domenica 1 gennaio 2012

Glenn Hauser logs January 1, 2012

** CHINA. Firedrake Jan 1, 2012, before 1400:
9200, good with flutter at 1352; no others up to 18 MHz by 1357

** COLOMBIA [and non]. 5910, Sun Jan 1 at 0648, Alcaraván [note spelling] Radio with music in the clear since TWR at 0645-0700 in Polish is M-F only via Wertachtal; that also clear of 7225 via Austria (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 13750, Jan 1 at 1437, RHC `En Contacto` with this week`s birthday greetings, then relisting the 80+ most regular listeners of the show in 2011y, ranking country by country up to #1: Cuba itself. All five Americans had Spanish names I did not recognize. This part of the show repeats last week`s but it`s not a 100% replay.

Initially 13750 had a SAH from some other carrier, I thought maybe Greenville still on after 1400* but Iran in Hindi is also scheduled; plus Oman per HFCC, presumably wooden. RHC comes up on 13750 only on Sunday mornings, a remnant of the long-gone Venezuelan relay, making no sense now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUIANA FRENCH. 17690, Jan 1 at 1405 and still at 1420, no signal from RFI Spanish service at 1400-1430; TDF Montsinéry staff still recovering from NYE festivities near Devil`s Island? Some stations may make unexpected changes Jan 1 due to funding expirations by calendar rather than HFCC seasons (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. 7245, Jan 1 at 0647, IGIM with poor signal in talk and music, not chanting for a change, aside much stronger Vatican 7250 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6940-AM, Jan 1 at 0559, S9+10 with XFM ID as I intune, 0604 DJ with live UT timechex, ``4 after 6``, also mentions it`s midnight = 2012y in the Central zone; offering QSLs for reports to xfmshortwave @ Music interludes I don`t recognize; 0609 mentions chatting on IRC, starts sign-off before last track, hopes to remain in the pirate scene in 2012y, maybe back on Valentine`s Day and other holidays; 0610 last track, 0613:20 cut off and back on; 0616:30 some kind of canned ID, off at 0617:18*. I expect this was a long NYE broadcast, but I missed most of it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1597 monitoring: 5755, Jan 1 at 0500, confirmed with an upcut on WTWW. Next SW chances: Sunday 1630, 1830 on 9955 WRMI, UT Monday 0330v on 5110v-CUSB Area 51 via WBCQ; Tuesday 1030 on 5980, Hamburger Lokalradio (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)