sabato 9 giugno 2012

EDXC conference broadcast (via BDXC-UK)

LITHUANIA   11900  Heard the report on few remoted Perseus net rxs in western Europe.

S=9+40dB huge signal heard on 11900 kHz from 0200 UT June 9th onwards.

0200-0204 UT a short piece of EDXC-conference 2012 RMRC report heard, but always with other different feeder line annmt "This is Radio Liberty Praha" in the underneath background, very annoying for listener.

At 0204-0206:10 UT heard only feeder line annmt "This is Radio Liberty Praha" over and over again.

Then only TX carrier heard, seen on Perseus screen.

At 0215:40 short piece of feeder line annmt "This is Radio Liberty Praha" heard for few seconds.

0216:45 UT  s t a r t e d  again EDXC-conference 2012 RMRC report program.

Few seconds in English lang, then after that in German lang. piece from 0219 UT featured a Reuter RDR50B / RDR54D rx report, and an interview followed with an Italian DXer til 0223 UT.

Pause mx at 0225 UT. Interview about German stations til 0229 UT.

At 0231 UT George Brown DXer since 1948 from Scotland interviewed, NASWA, DSWCI, BDXC member.

At 0234-0236 UT Dutch DXer since 1969 Max van Arnhem interviewed.

From 0237-0239 UT Interview of Japanese DXer Toshi Ohtake followed.

0240-0244 UT interview with former GDR journalist Manfred Böhm of Radio Berlin International and RadioRopa followed.

From 0248 UT general secretary of EDXC Tibor Szilagyi from Sweden interviewed.

Followed at 0252-0254 UT by interview of coming EDXC secretary from Finland.

Final announcement of Nick Barker RMRC at 0254 UT.

with wrong bcast time:

From 0256-0257 UT the feeder line annmt "This is Radio Liberty Praha" heard over an over again.

0257:30 UT TX Sitkunai Lithuania on 11900 kHz OFF air.

0258:45 UT TX Sitkunai Lithuania on 9635 kHz ON air for Radio Liberty Tatar program, heard as feeder line annmt "This is Radio Liberty Praha".

0300:11 UT Radio Liberty Tatar program started on 9635 kHz, heard at backlobe S=9+15dB signal here in southwestern Germany.

vy73 wb df5sx