venerdì 31 dicembre 2010
Glenn Hauser logs December 31, 2010
** ARGENTINA. David Zantow informs us that RAE has been announcing they will stay on shortwave after all in 2011; he had to listen to the webcast and a pertinent clip from their UT Dec 30 broadcast has been posted on the dxldyg and now also at
No explanation of how this has been achieved, vs the PCB problem in their transmitter and the new law against it.
15344.9, Dec 31 at 1850, I am getting a weak signal here, can`t tell whether it`s RAE or Morocco and whether it is in English, which is scheduled M-F 1800-1900; the other English, to NAm at 0200-0300 UT Tue-Sat on 11711v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 4885, R. Clube do Pará is one of the most reliable Brazilians on 60m, which runs all-night, but unheard for quite some time vs hi noise level here. 4985, R. Brasil Central is another, but nothing from it tonight, considerably more distant.
At 0618 Dec 31, 4885 is the OSOB from South America, with pop music. 0621 announcement but rather distorted and reverberating; think I did hear Pará mentioned and two or three ``kHz``, so likely full ID. With BFO on, I discover that the carrier is unstable, wobbling slightly. 0633, ``Bom dia, Brasil``; Belém is on UT -3 with no DST there this summer, so local is only 3:33 am. 0644 playing original version of ``Corina, Corina`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ETHIOPIA [and non]. 9559.7, approx., Dec 31 at 1527, considerable het against Chinese on 9560, i.e. R. Ethiopia, vs RCI via Japan or CRI via Kashgar (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDIA. 9690, AIR GOS, Dec 31 at 1427 reviewing India`s military achievements of 2010y, including a stealth ship, joining a small club of nations capable of such (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. 9525-, VOI, VG signal at 1528 Dec 31, while yesterday it was off after 1500, music with IADs. But off at 1603 check an hour before local 2011y. Meanwhile, RRI domestic on 9680 was much weaker with vocal music at 1530, still on at 1603 with excited live talk, 1622 still celebrating (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ITALY [non]. Since this Saturday is only the very first day of the year, and new business often starts on the following weekday, I asked Alfredo Cotroneo of IRRS to confirm whether the deletion of WORLD OF RADIO, alternate Saturdays at 0900 on 9510, axually starts Jan 1. Yes, it does, but WOR ``will continue to be "regular" (as before) every Sat at 2000 CET (1900 UT/winter) on 6090 kHz, until further notice.``
What about DX Partyline after it at 0930; is the whole hour changed?
``Their 15 minute broadcast will be the same as before.
``FYI: we are dropping Mon-Thu 2000-2100 CET (1900-2000 UT/winter) on 6090 kHz effective Jan 1, 2011. New frequency & program schedules will be online on Dec. 31 at
That shows the new program at 0900 Sat is Outlook, at least this week. What about the alternating Radio City, etc., on other weeks?
IRRS will not discuss its transmitter site, under any circumstances, registered as MIL for Milano with HFCC. Presumably this is due to contraxual obligations, despite the fact that previous independent DX research uncovered documents from SLOVAKIA confirming that it is in fact Rimavská Sobota.
As we know, Radio Slovakia International is closing down its own SW broadcasts at yearend, thus raising the question of whether the transmitter site will be kept operational only for the limited schedule of IRRS?
Starting Jan 1, would listeners monitor the IRRS schedule and note whether there has been any significant change in reception, or operational clues leading to the likelihood of the transmitter site having been changed. Other frequencies (for Miraya FM, from and back to Sudan) have been 9670, 15710:
As of 1937 UT Dec 31, the transmission schedule on IRRS website
had not been updated to show deletion of Mon-Thu 19-20 on 6090 as mentioned above, still dated Nov 13 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** JAPAN [non]. NHK can be depended upon for NYE celebrations in the hours before local midnight, and can also be depended upon to frustrate listeners wanting to hear the arrival of the next year at 1500 UT. 11655 via CANADA, VG Dec 31 at 1416 with apparent live music variety show; 1439 had 2-second clips of lots of different songs which probably made more sense if we had original video to go with them, as I suspect this is soundtrack of TV show. 1443 crowd starting singing ``Auld Lang Syne`` in Japanese, but then voiced over with talk. Sure enough, Sackville cut them off the air at 1458:55* just before the big moment. By 1504 I was hearing weak S Asian music on 11655, no doubt KSDA GUAM in Telugu (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5985, Shiokaze, Dec 31 at 1408, YL in Japanese rather than usual English on Fridays. NYE must have persuaded them to switch to primary tongue for the occasion. Lite het from Myanmar 5986v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA. 15120, VON, Dec 31 at 1534 in English about Zimbabwe, but muffled, distorted, and unstable carrier, plus splash from WYFR 15130 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA [non]. 17485, Hamada Radio International via RMI via GERMANY, Friday Dec 31 at 1411, fair signal with speech to a crowd (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 13592.5, the previous unID reported as 13590, with the strange musical loop repeated, and a clip at the end of WORLD OF RADIO 1545, does turn out to be from a nearby CBer putting his semi-harmonic of 27185 on 13592.5. About the same time Dec 31, at 1451 he is active and playing the loop again, which matches much stronger signal on 27185. Words still hard to make out, but sounds like ``You`re an idiot, ha ha ha ha``, which seems appropriate for the CB culture (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. I dozed thru the New Year in NZ, eastern Australia, and PNG, but started listening just after local UT+10 midnite at 1403 UT Dec 31: 3385 had an audible signal, something talking, likely R. East New Britain, Rabaul, on later than usual 1200v* as in WRTH for all these stations. I could also detect carriers on 3365, 3325 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PHILIPPINES. 9430, looking around for some signal hitting 2011y at 1600 UT Dec 31, settled upon FEBC: at 1559 Chinese song, ID, but no timesignal or fireworx when it`s New Year both in China and the Philippines (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** RUSSIA. 6075, the geniuses at R. Rossii decided we should have more hours of motorboating on NY Eve. Normally goes off at 1401* but UT Dec 31 at 1433 still there, but no significant program modulation, just Chinese mixing in from Taiwan and/or ChiCom jamming: an exercise in extended futility. In fact, at 1550, I could still hear the rumbling RR carrier from Petropavlovsk/Kamchtaskiy where local time is UT+11, so midnight was already at 1300 UT. Perhaps the transmitter ops were out celebrating or had passed out. After all, allowing the motorboating to go on the air for months and months is not exactly a sign of taking responsibility (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** RUSSIA [non]. 9570, R. Blagovest via R. Veritas Asia, PHILIPPINES, on what is presumably its last day on the air, Dec 31 at 1522, Russian discussion about Christ, etc. 1526 there is some lite musical CCI but I can find nothing else scheduled; maybe it was crossmodulation. 1545 now the speech is more deliberate, no doubt a scripted sermon (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SAUDI ARABIA. 11785, Dec 31 at 1435, the ``Sa`udi buzz`` is again audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TUNISIA. 12005, Dec 31 at 1555 open carrier, 1556:36 join Arabic conversation in progress. Typical behaviour of RTT, which is scheduled here 1600-2010 per Aoki, 500 kW, 100 degrees from Sfax, while as usual registered in HFCC one hour off, 1700-2110. Aoki also shows that BBC Rampisham had Azeri at 1600-1630 for B-10, but it is ``off`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U K. 3950-3955-3960, DRM noise discouraging hams from using this segment of their band, Dec 31 at 0617. It`s BBC via Skelton, per HFCC, 05-08, 100 kW, 121 degrees. The AM transmitter at Skelton on 3995 carrying DW in German in commonly audible around here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 17740, Dec 31 at 1412, open carrier. 15580, Dec 31 at 1413, another open carrier. Likely both IBB Greenville, tuning up for later broadcasts on these frequencies, both scheduled not until 1700 in Portuguese, English, respectively (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 15795, open carrier Dec 31 to 1553*. Probably WYFR tuning up for 1600 English broadcast to Europe, but unchecked later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. 9955, WRMI confirmed with WORLD OF RADIO 1545, Friday Dec 31 at 1543, losing out to pulse jamming fading up and down, not bleed from 9965 where wall-of-noise jamming against presumed R. República. Tnx a lot, Arnie! Next WOR airings on WRMI are Sat 0900, 1500, 1830, Sun 0900, 1630, 1830, Mon 1230. On WWCR: Fri 2130 7465; Sat 1700 12160; and will UT Sun 0330 on 4840 already be canceled as of UT Jan 2, or the following week? Plus Sun 0730 on 3215.
WOR 1545 also confirmed on webcast of WWRB 3185, UT Friday Dec 31 after 0430 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9385, WWRB with Brother Scare, surrounded by his buzz envelope out to 9365-9405, bothering mainly WTJC 9370v, Dec 31 at 1546 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [non]. 9310, Dec 31 at 1547, S9+20 open carrier, 1551 continuous tone test, 1555 back to OC; 1557 VOA YDD sign-on, 1600 into central Asian language. Once again this is scheduled as R. Liberty in Tatar/Bashkir via Tinang, PHILIPPINES at 16-17, 250 kW, 332 degrees, which should not be preceded by VOA sign-on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VATICAN. 13765, VR in English, Dec 31 at 1537 historical talk about Carmelites vs Moslems; 1540 VR ID as for S Asia, news of PBXVI. Had long-path echo. Is 500 kW, 95 degrees from SMG (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VENEZUELA [non]. 11680, RNV completes yet another year announcing almost totally outdated transmission schedule, just as I tune across via CUBA, Dec 31 at 1520. All we have to hear is the first entry in Spanish = ``to San Francisco at 11 am on 13740``. BTW, how is your own transmitter site at Calabozo coming along? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
Glenn Hauser logs December 30-31, 2010
2230 switched to Creole, audio breaking up and undermodulated. That`s supposed to be at 2300 on 15370 per online sked presented in Spanish, while in WRTH, French is supposed to be on 15370 at 2230, except Sundays Esperanto, which we have never been able to confirm. This was definitely Kriyol-la, not French. However, at recheck 2256, 11670 had meanwhile switched to correct feed of RNV with IS and sign-off announcement. In other words, at RHC, it`s SNAFU.
6050, checking RHC English, Dec 31 at 0211, very strong, but it has co-channel QRM under from some music, and producing a subaudible heterodyne. Thus the negligible HCJB is capable of interfering with RHC in NAm! Maybe that will get Arnie`s attention, as his monumental failure of frequency management continues (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. 6270, R. Cairo is still mostly neglecting to apply modulation to sufficient carrier, Dec 31 at 0159 check, tho there is a lite whine, still 0210. By 0222 some modulation is barely audible but not at all readable, and also at 0246 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GUAM. 11965, UT Dec 30 at 2210 some nice seemingly secular music, then ID sounding like ``Radio Advent Suara Pangharapan``, and Christian hymn tune in presumed Indonesian. It`s KSDA, and one could hear the same here:
But no sign of the proper Indonesian name or ID on the website or in the WRTH 2011: you have to find this under GUAM, while the other AWR transmissions are under USA, even tho none radiate from there; why? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. Finally tracked down the active 1670 kHz talking house, traces of which I have heard while driving around western Enid, Dec 30 at 2100+ UT. I figured it`s farther out in the NW quadrant, and so it is. Near Purdue and Oakwood I was hearing the swishy signal strong enough to copy the address: 3017 Falcon Crest; poor dixion of Greg Winkeljohn first made it sound like South Crest, no such street, but found the correct one on my map. Only way to access it was to circle around to the east and south and back west into a newish development. Did not bother to record, as it`s quite similar to the previous ones from same realtor, but did photo the house, with the 1670 sign afront:
It`s also on his website, with a slide show of the interiors, price $439,900:
But no shot of the radio station! And as usual, no antenna visible from the outside. However, there was this emblem embedded in the ground near the front door by the owners who want out:
Mentioned in the spiel and on the site is a ``Jack & Jill bathroom`` which sounds ominous, if you know the kidsong --- no running water? You fall down and break your crown?
There were many more houses of a similar style in the area, but surprisingly few inhabitants stirring in our record-warm midafternoon, 70 degrees. But 3017`s neighbors were pulling up their Xmas lights. Driving away on caradio, losing 1670 within a semimile, and gone by one mile, while moving with the noise level increased. I suspect my tyres are generating static electricity against the dry, dry pavement (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PORTUGAL. 9855 and stronger // 9455, RDPI to Americas, Dec 31 at 0152 with Portuguese music, but rather overmodulated/distorted. A bit better several minutes later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U K [non]. 7490, Dec 30 at 2156, B-B-C- chimes, fair signal, 2159:30 opening Chinese service. It`s 250 kW, 25 degrees from Nakhon Sawan, THAILAND, so also USward. Don`t you believe the HFCC registration for WWCR on 7490 at 21-01. It`s really on 7465 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 7455, WYFR way over the RTTY which seems determined to live with it, Dec 31 at 0129, but FR self-inflicts some kind of double audio and then distorted single audio; once Open Forum starts at 0130 the audio clears up and I clear out (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
Final Shortwave Logs for 2010!!
BELARUS Radio Belarus-RB 7360 2245 GMT 333 Dec 29 YL and OM with comments plus some music. Language used unknown to me.
BULGARIA Radio Bukgaria-RB 7400 2259 GMT Bukgarian 333 Dec 29 YL singing and suddenly of the air 2300 GMT.
CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 6140 2222 GMT Spanish 333 Dec 29 YL with comments and mentioning Cuba often. OM with RHC ID 2224 GMT. Then in comments. //11730[433], 11770[444], 9820[333' and 12040[433]
CUBA Radio Havan Cuba-RHC 15370 2231 GMT Frnech 333 Dec 29 OM with so/on. YL with comments 2234 GMT
GREECE Voice of Greece 7475 2305 Greek 333 Dec 29 Two OMs with comments.
IRAN Voice of the Islamic Republic-VOIR 7255 2140 GMT Arabic 333 Dec 29 OM singing with drum music. OM with comments 2242 GMT.
MADAGASCAR Voice of Germany Relay-DW 7380 2252 GMT Indonesian 232 Dec 29 YL and OM singing. YL and OM with comments 2255 GMT and suddenly off the air at 2257 GMT. //11605[232].
A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 to you all. May 2011 give us a great year for shortwave radio listening worldwide.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
giovedì 30 dicembre 2010
Glenn Hauser logs December 29-30, 2010
which still shows ``Hindsight`` Thursday at 1405. This situation will probably last thru most of January. ``Summer`` host started discussing whether brains of liberals and conservatives are congenitally different, i.e. conservatives ruled by reptilian emotions (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 11760, Dec 30 at 1531:40, RHC starting ``Formalmente Informal``, confirmed as one hour later than it used to be M-F (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. 9525-, VOI still almost on-frequency rather than 9526-, Dec 30 at 1413, ending news in Indonesian. Good signal today but with some whine, and as always, IADs, more obvious when some music played. Off the air after 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. More from the sporadic E TV DX opening in previous report: channel 3 analog, Dec 29 at 1725 UT, ``Ensalada de Noche`` label at bottom, cooking demonstration, and tv3 bug in upper right, i.e. XHP Puebla (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PALAU. 9950, Dec 30 at 1458, Babcock IS, prior to what? Nothing: at 1459 ID by T8WH, cut off air before complete. This was instead the tail of the 1430 Furusato no Kaze broadcast, 100 kW, 345 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** RUSSIA. 6075, R. Rossii, Petropavlovsk/Kamchatsky, Dec 30 at 1359, nothing but motorboating, but 1400 timesignal made it thru, mb carrier on until 1401, and no 8GAL audible on 6074 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SRI LANKA [non]. 11905, R. Ceylon is being reported in English at 1530 so I try for it too. At 1518 Dec 30, something in Russian? No, Belarussian from Poland via Woofferton UK, say HFCC and Aoki.
1529:30 this stops, and a few sex later another carrier comes on somewhat weaker and fadier. I am afraid this is not SLBC, but another PRES broadcast via Woofferton in Ukrainian, having made a slight antenna change from 70 to 82 degrees.
HFCC shows SLBC via Ekala site at 0800-1530 on 11905 in Hindi, but this is not in WRTH 2011; just 1530-1630 in English and Hindi on 11905 via Trincomalee (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** THAILAND. 9725, Dec 30 at 1417, HSK9 in English discussing the dangers of second-hand smoke; fair (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 7415, Wed Dec 29 at 2001, WORLD OF RADIO 1545 confirmed first airing on WBCQ webcast.
9955, WRMI, UT Thu Dec 30 at 0443 check, nothing but jamming audible when WORLD OF RADIO 1545 was airing. Tnx a lot, Arnie! However, at 0621, WRMI was holding its own against the jamming during DX Partyline. Pipeline then from SFL with WYFR 31m channels inbooming. Other nights these are JBA; you never know which will be the case.
Dec 30 at 1628 check, the Thu 1600 airing of WOR on 9955 seems unjammed but poor signal. Next on WRMI: Thu 2200 (probably jamming wall-of-noise as this was on Wed); Fri 1530, Sat 0900, 1500, 1830. On WBCQ 7415: Thu 2000; on WWRB 3185: Fri 0430. On WWCR 7465: Fri 2130; 12160 Sat 1700. Complete schedule at (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
SIDC Weekly Bulletin
:Product: documentation at
# SIDC Weekly bulletin on Solar and Geomagnetic activity #
WEEK 521 from 2010 Dec 20
On Dec 15 however, a plasma structure high in the corona left the Sun.
It was clearly seen in STEREO COR2 images. LASCO on board SOHO
could also capture it but it looked very faint. The CME was not recognized
as a halo in LASCO.
Further, the Sun took a small Christmas holiday: no flares were measured.
A shock leading the plasma cloud reached ACE on Dec 19. The cloud itself
passed on Dec 20. It was possibly the plasma structure that left the Sun
on Dec 15. The cloud can be recognized by the slowly varying magnetic
field components. Only unsettled conditions were measured on Dec 20.
Further this week, we had also a geomagnetic silence.
2010 Dec 20 011 000 78 010 A3.7 0 0
2010 Dec 21 022 000 78 003 A3.5 0 0
2010 Dec 22 013 007 78 /// A3.3 0 0
2010 Dec 23 /// 008 80 /// A3.3 0 0
2010 Dec 24 025 008 79 003 A3.4 0 0
2010 Dec 25 /// 013 79 006 A3.5 0 0
2010 Dec 26 /// 016 81 004 A3.5 0 0
# RC : Sunspot index (Wolf Number) from Catania Observatory (Italy)
# EISN : Estimated International Sunspot Number
# 10cm : 10.7 cm radioflux (DRAO, Canada)
# Ak : Ak Index Wingst (Germany)
# BKG : Background GOES X-ray level (NOAA, USA)
# M,X : Number of X-ray flares in M and X class, see below (NOAA, USA)
# Solar Influences Data analysis Center - RWC Belgium #
# Royal Observatory of Belgium #
# Fax : 32 (0) 2 373 0 224 #
# Tel.: 32 (0) 2 373 0 491 #
mercoledì 29 dicembre 2010
Glenn Hauser logs December 29, 2010
** CANADA. 6070, CFRX Toronto: having welcomed the appearance of the Phil Hendrie Show on SW, lately I`ve been hearing stand-up comedy instead after 0600, including Dec 29. Yes, the program schedule for CFRB at
now shows: ``24-7 Comedy Overnight`` Mon-Sat 12-5 am = 0500-1000 UT, so it`s *5-6*, not 24-7! Unlike the originating source:
On the website it`s impossible to tell whether this is based in Canada, but maybe CanCon does not apply to comedy broadcasting? So many `American` comedians are axually Canadian, it should not be hard to comply with that. But who wants to listen to five hours straight of stand-up in the nightmiddle?
Not much else of obvious interest on the CFRB schedule, except they are carrying 60 Minutes, from CBS at the same time it is on TV, UT Mondays 0000 (but what about delays for stupid ballgames at least on TV?). CFRX also has CBS's Weekly World News Round-Up, Saturdays at 1000-1100 UT; or after current news? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 13780, Dec 29 at 1501, RHC YL claims it`s ``exactamente las 10, ante meridiano``. More lies from the Commies. No frequency announcement, and cut off the air a few sex later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ECUADOR. 3810-LSB, Dec 29 at 0620, HD2IOA, Guayaquil, with time announcements in Spanish every ten seconds, and beeps correct compared to WWV. Only QRhaM at the moment was ACI, not CCI. I check for this just about every night around this time, but not logged since August 19 at 0514. WRTH 2011 shows schedule as 0000-1200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GUAM. 5765-USB, AFN, Dec 29 at 1313, with military PSA, poor (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** HONDURAS. 3340, Dec 29 at 0622, open carrier, or maybe just barely modulated, likely HRMI on later than usual as occasionally happens (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN [non]. 7510, GünAz Radio, clandestine for Southern Azerbaijan, scheduled to début Dec 29 at 1430, so I am looking for it at 1431, but no signal at all, just Chinese on 7505 = FEBC Iba, PHILIPPINES, and Vietnamese on 7515 = R. Free Asia, TINIAN. Had feared splash from WWCR 7490 would block it, but nothing to block, nor in further chex following hour. However, GünAz was confirmed on air by Wolfgang Büschel and Jari Savolainen in Europe (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KAZAKHSTAN. 5835, Dec 29 at 1315, open carrier with flutter, or just barely modulated. Only thing scheduled per Aoki is YFR via Almaty-Nikolayevka, 200 kW, 121 degrees, in English at 1300-1400, and just started Dec 13. Evidently their act is not yet together a fortnight later. Less than 5 months till R-day! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. Sporadic-E TV DX broke out Dec 29 at 1636 UT when channel 2 was suddenly occupied by signals from the SSW, net-2 dominating at first, promos with Canal de las Estrellas `star` logo; by 1645 net-5 bug in upper-right during cartoons. 1700 also mix of signals on 3 and signs of activity on 4, 5. Initially no activity at all showing on the 6m map; after 1700, a few paths over western US. This could also get into the FM band? But weakening at 1710 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 13592.5, Dec 29 at 1426, disgusted local CBer complaining about his neighbors; only heard his side of conversation while on 27185 could hear both sides: yes, he is radiating a semi-harmonic. I was checking 13590 where I heard the strange musical ``IS`` yesterday, with a clip at the end of this week`s WORLD OF RADIO 1545. CBer was quite distorted, somewhere between AM and FM. I assume this had no connexion with the 13590 unID (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 9980 WWCR, and several seconds later 9385 WWRB, Brother Scare audio going into loops in short bursts Dec 29 at 1526, resolved around 1528 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5890, WWCR-4 missing, Dec 29 at 0618, no signal from Brother Scare, tho DGS is good on 5935, WWCR-2. So one transmitter is either off, or on the wrong frequency. Checked 9350 but not there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9955, WRMI, Wednesday Dec 29 at 1637, first airing of new WORLD OF RADIO 1545 confirmed; fair signal and no jamming except bleed from 9965. Tnx a lot, Arnie! Next few repeats on WRMI are: Thu 0430, 1600, 2200, Fri 1530. On WBCQ 7415: Wed, Thu 2000; on WWRB 3185: Fri 0430. On WWCR 7465: Fri 2130. Complete schedule at (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 11715, Dec 29 at 1523, KJES in English with catechisms, adult OM, repeated by kids, S9+22 but just barely modulated. Sporadic E is building up, audiblizing this; see MEXICO. A day or two before I heard only traces of KJES (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [non]. 17895, Dec 29 at 1529, VP signal from VOA São Tomé, but enough to // it with equally poor music on 12055 Lampertheim, so the African frequencies are also carrying Border Crossings (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
martedì 28 dicembre 2010
Radio Prague's shortwave broadcasting to end on January 31, 2011
Radio Prague – the international service of Czech Radio – will cease broadcasting on shortwave after January 31, 2011, following a significant cut in our budget. The Czech Foreign Ministry, which finances Radio Prague, has reduced our funding for next year significantly, in line with the government's austerity measures aimed at lowering the budget deficit. Final negotiations are still underway, but it is expected that Radio Prague will continue producing programmes in six languages, including English. The internet will become Radio Prague's main broadcasting platform, with shows also being broadcast in Europe via satellite. In addition, Radio Prague will cooperate with partner stations in re-broadcasting, and will continue its FM broadcasting in Prague in four languages: English, French, German and Russian. Changes to our programme, along with any new developments, will be announced in January.
WRTH - Bargraph Frequency Guide
La buffonata del secolo, la "QSL over IP"
WRTH Schedules now integrated into SWLog!
It is with great pleasure to announce that the 2011 international and selected target/clandestine schedules from WRTH (World Radio TV Handbook) are now available in Shortwave Log. This is indeed quite the Christmas present!
The WRTH Schedules seamlessly integrate into Shortwave Log and can be directly used to identify stations, to tune the bands, or to browse the data grids.
In addition to logging, the Radio Control Server program controls over 40 receivers from 11 manufacturers such as Ten-Tec, Icom, Drake, AOR, Lowe, Yaesu, and Winradio. SDR receivers from FlexRadio and Microtelecom/Perseus are supported. Every receiver can also be configured to stream live on the Internet.
Shortwave Log is soon to celebrate its 20th year! Having started in 1991, the program has expanded over the years into a suite of programs for logging (shortwave and amateur), radio control, recording, QSL management, and enabling receivers to be published online.
Shortwave Log can be downloaded from (Bob, N3OEA via shortwavedxing ml)
Glenn Hauser logs December 27-28, 2010
** INDONESIA. 9525-, after many months consistently on 9526-, somewhere between 9525.9 and 9526.0, VOI has shifted one kHz lower, as first noted by Mark Coady and Ron Howard on Dec 27, Ron measuring it on 9524.96. This presumably means they have switched to their other transmitter. Also on 9525- here Dec 28 at 1244 with music, Japanese announcements, but poor signal with hi-latitude paths from Asia very attenuated and disturbed.
You`d never know this from the 1200 UT report from SWPC:
``Geophysical Alert Message
Solar-terrestrial indices for 27 December follow.
Solar flux 80 and mid-latitude A-index 2.
The mid-latitude K-index at 1200 UTC on 28 December was 2 (10 nT).
No space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours.
No space weather storms are expected for the next 24 hours.``
But at 1500, the K-index had soared to 5:
``The mid-latitude K-index at 1500 UTC on 28 December was 5 (82 nT).
Space weather for the past 24 hours has been minor.
Geomagnetic storms reaching the G1 level occurred.
Space weather for the next 24 hours is expected to be minor.
Geomagnetic storms reaching the G1 level are expected.``
At 1300 in English I could tell they were opening the Tuesday ``Exotic Indonesia`` joint produxion with RRI Banjarmasin, and the IADs were still happening, altho quick and not so frequent as usual. Reception was better at 1427 check during the Indonesian hour when they were also talking about Banjarmasin, Kalimantan, perhaps coincidentally, not the voice of the English-speaker from there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MALAYSIA. 9835, Dec 28 at 1534, weak talk and music with CCI. I also looked for it around 1100 Dec 27, but only a very weak signal, so nothing definite here yet.
``S. Aoki received Sarawak FM on 9835 kHz on Dec. 23 at around 1000 UT for the first time. // 5030 kHz. I can receive it by the later reception from around +0000-1430+. 9835 kHz are delay in time lag of the satellite relay than 5030 kHz. Therefore I estimated it to be new transmitter of Kajang TX site (S. Hasegawa, Japan, Dec 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)``
= near Kuala Lumpur, Peninsular. Ron Howard in CA also had it from 1327 to 1624 Dec 27, on the air later than 5030 to 1600*.
Aoki shows AIR Delhi (Kingsway) also on 9835 most of the entire span, and at 15-16 also R. Liberty Turkmen via Lampertheim, GERMANY. As for Malaysia:
``9835 RTM Sarawak FM 0000-1600 1234567 Malaysian 100 93 Kajang MLA 10146E 0301N RTM b10 Dec.24-`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. The Dec 27 sporadic-E TVDX opening mentioned last time at 1646 UT continued, and at 1846 I found signals peaking from the WSW again, on channels 2 and 4 analog, i.e. NW Mexico. Only thing IDed was the Azteca-13 bug in the UR on channel 2 at 1850 UT. Most likely XHFA Nogales, Sonora, the only full-power A13 on 2 in the country per, plus 6 lower-powered mostly elsewhere (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1580, KOKB Blackwell had resumed modulating around 1830 UT Dec 23 following open carrier earlier that morning. But once again dead air before and after 2200 UT Dec 27 (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PHILIPPINES. 9570, R. Blagovest, via Radio Veritas Asia, Dec 28 at 1511 in Russian with heavy flutter. (VOA Philippines 9760 with English Learning had much less flutter, but 9945 via SRI LANKA even less.) 9570 at 1530 still speech, about Christ rather than classical music. Time is running out for this!
``Under the message received from the head tekh-sluzhby Radio Veritas Asia, station stops translations [sic] in Russian with the beginning of new year (MIDXB No 716 via RusDX Dec 26 via DXLD)``
That means R. Blagovest (Bells), 9570 at 15-16. Axually, I was looking for it Dec 27 but heard nothing from it. WRTH 2011 shows other Russian is 02-03 on 17830, also Blagovest, per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN [and non]. REE`s repeat of the 2345-2355 token newscasts in Catalan and Galician at 0505-0515 UT Tue-Sat as in WRTH 2011 is confirmed. Dec 28 at 0505 I hear Catalan, and 0510 the maritime melody on fife introducing ``Informativo Gallego``. Reception was poor on 6055 direct, as well as on 3350, 5965 and 9675 via COSTA RICA. The original broadcast happens to be when no CR relays are on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 3160, WPJK Orangeburg SC, Dec 28 at 1233 tune-in, already underway with pumping black gospel music, good signal. Unfortunately, did not sign on late today.
The FCC-official sunrise/sunset times for Dec are 1215-2215 UT, but WPJK has kept signing on circa 1230 = 7:30 am local, but does sign off circa 2215, often a few minutes late. In January the proper times will be 1230-2245, so that may give us a semihour more of possible reception in the evenings (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VATICAN [non]. 9865, VR via CANADA, which dumped off the air just as it was starting at 1130 UT Dec 27, was back on the air Dec 28, checked at 1203, in Spanish. This also reconfirms that despite VR`s own schedule copied in many other places, the 1200-1215 portion remains an extension of the Spanish, not English.
EiBi: correctly all-Spanish
Aoki: English at 1200-1215
ADDX by language, English 1200-1215 with obsolete A-10 frequency 9830, altho ``as of 18 Dez``
PTSW: English only, correctly does not include 1200
WRTH 2011: does not list English at 1200, but not Spanish 1130 either
UNIDENTIFIED. 13590, Dec 28 at 1439, very distorted vocal music piece of 20+ notes repeated over and over at irregular intervals. No good with BFO on, so mode mostly FM; modulation also makes S-meter move. Atop much weaker AM signal, presumably 1Africa, Zambia. At first I thought it was Cairo 13580 with typically distorted Albanian service but that does not start until 1500, when today it was much less distorted. Could not find anything // on 13 MHz band, in case this was a spur. At 1446 the melody started repeating continuously rather than with irregular pauses. At 1453 a couple more notes were added at the end. At 1454 about three syllables were spoken, and nothing more heard to 1507 when I quit monitoring this. Any ideas? Audio clip:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
lunedì 27 dicembre 2010
Glenn Hauser logs December 26-27, 2010
** CHINA. 9415, Dec 26 at 2342, VG signal in Vietnamese, with short/longpath echo. HFCC shows it`s CRI, 500 kW, 193 degrees from Beijing site (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CUBA 9820
** CUBA [and non]. 9820, Dec 26 at 2325, RHC in Spanish with Chinese CCI. HFCC shows: Xian, 150 kW, 290 degrees at 2055-0100. Aoki shows it as CNR2 Xianyang 594 site, same power and azimuth, but also Voice of Beibu Bay Radio, 15 kW, 225 degrees from Nanning in Vietnamese Sun-Thu, Chinese Fri/Sat, but are those local or UT days? Anyhow, Commies vs Commies vs Commies! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
49 mb check at 1125 Dec 27: RHC 6000 mixing with Harold Camping on WYFR; VG on 6095, also 6140, 6150. Open carrier on 6120, also RHC, or Sackville? 6060 with RNV relay mixing English and Spanish. 15120, Dec 27 at 1450 RHC Spanish with tourism feature about Hemingway`s house in Habana, but fast SAH from understation featuring wailing, i.e. Saudi Arabia`s Bengali service (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also NIGERIA
** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 15190, R. Africa, Dec 27 at 1536 VP with preacher in English; not yet the convicted child-molesting evangelist `Tony Alamo`, now serving 175 years in Terre Haute rather than Tucson, whom Ron Howard has been observing both at 1600 and 2200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** FRANCE [non]. 13640, RFI via GUF, Dec 27 at 1146, VG with music, lyrix sounded Japanese, 1147 ID in Chinese. Just part of RFI`s eclectic music fill after Météo Marine in French which takes far less than the full semihour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GUATEMALA. 4052.5-, R. Verdad, nothing there at 1125 Dec 27, so late signing on again; 1138 check, now it`s on with ``Hark, the Herald``, by children`s chorus, language uncertain, then ``Noche de Paz`` in Spanish; fair signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** JAPAN. 9875, Sunday Dec 26 at 1420, NHK World Interactive answering listener letters. I expected it to be pre-empted as on last Sundays of month by Listening Library, but per
this is appearing quarterly rather than monthly, Oct 31 and the next one Jan 30 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CANADA
** MAURITANIA. 7245, no signal Dec 27 at 0605, so checked if ORTM was back on 4845 --- not there either, and WWCR 4840 was weakening as skip lengthened. 0618 recheck, 7245 now on with usual chanting, so opened late (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 6185, XEPPM with musical prélude, Sunday Dec 26 at 2305 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. Finally getting some analog winter sporadic-E TV DX. At 2346 UT Sunday Dec 26 I noticed that WWCR 13845 and WEWN 15610 were putting in good signals, as the bands were otherwise dying for longer hauls. A good tipoff that Es is in play.
At 0223 UT Monday Dec 27 first noticed video on channel 2. 0225 found it coming from WSW, tucanal bug in UR, so that`s XEPM Juárez. Then on channel 4, Azteca 13 bug in UR, the two vertical lines and three dots to their right (5+5+3) in game/variety show, ``Boing/La Academia``. Briefly glimpsed SONORA in an ad, so that`s XHHSS in Hermosillo. A few good fade-ins from it. Occasional signs of signals on 5 and 6 but by 0248 MUF down to channel 2. Just about gone by 0300.
Next morning after finding WWCR 15825 and WEWN 15610 inbooming, and 6m Es maps showing activity in eastern USA, I aimed ENE on ch 3 hoping for WBRA-DT from VA; on separate analog set saw signs of video briefly at 1646 on ch 2 (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MOROCCO. 15341+, Dec 27 at 1512, RTM still here in Arabic, slight het from 15340; but at 1535 check had made the switch to 15345+ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA. 15120, Dec 27 at 1509, VP signal from VON in English but in the clear after RHC and BSKSA closed. HFCC shows Sa`udi on 15120 until 1600, but WRTH 2011 has its Bengali ending at 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ROMANIA. 6015, RRI in English, Dec 26 at 2315, no spurjam from Cuba this time; previous report of this on 6020 under Cuba must have been 5 kHz off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SAUDI ARABIA. 17615, BSKSA, Dec 27 at 1516, fire & brimstone preacher, vocal range all over the place, unusual for Arabic broadcasts; his voice and/or the playback may be defective. A few minutes earlier, was quite pleasant with Qur`an. See also CUBA, NIGERIA, 15120 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 4825-USB, Dec 26 at 2320, Navy MARS net in ``comments`` segment, informal talk about weather, equipment, NCS NNN0KIP. Also heard some AFA- calls, Air Force MARS. Googling indicates NNN0KIP is somewhere in east Texas (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9245.8, Dec 26 at 2220, spur from WWRB // 9385 with Overcomer, but non-Brother Scare speaking at the moment. Very weak and fading. Could not find a match on the hi side, 9524.2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9985, Dec 27 at 1134, VG with vintage cowboy music. WWCR-1 has expanded from one hour to two on 9985, 10-12 UT, with the second hour M-F being ``Worldwide Country Radio``. 1158 QSY announcement to 15825 and off. By 1202, WWCR-4 had come on 9980 with TOM music.
At 1537, found 15825 with preacher had VG signal instead of JBA, tnx to sporadic E HF opening, providing 15610 WEWN likewise. Now`s my chance to try to hear the +/- 15.6 kHz spurs which accompany other WWCR-1 frequencies, 3215 and 7465. Yes, there they are, quite weak but detectable on 15809.4 and 15840.6. Also began monitoring ch 2 for ascension of Es MUF, and briefly saw some analog video at 1646 with antenna ENE (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 15550-USB, WJHR with usual over-assertive preacher, rough audio besides being SSB, Monday Dec 27 at 1447, confirming it is not limited to Wednesdays only as in WRTH 2011. Today`s signal aided by sporadic E over short 1-megameter path, rising to good peaks after 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9955, WRMI, UT Sunday Dec 26 at 0549, great music from Bolivia, Perú on ``Aires Andinos`` and sufficient non-jammed reception too. Current sked as of Dec 17 shows all these times for it: UT Tue 0330, Wed 1230, Thu 0100 {corrected, not 0000, tnx to Harry Brown for catching this}, Sat 1200, Sun 0530, 0730 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VATICAN [non]. 9865, Dec 27 at 1128 OC, 1129 Vatican Radio IS, opening Spanish to Latin America and the Caribbean, but then dumped off the air and never returned at several chex following semihour. Is Sackville, CANADA relay, almost as if operator thought better of doing this transmission. Has it been deliberately suspended? It had ACI from 9865-9870-9875 RNZI DRM noise which runs until 1200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 3320, Dec 27 at 1152, open carrier with tone test, or rather het, I think now from a second carrier, this time slightly lower pitched than the adjacent CHU pips. Obviously at this hour it would have nothing to do with South Africa. Nothing much audible from North Korea either below 4 MHz, except a carrier on 2850 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
Log Roberto Pavanello
1026 23/12 02.30 Kol Israel - Jerusalem Arabo Korano buono
1170 23/12 17.30 R. Sawa - Al-Dhabbiya Arabo MX suff.
4747 23/12 23.10 R. Huanta 2000 - SS MX suff.
4765 21/12 23.10 Tajik R. - Dushambè Tagico MX buono
4840 20/12 16.45 A.I.R. - Mumbai Hindy MX buono
4880 23/12 17.20 Short Wave R. Africa - Meyerton Shina talk OM buono
4950 23/12 23.25 R. Nac. Angola - Luanda PP MX suff.
4955 23/12 23.05 R. Cultural Amauta - Huanta SS MX suff.
4985 21/12 23.15 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP MX buono
5000 21/12 23.20 WWV - Fort Collins EE ID e pip pip buono
5940 23/12 23.30 Voz Missionaria - Camboriù PP predica suff.
6200 25/12 10.15 R. Orang Utang - EE ID e MX buono
6206 25/12 10.35 R. Nordsee Int. - EE ID e MX buono
6310 25/12 10.20 R. Mistletoe - EE ID e MX buono
7200 20/12 16.30 Sudan BC - Omdurman Arabo NX buono
8400 20/12 17.00 Sound of Hope - Taichung Cinese talk suff.
9665 23/12 23.15 Voz Missionaria - Camboriù PP predica buono
9675 23/12 23.20 R. Cancao Nova - Cachoeura Paulista PP " Feliz Natal " buono
11780 23/12 23.35 R. Nac. Amazonas - Brasilia PP MX buono
13660 24/12 11.00 R. New Zeland Int. - Wellington EE " Merry Christmas " suff.
Roberto Pavanello
Radio Listener PAL Radio Guides
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domenica 26 dicembre 2010
Glenn Hauser logs December 26, 2010
13750 is the Sunday-only frequency intended for ``Aló, Presidente`` later on. At the beginning of E.C. the other Sunday channels 15370 and 17750 were open carrier, but by the end they too were presenting audio, altho 17750 was like last week quite undermodulated. Also on // 15360, 15120, 13780, 13720 (mix 13780/13750), 13680, 11760, 11730.
At 1516 check, 11760, which is supposed to be in Esperanto, was still // all the others in Spanish with Filatelia program. Esperanto has been unheard for several weeks now.
Still hoping/expecting to hear El Hugazo, but at 1539, 1623 and 1648, all frequencies still on the air remain // with RHC mainstream (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CYPRUS. 5905, Dec 26 at 1406 Arabic from BBC London, fair signal and about the same as synchronized // 5875. Both are via Cyprus, 173 and 121 degrees respectively, and presumably long-path (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GUAM. 5765-USB, AFN audible enough to confirm still talking, Dec 26 at 1358, presumably NPR WESUN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. 3325, Dec 26 at 1351 some music is making it vs the high local noise level, and it almost sounds like Ave Maria. Presumably RRI Palangkaraya (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ROMANIA. 6095-6100-6105, Dec 26 at 0610, DRM noise which one does not hear elsewhen on these frequencies. It`s RRI scheduled in French at 0600-0630 via Galbeni (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TUNISIA. 7275, RTT back on correct frequency Dec 26 at 0605 in Arabic, ex-7225 the night before during this semihour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9955, WRMI, UT Sunday Dec 26 at 0549, great music from Bolivia, Perú on ``Aires Andinos`` and sufficient non-jammed reception too. Current sked as of Dec 17 shows all these times for it: UT Tue 0330, Wed 1230, Thu 0000, Sat 1200, Sun 0530, 0730 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 4840, WWCR with IRN/USA `News` at 0603 Dec 26, caster pronounces the island off Yemen ``Socorta`` --- bet he had never heard of it before, but that`s no disqualification for being an agenda-based network newscaster on national and international radio. Does that look familiar? Exactly the same mistake was heard 8 hours earlier on 9350 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [non]. 9565, Dec 26 at 1428-1430+ phone interview frequently mentioning Baluchistan, Pakistan; phone side audio kept being interrupted, IADs. Good signal. This is Pashto from VOA`s Deewa Radio, 250 kW, 90 degrees from Wertachtal, GERMANY. More about this very specialized service for NWFP, Pakistan/Afghanistan border region:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
Glenn Hauser logs December 25, 2010
** CANADA. 9625, just as I tuned in CBC NQ with a story about river icing, cut off the air Dec 25 at 2139, resumed two minutes later. After 2200 news, had a CBC Xmas special featuring tenors. Fair signal and QRMless at this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA [and non]. 7105, Chinese with good signal amid 40m hamband, Dec 25 at 2238. Soon found // 7440 echoing and mixing with other signals, but on 7105 at 2246 only a fast SAH, no other modulation audible. It is of course, CNR1 jamming Sound of Hope which uses 7105 only at 22-23.
On 7440, the jamming is vs VOA Chinese via Thailand, but also blasts CRI Japanese via Beijing, per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [and non]. 9550, DentroCuban Jamming Command, Dec 25 at 2138 pulsing against nothing, probably spur from 9565 against Martí via Sackville.
6020, DCJC, Dec 25 at 2312, pulse jamming against something, Romania in English, probably spur from 6020 Martí via Greenville.
5735, DCJC, Dec 25 at 2314, pulse jamming against nothing, not on 5745 where it is `needed` elsewhen against Martí.
12060, DCJC, Dec 25 at 2317, pulse jamming against nothing, 2 x 6030 vs Martí; poor here while RHC 12010 and 12040 VG.
5990, CRI English relay, Dec 25 at 2313 is not only lo-fi but the squealing transmitter.
15230, RHC in Portuguese, Dec 25 at 2318, while 15370 was stronger but extremely distorted in Creole at 2319. For once, both these match the schedule at
** EGYPT. 6270, R. Cairo, which was open carrier all last evening, is still/again! dead air, Dec 25 at 2207 during the 2115-2245 English to Europe. But by 2235 had managed some lofi, lomod music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDIA. AIR GOS, 9445 fluttery but better than // 7550, Dec 25 at 2130 about Xmas celebrations in India, saying all religions celebrate it as a holiday, then rather amateurish dramatization of a family`s activities (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** JAPAN. 11665, NHK direct, UT Saturday Dec 25 at 2325 with classical organ music, Bach; // 17605 via Bonaire not making it this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 6185, Dec 25 at 2303, XEPPM is again on an hour early with music, fast SAH from something but not Brasil. EiBi has already adopted the 2300 opening we reported previously (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NEWFOUNDLAND. 6160, CKZN, Dec 25 at 2304 weather forecast for Maritime cities, all in negative temps; why not switch to Kelvin? Poor with fast SAH, 2305 into music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA. 7255, Dec 25 still on at 2302, S9+25 with tone test and hum, after Hausa service which had heard in previous hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SARAWAK [non]. 7590, Dec 25 at 2243, poor signal in conversation, cadence sounds IndoMalay, presumably R. Free Sarawak via TAJIKISTAN which has been going for a sesquimonth now at 2230-2330, also in local language Iban. S9+10 peaks but still too poor to make much of it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH AFRICA. 11755, Dec 25 just before 2100 as I tune in, VTC fill music loop and off. This had been AWR via Meyerton in Yoruba, preceded by French at 2000 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN. 7270 and 7275, REE strangely on both adjacent frequencies in Spanish, but separate programming, Dec 25 at 2248. 7275 was // 11940, so I concentrated on 7270. This show in Castilian was about visiting Tíbet, and gave phone number several times, 91-496-2823, unGooglable.
7270 sign-off at 2255 said it was for Europe, to resume in the morning on 9780 DRM and 12035, but then mentioned ``esta emisión`` being to NW Africa on 7275, the frequency I was not listening to. HFCC shows 7270 is 170 degrees to NW Af and 7275 50 degrees to Europe. To confuse matters further, WRTH 2011 does not list 7270 at all, but has a frequency I did not notice, 7265 Spanish to Af at 22-23 following Arabic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9479, Sat Dec 25 at 2012, WTWW has finally broken away from Pastor Pete Peters. There had been rumors that he was considering allowing some other programming despite his 24/7 purchase of WTWW-1 airtime. What else but QSO with Ted Randall, who has also been involved with this station from the start, did the test broadcasts and produced the IDs.
As I tuned in, W4RWL was conveying his Xmas greetings, and then KE5ALK. At 2014 Ted did one of his ubiquitous antenna ads; 2016 song ``How`d you like to spend Christmas on Christmas Island?`` [which one? Ask any illegal immigrant to Australia]. 2019 two more hams with greetings and both said Happy New Year, 2009! Ooops, this is a two-year-old show.
Later we consult to see what`s up:
ON 9480 kc at 1:00 PM Central
The Qso Show For Saturday's Show
the correct link is
To listen Open Windows Media Player... press the alt key
Go to file
Then Open URL
Copy and paste in the link below.
For .mp3 stream for Android Phones
On 7.415 WBCQ Saturday Nights @ 7:00PM Central``
Frequency is really 9479-, but Ted thinx 9480 is close enough. QSO had been running Sat 19-20 UT on WBCQ 7415, as well as UT Sundays 01-05++, so I check 7415 at 2015: no, not //, something else, an OL talking about Xmas --- unless it was a different QSO interviewing her.
Since I heard it after 2000, but at 2100 Scriptures for America was back on 9479, QSO must be two hours at 19-21 Sats (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 17520, Saturday Dec 25 at 1950, assertive talk in unknown language, long-path echo too, punxuated by occasional screams, but lo fi audio. 1958 cut to some southern gospel music, WHRI sign-off, to QSY to 15665 and off. In past WHRI has carried some Amharic shows around this time, but nothing to be found on their online schedules to account for this. In the frequency schedules, we find many duplications between Angel 1 and 5, such as 17520 on both of them at 19-20, but apparently that depends on day of week, when you delve into the program schedules.
Angel 1: 1900 - 2000 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Sa Bishop S.C. Johnson Program Bishop S.C. Johnson & Elder Conrad Campbell 17.520 Mhz
Angel 5: 1900 - 2000 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Sa Bishop S.C. Johnson Program Bishop S.C. Johnson & Elder Conrad Campbell 15.665 Mhz
WHRI`s linx to some programs do not include this one, so we Google:
``-------In Memory Of--------
Bishop S.C. Johnson
Departed This World, February 22, 1961``
But it seems his followers have kept him going a long time, more than three sesquidecades! I wonder if that was really him and his accent so heavy I could not recognize it as English? Same page mentions on WINB, but not WHRI. I did not check whether he was // on 15665 before 2000.
Googling Elder Conrad Campbell gets only four hits, all of them leading back to WHR. There are audio files of many of S.C.`s sermons on above site (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9350, WWCR with IRN/USA `News` at 2203 Dec 25, caster pronounces the island off Yemen ``Socorta`` --- bet he had never heard of it before, but that`s no disqualification for being an agenda-based network newscaster on national and international radio (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 3320, Dec 25 at 2309 continuous tone test, exactly same pitch as the pips on CHU; apparently R. Sonder Grense, SOUTH AFRICA which is supposed to program all-night; tho P`yongyang could have propagated, too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
sabato 25 dicembre 2010
Glenn Hauser logs December 24-25, 2010
** CHINA [and non]. 5965, Dec 25 at 1511 two stations and motorboating sound (low rumble, like on Pet/Kam 6075); one in Chinese, which is RCI via JAPAN, and the only other scheduled is CRI in Russian via Beijing. Seems rather inconvenient that RCI`s relay partner CRI is on the frequency itself is trying to use for China. So is one of these transmitters defective? Or was the rumble from an external source (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** DJIBOUTI. 4780, R. Djibouti, Dec 25 at 0328 assertive speech, mostly over the CODAR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EAST TURKISTAN. 4980, Dec 25 at 0055, just about the OSOB below 5 MHz, W&M talk, sounds Turkic, not Chinesic, bits of music. 0100 5+1 timesignal one second late. Only thing listed in PWBR `2009` is Xinjiang PBS, Urümqi. Also in B-10 HFCC, starting at 2330, 50 kW, 230 degrees, but in Chinese (Zho).
WRTH 2011 (under CHINA) shows 4980 as same source, but Nov-Apr only and *inactive, so can`t look up which language service it is supposed to carry. Aoki, however has it in Uighur language and active on the B-10 schedule, so with the lack of anything else on frequency, and a good transpolar darkness path, I feel safe in presuming it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. 6270, Dec 25 at 0235, R. Cairo English is just an open carrier with some whine, same at 0240 and 0324 chex, and also had noticed it about an hour before. Thus they do not have to worry about modulation quality. Another Xmas-eve who-cares SNAFU? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GERMANY [non]. Kept running across DW as I was aroundtuning Xmas eve:
11725, Dec 24 at 1857, Catholic Xmas sermon in German, later mass sounds. After 1900 playing secular Xmas music in English but German YL announcements, then even Stille Nacht in English. This is 250 kW, 295 degrees via RWANDA. RNZI is also on 11725 at this time, but no sign of it.
11665, Dec 25 at 0140, string of Xmas tunes by Elvis (in English) but announced in German; 0147 more Xmas music in English, then mixture of ``God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen`` with ``Take 5``. `Tis the season for messing around with carols, but breaks the monotony and repetitiveness. Cut off abruptly at 0159:30* without ID or any announcement.
This is DW, 0100-0159, 282 degrees from Ascension to CIRAF 7S, 8S, 10, 11, 12N, which means: southern USA from New Mexico eastward; Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, NW South America. So once again we have a non-English [almost] broadcast officially targeted for part of the USA, despite deletion of us as a recognized coverage area years ago. If they overtly broadcast to NAm in English more people might notice and complain (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. 7475, Dec 25 at 0613, two or three Orthodox cantors making quite a sound, never achieving true harmony. This is normally heard on UT Sundays around this time, but must have been celebrating Dec 25 as Xmas. John Babbis reported, ``From 01.00 Friday, December 24, until 09.00 Monday, December 27, Greece Time, (2300 UT Thursday, December 23 until 0700 UT Monday, December 27), ERA5, the Voice of Greece, will be connected with the Christmas program of the Greek Radio`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI, Dec 25 at 1333 with ``Silent Night`` in Indonesian, announced in English. I forced myself to listen for 60 seconds in order to count the number of IADs (intermittent audio dropouts), and there were 19, unevenly spaced, most ~3 seconds apart, occasionally with a respite up to 5 seconds (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NETHERLANDS [non]. 11655, Dec 24 at 2035-2057* RNW via MADAGASCAR, ``The State We`re In``, very interesting interview with an antiquities smuggler who says he`s saving the pieces from destruxion in their country of origin, Egypt. VG reception, almost as if it were for US (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA. 7275, Dec 25 at 0611, very poor signal sounds like it may be in English, no doubt R. Nigeria, Abuja, in the clear this time since Tunisia [q.v.] is on the wrong frequency, 7225 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ROMANIA. 5975, RRI with nice variety of Romanian Xmas music, none of it familiar, announced in French, Dec 25 at 0245-0257* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN [non]. 9675, REE via COSTA RICA, Dec 25 at 0227 program about ``tiempo mágico`` with strange music; at fades, a fast SAH appeared; would not expect Brasil to be that close to same frequency, but possible. Otherwise good, fortunately, since 6055 direct is squeezed by CUBA on both sides. Who thought that was a good idea? Arnie. 9675 far overshadowed RTI English via WYFR 9680 despite being aimed right at us, 315 degrees, but so is REE at 340 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SUDAN. 7200, Omdurman, Dec 25 at 0326, Arabic music, chanting and drumming, somewhat undermodulated. 0332 announcement included ``Idha`at . . . Sudan``. 0334 fading (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TUNISIA. 7225, Arabic at 0611 Dec 25, where none should be, and // 7335, so once again RTT is on wrong frequency, the one it uses previous evenings, instead of 7275. 0621 kids` chorus, which I think is a Saturday-morning staple, 0626:50* cut off abruptly just like it does when on 7275. Since R. Nigeria [q.v.], Abuja is back on 7275 now, we wonder if Tunisia`s shift is deliberate, but it then reverts to 7275 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 18530, Dec 25 at 1458, the Brother Scare organ was playing, weak but unmistakable. On Saturdays only we may enjoy the WINB second harmonic all day from 9265 as 13570 takes a break (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 6768, Dec 25 at 0132, 5-digit Spanish spy numbers by YL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA
AUSTRALIA Radio Australia-ABC-Shepparton 15560 2228 GMT English 433 Dec 24 OM interviewing call phones people on Christmas.
BONAIRE Radio Japan Relay-NHK 17605 2204 GMT Japanese 333 Dec 24 OM with comments. YL with comments 2215 GMT. //11665[333]via Japan, 11910[433]via Japan.
GUAM, Agat Adventist World Radio-AWR 15320 2238 GMT English 333 Dec 24 YL with comments on the birth of Jesus. OM with comments 2239 GMT. Then Choir singing Silent Night, Holy Night.
GUAM, Ahgat Adventist World Radio-AWR 12120 2315 GMT Chinese 433 Dec 24 YL and OM with comments.
NEW ZEALAND Radio New Zealand Intl-RNZI 15720 2224 GMT English 444 Dec 24 YL with comments on Christmas for Christians.
PHILIPPINES Radio Veritas Asia-RVA 15280 2245 GMT Indonesian 433 Dec 24 Two YLs with comments.
PHILIPPINES VOA Relay 15205 2255 Indonesian 444 Dec 24 Vocal Christmas Music. YL with VOA ID in English 2300 GMT. //11805[333]via Germany
Merry CHRISTMAS to all and to all a very Hppy New Year 2011.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
Glenn Hauser logs December 23-24, 2010
** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5985, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze, via JSR JAPAN, Friday Dec 24 at 1402 in English with news flashes, headlines concerning North Korea attributed to Daily NK, Yonghap, etc., with stingers between them; good (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 89.5, something strange audible in western Enid: sporadic bits of Xmas song starting ``Snow is Falling. . .``, otherwise long periods of dead air, and never any other music, Dec 23 around 1930 UT. I suppose it`s someone`s part 15 transmitter; a little further east we hear traces of KWGS Tulsa.
Earlier I had heard a jazzed-up Xmas music medley on 99.7 from a house on Pheasant Run at the western edge of Enid, coordinated with flashing light show, as publicized in local paper. This had a very limited range barely reaching across the street to overcome KZLS 99.7 Mustang ex-Enid/Alva; see DXLD 10-51 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ROMANIA. 15290, Dec 24 at 1553 music seemed S Asian or ME; could Jordan be on extended Xmas eve sked? No! Soon into Arabic mentioning Bucharest, RRI IS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** RUSSIA [and non]. 6075, R. Rossii, Pet/Kam, Dec 24 at 1358 nothing audible but the motorboating noise; 1400 timesignal mixing with bong from Taiwan as Chinese started on frequency; RR carrier finally off at 1401:45* but nothing from 8GAL 6074 heard during this quadriminute (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [non]. 9885, Dec 24 at 0556, VTC music loop is QRMing VOA English to Africa, making fast SAH. 0600 VOA is in the clear with news of Ivory Coast, but cuts to dead air 0601, finally resumed at 0608 still reporting on Côte d`Ivoire. From HFCC listings here is what must have been happening:
IBB is scheduled to switch sites for VOA from São Tomé to Meyerton at 0600! But SENTECH should crash-start rather than warm up before 0600. So it goes when you do so much outsourcing. Does this happen every day? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1544, confirmed on WWRB 3185, UT Friday Dec 24 after 0430. This is one of our earliest and best airings as far as broad coverage of North America. Good audio, too, and never jammed.
Also confirmed on WRMI 9955, Friday Dec 24 at 1547, poor signal but no jamming except bleedover from 9965.
Scheduled airings on WWCR are: Fri 2130 on 7465; Sat 1700 on 12160; UT Sunday 0330 on 4840 (for the last time?); Sunday 0730 on 3215 --- altho there could be pre-emptions because of the holidays.
This Saturday should also bring our final airing at 0900 via IRRS SLOVAKIA 9510, unless pre-empted, but continuing at 1900 on 6090 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
venerdì 24 dicembre 2010
Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA
CHINA CPBS 12055 2335 GMT hinese 444 Dec 21 YL with vocal singing. //11925[333].
CHINA China Radio Intl-CRI 11820 0005 GMT Cantonese 444 Dec 22 YL with comments.
CHINA China Raio Intl-CRI 11790 0012 GMT English 444 Dec 22 YL interviewing an OM on health care.
JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 11910 2315 GMT Japanese Dec 21 YL and OM with comments. //11665[444], 17605[433]Bonaire.
MALI China Radio Intl-CRI -Relay 11975 2345 GMT Chinese 444 Dec 21 YL and OM with comments.
RUSSIA , Petropavl China Radio Intl Relay-CRI-Relay 11830 2358 GMT Chinese 444 Dec 21 YL and OM with comments. Off the air at 0000 GMT.
RWANDA Voice of Germany Relay-DW 12025 2337 German 444 Dec 21 YL with comments.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
giovedì 23 dicembre 2010
Glenn Hauser logs December 22-23, 2010
** FRANCE [non]. 17630, RFI Spanish via GUIANA FRENCH, excellent signal in news Dec 21 at 2105. This service still very much exists, always subject to strike interruptions. The 2100-2130 transmission is 250 kW, 295 degrees for southern USA from NM eastward, Mexico, Central America and NW South America. Yet RFI can`t be bothered to broadcast in English, or even French to any part of the USA. Thus it joins V of Russia in targeting USA via GUF only in Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GUAM. 5765-USB, Dec 23 at 1407, AFN remains active, with Dr Joy Browne talkshow, 800 number (Glenn Hausere, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN. 9585, poor Dec 23 at 1435 Qur`an and then talk in unID language. Fits VIRI`s format of always opening services on the half hour with a few minutes of Qur`aning. Listed as Hindi, 500 kW, 102 degrees via Sirjan. Not too many Hindi Moslems, I expect (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1580, KOKB Blackwell, here we go again. Dead air, open carrier, Dec 23 at 1444 UT allowing CCI to be audible from preacherstation, still at 1555; meanwhile // KOKP 1020 was modulating normally (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** RUSSIA. 6075, Dec 23 at 1359, R. Rossii, Pet/Kam motorboating carrier and little program audio until 1400 timesignal. Carrier stayed on until 1403, but no sign of 8GAL 6074 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. 11735, VOT IS running late after English broadcast, Dec 23 at 1428-1430*, off right after accurate timesignal. // 12035 was already off. 11735 transmitter should have been preceding another language on another frequency. 11735 was squeezed by RHC 11730 and WYFR 11740 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1544 confirmed on WBCQ 7415, Wednesday Dec 22 at 2005, VP signal here, so 1543 only got one play on Dec 21. Meanwhile 9955 had heavy jamming against nothing, as WRMI is off the air weekday afternoons until 2200. WOR confirmed on WRMI webcast at 0430 UT Thursday Dec 23. And on 9955 at 1600 UT Thursday, no jamming but poor signal. Next WRMI airings Thu 2200 probably jammed, Fri 1530. WBCQ 7415, Thu 2000. Also on WWRB UT Friday 0430 on 3185; WWCR Friday 2130 on 7465 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1510, as I tune in to strong clear signal, Dec 23 at 1446, ID as ``Hot Talk 1510, KCTE Independence-Kansas City``, back to Mike & Mike on ESPN Radio; running a few words ahead of // KSTP 1500. It`s 10 kW daytimer with a lobe right toward us, tho I seldom notice it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [non]. 12055, VOA Dec 23 at 1503 news with long/short path echo, and ACI from squealer WEWN 12050. 1505 Border Crossings, Larry opening show with request and happy birthday to listener in India. Poor here, but // 11765 only JBA thanks to temporary absence of RHC 11760. Both of these are exactly the same parameters, 100 kW, 108 degrees via Lampertheim, GERMANY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA
CHINA PBS 7385 1820 GMT Chinese 333 Dec 18 Two OMs with comments.
CHINA PBS 7415 1822 GMT Chinese 433 Dec 18 Two YLs in a conversation. OM with comments 1825 GMT. //7445[433], 9455[333].
GUAM Adventist World Radio-AWR 9980 1905 GMT English 444 Dec 18 OM with comments about earthquakes in the end times.
JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 9835 1852 GMT Japanese 333 De 18 YL with omments followed by piano music. YL with comments 1857 GMT. Off the air 1900 GMT.
PALUA Radio Free Asia-RFA 9905 1901 GMT Chinese 333 Dec 18 YL and OM with comments.
RUSSIA Voice of Russia-VOR 7330 1815 GMT French 333 Dec 18 Classical music 1817 GMT YL with comments on the classical music. More piano music 1818 GMT.
SRI LANKA Voice of Germany Relay-DW 11605 1907 GMT Russian 333 Dec 18 OM and YL with comments. Two OMs with comments 1912 GMT. Then a YL at 1914 GMT.
To all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2011.
The rainstorm sending heavy rain falls over my area..
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
mercoledì 22 dicembre 2010
Glenn Hauser logs December 21-22, 2010
** CYPRUS [and non]. 11695-11720, OTH radar pulsing, presumed from here, Dec 22 at 1505. Main victim is 11720 DW, Russian via Rampisham (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [and non]. 15190, Dec 21 at 2230, awful mix of R. Africa and R. Inconfidência. Bata had Tony Alamo undermodulated and very distorted, ZYE522 with music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE [and non]. 7450, VOG Greek music, Dec 21 at 2228, but big het from WWCR-1 7465 spur as constantly plus and minus 15+ kHz from fundamental. The other one on 7480+ did not have a victim (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5985, Wed Dec 22 at 1423, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze via JSR JAPAN, usual earnest YL in English with description of a 1960 abductee, Koiko(?) Yamada, including her height in cm and feet. Good signal, S9+15 and het from Myanmar just barely audible. 1425 begins wrapping up with complete contact info, ``time for us to come together and fight the dictator Kim Jung-Il, 1430*. There should be English again on Friday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MALAYSIA/SARAWAK. 5030, RTM, Dec 22 at 1418 S9+15, about equal to Cuba 5025, which for a change was causing no problem to 5030. Lively music, YL announcement, dialog with OM past 1423 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA [and non]. 7255, VON, VG with African music during scheduled Hausa, Dec 21 at 2229, back where it`s supposed to be instead of 9690 where we caught it once, and consequently WYFR Portuguese spoken by gringo in the clear on 9690.
15120, Dec 22 at 1529, P-F S9+8, Voice of Nigeria IDs in English, news headlines about Ivory Coast, etc. 1531 mentioned. Carrier is unstable, obvious with BFO on. I ask again, is this their brand-new transmitter, or not? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA [non]. 17485, Hamada Radio International, nothing audible Wed Dec 22 at 1415, but presumed still active with propagation from Germany subnormal, also on 15 MHz band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN. 17595, REE, Dec 22 at 1532 news in Portuguese by extremely nasal YL, 1534 French, 1537-1540 English including: state lottery, upon which Spaniards spend average 60 euro per capita; pension reform; anti-terrorism alerts focus on the Sahel; French and German citizens urged to evacuate Ivory Coast as civil war may be breaking out; thousands of students protest university reform in Italy; 3-hour strike in Athens. Allison Hughes IDed herself at closing, and turned over to Arabic. She had really been hurrying to squeeze all she could into her three minutes. Russian is still missing from the advertised mix at 1530-1545 M-F.
Did WRTH 2011 get this new service in? Not in the schedule of English broadcasts on page 597 or under Spain, but explained further down on page 474, listing five languages in alfabetical rather than broadcast order. Has correct time for Basque as 1330 M-F, and for Catalan and Galician M-F 2345-2355, plus mentions a repeat of those we were unaware of: next day at 0505-0515; to be confirmed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1200, on caradio Dec 21 at 2149 UT, Spanish from WRTO Chicago dominating, vs English talk from WOAI, with a slow SAH of 20 per minute between them causing deep fades, i.e. 1/3 Hz apart. As the Number One IBOC station, WOAI should be spot-on 1200.000 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. 15420-CUSB, Global Spirit Proclamation, the androgynous anapaestic preacher from Fence Lake on WBCQ, Dec 21 at 1847. The reduced carrier was wobbling, with BFO on, something not noted before on a WBCQ transmitter. Way over 15420 BBC via SOUTH AFRICA, which runs until 1900.
WORLD OF RADIO 1543, confirmed on WBCQ 7415, Tuesday Dec 21 at 2024 as I was talking about Saudi Arabia 15250. This was the first airing of last week`s show on WBCQ. 1544 is ready in time for Wed and Thu 2000 UT this week, but unknown whether 1543 may get another play first.
WORLD OF RADIO 1544, first SW broadcast confirmed on WRMI 9955, Wed Dec 22 at 1635, but poor signal with pulse jamming making it unlistenable; are we supposed to feel favored because it was nothing like the wall of noise jamming on 9965? Tnx a lot, Arnie!
Next airings on WRMI 9955: Thu 0430, 1600, 2200, Fri 1530. On WWRB 3185: Fri 0430. On WWCR 7465: Fri 2130 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [non]. I was wondering whatever became of VOA`s ``Border Crossings``, world music show, and now I know. It is still on at least one SW frequency at 1505 UT, 12055, Dec 22 after VOA news playing ``Happy Christmas``, 1509 program ID and inviting requests to phone number, so apparently live. Increasingly bothered by splash from WEWN Spanish 12050. Meanwhile 9760 via Philippines was as usual in English Learning hour. 12055 is 100 kW, 108 degrees via Lampertheim, GERMANY during this hour only.
I was wanting to look up all the English frequencies in use during this hour, but the A-Z pages are gone! Or moved to inaccessibility. Finally found this page, which purports to lead to frequencies. Exhaustive lists of programs and times, including B.C. M-F 1505-1600. You have to click again on each program to get to its frequencies,
which shows:
Africa: 4930, 6080, 12020, 15580, 17895 mhz [sic]
Middle East & Europe: 13570, 15530 mhz [sic]
Asia & Pacific: 7540, 7575, 12150 mhz [sic]
But not including the one I am hearing, 12055! I`m afraid this lineup looks quite out of date, A-10? Compare to B-10 info we had previously in DXLD as of Nov 14, but there may have been more changes by now:
English to Europe, Middle East, and North Africa
1500-1600 UTC 11765 12055
English to Africa
1500-1600 UTC 4930 6080 15580 17715 17895
English to Far East Asia, South Asia, and Oceania
1500-1600 UTC 7575 9930 12150
UNIDENTIFIED. 6925-USB, pirate Dec 22 at 1432 with stilted M&W discussion about ham radio, as if they were trying to make it obvious they were reading a script, 1437 soul music, 1442 SSTV to 1443* but no voice ID heard. Had OTH radar QRM, right in the middle of its range at the moment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 7235, Dec 22 at 1453, a het with something slightly to one side, bits of audio; stronger carrier went off at 1458 but still a het. Probably has something to do with ETHIOPIA, V. of Peace and Democracy clandestine to Eritrea, longpath, reported here at other times (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
Le news su Ondamedia BROADCAST
dell'Agenzia Italia Stampa con i seguenti orari:
Tutti i giorni alle 08:05 - 13:05 - 15:05 - 17:05 - 18:05
Sabato e Domenica anche alle ore 10:05
SIDC Weekly Bulletin
:Product: documentation at
# SIDC Weekly bulletin on Solar and Geomagnetic activity #
WEEK 520 from 2010 Dec 13
The strongest solar event in this period was a C5.3 flare from active region NOAA 11135 on Dec 15.
Other noteworthy activity was a long duration C2.3 flare on Dec 14 from NOAA 11134.
>From Dec 15-16 onwards, the complex of NOAA active regions 11131, 11133 and 11134 in the
Northern solar hemisphere rotated behind the solar limb, resulting in a downward trend in all
solar indices (F10.7, GOES X-ray curves and the LYRA and SWAP curves).
An SIDC all quiet alert was issued from Saterday Dec 18 onwards.
Geomagnetic activity was low this week and characterized by the passage of a high speed solar wind
stream. The solar wind started the period at about 400 km/s and went up over 600 km/s on Dec 14.
After that, a gradual decrease was observed down to again 400 km/s by the end of the period.
Geomagnetic activity was strongest on Dec 14 and early Dec 15 with up to 1 episode of K=4. For the
rest of the period geomagnetic activity was typically at K=2 levels.
2010 Dec 13 048 026 88 010 B1.1 0 0
2010 Dec 14 033 015 90 019 B1.0 0 0
2010 Dec 15 /// 008 87 010 A9.9 0 0
2010 Dec 16 023 015 84 008 A8.9 0 0
2010 Dec 17 011 007 82 006 A6.7 0 0
2010 Dec 18 011 000 81 003 A5.1 0 0
2010 Dec 19 /// 000 81 004 A4.3 0 0
# RC : Sunspot index (Wolf Number) from Catania Observatory (Italy)
# EISN : Estimated International Sunspot Number
# 10cm : 10.7 cm radioflux (DRAO, Canada)
# Ak : Ak Index Wingst (Germany)
# BKG : Background GOES X-ray level (NOAA, USA)
# M,X : Number of X-ray flares in M and X class, see below (NOAA, USA)
# Solar Influences Data analysis Center - RWC Belgium #
# Royal Observatory of Belgium #
# Fax : 32 (0) 2 373 0 224 #
# Tel.: 32 (0) 2 373 0 491 #
martedì 21 dicembre 2010
Glenn Hauser logs December 21, 2010
5990, Dec 21 at 0828, very strong with romantic Latin music, similar to RNA 11780 but not //. Presumably R. Senado, another 250 kW transmitter at Brasília. WRTH still does not attempt to publish hours for any Brazilian SW stations, but Aoki shows 0850-2100 for this ZYE773. Eibi shows 0750-2100, so go with that: probably starts an hour earlier currently due to DST. These bigsigs are missing from HFCC. Fortunately the other 49m frequency, 6185 for RNA, remains inactive and clear for XEPPM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. Since I was up for the total lunar eclipse (yes, it was, and quite dark), made a quick check of a few things Dec 21: at 0830 attempted to hear any trace of HCJB which should have just signed on, under RHC 6050, but could not. RHC Spanish // 6060, 6120, 6150, overkill in the nightmiddle. Arnie is sticking to his guns on 6050 where HCJB is stuck with all those fixed-tuned Galcom radios, Commies vs Christians!
Anomalies: RHC 13780 absent Dec 21 at 1450, supposed to be on until 1500 like // 13680; CRI relay 13740 remained as usual. 11760 dead air Dec 21 at 1507 tho 11690, 11730 and 12040 were nominal. Modulation cut on 11760 at 1509 as El Hugazo was manifesting himself guestfully on Voces de la Revolución (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CYPRUS. 9388-9413 approx., Dec 21 at 1444, over-the-horizon radar pulsing presumed from here in more or less free space, with WWRB 9385 not yet on, and far enough from V. of Greece 9420 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 6250, Dec 21 at 0620, S9+12 with YL in Spanish. We only hear this sporadically and suspect it is only on the air sporadically. Frequency matched Vatican on 7250, but if I had gone by comparing to MW 1250, would have concluded RNGE on the lo side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. 9420, VOG, Dec 21 at 1443, Greek talk and music, good signal, back to normal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MAURITANIA. 7245, ORTM, Dec 21 at 0825, fair signal. Two hours earlier only a weak carrier, suspected something else (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA. 9690, Dec 21 at 0823, strong but hummy signal in presumed Hausa from VON as scheduled in WRTH 2011 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PHILIPPINES. 9430, Dec 21 at 1525, a cappella rendition in Chinese of Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. We wonder how far the lyrix stray from the English in order to make it work in Mandarin. Applause, announcement and then chorus with ``We Wish You a Merry Xmas!`` in English. This is FEBC`s extensive Chinese service which also puts quite a good signal here into China [non]. Earlier there was a lot of English talk being Chinesed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TINIAN. 9385, thanks to late switch by WWRB from 3185 to 9385 at 1508, I was able to hear another weak signal on 9385 at 1506 Dec 21. First guess was Burmese, but listed as Korean from R. Free Asia, starting at 1500, 250 kW, 329 degrees. HFCC also has R. Pakistan in Urdu until 1530 on 9385, but WRTH 2011 shows that on 7530 and 11575 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 3185, WWRB with Brother Scare on later than usual, Dec 21 still going at 1439, 1457, and not on 9385. Finally switched at 1508. Meanwhile I got something else on 9385; see TINIAN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. 6297.1, SASASAM [? As we explained before, Arabic ID is ``Huna el-estudiohaay al-markaziya al-wataniya, Sowt al-sha`ab a-Sahraui al-mukafa``, as reconfirmed in WRTH 2011], Dec 21 at 0832, S9+18 Arabish talk with utebeeps aside, still in plenty late on Solstice, no help from the lunar eclipse which had me up at this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ZAMBIA. Recently there has been some dispute whether 4965 CVC is on the air all-night. I was hearing a weak signal there at 0035 and a stronger one with gospel-sounding music at 0247 December 21. This is a separate service from 1Africa, 9430/13590/9505, also transmitted from Zambia, but not //. In WRTH 2011 you find the latter under South Africa, where the studio is (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###