** ALASKA. 9655, July 5 at 0846, good signal in Russian, ``This is my father`s world``, into gospel rock in English; KNLS as in their schedule Russian this hour, unlike HFCC which shows Chinese-Mandarin (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake July 5, just one quick check:
15445, fair at 1216
** COLOMBIA. 1140, July 5 at 0216 UT on the caradio as we are parked awaiting the Enid fireworx show near Meadowlake Park, I am still trying to ID the Spanish gospel stuff I am hearing here if it`s not XEMR Monterrey, which isn`t supposed to be religious. A clear ID as ``Radio Esperanza 11-40 AM`` goes by, plus praise music in Spanish. Can`t wait to get home and google on that, which leads right to: Cartagena, Colombia. WRTH also lists that slogan for HJKO, 10 kW in Cartagena, and nothing else in Latin America on 1140. See http://www.radioesperanza1140.com/nosotros.html
Programación page shows a strange schedule, weekdays 1:30 am to 8:15 or 8:30 pm [UT - 5 = 0530-0115/0130], except Fridays all night UT Saturdays, but quite a bit less on weekends; I assume it is incomplete. `Enfoque a la Familia` is at 0530, which should not be too hard to recognize if it`s still vigent. It would be nice to hear a call sign or Cartagena mentioned too (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1624, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [This item is identical to last report, except date corrected instead of UT July 4]
** COLOMBIA. 14950.75, UT July 6 at 0144, Salem Stereo with the strongest signal yet, during preaching about redemption with God. Unfortunately my local noise level is also stronger than usual without which it would have been quite readable if I cared to do so; I`d prefer the music, but the novelty of this is starting to wear off, lacking any programming of genuine interest. I see it is running all-night; Dave Valko, PA, had it around 0800 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 5898, Thursday July 5 until 0841:55 last few YL Spanish spy numbers on AM, and ``final, final``, carrier staying on. Same frequency several hours earlier always has carrier or tones next to The Last Day Prophet of God, not quite close enough to interfere with him, tsk2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA SOUTH [non]. 9650, July 5 at 1200, KBS World Radio still opening English via CANADA [where and when will they go from there?], atop but not by much, arch-nemesis V. of Korea Japanese service, 200 kW, 109 degrees from Kujang per Aoki, protracted opening with Kim hymn. Usually KBS is far enough above this one here, and probably will gain as hour proceeds, but reports further west complain it`s even, or even worse (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. Analog sporadic E TV DX opening July 4, continued from previous report, eventually poking into FM as well, UT:
1530 on 5, lucha ad or promo with menacing music
1531 on 4, f bug in LR = net-4, speaker from IFE, César Gaviria
1533 on 4, net-5 toon video involving a fight in a ring (boxeo or lucha?), but audio from another station about space flight
1536 on 4, VG signal from f-net, Matutino Express show with constant crawler
1537 on 5, net-5 toon with VG video, but audio JBA or missing, i.e. MUF between 77.25 and 81.75 MHz
1540 on 5, horoscope nonsense by M&W on a couch, displaying large zodiacal symbols
1541 on 5, hoy from net-2, 10:41 time in LL, cake-decorating segment for marriages
1542 on 4, promo for TVMÁS, Nueva Temporada, i.e. XHGV, Las Lajas, Veracruz, of RTV = Radio-Televisión de Veracruz
1543 on 5, weight-loss infomercial with rotating phone numbers only for MTY, DF, and Int, demonstrating exercise machines
1545 on 6, MUF up to weak video here, animation, net-5?
1546 on 4, f-net with card tricks in English, voiced over in Spanish
1549 on 5, ad or PSA mentioning Veracruz in audio; mix with video and audio from net-5 toon. Vcz on 5 is XHAJ, TeleVer, Las Lajas
1550 on 4, net-5 audio, one word behind same on channel 5
1601 on 87.75, ch 6 audio as also on TV which had video CCI
1618 on 6, looks like hoy show from net-2; now CCI is heavier on all the lower channels 2-5 as opening strengthens; time to check FM:
1639 on 88.1, hyper ads in Spanish override KMSI Moore OK, not very strong here at midday, nor the other OK, KWOU Woodward. Better chance here for DX than on any higher 88-92 channel due to ACI, CCI; into música romántica, not necessarily same Mexican
1642 on 88.1, hyper ads mentioning quesos jalapeños
1654 on 88.1, 11:54 time check = CDT = HCMV, live DJ, phone number, ``aquí en Guanajuato``, so it`s XHRE in Celaya, Gto., 10 kW, one of only 4 XEs on this frequency and all are in the south-center at optimum skip range. As it turns out, all my FM DX today is on this one frequency, despite chex of some other open spots above 93.3, and specifically all the Celayans listed
1700 on 5, VG as net-2 hoy shows proceeds past local noon with 12:00 clock in LL, sing-a-long segment
1707 on 88.1, ``La Comadre, más música`` slogan ID for XHRE, whose calls I never heard mentioned, hyper DJ. Which Random House Spanish-English dixionary meaning(s) of Comadre do they intend? Midwife, procuress, go-between, gossip, pal? Apparently it does not mean co-mother as in a Lesbian couple with children, or a Mormon or Moslem ménage with children. Why would you call a radio station a midwife?
1713 on 88.1, hyper DJ plugging a 12 de julio event, with tickets not yet available, mentions Celaya. Locutor names himself Javier, El Flaco
1719 on 88.1, ad mentions English term ``Guanajuato Experience``, apparently for beauty-enhancement products, sub-slogan ``la emisora dinamita``
1720 on 6, bra infomercial
1728 on 88.1, La Comadre ID between songs, ``más música``, but elsewhen the adload is heavy
1733 on 3, audio promo says ``Canal 5 desde León, Guanajuato``. Time for detective work, but stymied by lack of any Guanajuato station on 5 in the W9WI list, let alone in León. It`s a small state with only a few TV stations. The ones in León are on 2, 4, 6, 11 and 25, and there is no channel 3 at all. Maybe it was net-5 out of the DF referring to a remote in León or their relay there which is really on ch 25. In which case it could have been on any of the net-5 stations relayed on 3
1747 on 5, old movie, looks like Azteca-13 bug in UR
1810, still CCI 2-6, after a break for lunch
1812 on 6, novela // 87.75 audio
1814 on 6, Azteca-13 promo; too many possibilities
1815 on 5, glimpses of TeleVer bug in UR among CCI; better at 1817 during old movie; XHAJ Las Lajas again as at 1549
1817 on 88.1, talk about vitaminas; stereo pilot but no RDS
1818 on 6, infomercial for Aire Bra; still, same as at 1720? (Does that mean, inflatable?)
1824 on 88.1 continued, interview with a doctor quiropráctico, so infomercial? Inserts riffs from Batman
1826 on 88.1, CCI also in Spanish
1830 on 88.1, ad for El Águila Seguros para Automóviles, car insurance, with eagle calls, mentions Radio Red, so now it`s XHRED, 95+ kW in México DF
1837 on 6, promo for Multimedios Deportes; time and temp bug in LR for 1:37 34C during news with star logo. This relatively minor network originates in Monterrey at XHAW ch 12; and has two affiliates on 6: XHTAO Tampico, and XHLGG León per Wikipedia and W9WI.com. Right now the other skip is coming from closer to the León area
1838 on 88.1, ad for event in Zamora, Michoacán, CCI; so now it`s a third station on this frequency, XHZN, Los 40 Principales, 10 kW per Cantú; one more to go
1845 on 88.1 news about Veracruz, so I`d like to think I have heard the fourth and last 88.1 in Mexico, XHDZ, Imagen, Córdoba, Ver, 10 kW, but it could be national news from XHRED or something, as indeed ``La Red`` ID came at 1847, but the skip areas are volatile, vying for capture
1846 on 88.1, ad for Cinemas Madero showing Madagascar 3 --- that Googles right to Zamora
1849 on 88.1 during adstring, RDS displays Zamora`s: XHZN-FM. I should be keeping a closer eye on the RDS window of the DX-398, may have missed some as I am also watching TVDX
1850 on 88.1, ad by coy YLs for ``condón con lubricantes``, then ``Los 40, 88.1`` jingle, hyper DJ; at 1852 he says they are about to plug into Mexico City during the next hour called ``La Corneta`` [?] but he will be back at las 3.
1855, another vain search for FM DX on any higher frequency
1857 on 88.1, ads including Sam`s Club in Zamora
1903 on 88.1, at least two stations alternating every few sex
1906 on 5, net-5 toon with evil penguins
1906 on 4, news with f bug in LL = foro TV, net-4
1907 on 88.1, ``La Red, de Radio Red, con Jacobo Zabludovsky`` talk show first discussing London Olympix. J.Z. used to be the #1 TV news anchor on Televisa, so he has retired to radio
1911 on 88.1 back to La Comadre slogan ID mixing with Jacobo Z
1918 on 88.1, another La Comadre jingle
1920 on 88.1, Celaya ad
1929 on 6, net 2, infantile comedy skits in studio, adults as kids with funny hats
1938 on 88.1, La Comadre still dominating, with exhausting promos by that SHVA [super-hype voice actor]. He only has to work up his phony enthusiasm once per promo, then thru the magic of recording, subject listeners to it endlessly. Can he stand to listen to himself even?
1951 on 6, local Aguascalientes show with panel, DiF as backdrop, 6 bug in UL. As illustrated here in front of the bottom third of a circle: http://tvdxtips.com/mexlogosch6.html
Nice to see this local-origination station again as I did last summer, XHCGA-TV. W9WI.com shows only 10 kW video, but it was often snow- and QRM-free. It`s educational, also affiliated with national Once TV net.
1958 on 6, concluding show with segment on basketball noticias; beautiful full—screen ID, and my camera batteries are depleted! Slogan frequently heard on audio is ``La señal de todos``
2001 on 6, XHCGA show starting this hour is `Lotería Musical`, i.e. music video requests with live YL veejay; opening montage makes clear that all styles of music are eligible (hmmm, except classical?); 2007 still snowfree
2008 on 88.1, ad for Universidad de Morelia, no doubt from XHZN in same state, Michoacán
A few hours earlier, DX Sherlock 6m Es map was unavailable; now at 2010 it is, but blank. Alternative G7IZU 6m map has been showing plenty of Es activity elsewhere in North America, but not much out of Mexico! And still not, so quite misleading for the TV/FM DXer
2014 on 88.1, DX finally fading out, uncovering weak OK groundwave signals; but Aguascalientes TV A & V still propagating.
2019 on 88.1, Los 40 Principales resurges but weaker
2021 on 5, Daffy Duck & Bugs Bunny toon on net-5
2025 on 5, roster graphic of LMB standings --- Liga Mexicana de Béisbol, I guess, with #1 being Sultanes de Monterrey; some 10 kHz CCI
2029 on 6, Aguascalientes TV promos still
2035 on 6, Ags TV snow-free again
2048 on 3 // stronger 4, net-5 with Spongebob, dubbed
2058 on 4, net-5 promo
2102 on 5, net-5 Spongebob, and // 4
2115 on 6, YL chat show, with bug in UR, no longer XHCGA, but what?
2124 on 2, MUF down to here, still Spongebob, i.e. net-5
2130 on 2, Azteca-7 promo for Olympix (does this net have it exclusively in Mexico?)
2139 on 5, toons, net-5 bug in UR I notice has just morphed from some other logo; watch out for that
2152 on 2, bra ads, this time Genie Bra
2305 on 2, still some video CCI as opening has been waning
2336 on 4, novela with bug UL ``La Tele de Aquí``, i.e. XELN, Torreón, Coahuila; below it are time 18:36 and temp 36o
2339 on 4, I try several times to snap photos of bug close up UL corner of screen without success vs the fading
2345 on 5, net-5, sitcom with gringo teens, actors` credits at odd time
2347 on 4, ginseng ad, for ShotB GS, then Galavisión animated ID, back to novela, continues with GV bug in UR, as illustrated here:http://tvdxtips.com/mexlogos.html and it`s probably still affiliate XELN
2359 on 2, net-7 bug with The Simpsons; Homer sounds even more stupid dubbed in Spanish
UT July 5:
0015, still weak signals on 2-6, including Simpsons on 2
0054, still weak video on 2, but that`s all for tonight! Time for fireworx
Next morning: Monitoring channel 2 for Es DX to appear, July 5 at 1359 UT, something Spanish fades in with antenna south, making out the word PRIMERO, but fades right out and nothing more, fortunately compared to yesterday`s exhausting opening as I had put off recording WORLD OF RADIO as long as I could past the holiday (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SAUDI ARABIA. 15170, July 5 at 0516 tune in to dead air but it`s merely a pregnant pause amid Qur`an recitation. This 03-06 broadcast at 355 degrees from Riyadh is usually mixed with China after 0400, but not tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SRI LANKA. 17735, July 5 at 1220, brief English clips voiced over in mixture of Slavic and Central Asian language, fitting for scheduled Kyrghiz from R. Liberty, 250 kW, 344 degrees via Iranawila (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SUDAN [non]. 15400, July 5 at 0514, R. Dabanga with rough defective audio via MADAGASCAR, good strength. In the earlier hour, others were hearing noise, maybe jamming, but I have never heard jamming around this frequency of theirs; suspect they were also hearing defective feed even before sign-on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SUDAN SOUTH [non]. 15725, July 5 at 0512, poor signal with speech, not sure if Arabish or something else this time, but still presumed Voice of South Sudan Revolutionary Radio. They used to have some English segments, but never hear any in this hour, which I have been getting every night lately (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1624, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 11565, Thursday July 5 at 0849, praise music, only fair signal, so WHRI is occupying the frequency other nights besides Mondays with the Fiji clandestine. Someone reported that on a date equaling Tuesday, presumably a typo (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1624 monitoring: confirmed on first airing via WTWW, Thursday July 5 at 2100 on 9479; I had completed it just in time for this. Onward:
UT Friday 0330v on WWRB 5050
UT Saturday 0130v on WBCQ 5110v-CUSB Area 51
UT Sunday 0400 on WTWW 5755
On WRMI 9955: Sat 0800, 1500, 1730, Sun 0800, 1530, 1730, Mon 0500, 1130
On WRN via SiriusXM 120: Sat & Sun 1730, Sun 0830
** U S A. 5371.5-USB, what ARRL calls Channel 4 on the ``60`` meter band, July 5 at 0527, ham discussing ``our New Mexico wildfires``, finally signs as KJ5TG, over to a W6 who was JBA. I thought I copied call correctly, but ARRL/FCC and QRZ.com lookup show:
UNIDENTIFIED. 6045, July 5 at 0845 since I wake up briefly, I look for R. Sarandí, only detecting a JBA carrier (or two?). The Uruguayan has been reported at times in LSB, other times USB, or maybe even DSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake July 5, just one quick check:
15445, fair at 1216
** COLOMBIA. 1140, July 5 at 0216 UT on the caradio as we are parked awaiting the Enid fireworx show near Meadowlake Park, I am still trying to ID the Spanish gospel stuff I am hearing here if it`s not XEMR Monterrey, which isn`t supposed to be religious. A clear ID as ``Radio Esperanza 11-40 AM`` goes by, plus praise music in Spanish. Can`t wait to get home and google on that, which leads right to: Cartagena, Colombia. WRTH also lists that slogan for HJKO, 10 kW in Cartagena, and nothing else in Latin America on 1140. See http://www.radioesperanza1140.com/nosotros.html
Programación page shows a strange schedule, weekdays 1:30 am to 8:15 or 8:30 pm [UT - 5 = 0530-0115/0130], except Fridays all night UT Saturdays, but quite a bit less on weekends; I assume it is incomplete. `Enfoque a la Familia` is at 0530, which should not be too hard to recognize if it`s still vigent. It would be nice to hear a call sign or Cartagena mentioned too (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1624, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [This item is identical to last report, except date corrected instead of UT July 4]
** COLOMBIA. 14950.75, UT July 6 at 0144, Salem Stereo with the strongest signal yet, during preaching about redemption with God. Unfortunately my local noise level is also stronger than usual without which it would have been quite readable if I cared to do so; I`d prefer the music, but the novelty of this is starting to wear off, lacking any programming of genuine interest. I see it is running all-night; Dave Valko, PA, had it around 0800 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 5898, Thursday July 5 until 0841:55 last few YL Spanish spy numbers on AM, and ``final, final``, carrier staying on. Same frequency several hours earlier always has carrier or tones next to The Last Day Prophet of God, not quite close enough to interfere with him, tsk2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA SOUTH [non]. 9650, July 5 at 1200, KBS World Radio still opening English via CANADA [where and when will they go from there?], atop but not by much, arch-nemesis V. of Korea Japanese service, 200 kW, 109 degrees from Kujang per Aoki, protracted opening with Kim hymn. Usually KBS is far enough above this one here, and probably will gain as hour proceeds, but reports further west complain it`s even, or even worse (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. Analog sporadic E TV DX opening July 4, continued from previous report, eventually poking into FM as well, UT:
1530 on 5, lucha ad or promo with menacing music
1531 on 4, f bug in LR = net-4, speaker from IFE, César Gaviria
1533 on 4, net-5 toon video involving a fight in a ring (boxeo or lucha?), but audio from another station about space flight
1536 on 4, VG signal from f-net, Matutino Express show with constant crawler
1537 on 5, net-5 toon with VG video, but audio JBA or missing, i.e. MUF between 77.25 and 81.75 MHz
1540 on 5, horoscope nonsense by M&W on a couch, displaying large zodiacal symbols
1541 on 5, hoy from net-2, 10:41 time in LL, cake-decorating segment for marriages
1542 on 4, promo for TVMÁS, Nueva Temporada, i.e. XHGV, Las Lajas, Veracruz, of RTV = Radio-Televisión de Veracruz
1543 on 5, weight-loss infomercial with rotating phone numbers only for MTY, DF, and Int, demonstrating exercise machines
1545 on 6, MUF up to weak video here, animation, net-5?
1546 on 4, f-net with card tricks in English, voiced over in Spanish
1549 on 5, ad or PSA mentioning Veracruz in audio; mix with video and audio from net-5 toon. Vcz on 5 is XHAJ, TeleVer, Las Lajas
1550 on 4, net-5 audio, one word behind same on channel 5
1601 on 87.75, ch 6 audio as also on TV which had video CCI
1618 on 6, looks like hoy show from net-2; now CCI is heavier on all the lower channels 2-5 as opening strengthens; time to check FM:
1639 on 88.1, hyper ads in Spanish override KMSI Moore OK, not very strong here at midday, nor the other OK, KWOU Woodward. Better chance here for DX than on any higher 88-92 channel due to ACI, CCI; into música romántica, not necessarily same Mexican
1642 on 88.1, hyper ads mentioning quesos jalapeños
1654 on 88.1, 11:54 time check = CDT = HCMV, live DJ, phone number, ``aquí en Guanajuato``, so it`s XHRE in Celaya, Gto., 10 kW, one of only 4 XEs on this frequency and all are in the south-center at optimum skip range. As it turns out, all my FM DX today is on this one frequency, despite chex of some other open spots above 93.3, and specifically all the Celayans listed
1700 on 5, VG as net-2 hoy shows proceeds past local noon with 12:00 clock in LL, sing-a-long segment
1707 on 88.1, ``La Comadre, más música`` slogan ID for XHRE, whose calls I never heard mentioned, hyper DJ. Which Random House Spanish-English dixionary meaning(s) of Comadre do they intend? Midwife, procuress, go-between, gossip, pal? Apparently it does not mean co-mother as in a Lesbian couple with children, or a Mormon or Moslem ménage with children. Why would you call a radio station a midwife?
1713 on 88.1, hyper DJ plugging a 12 de julio event, with tickets not yet available, mentions Celaya. Locutor names himself Javier, El Flaco
1719 on 88.1, ad mentions English term ``Guanajuato Experience``, apparently for beauty-enhancement products, sub-slogan ``la emisora dinamita``
1720 on 6, bra infomercial
1728 on 88.1, La Comadre ID between songs, ``más música``, but elsewhen the adload is heavy
1733 on 3, audio promo says ``Canal 5 desde León, Guanajuato``. Time for detective work, but stymied by lack of any Guanajuato station on 5 in the W9WI list, let alone in León. It`s a small state with only a few TV stations. The ones in León are on 2, 4, 6, 11 and 25, and there is no channel 3 at all. Maybe it was net-5 out of the DF referring to a remote in León or their relay there which is really on ch 25. In which case it could have been on any of the net-5 stations relayed on 3
1747 on 5, old movie, looks like Azteca-13 bug in UR
1810, still CCI 2-6, after a break for lunch
1812 on 6, novela // 87.75 audio
1814 on 6, Azteca-13 promo; too many possibilities
1815 on 5, glimpses of TeleVer bug in UR among CCI; better at 1817 during old movie; XHAJ Las Lajas again as at 1549
1817 on 88.1, talk about vitaminas; stereo pilot but no RDS
1818 on 6, infomercial for Aire Bra; still, same as at 1720? (Does that mean, inflatable?)
1824 on 88.1 continued, interview with a doctor quiropráctico, so infomercial? Inserts riffs from Batman
1826 on 88.1, CCI also in Spanish
1830 on 88.1, ad for El Águila Seguros para Automóviles, car insurance, with eagle calls, mentions Radio Red, so now it`s XHRED, 95+ kW in México DF
1837 on 6, promo for Multimedios Deportes; time and temp bug in LR for 1:37 34C during news with star logo. This relatively minor network originates in Monterrey at XHAW ch 12; and has two affiliates on 6: XHTAO Tampico, and XHLGG León per Wikipedia and W9WI.com. Right now the other skip is coming from closer to the León area
1838 on 88.1, ad for event in Zamora, Michoacán, CCI; so now it`s a third station on this frequency, XHZN, Los 40 Principales, 10 kW per Cantú; one more to go
1845 on 88.1 news about Veracruz, so I`d like to think I have heard the fourth and last 88.1 in Mexico, XHDZ, Imagen, Córdoba, Ver, 10 kW, but it could be national news from XHRED or something, as indeed ``La Red`` ID came at 1847, but the skip areas are volatile, vying for capture
1846 on 88.1, ad for Cinemas Madero showing Madagascar 3 --- that Googles right to Zamora
1849 on 88.1 during adstring, RDS displays Zamora`s: XHZN-FM. I should be keeping a closer eye on the RDS window of the DX-398, may have missed some as I am also watching TVDX
1850 on 88.1, ad by coy YLs for ``condón con lubricantes``, then ``Los 40, 88.1`` jingle, hyper DJ; at 1852 he says they are about to plug into Mexico City during the next hour called ``La Corneta`` [?] but he will be back at las 3.
1855, another vain search for FM DX on any higher frequency
1857 on 88.1, ads including Sam`s Club in Zamora
1903 on 88.1, at least two stations alternating every few sex
1906 on 5, net-5 toon with evil penguins
1906 on 4, news with f bug in LL = foro TV, net-4
1907 on 88.1, ``La Red, de Radio Red, con Jacobo Zabludovsky`` talk show first discussing London Olympix. J.Z. used to be the #1 TV news anchor on Televisa, so he has retired to radio
1911 on 88.1 back to La Comadre slogan ID mixing with Jacobo Z
1918 on 88.1, another La Comadre jingle
1920 on 88.1, Celaya ad
1929 on 6, net 2, infantile comedy skits in studio, adults as kids with funny hats
1938 on 88.1, La Comadre still dominating, with exhausting promos by that SHVA [super-hype voice actor]. He only has to work up his phony enthusiasm once per promo, then thru the magic of recording, subject listeners to it endlessly. Can he stand to listen to himself even?
1951 on 6, local Aguascalientes show with panel, DiF as backdrop, 6 bug in UL. As illustrated here in front of the bottom third of a circle: http://tvdxtips.com/mexlogosch6.html
Nice to see this local-origination station again as I did last summer, XHCGA-TV. W9WI.com shows only 10 kW video, but it was often snow- and QRM-free. It`s educational, also affiliated with national Once TV net.
1958 on 6, concluding show with segment on basketball noticias; beautiful full—screen ID, and my camera batteries are depleted! Slogan frequently heard on audio is ``La señal de todos``
2001 on 6, XHCGA show starting this hour is `Lotería Musical`, i.e. music video requests with live YL veejay; opening montage makes clear that all styles of music are eligible (hmmm, except classical?); 2007 still snowfree
2008 on 88.1, ad for Universidad de Morelia, no doubt from XHZN in same state, Michoacán
A few hours earlier, DX Sherlock 6m Es map was unavailable; now at 2010 it is, but blank. Alternative G7IZU 6m map has been showing plenty of Es activity elsewhere in North America, but not much out of Mexico! And still not, so quite misleading for the TV/FM DXer
2014 on 88.1, DX finally fading out, uncovering weak OK groundwave signals; but Aguascalientes TV A & V still propagating.
2019 on 88.1, Los 40 Principales resurges but weaker
2021 on 5, Daffy Duck & Bugs Bunny toon on net-5
2025 on 5, roster graphic of LMB standings --- Liga Mexicana de Béisbol, I guess, with #1 being Sultanes de Monterrey; some 10 kHz CCI
2029 on 6, Aguascalientes TV promos still
2035 on 6, Ags TV snow-free again
2048 on 3 // stronger 4, net-5 with Spongebob, dubbed
2058 on 4, net-5 promo
2102 on 5, net-5 Spongebob, and // 4
2115 on 6, YL chat show, with bug in UR, no longer XHCGA, but what?
2124 on 2, MUF down to here, still Spongebob, i.e. net-5
2130 on 2, Azteca-7 promo for Olympix (does this net have it exclusively in Mexico?)
2139 on 5, toons, net-5 bug in UR I notice has just morphed from some other logo; watch out for that
2152 on 2, bra ads, this time Genie Bra
2305 on 2, still some video CCI as opening has been waning
2336 on 4, novela with bug UL ``La Tele de Aquí``, i.e. XELN, Torreón, Coahuila; below it are time 18:36 and temp 36o
2339 on 4, I try several times to snap photos of bug close up UL corner of screen without success vs the fading
2345 on 5, net-5, sitcom with gringo teens, actors` credits at odd time
2347 on 4, ginseng ad, for ShotB GS, then Galavisión animated ID, back to novela, continues with GV bug in UR, as illustrated here:http://tvdxtips.com/mexlogos.html and it`s probably still affiliate XELN
2359 on 2, net-7 bug with The Simpsons; Homer sounds even more stupid dubbed in Spanish
UT July 5:
0015, still weak signals on 2-6, including Simpsons on 2
0054, still weak video on 2, but that`s all for tonight! Time for fireworx
Next morning: Monitoring channel 2 for Es DX to appear, July 5 at 1359 UT, something Spanish fades in with antenna south, making out the word PRIMERO, but fades right out and nothing more, fortunately compared to yesterday`s exhausting opening as I had put off recording WORLD OF RADIO as long as I could past the holiday (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SAUDI ARABIA. 15170, July 5 at 0516 tune in to dead air but it`s merely a pregnant pause amid Qur`an recitation. This 03-06 broadcast at 355 degrees from Riyadh is usually mixed with China after 0400, but not tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SRI LANKA. 17735, July 5 at 1220, brief English clips voiced over in mixture of Slavic and Central Asian language, fitting for scheduled Kyrghiz from R. Liberty, 250 kW, 344 degrees via Iranawila (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SUDAN [non]. 15400, July 5 at 0514, R. Dabanga with rough defective audio via MADAGASCAR, good strength. In the earlier hour, others were hearing noise, maybe jamming, but I have never heard jamming around this frequency of theirs; suspect they were also hearing defective feed even before sign-on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SUDAN SOUTH [non]. 15725, July 5 at 0512, poor signal with speech, not sure if Arabish or something else this time, but still presumed Voice of South Sudan Revolutionary Radio. They used to have some English segments, but never hear any in this hour, which I have been getting every night lately (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1624, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 11565, Thursday July 5 at 0849, praise music, only fair signal, so WHRI is occupying the frequency other nights besides Mondays with the Fiji clandestine. Someone reported that on a date equaling Tuesday, presumably a typo (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1624 monitoring: confirmed on first airing via WTWW, Thursday July 5 at 2100 on 9479; I had completed it just in time for this. Onward:
UT Friday 0330v on WWRB 5050
UT Saturday 0130v on WBCQ 5110v-CUSB Area 51
UT Sunday 0400 on WTWW 5755
On WRMI 9955: Sat 0800, 1500, 1730, Sun 0800, 1530, 1730, Mon 0500, 1130
On WRN via SiriusXM 120: Sat & Sun 1730, Sun 0830
** U S A. 5371.5-USB, what ARRL calls Channel 4 on the ``60`` meter band, July 5 at 0527, ham discussing ``our New Mexico wildfires``, finally signs as KJ5TG, over to a W6 who was JBA. I thought I copied call correctly, but ARRL/FCC and QRZ.com lookup show:
UNIDENTIFIED. 6045, July 5 at 0845 since I wake up briefly, I look for R. Sarandí, only detecting a JBA carrier (or two?). The Uruguayan has been reported at times in LSB, other times USB, or maybe even DSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)