** MEXICO. Es analog TV DX June 10, continued, UT:
1726 on 2, I was aiming NW toward CANADA as last seen, but now there`s video in Spanish, so back to south. Political ad for PRI presidential candidate Peña Nieto. Getting dirty with laughter at names of many competing candidates, Alianza logo xed out; further adstring
1726 on 4, algo is starting to show.
1731 on 2, net-7 promo; 1732 into drama with net 7 bug UR: most likely XHTAU Tampico
1740 on 2 animated movie, no audio, with gringo girls playing guitars; then credit roll starts but cut off; probably same as above
1745 on 2, soccer
1814 on 2, animated with apes in space; net 5 bug UR almost off-screen
1816 on 3 // 2 as above, briefly peaks to VG level, dubbed
1831 on 2, docu? on kids playing fútbol in Ukraine, Spanish subtitles
2042 on 2, movie or something fades in briefly, antenna still south
2103 on 2, CCI peaking SW, Spanish
2104 on 3, lucha libre, brief fade in
2105 on 3, bug in upper right of a starry? Symbol, and TELE - something underneath it. Don`t see a match for local or network at Oglethorpe`s site. Local dance show. Then there is typical Baja California Norte almost-zero beat bars between XHBC and XETJB
2107 on 2, Xtremo tabloid news show over CCI, peaks SSW, with Azteca-13 bug in UR; soon gone and nothing more tho plenty of Es on the maps further north in the continent (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA. 15120, June 11 at 0437, tone test is already on preceding VON`s 0500 English broadcast, with some hum (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. Enid translator on 93.1 noticed to be on at last as of June 9 or so, ex-93.3, of KIMY 93.9. Now it also messes up a relatively free DX frequency 92.9 (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. I see that the WRNO website is back,
and it autolaunches streaming with IDs claiming it is on ``seventy-five-oh-five``, and also shows a program schedule covering from noon to last show starting at 10 pm Central time (1700-0300+ UT). I check 7505 again June 11 at 0104, after the time it used to sign on: nothing, natch. Seems they are adopting the WHRI model of pretending to SW broadcast, except WHRI really does, a fraxion of the scheduled time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
1726 on 2, I was aiming NW toward CANADA as last seen, but now there`s video in Spanish, so back to south. Political ad for PRI presidential candidate Peña Nieto. Getting dirty with laughter at names of many competing candidates, Alianza logo xed out; further adstring
1726 on 4, algo is starting to show.
1731 on 2, net-7 promo; 1732 into drama with net 7 bug UR: most likely XHTAU Tampico
1740 on 2 animated movie, no audio, with gringo girls playing guitars; then credit roll starts but cut off; probably same as above
1745 on 2, soccer
1814 on 2, animated with apes in space; net 5 bug UR almost off-screen
1816 on 3 // 2 as above, briefly peaks to VG level, dubbed
1831 on 2, docu? on kids playing fútbol in Ukraine, Spanish subtitles
2042 on 2, movie or something fades in briefly, antenna still south
2103 on 2, CCI peaking SW, Spanish
2104 on 3, lucha libre, brief fade in
2105 on 3, bug in upper right of a starry? Symbol, and TELE - something underneath it. Don`t see a match for local or network at Oglethorpe`s site. Local dance show. Then there is typical Baja California Norte almost-zero beat bars between XHBC and XETJB
2107 on 2, Xtremo tabloid news show over CCI, peaks SSW, with Azteca-13 bug in UR; soon gone and nothing more tho plenty of Es on the maps further north in the continent (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA. 15120, June 11 at 0437, tone test is already on preceding VON`s 0500 English broadcast, with some hum (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. Enid translator on 93.1 noticed to be on at last as of June 9 or so, ex-93.3, of KIMY 93.9. Now it also messes up a relatively free DX frequency 92.9 (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. I see that the WRNO website is back,
and it autolaunches streaming with IDs claiming it is on ``seventy-five-oh-five``, and also shows a program schedule covering from noon to last show starting at 10 pm Central time (1700-0300+ UT). I check 7505 again June 11 at 0104, after the time it used to sign on: nothing, natch. Seems they are adopting the WHRI model of pretending to SW broadcast, except WHRI really does, a fraxion of the scheduled time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)