lunedì 16 luglio 2012

Glenn Hauser logs July 16+ 2012

** BRAZIL. Geomag storm caused blackouts of many usual signals except from the south or trans-equatorial. July 16 at 0554-0603+ I was getting several Brazilian signals, mostly still weak but better than usual, besides 9645, 9665, 11765, 11925; and supersig on 11780:

9675-, July 16 at 0602, mentions this frequency. Before 0600 R. Canção Nova was in the clear but now there is a het from a carrier, an open one? Could not hear any other modulation. Aoki has the only thing starting at 0600 as CNR1 from Beijing 572 site, 100 kW, 37 degrees, which I would not expect to be propagating but it is aimed USward. When I logged RCN in Feb 2011 it was slightly on the lo side of 9675.

9820-, July 16 at 0554, a week after its namesake, Brazilian talk and music from R. Nove de Julho, except several mentions of R. Aparecida, which it now relays, a sister Catholic station, including at 0600 ``Sistema Rádio Aparecida`` and time check for 3 horas. As usual significantly on lo side of 9820.
``Geophysical Alert Message
Solar-terrestrial indices for 15 July follow.
Solar flux 141 and estimated planetary A-index 60.
The estimated planetary K-index at 0600 UTC on 16 July was 5.
Space weather for the past 24 hours has been moderate.
Geomagnetic storms reaching the G2 level occurred.
Space weather for the next 24 hours is predicted to be moderate.
Geomagnetic storms reaching the G2 level are expected.``

15191.8 approx., July 16 at 0150, weak pop music as R. Inconfidência drifts a bit higher; not much else audible on band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 9490, July 16 at 0157, R. República via RMI must have just signed off, but now there is wall-of-noise jamming in the clear; yet it is not as severe as upon 9955 WRMI itself. I doubt this jamming bothered the supersig from Guiana French much while it was on from 0000 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EUROPE. E-QSL received July 11 from Dick Spacewalker, of Radio Spaceshuttle International for 15843-USB reception at 1233-1421 April 21 when he included some playbacks of WORLD OF RADIO. Says he has been very busy but is sending out e-QSLs first and will post printed ones eventually, ``That might again take a long time, but do not worry; it will happen``.

QSL shows a voluptuous piratess in a fancy outfit, and specifies FINLAND altho mailing address is in The Netherlands. Says 500 watts to a half-wave dipole, 10 meters high. See it as latest addition to my QSL Gallery,

** NORTH AMERICA. Got this reply July 15 from Turtlehead Radio pirate on 6930-USB: ``THE Glenn Hauser? Wow! I have listened to you and have read your articles for almost 30 years! What an honor. Thank you very much for your report. I will certainly get an eQSL to you in a bit. Thank you so much! Take care. Turtle Head Radio - Colonel Turtlehead`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Regional tropo after sunrise July 16: first noted at 1315 UT when KWOU 88.1 Woodward was axually better than 91.7 KOSU Stillwater during NPR Morning Edition with different local cutaways, as KOSU had ACI from the Kansan gospel huxter on 91.5, which has really cut into KOSU effective coverage in this direxion.

By 1355 I started checking TV with antenna westward. Woodward`s RF 34 KOMI-CD, virtual 24, was decoding with infomercial, while 35 KUOK only had a `bad` signal bar, so KUOK is *still* not up to its CP megawatt power, and may never be, but just 8 kW, while KOMI is 15 kW, per and the latter is now affiliated with some network called Pursuit.

BTW, despite being the major town in NW OK, Woodward does not merit an OETA translator, unlike from the big 4 OKC commercial stations. I guess Wwd is supposed to get adequate reception from the full-power OETA relay KWET Cheyenne, 60 kW on RF ch 8, virtual 12, which also briefly decoded this morning. I also had OETA breaking thru on RF 48, which is K48KE-D in Buffalo, 11.8 kW, assisted by no tropo boost from still analog KOCY-LP OKC on same channel. Also had a bad DTV signal on RF 6, no doubt Dodge City KS.

At 1410 UT onwards with antenna west, I was getting very weak NTSC video, as usual on my set not enough to attain horizontal lock, on chs 47 and 49; there are several towns with translators on those channels, but most of them are listed as licensed digital now in, i.e. Elk City & closest Seiling OK, Clarendon TX. But per this, two in the near TX Panhandle are still analog:
K47BP, Booker  TX,  924 watts of KACV-2 Amarillo
K49BB, Follett TX, 1040 watts of KAMR-4 Amarillo
Tho licensed to different towns, the coordinates for these two are identical. I`ve logged them with better signals before (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7506+, July 16 at 0150 check, WRNO has resumed transmitting dead air Worldwide (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)