locale suff.
1278 16/2 14.30 France Bleu Alsace - Strasburgo FF ID con jinglee e MX suff.
1323 22/2 18.00 Gold - Brighton EE NX // a 1548 KHz suff.
1350 23/2 00.20 R. Cristal - Salvador PP predica suff.
1530 21/2 20.40 VoA - Sao Tome EE talk relazioni USA/Europa buono
1539 17/2 22.55 R. Elche - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1550 16/2 23.10 R. Nac. Saharaui - Tindouf Arabo talk OM suff.
1566 20/2 20.10 BBC R. Sommerset & Bristol - Taunton EE live phone suff.
1602 18/2 22.55 R. Segovia - SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
1602 20/2 22.55 R. Ontinyent - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1626 22/2 23.30 R. Mexicano - Dutch ID e MX buono
3905 17/2 18.30 R. Alice - EE ID e MX buono
3905 20/2 20.40 R. U-Boat 66 - IT/EE ID e MX buono
4750 20/2 17.00 R. Bangladesh - Dhaka Bengalese talk OM suff.
4775 22/2 23.20 R. Tarma - SS talk OM suff.
4835 21/2 20.35 VL8A - Alice Springs EE NX suff.
4845 22/2 23.25 R. Cultura - Manaus PP calcio suff.
4915 22/2 05.5 R. Difusora - Macapa PP MX suff.
5780 16/2 20.45 Atlantis FM Tenerife - EE ID e rock MX buono
5800 23/2 09.15 R. Tower - EE ID e MX buono
5910 22/2 05.10 R. Alcaravan - Puerto Lleras SS MX buono
5915 17/2 20.20 Zambia BC - Lusaka Vern. talk OM buono
6135 22/2 23.15 R. Aparecida - PP MX suff.
6160 22/2 23.10 CKZN - St. John's EE NX buono
6210 21/2 17.10 R. Borderhunter - EE/SS ID e MX buono
6210 22/2 17.15 R. Vasily - EE/Russo ID e MX buono
6290 22/2 16.50 R. Titanic - EE ID e MX buono
6290 22/2 17.30 Farmers from Holland - EE ID e MX buono
6292 18/2 17.45 R. Verona - ID e MX buono
6300 18/2 17.50 States of Unrest R. - EE ID e MX buono
6305 19/2 19.50 R. Mir/R. Pirates for Peace - EE/Ucraino ID, MX e talk sulla lotta per la democrazia in Ucraina buono
6306 16/2 13.10 R. Brandaris - EE ID e MX buono
6325 16/2 17.50 R. Esperience - EE ID e MX buono
6747 16/2 17.55 R. Pioneer - EE ID e MX suff.
7120 16/2 18.00 R. Hargeisa - Somalo intervista buono
7480 23/2 09.35 R. Thunderbird - c/o SRS Germany - Postfach
101145 - 99801 Eisenach - Germania EE ID e MX buono
9480 23/2 09.45 R. Gloria - Tedesco ID e MX buono
10000 21/2 20.30 Obs. Nac. - Rio de Janeiro PP pip pip e ora suff.
11710 22/2 05.02 R. Nac. - Buenos Aires SS NX e brusco S/OFF buono (boh ????)
11855 19/2 20.05 R. Aparecida - PP MX // a 9630 KHz buono
15215 21/2 16.40 R. Oomrang - Nebel-Westerheide EE/Frisone talk OM buono
Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia
Ascolti AM Treviso 23/02
5040 23/02 657 Radio Habana Cuba, La Habana Px E 34533
11725 23/02 700 Radio New Zealand, Rangitaiki info ID Jingle E 33433
5085 23/02 702 WTWW Lebanon, Px rel. Mx E 24522
6030 23/02 703 Radio Martì, Greenville ID info Nx Es 34433
5935 23/02 705 WWCR 2, Nashville TN Px rel. E 34533
11945 23/02 800 Radio Australia, Shepparton Info ID Px "ABC News" E 34444
15160 23/02 858 KBS World Radio, Kimjae Jingle Info ID E- K 34433
9610 23/02 1002 AWR Europe, Nauen Px "RVS Magazine Studio DX 556" It 55555
21540 23/02 1100 Radio Exterior Espana, Noblejas Ts Info ID Nx 44544
21560 23/02 1106 Radio Vaticana, S. Maria Galeria Px "Angelus" it 25533
73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso, Italia
Ant.: esterna VHF azimuth 230
11725 23/02 700 Radio New Zealand, Rangitaiki info ID Jingle E 33433
5085 23/02 702 WTWW Lebanon, Px rel. Mx E 24522
6030 23/02 703 Radio Martì, Greenville ID info Nx Es 34433
5935 23/02 705 WWCR 2, Nashville TN Px rel. E 34533
11945 23/02 800 Radio Australia, Shepparton Info ID Px "ABC News" E 34444
15160 23/02 858 KBS World Radio, Kimjae Jingle Info ID E- K 34433
9610 23/02 1002 AWR Europe, Nauen Px "RVS Magazine Studio DX 556" It 55555
21540 23/02 1100 Radio Exterior Espana, Noblejas Ts Info ID Nx 44544
21560 23/02 1106 Radio Vaticana, S. Maria Galeria Px "Angelus" it 25533
73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso, Italia
Ant.: esterna VHF azimuth 230
Glenn Hauser logs February 22-23, 2014
** BRAZIL. 4885, Feb 23 at 0643, music in Portuguese, fair signal and better than usual, no doubt from the 24h station, R. Clube do Pará, Belém, and not Acreana. Only other detectable ZY 60m signals are making low audible heterodyne on 4915 from Macapá and Goiânia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 28486-USB, Feb 22 at 2134, ZZ80SP with quick contacts in English and QRZs --- sounds like a special-event station, with those two digits in the middle, and I bet the SP stands for São Paulo. All about it here, which may require login:
It`s the 80th anniversary of LABRE, the Brasilian ARRL, and they have ZZ80## stations in each state, callsign suffix being the standard two-letter abbrs. for them. Only one central address for diploma or QSLs in Brasília, so no info on exactly where this and the other stations are located! The event lasts thru Feb (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 9425-9440, Feb 23 at 1405, CNR1 distorted blob around here today rather than hi side of 9450; victimizing now FEBC Chinese on 9430 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 5025, Feb 23 at 0640, R. Rebelde hasn`t turned off the carrier like most nights lately, but has turned off the modulation --- except for a lite whine. This means that RHC modulation still appears on 5010, as 5040 leaps over the 5025 carrier fulcrum. And likewise there is still a very weak carrier but no Rebelde modulation, on 5055 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. 9420, Feb 23 at 0650, operatic tenor solo from Avlis, not the usual Byzantine chant on Sunday mornings (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN. 11720, Feb 23 at 1409, VIRI in Urdu, fair signal with flutter, so I check the // 11675: much lower modulation level and a reverb apart, but then improves somewhat. Both are listed as Kamalabad, on different azimuths toward Pakistan and UAE. Suspect that 11675 may have been suppressed by open carrier from next VIRI site on that frequency, Sirjan, for Russian to start USward at 1420 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGST)
** MEXICO. 1300, Feb 23 at 1354 UT, música and ``Radio Trece, La Más Grande``, from XEP Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1640, Sunday Feb 23 at 1349 UT check, KZLS Enid is playing music suitable for True Oldies format; haven`t checked it till now over the weekend, but total conversion to talk format is obviously not yet complete, just gabbing weekdays except 0200-0600 UT, I think (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1709 monitoring: another missed airtime: UT Sunday Feb 23 at 0030, when WTWW-2 5085 keeps on playing gospel music, and 0057 switches to Brother Scare. So none of Ted Randall`s ham radio programming either, such as Amateur Radio Newsline which normally follows WOR. However, WOR 1709 is appearing at same time on WRMI-14, 9495 with fair signal, fading. And at 0501:05 UT Sun Feb 23 on WTWW-1, 5830 with VG signal. Next: UT Monday 0400v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB; Tue 1200 & Wed 1400 on WRMI 9955; Wed 0730 & 1530 on HLR 7265-CUSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1190, Feb 23 at 0704 UT, ``11-90 AM, NBC News and your classic country favorites`` non-ID, dominant signal roughly east/west. No clear match in the 2013 NRC AM Log, but I`m 99% sure it`s KQQZ St Louis MO market, cheating: 10000/22 watts U4, De Soto MO/Belleville IL, with day pattern at night to the SW. It is C&W, and with NBC News, a.k.a. ``Hot talk and kool killer country``,
The classic country angle is more obvious here:
Previously heard mostly around sunrise. More about KQQZ (and KZQZ 1430) in DXLDs 13-36, 13-44 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report despatched at 1655 UT February 23
** BRAZIL. 28486-USB, Feb 22 at 2134, ZZ80SP with quick contacts in English and QRZs --- sounds like a special-event station, with those two digits in the middle, and I bet the SP stands for São Paulo. All about it here, which may require login:
It`s the 80th anniversary of LABRE, the Brasilian ARRL, and they have ZZ80## stations in each state, callsign suffix being the standard two-letter abbrs. for them. Only one central address for diploma or QSLs in Brasília, so no info on exactly where this and the other stations are located! The event lasts thru Feb (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 9425-9440, Feb 23 at 1405, CNR1 distorted blob around here today rather than hi side of 9450; victimizing now FEBC Chinese on 9430 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 5025, Feb 23 at 0640, R. Rebelde hasn`t turned off the carrier like most nights lately, but has turned off the modulation --- except for a lite whine. This means that RHC modulation still appears on 5010, as 5040 leaps over the 5025 carrier fulcrum. And likewise there is still a very weak carrier but no Rebelde modulation, on 5055 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. 9420, Feb 23 at 0650, operatic tenor solo from Avlis, not the usual Byzantine chant on Sunday mornings (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN. 11720, Feb 23 at 1409, VIRI in Urdu, fair signal with flutter, so I check the // 11675: much lower modulation level and a reverb apart, but then improves somewhat. Both are listed as Kamalabad, on different azimuths toward Pakistan and UAE. Suspect that 11675 may have been suppressed by open carrier from next VIRI site on that frequency, Sirjan, for Russian to start USward at 1420 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGST)
** MEXICO. 1300, Feb 23 at 1354 UT, música and ``Radio Trece, La Más Grande``, from XEP Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1640, Sunday Feb 23 at 1349 UT check, KZLS Enid is playing music suitable for True Oldies format; haven`t checked it till now over the weekend, but total conversion to talk format is obviously not yet complete, just gabbing weekdays except 0200-0600 UT, I think (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1709 monitoring: another missed airtime: UT Sunday Feb 23 at 0030, when WTWW-2 5085 keeps on playing gospel music, and 0057 switches to Brother Scare. So none of Ted Randall`s ham radio programming either, such as Amateur Radio Newsline which normally follows WOR. However, WOR 1709 is appearing at same time on WRMI-14, 9495 with fair signal, fading. And at 0501:05 UT Sun Feb 23 on WTWW-1, 5830 with VG signal. Next: UT Monday 0400v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB; Tue 1200 & Wed 1400 on WRMI 9955; Wed 0730 & 1530 on HLR 7265-CUSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1190, Feb 23 at 0704 UT, ``11-90 AM, NBC News and your classic country favorites`` non-ID, dominant signal roughly east/west. No clear match in the 2013 NRC AM Log, but I`m 99% sure it`s KQQZ St Louis MO market, cheating: 10000/22 watts U4, De Soto MO/Belleville IL, with day pattern at night to the SW. It is C&W, and with NBC News, a.k.a. ``Hot talk and kool killer country``,
The classic country angle is more obvious here:
Previously heard mostly around sunrise. More about KQQZ (and KZQZ 1430) in DXLDs 13-36, 13-44 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report despatched at 1655 UT February 23
Ascolti AM Luca Botto Fiora
Ascolti AM (orari UTC)
Domenica 23 febbraio 2014
06.40 - 5780 kHz (PL-660)
EE, ID OM e musica pop.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente
06.58-07.13 (PL-660)
6809,9 -> 6811,9 -> 6819,9 -> 6834,9 kHz (:-O !!!)
Jingles e musica varia (anche Matia Bazar)
Segnale buono-sufficiente
Luca Botto Fiora
QTH Rapallo (Genova) - Italia
G.C. 44° 21' 06.89" N / 09° 13' 30.94" E
Set 1 (LW-MW-SW)
R7 Drake
PL-660 Tecsun
VR5000DSP Yaesu
(da 70 kHz a 2 MHz)
Loop in ferrite di 75 cm ACA modificata per LW-VLF
(da 2 a 5-6 MHz)
Loop magnetico interno tipo KR1ST 150x100 cm su finestra
(da 5-6 a 30 MHz)
Dipolo "windom" 21 metri
Balun 4:1 bifilare su ferrite cm 20x1 (17 spire)
Isolatore di linea (ø 20 cm x 6 spire di RG174)
(per loop MW-VLF)
Preamplificatore RF K0LR-WA1ION autocostruito (escludibile)
(per loop e dipolo HF)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 modificato W8JI (escludibile)
Preamplificatore RF kit LX1456 NE (escludibile)
Splitters 0-1000 MHz a 2 vie GBC
Set 2 (LW-MW)
E5 Etón
Loop in ferrite di 75 cm ACA
ICD-B500 (VR5000DSP)
ICD-BX800 (PL-660)
ICD-BX112 (R7 - E5)
Audacity 2.0.5 (acquisizione-conversione audio)
DXToolbox 4.1.1 demo (propagazione)
EarthDesk 6.3 demo (scrivania-orologio mondiale)
HourWorld 3.4.4 demo (orologio mondiale)
Multimode 6.3.1 demo Black Cat Systems (UTEs)
TimePalette 6.2 demo (orologio mondiale)
SmartPad 7.0 Go Mediacom
Domenica 23 febbraio 2014
06.40 - 5780 kHz (PL-660)
EE, ID OM e musica pop.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente
06.58-07.13 (PL-660)
6809,9 -> 6811,9 -> 6819,9 -> 6834,9 kHz (:-O !!!)
Jingles e musica varia (anche Matia Bazar)
Segnale buono-sufficiente
Luca Botto Fiora
QTH Rapallo (Genova) - Italia
G.C. 44° 21' 06.89" N / 09° 13' 30.94" E
Set 1 (LW-MW-SW)
R7 Drake
PL-660 Tecsun
VR5000DSP Yaesu
(da 70 kHz a 2 MHz)
Loop in ferrite di 75 cm ACA modificata per LW-VLF
(da 2 a 5-6 MHz)
Loop magnetico interno tipo KR1ST 150x100 cm su finestra
(da 5-6 a 30 MHz)
Dipolo "windom" 21 metri
Balun 4:1 bifilare su ferrite cm 20x1 (17 spire)
Isolatore di linea (ø 20 cm x 6 spire di RG174)
(per loop MW-VLF)
Preamplificatore RF K0LR-WA1ION autocostruito (escludibile)
(per loop e dipolo HF)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 modificato W8JI (escludibile)
Preamplificatore RF kit LX1456 NE (escludibile)
Splitters 0-1000 MHz a 2 vie GBC
Set 2 (LW-MW)
E5 Etón
Loop in ferrite di 75 cm ACA
ICD-B500 (VR5000DSP)
ICD-BX800 (PL-660)
ICD-BX112 (R7 - E5)
Audacity 2.0.5 (acquisizione-conversione audio)
DXToolbox 4.1.1 demo (propagazione)
EarthDesk 6.3 demo (scrivania-orologio mondiale)
HourWorld 3.4.4 demo (orologio mondiale)
Multimode 6.3.1 demo Black Cat Systems (UTEs)
TimePalette 6.2 demo (orologio mondiale)
SmartPad 7.0 Go Mediacom
More and more canceled broadcasts of Brother Stair
USA(non) More and more canceled broadcasts of Brother Stair on shortwave:
1600-1800 on 5895 SCB 050 kW / 306 deg to CeEu English DRM mode
1600-1800 on 6000 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to CeEu English
2000-2200 on 5895 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to CeEu English
Ivo Ivanov
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
1600-1800 on 5895 SCB 050 kW / 306 deg to CeEu English DRM mode
1600-1800 on 6000 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to CeEu English
2000-2200 on 5895 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to CeEu English
Ivo Ivanov
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
sabato 22 febbraio 2014
Glenn Hauser logs February 21-22, 2014
** BRAZIL [and non]. 10000, Feb 22 at 0633, time beeps every dekasecond, and unreadable talk in between, but surely PPE Rio de Janeiro as per its format, barely audible under WWVH`s good signal, while WWV on this frequency is even more JBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CANADA [and non]. 6070, Feb 22 at 0627, CFRX with fair signal, interviewing a stand-up comedian; 0628 ACI starts from 6075 Vatican bells but not too bad; also has splash from strong second-adjacent 6060 RHC, even tho its total blocker, 6070, is off by now.
There is also a LAH on 6070, as CFRX is now the blocker of something even weaker. Aoki shows two other 24-hour stations, 25 kW ND Radio Channel 292 in Germany, and 7.5 kW ND R. Capital, Rio de Janeiro (which is another one really overtaken by Super Rádio Deus é Amor).
CFRX also audible at 1305, fair but clear, ``News-Talk 10-10`` IDs, ads. Still seems strange to hear real commercials on N American SW, rather than just survivalist stuff on US stations.
Just once, I`d love to hear a `News-Talk 60-70`` ID! I bet 99% of 1010 CFRB listeners are not even aware there is a SW simulcast; is it *ever* mentioned on air? Searching the website on CFRX, it`s only mentioned here for QSLing, without explaining where or what it is:
Searching separately on 6070 gets *zero* hits.
At 0627 I was apparently hearing the `Humble & Fred` show at 12-2 am ET including Saturdays, not 24/7 Comedy. Here`s the program schedule, which defaults to the current day of week:
Lots of variety but too many of the shows are merely named for the host with no info about subject matter, politix, etc. They also carry some stuff from CTV; and from CBS-TV including `60 Minutes` at 0000 UT Mondays (but RHC will block that), and radio`s `CBS Weekly World News Roundup` at 5-6 am Saturdays (10-11 UT), when only co-channel is North Korea. No doubt all programming will shift one UT hour earlier already March 9 with the far-too-soon advent of DST, as ordered by the USA!
As for the weaker signals I have been getting, Karl Zuk commented at 2119 UT Feb 20: ``CFRX 6070 still in a full blaze of glory in signal strength about 45 miles north of NYC``. Proximity counts, but maybe also more direxional now? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 9465-9490, Feb 22 at 1440, approx. range of filthy distorted FMy spurs presumably out of the 9450 CNR1 jammer, instead of on the low side; but totally blasted amid by 9475 WTWW SFAW. If WTWW is not a problem for 9475 R. Australia, the spurs will be, over there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 5025, Feb 22 at 0622, R. Rebelde is off again, and along with it any possible leapfrogs with 5040 RHC upon 5010, 5055 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NEW ZEALAND. 11725, Feb 22 at 0650, looking for lullabyes, I settle on the good signal from RNZI, during `Saturday Night With Peter Fry` from RNZ National. Great selexion of requested music; I doze off mostly asleep, but perceive ``Oxygène IV`` by Jean-Michel Jarre until more awakened by sign-off at 0758*. Complete playlist is here:
The total show is 7-11 pm [0600-1000 UT during DST] but RNZI SW schedule names it only after 0808, while from 0600 shows generic ``RNZ National`` which in fact also contains `Saturday Night`, and news on the hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-USB, Feb 22 at 0227, tnx to Terry Krueger tip, Undercover Radio pirate is heard, good signal requiring some attenuation vs pumping; promoting black or white T-shirts of the station from or --- Dr Benway has learnt from Radio Free Whatever, which used it for a new transmitter, that is a good way to raise money, apparently anonymously, but in this case the proceeds to go to ``wounded warriors`` --- is that generic, or a specific charity? Dr Benway is mostly talking and checking orders in real time for the T-shirts, trying to reach the 20 minimum required by the T-shirt printer to energize the order for white ones; black ones have already 37 signed up. If minimum is not reached, says money will be refunded, $15 each. Says he doesn`t touch the money. Takes two weeks to get orders out, so hurry if you want to wear one to the Winterfest, as he suggests. While
black ones may be ``cooler`` now, they certainly won`t be come summer. BTW, if you are referring to symmetrical T-shirts, always capitalize the T!
IDs every so often as ``Undercover Radio, from the middle of nowhere``, and at 0230 says is getting ``all the way to California`` which implies UCR is in eastern North America! Then into a story about spring, with musical accompaniment: he was looking for a new transmitter site, leading to adventures; by 0235 it`s `cello strumming, SFX, and about looking at the stars with a night-vision scope, and how about converting the visible to the audible?
At 0245 starts to play an old announcement from 2004(?) with the Merlin maildrop address, but interrupts it since Merlin has closed; now use e-mail only. 0256, starts playing recording of twentieth anniversary broadcast, which must have been 1996y since refers to starting in 1976. And I need to move on, as it`s time for Sting on PBS. Was the 20-white-T-shirt goal reached? Yes, per website at 1734 UT Feb 22, now at 23, with goal now of 100; and linx to beneficiary:
** SPAIN [and non]. 21640, Sat Feb 22 at 1342, REE is back on clear frequency after lapsing to 21630 yesterday. Good thing too, as on Saturday, BBC Hausa via Ascension 21630 has started earlier instead of 1400 weekdays. (Not in Aoki, but in HFCC as 1230-1500 only on Saturdays). (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. 7345-USB, Feb 22 at 1447, apparent Navy MARS net discussing schedules with net designators but not revealing frequencies; among calls mentioned fonetikally, NNN0TWA, and from Air Force, AFA4PM. Also with very weak AM carrier, presumably a non-jammer CNR1 Beijing per Aoki. I also heard NNN0TWA last August on 7345 at 1313 and searched him out to be Jim in Tennessee. AFA4PM is also in TN per an exhaustive roster via (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9955, Sat Feb 22 at 0636, WRMI VG in Spanish about history of radio in Ecuador, so probably the `Historias de Radio` show if not another one from Argentina, `La Rosa de Tokio` --- despite Brother Scare supposedly scheduled seven days a week from 0600 on 9955. Just another anomaly from Okeechobee. Meanwhile BS is really on 9840 and presumably 7570.
9955, Sat Feb 22 at 1323, interesting feature about a piano-maker, from R. Prague, but cut off incomplete at 1329.5 by Bob Zanotti`s ID still skipping the dot after www (and the nine syllables of www are a waste, since it`s optional before, in order to start 1330 preacher on time, listed as `Tell the World Ministry` until 1345 `Viva Miami`. Seems R. Prague will not always fit into the 24.5 minutes allotted for it Mon-Sat following the pentaminute `End Times Coming` daily at 1300-1305 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9330.0-CUSB, Feb 22 at 1316, WBCQ is back on-frequency, following my report a sesquiday earlier of 9331.34; usual GFRN preaching, only a poor signal. Switched back to main transmitter, or adjusted the backup? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1440, Feb 22 at 0500-0506 UT, tried for the underpublicized DX test from WFNY, 1440, Gloversville in upstate New York, not expecting to hear it, especially if on 0.5 kW night power N/S rather than 5 kW ND day facility. And indeed not heard: 1440 dominated by an ESPN station, presumably usual WGEM Quincy IL in same direxion; and also by some Spanish, presumably KTNO The Metroplex TX, even tho it`s allegedly only 350 watts at night.
WFNY test was not a no-show, as Steve Francis in Alcoa TN reported ``code heard at midnight!`` DXers in NJ, and even IL and NE also heard the code (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 28500-USB, Feb 21 at 2202-2206, pileup calling Elmo, but of course never mentioning anything but their own callsigns, including K2RD, K7RQ, W7RPT. Couldn`t hear Elmo on this or nearby frequencies; anybody know who and where? I notice that even 6m was open from LU Argentina to USA; difference of opinions whether F2 or TE propagation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CANADA [and non]. 6070, Feb 22 at 0627, CFRX with fair signal, interviewing a stand-up comedian; 0628 ACI starts from 6075 Vatican bells but not too bad; also has splash from strong second-adjacent 6060 RHC, even tho its total blocker, 6070, is off by now.
There is also a LAH on 6070, as CFRX is now the blocker of something even weaker. Aoki shows two other 24-hour stations, 25 kW ND Radio Channel 292 in Germany, and 7.5 kW ND R. Capital, Rio de Janeiro (which is another one really overtaken by Super Rádio Deus é Amor).
CFRX also audible at 1305, fair but clear, ``News-Talk 10-10`` IDs, ads. Still seems strange to hear real commercials on N American SW, rather than just survivalist stuff on US stations.
Just once, I`d love to hear a `News-Talk 60-70`` ID! I bet 99% of 1010 CFRB listeners are not even aware there is a SW simulcast; is it *ever* mentioned on air? Searching the website on CFRX, it`s only mentioned here for QSLing, without explaining where or what it is:
Searching separately on 6070 gets *zero* hits.
At 0627 I was apparently hearing the `Humble & Fred` show at 12-2 am ET including Saturdays, not 24/7 Comedy. Here`s the program schedule, which defaults to the current day of week:
Lots of variety but too many of the shows are merely named for the host with no info about subject matter, politix, etc. They also carry some stuff from CTV; and from CBS-TV including `60 Minutes` at 0000 UT Mondays (but RHC will block that), and radio`s `CBS Weekly World News Roundup` at 5-6 am Saturdays (10-11 UT), when only co-channel is North Korea. No doubt all programming will shift one UT hour earlier already March 9 with the far-too-soon advent of DST, as ordered by the USA!
As for the weaker signals I have been getting, Karl Zuk commented at 2119 UT Feb 20: ``CFRX 6070 still in a full blaze of glory in signal strength about 45 miles north of NYC``. Proximity counts, but maybe also more direxional now? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 9465-9490, Feb 22 at 1440, approx. range of filthy distorted FMy spurs presumably out of the 9450 CNR1 jammer, instead of on the low side; but totally blasted amid by 9475 WTWW SFAW. If WTWW is not a problem for 9475 R. Australia, the spurs will be, over there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 5025, Feb 22 at 0622, R. Rebelde is off again, and along with it any possible leapfrogs with 5040 RHC upon 5010, 5055 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NEW ZEALAND. 11725, Feb 22 at 0650, looking for lullabyes, I settle on the good signal from RNZI, during `Saturday Night With Peter Fry` from RNZ National. Great selexion of requested music; I doze off mostly asleep, but perceive ``Oxygène IV`` by Jean-Michel Jarre until more awakened by sign-off at 0758*. Complete playlist is here:
The total show is 7-11 pm [0600-1000 UT during DST] but RNZI SW schedule names it only after 0808, while from 0600 shows generic ``RNZ National`` which in fact also contains `Saturday Night`, and news on the hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-USB, Feb 22 at 0227, tnx to Terry Krueger tip, Undercover Radio pirate is heard, good signal requiring some attenuation vs pumping; promoting black or white T-shirts of the station from or --- Dr Benway has learnt from Radio Free Whatever, which used it for a new transmitter, that is a good way to raise money, apparently anonymously, but in this case the proceeds to go to ``wounded warriors`` --- is that generic, or a specific charity? Dr Benway is mostly talking and checking orders in real time for the T-shirts, trying to reach the 20 minimum required by the T-shirt printer to energize the order for white ones; black ones have already 37 signed up. If minimum is not reached, says money will be refunded, $15 each. Says he doesn`t touch the money. Takes two weeks to get orders out, so hurry if you want to wear one to the Winterfest, as he suggests. While
black ones may be ``cooler`` now, they certainly won`t be come summer. BTW, if you are referring to symmetrical T-shirts, always capitalize the T!
IDs every so often as ``Undercover Radio, from the middle of nowhere``, and at 0230 says is getting ``all the way to California`` which implies UCR is in eastern North America! Then into a story about spring, with musical accompaniment: he was looking for a new transmitter site, leading to adventures; by 0235 it`s `cello strumming, SFX, and about looking at the stars with a night-vision scope, and how about converting the visible to the audible?
At 0245 starts to play an old announcement from 2004(?) with the Merlin maildrop address, but interrupts it since Merlin has closed; now use e-mail only. 0256, starts playing recording of twentieth anniversary broadcast, which must have been 1996y since refers to starting in 1976. And I need to move on, as it`s time for Sting on PBS. Was the 20-white-T-shirt goal reached? Yes, per website at 1734 UT Feb 22, now at 23, with goal now of 100; and linx to beneficiary:
** SPAIN [and non]. 21640, Sat Feb 22 at 1342, REE is back on clear frequency after lapsing to 21630 yesterday. Good thing too, as on Saturday, BBC Hausa via Ascension 21630 has started earlier instead of 1400 weekdays. (Not in Aoki, but in HFCC as 1230-1500 only on Saturdays). (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. 7345-USB, Feb 22 at 1447, apparent Navy MARS net discussing schedules with net designators but not revealing frequencies; among calls mentioned fonetikally, NNN0TWA, and from Air Force, AFA4PM. Also with very weak AM carrier, presumably a non-jammer CNR1 Beijing per Aoki. I also heard NNN0TWA last August on 7345 at 1313 and searched him out to be Jim in Tennessee. AFA4PM is also in TN per an exhaustive roster via (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9955, Sat Feb 22 at 0636, WRMI VG in Spanish about history of radio in Ecuador, so probably the `Historias de Radio` show if not another one from Argentina, `La Rosa de Tokio` --- despite Brother Scare supposedly scheduled seven days a week from 0600 on 9955. Just another anomaly from Okeechobee. Meanwhile BS is really on 9840 and presumably 7570.
9955, Sat Feb 22 at 1323, interesting feature about a piano-maker, from R. Prague, but cut off incomplete at 1329.5 by Bob Zanotti`s ID still skipping the dot after www (and the nine syllables of www are a waste, since it`s optional before, in order to start 1330 preacher on time, listed as `Tell the World Ministry` until 1345 `Viva Miami`. Seems R. Prague will not always fit into the 24.5 minutes allotted for it Mon-Sat following the pentaminute `End Times Coming` daily at 1300-1305 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9330.0-CUSB, Feb 22 at 1316, WBCQ is back on-frequency, following my report a sesquiday earlier of 9331.34; usual GFRN preaching, only a poor signal. Switched back to main transmitter, or adjusted the backup? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1440, Feb 22 at 0500-0506 UT, tried for the underpublicized DX test from WFNY, 1440, Gloversville in upstate New York, not expecting to hear it, especially if on 0.5 kW night power N/S rather than 5 kW ND day facility. And indeed not heard: 1440 dominated by an ESPN station, presumably usual WGEM Quincy IL in same direxion; and also by some Spanish, presumably KTNO The Metroplex TX, even tho it`s allegedly only 350 watts at night.
WFNY test was not a no-show, as Steve Francis in Alcoa TN reported ``code heard at midnight!`` DXers in NJ, and even IL and NE also heard the code (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 28500-USB, Feb 21 at 2202-2206, pileup calling Elmo, but of course never mentioning anything but their own callsigns, including K2RD, K7RQ, W7RPT. Couldn`t hear Elmo on this or nearby frequencies; anybody know who and where? I notice that even 6m was open from LU Argentina to USA; difference of opinions whether F2 or TE propagation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
DX RE MIX NEWS # 839 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov. Date: Feb.22, 2014
Also visit to: <> and <>
CLANDESTINE The following two transmissions of NEXUS-IBA IRRS Shortwave
via Radiocom already are jammed with white noise like broadband DRM
Radio Xoriyo
1500-1530 on 15515 TIG 150 kW / 175 deg to EaAf Somali Fri
Radio Warra Wangeelaa-ti
1500-1530 on 15515 TIG 150 kW / 165 deg to EaAf Oromo Sat
UNIDentified broadcast of NEXUS-IBA IRRS Shortwave after R.Xoriyo 1500-1530
1530-1600 on 15515 TIG 150 kW / 175 deg to EaAf Arabic on Fri, February 21.
This broadcast is not jammed with white noise like broadband DRM
CLANDESTINE Frequency changes of R.Tamazuj & R.Dabanga in Sudanese Arabic
Radio Tamazuj
0400-0430 NF 15530 DHA 250 kW / 240 deg to EaAf, ex 13800//11940MDC,7315SMG
1500-1530 NF 15530 SMG 250 kW / 150 deg to EaAf, ex 15535//13800MDC
Radio Dabanga
0430-0600 NF 15530 DHA 250 kW / 240 deg to EaAf, ex 13800//11940MDC,7315SMG
1530-1630 NF 15530 SMG 250 kW / 150 deg to EaAf, ex 15535//13800MDC
CUBA Unscheduled frequency of Radio Habana Cuba on February 21:
0500-0600 on 6070 HAB 250 kW / 315 deg to NWAm Spanish, SINPO 35543
// frequency 5040 QVC 100 kW / 130 deg to SoAm Spanish, SINPO 45544
No trace on other three frequencies in Spanish 9810, 11840 and 15230
GREECE Observations of ERT from 0530 to 1430 UTC:
from 0530 on 7475 AVL 100 kW / 182 deg to NoAf Greek
from 0530 on 9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek
from 0530 on 11645 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek
Change of frequencies has been made between 0900-1000
from 1000 NF 15650*AVL 100 kW / 260 deg to CeEu Greek, instead of 11645
from 1000 on 7475#AVL 100 kW / 182 deg to NoAf Greek
from 1000 on 9420^AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek
* co-ch Radio Farda in Persian till 1200
# co-ch Radio Liberty in Tajik from 1400
^ co-ch China National Radio 13 in Uyghur from 1100
The broadcasts has been stopped immediately at 1428
from 0530 on 7475 AVL 100 kW / 182 deg to NoAf Greek
from 0530 on 9420^AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek
from 0530 on 11645*AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek
^ co-ch China National Radio 13 in Uyghur from 1100
* co-ch Voice of America Mandarin Chinese 0900-1100
The broadcasts has been stopped immediately at 1258
from 0530 on 7475 AVL 100 kW / 182 deg to NoAf Greek
from 0530 on 9420^AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek
from 0530 on 11645*AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek
^ co-ch China National Radio 13 in Uyghur from 1100
* co-ch Voice of America Mandarin Chinese 0900-1100
The broadcasts has been stopped immediately at 1313
Feb.20 no signal from 0530 on 7475,9420,11645(15650)
from 0530 on 7475 AVL 100 kW / 182 deg to NoAf Greek
from 0530 on 9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek
from 0530 on 11645 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek
The broadcasts has been stopped immediately at 0743
from 0530 on 7475 AVL 100 kW / 182 deg to NoAf Greek
from 0530 on 9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek
from 0530 on 11645 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek
The broadcasts has been stopped immediately at 0708
INDONESIA Winter B-13 schedule of Voice of Indonesia:
1000-1100 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 135 deg to AUS English
1100-1200 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 010 deg to EaAs Chinese
1200-1300 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 010 deg to EaAs Japanese
1300-1400 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 010 deg to EaAs English
1400-1500 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 010 deg to EaAs Indonesian
1500-1600 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 010 deg to EaAs Chinese
1600-1700 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 290 deg to N/ME Arabic
1700-1800 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 290 deg to WeEu Spanish
1800-1900 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 290 deg to WeEu German
1900-2000 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 290 deg to WeEu English
2000-2100 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 290 deg to WeEu French
KUWAIT Observations of R.Kuwait on Feb.19-21 after several days of absence
0200-0900 on 5960 KBD 250 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic Gen.Sce, comfirmed
0500-0900 on 15515 KBD 250 kW / 059 deg to EaAs Arabic Gen.Sce, comfirmed
0800-1000 on 7250 KBD 500 kW / non-dir to WeAs Persian, uncomfirmed
0930-1600 on 11630 KBD 500 kW / 230 deg to CeAf Arabic Holy Quran, comfirmed
1000-1200 on 21580 KBD 500 kW / 084 deg to EaAs Tagalog, back on air
1100-1600 on 9750 KBD 300 kW / 286 deg to NEAf Arabic Gen.Sce, back on air
1200-1600 on 21540 KBD 500 kW / 310 deg to WeEu Arabic Gen.Sce, x 0940-1800
1600-1800 on 15540 KBD 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs Urdu, back on air
1600-2100 on 6050 KBD 300 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic Gen.Sce, back on air
1700-2000 on 13650 KBD 500 kW / 350 deg to NoAm Arabic Gen.Sce, comfirmed
1800-2100 on 15540 KBD 500 kW / 310 deg to WeEu English, back on air
2000-2400 on 17550 KBD 500 kW / 350 deg to NoAm Arabic Gen.Sce, no signal
Probably 1x500 kW transmitter is damaged at present and programs are
Start and end of each broadcasts vary 5-15 minutes.
SPAIN Confusion with frequency of Radio Exterior de Espana on Feb.21:
1300-1600 NF 21630*NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish Mon-Fri, ex 21640
* co-ch BBC in Hausa 1400-1430
Radio Exterior de Espana on 21630 / 21640 till mid of February:
1300-1600 on 21630 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish Mon-Fri
1300-1700 on 21640 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish Sat/Sun
Radio Exterior de Espana on 21640 from mid of February, including on Feb.20
1300-1600 on 21640 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish Daily
1600-1700 on 21640 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish Sat/Sun
THAILAND Winter B-13 schedule of Radio Thailand (HSK9):
0000-0030 on 13745 UDO 250 kW / 006 deg to NEAm English
0030-0100 on 13745 UDO 250 kW / 030 deg to NWAm English
0100-0200 on 13745 UDO 250 kW / 038 deg to NEAm Thai
0200-0230 on 13745 UDO 250 kW / 006 deg to NEAm English
0230-0330 on 13745 UDO 250 kW / 006 deg to NEAm Thai
0530-0600 on 12015 UDO 250 kW / 308 deg to WeEu English
1000-1100 on 17630 UDO 250 kW / 300 deg to N/ME Thai
1100-1115 on 5875 UDO 250 kW / 144 deg to SEAs Vietnamese
1115-1130 on 5875 UDO 250 kW / 144 deg to SEAs Khmer
1130-1145 on 5875 UDO 250 kW / 030 deg to SEAs Lao
1145-1200 on 5875 UDO 250 kW / 276 deg to SEAs Burmese
1200-1215 on 9390 UDO 250 kW / 154 deg to SEAs Bahasa Malay
1230-1300 on 9390 UDO 250 kW / 132 deg to SEAs English
1300-1315 on 9390 UDO 250 kW / 054 deg to EaAs Japanese
1315-1330 on 9390 UDO 250 kW / 030 deg to EaAs Mandarin
1330-1400 on 9390 UDO 250 kW / 054 deg to EaAs Thai
1400-1430 on 9390 UDO 250 kW / 132 deg to SEAs English
1800-1900 on 9940 UDO 250 kW / 321 deg to WeEu Thai
1900-2000 on 9965 UDO 250 kW / 321 deg to WeEu English
2000-2015 on 9535 UDO 250 kW / 321 deg to WeEu German
2030-2045 on 9535 UDO 250 kW / 321 deg to WeEu English
2045-2115 on 9535 UDO 250 kW / 313 deg to WeEu Thai
TIBET(non) Frequency changes of Voice of Tibet from Feb.15-17:
1200-1215 on 15543 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese no change
1215-1230 on 15537 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese no change
1230-1245 on 15568 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan no change
1245-1300 NF 15562 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15573
1300-1315 NF 9332 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 9318
1300-1315 NF 15553 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15573
1315-1330 NF 9338 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 9323
1315-1330 NF 15553 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 11517
1330-1345 NF 9338 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 9323
1330-1345 NF 11527 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 11513
1345-1400 NF 9343 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 9328
1345-1400 NF 11538 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 11513
1400-1415 NF 11543 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 11507
1400-1415 on 15520 MDC 250 kW / 045 deg to CeAs Tibetan no change
1415-1430 NF 11543 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 11507
1415-1430 on 15515 MDC 250 kW / 045 deg to CeAs Tibetan no change
All frequencies are jammed by CNR-1 on xxxx0 or xxxx5
Changes between frequencies vary from 3 to 5 minutes.
USA Unscheduled broadcasts of WTWW-3 were observed on Feb.15/18/22.
Probably this unscheduled broadcasts are temporarily on air Sat/Tue??
0500-0600 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm Portuguese
0600-0900 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm Yoruba
0900-1200 on 12105*TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm Chinese
1200-1400 on 12105#TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm Russian
* co-ch KTWR Guam in Chinese 1115-1145 Mon-Fri, 1145-1200 Sat
# co-ch Radio Free Asia in Burmese from 1230
Here is the current winter B-13 schedule of WTWW-3 1400-0500, non daily
1400-1500 on 12105!TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm Russian
1500-2100 on 12105^TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm Arabic
2100-2400 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm French
0000-0300 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm Spanish
0300-0500 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm Portuguese
! co-ch Radio Free Asia in Burmese till 1430
^ co-ch Radio Dialogue in English/Shona/Ndebele 1600-1700
Changes between languages vary from 4 to 7 minutes
USA Cancelled transmissions of Brother Stair via WRMI Okeechobee FL:
0300-1300 on 9495 YFR 100 kW / 181 deg to CARR. No signal from Feb.17
Ivo Ivanov
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
DX RE MIX NEWS # 839 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov. Date: Feb.22, 2014
Also visit to: <> and <>
CLANDESTINE The following two transmissions of NEXUS-IBA IRRS Shortwave
via Radiocom already are jammed with white noise like broadband DRM
Radio Xoriyo
1500-1530 on 15515 TIG 150 kW / 175 deg to EaAf Somali Fri
Radio Warra Wangeelaa-ti
1500-1530 on 15515 TIG 150 kW / 165 deg to EaAf Oromo Sat
UNIDentified broadcast of NEXUS-IBA IRRS Shortwave after R.Xoriyo 1500-1530
1530-1600 on 15515 TIG 150 kW / 175 deg to EaAf Arabic on Fri, February 21.
This broadcast is not jammed with white noise like broadband DRM
CLANDESTINE Frequency changes of R.Tamazuj & R.Dabanga in Sudanese Arabic
Radio Tamazuj
0400-0430 NF 15530 DHA 250 kW / 240 deg to EaAf, ex 13800//11940MDC,7315SMG
1500-1530 NF 15530 SMG 250 kW / 150 deg to EaAf, ex 15535//13800MDC
Radio Dabanga
0430-0600 NF 15530 DHA 250 kW / 240 deg to EaAf, ex 13800//11940MDC,7315SMG
1530-1630 NF 15530 SMG 250 kW / 150 deg to EaAf, ex 15535//13800MDC
CUBA Unscheduled frequency of Radio Habana Cuba on February 21:
0500-0600 on 6070 HAB 250 kW / 315 deg to NWAm Spanish, SINPO 35543
// frequency 5040 QVC 100 kW / 130 deg to SoAm Spanish, SINPO 45544
No trace on other three frequencies in Spanish 9810, 11840 and 15230
GREECE Observations of ERT from 0530 to 1430 UTC:
from 0530 on 7475 AVL 100 kW / 182 deg to NoAf Greek
from 0530 on 9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek
from 0530 on 11645 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek
Change of frequencies has been made between 0900-1000
from 1000 NF 15650*AVL 100 kW / 260 deg to CeEu Greek, instead of 11645
from 1000 on 7475#AVL 100 kW / 182 deg to NoAf Greek
from 1000 on 9420^AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek
* co-ch Radio Farda in Persian till 1200
# co-ch Radio Liberty in Tajik from 1400
^ co-ch China National Radio 13 in Uyghur from 1100
The broadcasts has been stopped immediately at 1428
from 0530 on 7475 AVL 100 kW / 182 deg to NoAf Greek
from 0530 on 9420^AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek
from 0530 on 11645*AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek
^ co-ch China National Radio 13 in Uyghur from 1100
* co-ch Voice of America Mandarin Chinese 0900-1100
The broadcasts has been stopped immediately at 1258
from 0530 on 7475 AVL 100 kW / 182 deg to NoAf Greek
from 0530 on 9420^AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek
from 0530 on 11645*AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek
^ co-ch China National Radio 13 in Uyghur from 1100
* co-ch Voice of America Mandarin Chinese 0900-1100
The broadcasts has been stopped immediately at 1313
Feb.20 no signal from 0530 on 7475,9420,11645(15650)
from 0530 on 7475 AVL 100 kW / 182 deg to NoAf Greek
from 0530 on 9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek
from 0530 on 11645 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek
The broadcasts has been stopped immediately at 0743
from 0530 on 7475 AVL 100 kW / 182 deg to NoAf Greek
from 0530 on 9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek
from 0530 on 11645 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Greek
The broadcasts has been stopped immediately at 0708
INDONESIA Winter B-13 schedule of Voice of Indonesia:
1000-1100 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 135 deg to AUS English
1100-1200 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 010 deg to EaAs Chinese
1200-1300 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 010 deg to EaAs Japanese
1300-1400 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 010 deg to EaAs English
1400-1500 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 010 deg to EaAs Indonesian
1500-1600 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 010 deg to EaAs Chinese
1600-1700 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 290 deg to N/ME Arabic
1700-1800 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 290 deg to WeEu Spanish
1800-1900 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 290 deg to WeEu German
1900-2000 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 290 deg to WeEu English
2000-2100 on 9526vJAK 250 kW / 290 deg to WeEu French
KUWAIT Observations of R.Kuwait on Feb.19-21 after several days of absence
0200-0900 on 5960 KBD 250 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic Gen.Sce, comfirmed
0500-0900 on 15515 KBD 250 kW / 059 deg to EaAs Arabic Gen.Sce, comfirmed
0800-1000 on 7250 KBD 500 kW / non-dir to WeAs Persian, uncomfirmed
0930-1600 on 11630 KBD 500 kW / 230 deg to CeAf Arabic Holy Quran, comfirmed
1000-1200 on 21580 KBD 500 kW / 084 deg to EaAs Tagalog, back on air
1100-1600 on 9750 KBD 300 kW / 286 deg to NEAf Arabic Gen.Sce, back on air
1200-1600 on 21540 KBD 500 kW / 310 deg to WeEu Arabic Gen.Sce, x 0940-1800
1600-1800 on 15540 KBD 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs Urdu, back on air
1600-2100 on 6050 KBD 300 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic Gen.Sce, back on air
1700-2000 on 13650 KBD 500 kW / 350 deg to NoAm Arabic Gen.Sce, comfirmed
1800-2100 on 15540 KBD 500 kW / 310 deg to WeEu English, back on air
2000-2400 on 17550 KBD 500 kW / 350 deg to NoAm Arabic Gen.Sce, no signal
Probably 1x500 kW transmitter is damaged at present and programs are
Start and end of each broadcasts vary 5-15 minutes.
SPAIN Confusion with frequency of Radio Exterior de Espana on Feb.21:
1300-1600 NF 21630*NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish Mon-Fri, ex 21640
* co-ch BBC in Hausa 1400-1430
Radio Exterior de Espana on 21630 / 21640 till mid of February:
1300-1600 on 21630 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish Mon-Fri
1300-1700 on 21640 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish Sat/Sun
Radio Exterior de Espana on 21640 from mid of February, including on Feb.20
1300-1600 on 21640 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish Daily
1600-1700 on 21640 NOB 250 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish Sat/Sun
THAILAND Winter B-13 schedule of Radio Thailand (HSK9):
0000-0030 on 13745 UDO 250 kW / 006 deg to NEAm English
0030-0100 on 13745 UDO 250 kW / 030 deg to NWAm English
0100-0200 on 13745 UDO 250 kW / 038 deg to NEAm Thai
0200-0230 on 13745 UDO 250 kW / 006 deg to NEAm English
0230-0330 on 13745 UDO 250 kW / 006 deg to NEAm Thai
0530-0600 on 12015 UDO 250 kW / 308 deg to WeEu English
1000-1100 on 17630 UDO 250 kW / 300 deg to N/ME Thai
1100-1115 on 5875 UDO 250 kW / 144 deg to SEAs Vietnamese
1115-1130 on 5875 UDO 250 kW / 144 deg to SEAs Khmer
1130-1145 on 5875 UDO 250 kW / 030 deg to SEAs Lao
1145-1200 on 5875 UDO 250 kW / 276 deg to SEAs Burmese
1200-1215 on 9390 UDO 250 kW / 154 deg to SEAs Bahasa Malay
1230-1300 on 9390 UDO 250 kW / 132 deg to SEAs English
1300-1315 on 9390 UDO 250 kW / 054 deg to EaAs Japanese
1315-1330 on 9390 UDO 250 kW / 030 deg to EaAs Mandarin
1330-1400 on 9390 UDO 250 kW / 054 deg to EaAs Thai
1400-1430 on 9390 UDO 250 kW / 132 deg to SEAs English
1800-1900 on 9940 UDO 250 kW / 321 deg to WeEu Thai
1900-2000 on 9965 UDO 250 kW / 321 deg to WeEu English
2000-2015 on 9535 UDO 250 kW / 321 deg to WeEu German
2030-2045 on 9535 UDO 250 kW / 321 deg to WeEu English
2045-2115 on 9535 UDO 250 kW / 313 deg to WeEu Thai
TIBET(non) Frequency changes of Voice of Tibet from Feb.15-17:
1200-1215 on 15543 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese no change
1215-1230 on 15537 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese no change
1230-1245 on 15568 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan no change
1245-1300 NF 15562 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15573
1300-1315 NF 9332 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 9318
1300-1315 NF 15553 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15573
1315-1330 NF 9338 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 9323
1315-1330 NF 15553 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 11517
1330-1345 NF 9338 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 9323
1330-1345 NF 11527 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 11513
1345-1400 NF 9343 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 9328
1345-1400 NF 11538 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 11513
1400-1415 NF 11543 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 11507
1400-1415 on 15520 MDC 250 kW / 045 deg to CeAs Tibetan no change
1415-1430 NF 11543 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 11507
1415-1430 on 15515 MDC 250 kW / 045 deg to CeAs Tibetan no change
All frequencies are jammed by CNR-1 on xxxx0 or xxxx5
Changes between frequencies vary from 3 to 5 minutes.
USA Unscheduled broadcasts of WTWW-3 were observed on Feb.15/18/22.
Probably this unscheduled broadcasts are temporarily on air Sat/Tue??
0500-0600 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm Portuguese
0600-0900 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm Yoruba
0900-1200 on 12105*TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm Chinese
1200-1400 on 12105#TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm Russian
* co-ch KTWR Guam in Chinese 1115-1145 Mon-Fri, 1145-1200 Sat
# co-ch Radio Free Asia in Burmese from 1230
Here is the current winter B-13 schedule of WTWW-3 1400-0500, non daily
1400-1500 on 12105!TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm Russian
1500-2100 on 12105^TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm Arabic
2100-2400 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm French
0000-0300 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm Spanish
0300-0500 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm Portuguese
! co-ch Radio Free Asia in Burmese till 1430
^ co-ch Radio Dialogue in English/Shona/Ndebele 1600-1700
Changes between languages vary from 4 to 7 minutes
USA Cancelled transmissions of Brother Stair via WRMI Okeechobee FL:
0300-1300 on 9495 YFR 100 kW / 181 deg to CARR. No signal from Feb.17
Ivo Ivanov
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
Ascolti AM Treviso Feb. 21
1548 21/02 800 Gold Radio UK, Saffron Green TS Info ID Nx QRM Voice of Russia E 22422
11945 21/02 811 Radio Australia, Shepparton Mx E 34444
13840 21/02 1220 Radio New Zealand, Rangitaiki Px E 33433
15610 21/02 1223 WEWN Catholic Radio, Birmingham AL Px rel. E 34444
17595 21/02 1224 R. Exterior Espana, Noblejas Px Es 34544
73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso, Italia
Ant.: esterna VHF azimuth 230 + quadro DLF 1539 kHz
11945 21/02 811 Radio Australia, Shepparton Mx E 34444
13840 21/02 1220 Radio New Zealand, Rangitaiki Px E 33433
15610 21/02 1223 WEWN Catholic Radio, Birmingham AL Px rel. E 34444
17595 21/02 1224 R. Exterior Espana, Noblejas Px Es 34544
73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso, Italia
Ant.: esterna VHF azimuth 230 + quadro DLF 1539 kHz
Frequency changes of Shiokaze Sea Breeze
JAPAN(non) Frequency changes of clandestine broadcast Shiokaze Sea Breeze
1330-1430 NF 6135 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5910 Japanese Mon/Wed/Thu
1330-1430 NF 6135 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5910 Chinese/Korean Tue
1330-1430 NF 6135 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5910 English Fri
1330-1430 NF 6135 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5910 Korean/Japanese Sat
1330-1430 NF 6135 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5910 Japanese/Korean Sun
1600-1700 NF 5910 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5975 Japanese Mon/Wed/Thu
1600-1700 NF 5910 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5975 Chinese/Korean Tue
1600-1700 NF 5910 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5975 English Fri
1600-1700 NF 5910 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5975 Korean/Japanese Sat
1600-1700 NF 5910 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5975 Japanese/Korean Sun
Ivo Ivanov
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
1330-1430 NF 6135 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5910 Japanese Mon/Wed/Thu
1330-1430 NF 6135 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5910 Chinese/Korean Tue
1330-1430 NF 6135 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5910 English Fri
1330-1430 NF 6135 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5910 Korean/Japanese Sat
1330-1430 NF 6135 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5910 Japanese/Korean Sun
1600-1700 NF 5910 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5975 Japanese Mon/Wed/Thu
1600-1700 NF 5910 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5975 Chinese/Korean Tue
1600-1700 NF 5910 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5975 English Fri
1600-1700 NF 5910 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5975 Korean/Japanese Sat
1600-1700 NF 5910 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg to KRE, ex 5975 Japanese/Korean Sun
Ivo Ivanov
QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
VOA Radiogram, 22-23 Feb: MFSK32, 64, 64L
VOA Radiogram during the weekend of 22-23 February will include MFSK32, MFSK64, and MFSK64L, as well as several images and a greeting to the WinteRFest in Perry, Iowa.
Details at
VOA Radiogram transmission schedule
(all days and times UTC):
Sat 0930-1000 5745 kHz
Sat 1600-1630 17860 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz
Details at
VOA Radiogram transmission schedule
(all days and times UTC):
Sat 0930-1000 5745 kHz
Sat 1600-1630 17860 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz
Ascolti AM Luca Botto Fiora
Ascolti AM (orari UTC)
Sabato 15 febbraio 2014
*12.00 - 7265 kHz (VR5000DSP)
via MVBR - Göhren (Germania)
Svedese, parlato OMs e alcuni oldies.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente
Prossima trasmissione sabato 15 marzo.
Venerdì 21 febbraio 2014
05.00 - 9955 kHz (PL-660 SYNC-U)
Okeechobee-FL (USA)
Spagnolo, nxs YL+OM.
Segnale buono-sufficiente
(emissione in onda solo il 21 febbraio)
16.30 - 15215 kHz (PL-660 SYNC-U)
Conversazione o conferenza in frieslan.
In alcuni momenti è sembrato ci fossero anche annunci in EE.
Possibile o sono somiglianze della lingua frieslan?
Segnale sufficiente-buono
Tra le 16.00 e le 16.30 la ricezione non era possibile
per la presenza sul canale di AWR Guam.
QRM BSKSA 15205+15225 kHz.
Luca Botto Fiora
QTH Rapallo (Genova) - Italia
G.C. 44° 21' 06.89" N / 09° 13' 30.94" E
Set 1 (LW-MW-SW)
R7 Drake
PL-660 Tecsun
VR5000DSP Yaesu
(da 70 kHz a 2 MHz)
Loop in ferrite di 75 cm ACA modificata per LW-VLF
(da 2 a 5-6 MHz)
Loop magnetico interno tipo KR1ST 150x100 cm su finestra
(da 5-6 a 30 MHz)
Dipolo "windom" 21 metri
Balun 4:1 bifilare su ferrite cm 20x1 (17 spire)
Isolatore di linea (ø 20 cm x 6 spire di RG174)
(per loop MW-VLF)
Preamplificatore RF K0LR-WA1ION autocostruito (escludibile)
(per loop e dipolo HF)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 modificato W8JI (escludibile)
Preamplificatore RF kit LX1456 NE (escludibile)
Splitters 0-1000 MHz a 2 vie GBC
Set 2 (LW-MW)
E5 Etón
Loop in ferrite di 75 cm ACA
ICD-B500 (VR5000DSP)
ICD-BX800 (PL-660)
ICD-BX112 (R7 - E5)
Audacity 2.0.5 (acquisizione-conversione audio)
DXToolbox 4.1.1 demo (propagazione)
EarthDesk 6.3 demo (scrivania-orologio mondiale)
HourWorld 3.4.4 demo (orologio mondiale)
Multimode 6.3.1 demo Black Cat Systems (UTEs)
TimePalette 6.2 demo (orologio mondiale)
SmartPad 7.0 Go Mediacom
Sabato 15 febbraio 2014
*12.00 - 7265 kHz (VR5000DSP)
via MVBR - Göhren (Germania)
Svedese, parlato OMs e alcuni oldies.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente
Prossima trasmissione sabato 15 marzo.
Venerdì 21 febbraio 2014
05.00 - 9955 kHz (PL-660 SYNC-U)
Okeechobee-FL (USA)
Spagnolo, nxs YL+OM.
Segnale buono-sufficiente
(emissione in onda solo il 21 febbraio)
16.30 - 15215 kHz (PL-660 SYNC-U)
Conversazione o conferenza in frieslan.
In alcuni momenti è sembrato ci fossero anche annunci in EE.
Possibile o sono somiglianze della lingua frieslan?
Segnale sufficiente-buono
Tra le 16.00 e le 16.30 la ricezione non era possibile
per la presenza sul canale di AWR Guam.
QRM BSKSA 15205+15225 kHz.
Luca Botto Fiora
QTH Rapallo (Genova) - Italia
G.C. 44° 21' 06.89" N / 09° 13' 30.94" E
Set 1 (LW-MW-SW)
R7 Drake
PL-660 Tecsun
VR5000DSP Yaesu
(da 70 kHz a 2 MHz)
Loop in ferrite di 75 cm ACA modificata per LW-VLF
(da 2 a 5-6 MHz)
Loop magnetico interno tipo KR1ST 150x100 cm su finestra
(da 5-6 a 30 MHz)
Dipolo "windom" 21 metri
Balun 4:1 bifilare su ferrite cm 20x1 (17 spire)
Isolatore di linea (ø 20 cm x 6 spire di RG174)
(per loop MW-VLF)
Preamplificatore RF K0LR-WA1ION autocostruito (escludibile)
(per loop e dipolo HF)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 modificato W8JI (escludibile)
Preamplificatore RF kit LX1456 NE (escludibile)
Splitters 0-1000 MHz a 2 vie GBC
Set 2 (LW-MW)
E5 Etón
Loop in ferrite di 75 cm ACA
ICD-B500 (VR5000DSP)
ICD-BX800 (PL-660)
ICD-BX112 (R7 - E5)
Audacity 2.0.5 (acquisizione-conversione audio)
DXToolbox 4.1.1 demo (propagazione)
EarthDesk 6.3 demo (scrivania-orologio mondiale)
HourWorld 3.4.4 demo (orologio mondiale)
Multimode 6.3.1 demo Black Cat Systems (UTEs)
TimePalette 6.2 demo (orologio mondiale)
SmartPad 7.0 Go Mediacom
venerdì 21 febbraio 2014
Glenn Hauser logs February 21, 2014
** CUBA [and non]. 6070, Feb 21 at 0523, RHC Spanish is still on here; I seldom monitor before 0600, but had thought it finished at 0500, opening up 6070 then for CFRX. Ivo Ivanov also thought it unusual they were on past 0500; but WRTH 2013 shows 6070 at 00-06. Meanwhile, CFRX manages to cause a weak LAH against RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CYPRUS. 21785-21810, Feb 21 at 1445, OTH radar pulses, presumed from here, in typical 25-kHz bandwidth.
First log after scheduled local power outage started, to replace a pole, from 1442 UT lasting until 1840. Line noise level is somewhat lower, but still hardly quiet, and punxuated by occasional blasts as the crew must be messing with the nearby live wires. At least I know that all the household devices are definitely off, while I`m running the FRG-7 on its D-cell battery pack, backed up by the DX-398 with its AAs. Once installed, line noise level is no lower than before (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [non]. 17790, Feb 21 at *1450, WRMI seems to have just come on air with carrier, and R. Africa Network undermodulation by 1452. Don`t know whether momentary interruption, or not on air at all from scheduled *1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GERMANY. 15215, Feb 21 at *1559 strong open carrier after very weak signal earlier, presumably VOA English via Thailand. 1559:15 a bit of music, back to dead air; 1600:06 English sign on by Radio Öömrang for its annual broadcast; mentions 500 kW using dynamic amplitude modulation because it is very economic. Credits for funding and producing the show. It`s mainly for New York, where there are now more immigrants from the Frisian Islands than in the home territory.
The hour mixes High German, passable English, and some segments in the Frisian dialect(s). Host says it`s an annual tradition, now it its ninth year. Mostly interviewing local people, and explaining in English what they are talking about. Says needs donates due to the high cost of the broadcast; address in Nebel. Interviews woman with theatre group; 1619 some facts about tourism: because of high demand, people need to book rooms a year in advance; 1626 about the tradition of burning on a woodpile a straw puppy (puppet?), made by children (which should be tonight); later discusses an accordion group`s trip to New York 25 years ago, usw., usw. Abruptly cut off the air at 1658* after fragment of a song.
Site is of course, Nauen, GERMANY. They might have managed with one of the cheaper 100 kW units, or better yet, to just reach NY and eastern NAm, WRMI at a-dollar-a-minute. There was no problem here from co-channel KSDA GUAM at 1600-1630 daily, but it was a big problem in Cairo, says Tarek Zeidan. I recorded the opening and parts later, may availablize them if someone else doesn`t (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN. 15525, Feb 21 at 1534, very poor signal with talk, ACI from 15530 now that Dabanga has moved down 5 kHz. HFCC shows this can only be IRIB in English at 1520-1620, 500 kW, 105 degrees from Kamalabad (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA NORTH [non]. 6135, Feb 21 at 1406, very poor signal in noise, but I can make out the typical sounders of Sea Breeze, and intonation sounds like English as normally on Fridays. New/reactivated frequency, ex-5910 as first reported by Ron Howard yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 7490, Feb 21 at 0643, BS via WHRI but also with a LAH. Suspect WBCQ`s off-frequency carrier is still on to QRM. See also USA: WRMI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN. 21630, Friday Feb 21 at 1445, REE is back here instead of 21640 which it had been using for a couple weeks. Presumably for the entire broadcast including resuming collision with BBC Ascension in Hausa at 1400-1430. Yes, Ivo Ivanov also noted this during the clash. So now the WRTH Update is `wrong` again, because REE can`t keep its act together, and just stay on 21640 where it will not collide with BBC or WHRI or anything. Spain runs until 1700, while WHRI is registered 16-18 daily, plus 15-16 weekends (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SUDAN [and non]. 15530, Feb 21 at 1531, R. Dabanga in presumed Sudanese Arabic, mentions of Darfur, and finally of Dabanga at 1533.4, an unusually long interval with no passing ID, and still not a sung ID. Is via VATICAN, ex-15535, leaving the tone jammer barely audible here on the old frequency; only a matter of time till they catch on. Any other reason for moving? At least it`s all standard now, as Ivo Ivanov reports for this and preceding allied R. Tamazuj: all on 15530 in the mornings 0400-0600 via UAE, and evenings 1500-1630 via Vatican, ex-13800 and 15535 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1709 monitoring: NOT confirmed UT Friday Feb 21 at 0430v on WWRB, because 3195 is off the air, and so is the webcast, and so is the only other frequency, 3185. Did not recheck before 0500; however, at 0519, I find that 3185 is back on with BS, while 3195 would have signed off anyway. Good thing for our redundancy on four US SW stations, as hardly a week goes by without one broadcast or another missing for some reason. Next:
Saturday 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB
UT Sunday 0030 on WRMI 9495 [or previous episode, like last week]
UT Sunday 0030 on WTWW 5085
UT Sunday 0501 on WTWW 5830
UT Monday 0400v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
etc., etc. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9955, Feb 21 at 0525, WRMI at VG level with music fill, well over jamming; 0529 Spanish ID, 0530 R. Slovakia International in Spanish. Meanwhile, 9840, the BS frequency at 0525 is dead air past 0529. By 0636, both are in BS, 9955 weaker, with 9840 JBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also EQUATORIAL GUINEA [non]
** U S A. 17750-17790, Feb 21 at 1449, KVOH 17775 already up to VG level today, and along with it the noise field almost reaching 17790 WRMI, but worse to the low side, and especially during music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 810, Feb 21 at 0700 UT, dominant signal is KLVZ Brighton-Denver CO including one legal ID and several more with promo variations on ``Where Love Lives``. Allegedly 430 watts at nite vs 2200 day; night pattern does have a little lobe SE toward us, while day pattern goes SW.
As usual, nothing from WHB Kansas City, our daytime dominator, since at nite it has a tight figure-8 to the NNW/SSE. I was checking 810 due to recent reports of WQIZ, 5 kW daytimer in St George SC, on the air at night QRMing WGY in the East. Which reminded me that I don`t think I`ve ever heard historic WGY Schenectady in OK, despite its class I-A status of 50 kW non-direxional day and night, supposedly requiring everystation else to protect it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1020, Feb 21 at 0654 UT, semi-local KOKP Perry OK unusually has some Spanish in its null with norteña music, so is it from northern Mexico? No! Soon ID at ``La Nueva 10-20 --- de Omaha``. (It`s been ``new`` for quite a while now.) This is how I would normally hear it around sunrise once 50 kW day power is going, not 1.4 kW night power. Pattern for both is an ellipsoid tangent to and aimed due west from KMMQ Plattsmouth NE, so we should not be getting much signal day or night to the SSW. Usually at night, KDKA makes it in the KOKP null (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 8218-SSB, approx., Spanish 2-way, discussing quantities of fluids on board and expended, such as hydraulic, and potable water (note, in English it`s POE-, not POT-), repeating numbers clearly for accurate copy; also mentions ``la plataforma`` so suspect it`s an oil rig in the Gulf (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report despatched at 2130 UT February 21
** CYPRUS. 21785-21810, Feb 21 at 1445, OTH radar pulses, presumed from here, in typical 25-kHz bandwidth.
First log after scheduled local power outage started, to replace a pole, from 1442 UT lasting until 1840. Line noise level is somewhat lower, but still hardly quiet, and punxuated by occasional blasts as the crew must be messing with the nearby live wires. At least I know that all the household devices are definitely off, while I`m running the FRG-7 on its D-cell battery pack, backed up by the DX-398 with its AAs. Once installed, line noise level is no lower than before (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [non]. 17790, Feb 21 at *1450, WRMI seems to have just come on air with carrier, and R. Africa Network undermodulation by 1452. Don`t know whether momentary interruption, or not on air at all from scheduled *1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GERMANY. 15215, Feb 21 at *1559 strong open carrier after very weak signal earlier, presumably VOA English via Thailand. 1559:15 a bit of music, back to dead air; 1600:06 English sign on by Radio Öömrang for its annual broadcast; mentions 500 kW using dynamic amplitude modulation because it is very economic. Credits for funding and producing the show. It`s mainly for New York, where there are now more immigrants from the Frisian Islands than in the home territory.
The hour mixes High German, passable English, and some segments in the Frisian dialect(s). Host says it`s an annual tradition, now it its ninth year. Mostly interviewing local people, and explaining in English what they are talking about. Says needs donates due to the high cost of the broadcast; address in Nebel. Interviews woman with theatre group; 1619 some facts about tourism: because of high demand, people need to book rooms a year in advance; 1626 about the tradition of burning on a woodpile a straw puppy (puppet?), made by children (which should be tonight); later discusses an accordion group`s trip to New York 25 years ago, usw., usw. Abruptly cut off the air at 1658* after fragment of a song.
Site is of course, Nauen, GERMANY. They might have managed with one of the cheaper 100 kW units, or better yet, to just reach NY and eastern NAm, WRMI at a-dollar-a-minute. There was no problem here from co-channel KSDA GUAM at 1600-1630 daily, but it was a big problem in Cairo, says Tarek Zeidan. I recorded the opening and parts later, may availablize them if someone else doesn`t (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN. 15525, Feb 21 at 1534, very poor signal with talk, ACI from 15530 now that Dabanga has moved down 5 kHz. HFCC shows this can only be IRIB in English at 1520-1620, 500 kW, 105 degrees from Kamalabad (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA NORTH [non]. 6135, Feb 21 at 1406, very poor signal in noise, but I can make out the typical sounders of Sea Breeze, and intonation sounds like English as normally on Fridays. New/reactivated frequency, ex-5910 as first reported by Ron Howard yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 7490, Feb 21 at 0643, BS via WHRI but also with a LAH. Suspect WBCQ`s off-frequency carrier is still on to QRM. See also USA: WRMI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN. 21630, Friday Feb 21 at 1445, REE is back here instead of 21640 which it had been using for a couple weeks. Presumably for the entire broadcast including resuming collision with BBC Ascension in Hausa at 1400-1430. Yes, Ivo Ivanov also noted this during the clash. So now the WRTH Update is `wrong` again, because REE can`t keep its act together, and just stay on 21640 where it will not collide with BBC or WHRI or anything. Spain runs until 1700, while WHRI is registered 16-18 daily, plus 15-16 weekends (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SUDAN [and non]. 15530, Feb 21 at 1531, R. Dabanga in presumed Sudanese Arabic, mentions of Darfur, and finally of Dabanga at 1533.4, an unusually long interval with no passing ID, and still not a sung ID. Is via VATICAN, ex-15535, leaving the tone jammer barely audible here on the old frequency; only a matter of time till they catch on. Any other reason for moving? At least it`s all standard now, as Ivo Ivanov reports for this and preceding allied R. Tamazuj: all on 15530 in the mornings 0400-0600 via UAE, and evenings 1500-1630 via Vatican, ex-13800 and 15535 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1709 monitoring: NOT confirmed UT Friday Feb 21 at 0430v on WWRB, because 3195 is off the air, and so is the webcast, and so is the only other frequency, 3185. Did not recheck before 0500; however, at 0519, I find that 3185 is back on with BS, while 3195 would have signed off anyway. Good thing for our redundancy on four US SW stations, as hardly a week goes by without one broadcast or another missing for some reason. Next:
Saturday 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB
UT Sunday 0030 on WRMI 9495 [or previous episode, like last week]
UT Sunday 0030 on WTWW 5085
UT Sunday 0501 on WTWW 5830
UT Monday 0400v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
etc., etc. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9955, Feb 21 at 0525, WRMI at VG level with music fill, well over jamming; 0529 Spanish ID, 0530 R. Slovakia International in Spanish. Meanwhile, 9840, the BS frequency at 0525 is dead air past 0529. By 0636, both are in BS, 9955 weaker, with 9840 JBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also EQUATORIAL GUINEA [non]
** U S A. 17750-17790, Feb 21 at 1449, KVOH 17775 already up to VG level today, and along with it the noise field almost reaching 17790 WRMI, but worse to the low side, and especially during music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 810, Feb 21 at 0700 UT, dominant signal is KLVZ Brighton-Denver CO including one legal ID and several more with promo variations on ``Where Love Lives``. Allegedly 430 watts at nite vs 2200 day; night pattern does have a little lobe SE toward us, while day pattern goes SW.
As usual, nothing from WHB Kansas City, our daytime dominator, since at nite it has a tight figure-8 to the NNW/SSE. I was checking 810 due to recent reports of WQIZ, 5 kW daytimer in St George SC, on the air at night QRMing WGY in the East. Which reminded me that I don`t think I`ve ever heard historic WGY Schenectady in OK, despite its class I-A status of 50 kW non-direxional day and night, supposedly requiring everystation else to protect it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1020, Feb 21 at 0654 UT, semi-local KOKP Perry OK unusually has some Spanish in its null with norteña music, so is it from northern Mexico? No! Soon ID at ``La Nueva 10-20 --- de Omaha``. (It`s been ``new`` for quite a while now.) This is how I would normally hear it around sunrise once 50 kW day power is going, not 1.4 kW night power. Pattern for both is an ellipsoid tangent to and aimed due west from KMMQ Plattsmouth NE, so we should not be getting much signal day or night to the SSW. Usually at night, KDKA makes it in the KOKP null (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 8218-SSB, approx., Spanish 2-way, discussing quantities of fluids on board and expended, such as hydraulic, and potable water (note, in English it`s POE-, not POT-), repeating numbers clearly for accurate copy; also mentions ``la plataforma`` so suspect it`s an oil rig in the Gulf (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report despatched at 2130 UT February 21
HLR, R City and R Gloria Relays this weekend
Transmissions on Saturday, All time in UTC
6 - 9, HLR on 7265 KHz
9 - 12, HLR on 6190 KHz
6 - 9, HLR on 7265 KHz
9 - 12, HLR on 6190 KHz
12 - 13, HLR on 7265 KHz
13 - 14, R City on 7265 KHz
14 - 16, HLR on 7265 KHz
Transmissions on Sunday, All time in UTC
13 - 14, R City on 7265 KHz
14 - 16, HLR on 7265 KHz
Transmissions on Sunday, All time in UTC
7 - 9, RGI on 7265 KHz
9 - 11, RGI on 9480 KHz
10 - 11, RGI on 6005 / 7310
12 - 14, HLR on 9480 KHz
12 - 14, HLR on 9480 KHz
16 - 18, RGI on the Internet ! „" or „"
Good Listening!
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