venerdì 13 luglio 2012

Glenn Hauser logs July 12-13, 2012

** ARGENTINA [and non]. 11710+, July 13 at 1047, triumphal choral music from Voice of Korea // weaker 11735, with het no doubt from RAE whose M-F Japanese hour may have just a bit more of a problem being heard in Japan even than here.

Never in HFCC, but Aoki shows A09 info that it`s 348 degrees from General Pacheco. We`ve long suspected RAE is really aiming for Japanese immigrants in Brasil, but the 348 azimuth crosses only the western tip, such DX towns as Guajaramirim, Porto Velho and Tefé, then Venezuela, Santo Domingo, New York, and far beyond misses Japan, nearer to Mukden and Shanghai, where I`m sure no one can hear anything but VOK (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGESET)

** BONAIRE. 9895, July 13 at 1102, the legacy RNW Spanish broadcast of `La Matinal` has good strength but severely degraded by IADs! (intermittent audio dropouts, a term I have not had much chance to employ lately as Indonesia 9526 has been too weak and too weakly modulated to detect them).

Still no jamming heard despite interview about prospects for US lifting trade embargo upon Cuba; seems some ship has sailed from Miami with authorized cargo. 1106 dumps off the air completely, resumes a semiminute later, off again; 1111 check, on again. During the audio-only dropouts, crackling continues on the carrier. This transmitter has big problems, but they have a couple others they could use; and repeating the show at 1130 is certainly a good redundant idea under such circumstances; unchecked if managed to clear up then. Now they have a weekend to work on it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA [and non]. 6110, July 13 at 0512, open carrier/dead air from the NHK World R. Japan relay in English via Sackville; still the case for several minutes but by 0525 programming had resumed. Meanwhile, the other NHK relay via France on 11970 was modulating and sufficiently audible at 0513 with news about the floods on Kyushu. And the other relay still existing via Canada, Vietnam on 9555 was OK at 0515. Vying for the dead-air sweepstakes at the same time were WRNO and WBCQ; see U S A (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 9625, July 13 at 1237, JBA carrier, maybe CBCNQ or maybe not, while KBS relay on 9650 from Sackville is very good. Replies came in quickly to my yesterday`s inquiry if 9625 still be on. Yes, as heard at various times by Chris Lobdell, Jean-Michel Aubier, Richard Cuff, Terry Krueger, Andrea Lawendel. Surely still on the same NQ antenna which is way offbeam for here, but maybe on lower power and/or a different transmitter. Or is it just unfavorable propagation meward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 6160.88, July 13 at 0510, big het and audio mix as CKZN [Newfoundland] is still knocked off-frequency vs CKZU circa 6160.0. Chris Lobdell in MA confirmed as early as 2245 July 12 that CKZU was the one on the offset. By 1028 check a het was quite weak; sunrise in St. John`s was 0747 UT, so maybe something else entirely by now. A much stronger het from North Korea infested the hi side CFRX 6070 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake July 13, before 1100:
15900, poor at 1040 with flutter; no others 12-18 MHz

Before 1300:
12980, poor at 1243
13920, fair at 1251
13970, fair at 1251
15560, fair at 1253; none in the 14s
16100, good at 1254; none in the 17s

After 1300:
15485, fair at 1311
15560, good at 1311

Before 1400:
12670, very poor at 1342
13970, fair at 1340; none in the 14s
15900, good at 1337
16100, good at 1338
16920, very poor at 1338
17250, fair at 1339

** CUBA [and non]. RHC starts morning broadcasts at 1100, but July 13 at 1050, 9550 and 9540 are already warming up their carriers; and at 1052, 6150 has added some undermodulated Cuban music to its VG signal, source? Frequency announcement at 1100 sounded like the same generic canned one they run thruout the morning show until 1500.

VOA Spanish is now jamming-free during the 12-13 morning broadcast, e.g. July 13 at 1234 during frequency announcement, while there were still walls of noise on 9805 vs Martí and 9955 vs WRMI. At 1250 chex, the other two VOA frequencies 13750 and 15590 were also clear of jamming.

9490, VOA Korean, however, is subject to Cuban pulse jamming, really intended for non-Radio República, July 13 at 1238. Aoki shows 12-13 is 38 degrees from Thailand, consequently USward, while HFCC shows it as 333 from Tinian. Whichever, the signal is good here aside from the jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ECUADOR. 6050, July 13 at 1059, HCJB Spanish ID with FM and SW frequencies, characteristic timesignal and into hymn; fair signal. I wonder when they will get that 100 kW transmitter going again inside the country? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FINLAND. 6170, July 13 at 0508, JBA carrier, but suspect it was just overload from some of the super-signals left on 49m; was checking for R. Hami, a temporary low-power station that was supposed to be programming starting at 0500, daytime-only, long after local sunrise there, altho they say it`s on the air 24 hours thru July 15. Not sure exactly where the SW site is, but sunrise/sunset in Helsinki are: 0120/1930 UT, so extra-Europeans had best check between 1930-0120 if frequency is clear and a darkness path. See RNZI will not be a problem for them in Europe further into the dayside, not starting 6170 until 0759 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4055, July 13 at 1030 tune-in, immediately R. Truth ID in English by Dr Madrid and asking for reports. Altho his announcement was clear, the audio just before, and an English hymn afterwards were somewhat distorted. Has anyone caught them in a formal sign-on circa 1000 now, or when? Good signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Re previous report of KUOT-CA, ch A19: not that it matters much in this case, but I omitted the date and time: circa 1400 UT July 12 (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 6040, July 13 awake at 1025, the first thing to check is NBC`s new frequency: very poor signal talking, presumed this, further hindered by additional QRM from DentroCuban Jamming Command 6030 spurs extending past 6040 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 17795, July 13 at 1042, French talk, then folk ``musique romaine``, fair signal and SSOB from RRI, 300 kW, 285 degrees from Galbeni to France; lucky to hear anything from Europe at this hour on this band, but if anystation can accomplish it, RRI can (Glenn hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN SOUTH [non]. 15725, July 13 at 0503, Arabish announcement mentioning Sudan, chanting crowds, whistling resembling CW; 0505 English ID for V. of South Sudan Revolutionary Radio, with their lofty lema as copied before; poor-fair signal and modulation somewhat distorted (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15470, July 13 at 1335, very good signal with tone test, open carrier and off 1336*, no doubt VOA Greenville testing prior to scheduled broadcast several hours later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1625 monitoring: confirmed Thursday July 12 on WTWW 9479: started before hourtop at 2059:50, cut away for canned ID in the middle of my opening, resumed rest of show intact; usual excellent signal here, despite blackouts restricting most signals further away than Tennessee. In fact, this and WWCR 9980 were the OSOB. The latter should be signing off at 2100, per own program schedule.

WOR 1625 also confirmed UT Friday July 13 starting at 0329 on WWRB 5050. I didn`t tune in early enough to time how much of a respectful pause there was before me this week, but did hear at least several seconds of open carrier first.

Further airings:
UT Sat 0130v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
UT Sat 0630 on Hamburger Lokalradio, Germany, 7265 (low power; not confirmed but has appeared the past two weeks)
UT Sun 0400 on WTWW 5755
WRMI 9955: Sat 0800, 1500, 1730, Sun 0800, 1530, 1730, Mon 0500, 1130
WRN via SiriusXM 120: Sat & Sun 1730, Sun 0830. Full schedule:

** U S A. 12105, July 13 at 1244, WTWW is on in Russian, which has long been on their posted schedule for 12-15 but not really in effect until now. Slowly and clearly spoken, mentioning Yesus, Yersualem, Bible stories, or dramatic readings from the Bible, but no chapters or verses cited. Either one reader changing his voice or a second reader at times; also with SFX such as crowd noises, some music.

Initially there is CCI from a weaker signal producing a fast SAH, but that stops at 1259. However, KSDA northwestward from Guam is scheduled 11-15 in Mandarin. Maybe the 13+ portion is currently off for antenna work? There would be no such collision if WTWW had been allowed to stay on its initial frequency, 12100, where no other broadcaster is ever scheduled. Next check at 1540, WTWW has switched to Arabible, also with some music, nominally scheduled 15-18, and still heard at 1728, tho recently has extended way past 1800.

George McClintock has just posted a new 7+ minute high-quality video tour of the newest WTWW transmitter, #2, which is yet to go into full service on 9990, 5085, at the top of this page:

** U S A. 9330-CUSB, July 13 at 0517, WBCQ lost GFRN programming again, open carrier, and still so at next check 1050. By 1238 it had resumed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7506+, July 13 at 0520, open carrier, only fair signal, but typical offset of WRNO which must have left the transmitter on after 0400, before which I did not confirm this date whether they had managed to modulate. Not heard at next check 1050 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)