domenica 1 gennaio 2012

New time for "Amateur Radio Today's" monday program

From January 2, 2012 the re-transmission of "Amateur Radio Today" program via Sentech will change to 1730 - 1830 UTC. The transmission will remain in the 60 metre band on a frequency of 4895 kHz. The transmitter power will be 100 kW feeding an omni-directional antenna. Reception reports are invited and can be emailed to artoday @ All reports received of the January 2nd, 2012 transmission by 5th January, 2012 will be participating in a lucky draw for the "ARRL RFI handbook", you can also fax your report to 012 991 5651.

(SARL NEWS - Sunday, 1st January 2012)

Schedule for SARL "Amateur Radio Today" program via Sentech :
0800-0900 UTC on 17760 kHz (Sunday)
1730-1830 UTC on 4895 kHz (Monday) (ex 1630-1730 UTC)

Alokesh Gupta, VU3BSE
New Delhi, India