mercoledì 4 gennaio 2012


ARISS contact planned with Descartes High School, France

Monday January 9, 2012 at approximately 10:14 UTC, which is 11.14 CEWT, a radio contact is planned with students at Descartes High School, located in Montigny-Le-Bretonneux, France.

Amateur radio station F6KRK will call OR4ISS.

The conversation will be conducted in English.

Downlink signals with the astronaut's answers will be audible in Europe on 145.800 MHz FM.

the event will be webcast live in streaming video on

Enrico, IZ2NXF

p.s.: in Italia il downlink sara' ricevibile un po' piu' tardi, approssimativamente dalle 11:19 CEWT